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For the love of His Princess"


A few minor changes have been made in the shadow temple storyline here, but I think the end result will be very pleasing! Again, this part contains no slash! J



Link shook his head, trying to get rid of the hazy fog surrounding him, then sat up slowly.

"I will help you, Sheik, for I don’t want Hyrule to suffer at the hands of Ganondorf any longer. Just tell me what I need to do"…

Sheik smiled in relief. "Well first you must take this lens of truth so you can see that which your naked eyes cannot"…

He then handed Link a crystal with a handle on it, so he could raise it over his eye, allowing him to see secret things...

He admired the beautiful crystal, turning it back and forth, watching the light filter through it.

"This is amazing," Link whispered.

"Not nearly as amazing as you," thought Sheik, although he could not say the words.

Link started to stand up, then sheathed his Master Sword behind his back. He looked at Sheik one last time, reaching out to shake his hand.

"Well…I guess I’ll have to trust you, even though I don’t know your identity," he said, biting his lip.

Sheik was silent.

"Oh, by the way, if you see Zelda, please tell her that I"…

"What?" Sheik asked suddenly, his heart beating faster.

"That…I miss her, and I think about her every day," Link said, those words leaving his mouth with utter sadness.

Sheik swallowed hard.

"I…will," the Sheikah replied softly. "You can count on me."

Link turned and ran toward the Shadow Temple’s entrance at the back of the graveyard.

Sheik’s eyes watched him, and watered as the gap between them grew wider and wider…

Link lifted his Ocarina to his lips and played "The Nocturne of Shadow" to raise him up to the portal, so he could enter the Shadow Temple. When he arrived there, the storm brewing at the graveyard was getting stronger, as if it were angry, trying to keep him from going inside…

He went down the dark dank stairway leading to the main room below. Surrounding him from all sides were massive torches. He noticed a huge concrete slab door blocking his way. There was only one way to open that massive door, and that was to call up the power of Din’s Fire again, and light the torches…

It worked. The door budged a little, then raised completely, allowing him access. But what if he never came out of this awful place? He turned and looked up the stairway once more, watching the tiny bit of sunlight left peeking through the stormy clouds above, then faced the doorway in front of him again.

"For Zelda"….he whispered to himself as he unsheathed the Master Sword and proceeded onward…



The fireplace of her home in hiding warmed Zelda’s soul, but the dark walls surrounding her made her feel like more of a prisoner than ever. She knew that Link was alright, that he was fulfilling his destiny, but inside she ached for his presence. "But he is still in love with Marin," her conscience told her over and over.

"He’ll never be able to love you like he did her."

She picked up the poker, and rearranged the logs in the fireplace again, trying to squeeze as much warmth out of these flames as possible. Just why had she fallen in love with Link? She asked herself. Was it the selfless way he lived his life, thinking of others before himself? Was it the way he always behaved like a proper gentleman, having hardly ever spoken an ill word about anyone?

Or was it the way he looked at her? One thing was for sure, though, his blue eyes could look into hers forever, and she would be lost forever in them, letting him dominate her completely…

He was her best childhood friend, the one she clowned around with, fought with, cried with ever since she could remember.

And now all she wanted was for his arms to be around her, his kisses on her lips, telling her he would protect her forever. Now that her father was gone, rest his soul, Link was no longer "forbidden fruit."

If he asked her to be his wife at this moment, she would tell him yes immediately and run away with him. When she learned the news of Raven’s death, and that Link had been the one that had killed him, she immediately knew why. Her memories of that awful night at the ball resurfaced.

She remembered the way Raven’s gaze at her had angered Link beyond his control, and the way he’d referred to her on the dance floor. No, Link would never, ever stand for another man to treat Zelda in that manner, let alone look at her with hungry eyes the way Raven had.

Oh, why couldn’t Link look at her with hungry eyes?




Link was hearing messages from inside these walls about the dead in Hyrule, and the massacres of past battles as he went through invisible doorways, looking for any clues to guide him through.

Flying pots came at him, and he had to dodge them quickly to avoid being hit.

When he entered the room with the skull heads, he used the Lens of Truth to uncover the secret one that would unlock the doorway to the hover boots. Grasping the iron bar in front of him, he pushed hard, stopping for a moment, then pushing again. He didn’t want to wind up falling into the bottomless chasm underneath should he fail this very first task…

The bar stopped in front of the skull of illusion, and he waited, and waited…

The door at the back opened, and he was free to explore that area at his leisure.

When he emerged with the hover boots, he put them on carefully and braced himself to run across the huge chasm yawning before him. He closed his eyes.

"Yeeeahhhhhhh!" he yelled at the top of his lungs as he leapt across, flying across the empty space. He grabbed the mouth of the stone demon at the very edge on the other side at the last possible second, avoiding certain death….

These hover boots were cool!

On the other side, however, things were not so cool. He had to watch his back more carefully than he ever had in any of the other temples. Weird things were happening. He couldn’t see most things without the lens of truth, and using it ate up a lot of his magic, so he had to be very careful about that. Hidden longshot targets, floormasters, wallmasters, swinging platforms, and even blades plagued his path. He felt like he was inside somebody’s really cruel nightmare…or an IDEA of one…

There were rooms to explore that were quite unfriendly, and one was called The Lair of the Dead Hand…

When he entered, it was like being in an underground cave, and there were no signs of danger anywhere…until he stepped forward. Huge stalks grabbed him all of a sudden, holding him by the shoulders, arms…

A huge ugly creature emerged from the damp earth, flinging soil everywhere as it glided across…opening its mouth, trying to bite him…

He managed to wrench himself free from the stalks long enough to cut this creature with the Master Sword, sending it back underneath the ground.

Then the stalks grabbed him again! When the creature emerged from the earth a second time, he readied himself to wrench free…

Then something bit his ankle and ran away. He could just barely see its form. What was that, some sort of rabid monkey?

"That’s my pet, his name is Pampers"….hissed the Dead Hand. "He wants a taste of you too"…

When his mouth opened once more to clamp around Link, he wrenched himself away from the stalks’ deathly grip. They were strong, but they couldn’t hold Link…

"Like hell he does"…

and Link slashed the monstrosity before him over and over, sending him screaming back into the bowels of the earth…


He left the room through the door at the back, but not before that vicious monkey tried to bite him again. He let loose a bombchu just before he closed the door, chuckling to himself. "Yeah, play with that for awhile"….then…


Link raised his ear to the door. No more rabid monkey.

"Ha!" he yelled to himself, then sprinted along his way.

In the next room, he had to push a huge block over to a platform to allow him access to the top of it. When he climbed up, there was a huge ship there. Full of ghosts, he figured. He stepped onto the triforce symbol, and played the song of the royal family. The boat mysteriously moved, clanging its’ bells in front, and then moving through the dense fog that was rapidly building around Link. Two Stalfos dropped down from above.

"Hello, Link, we meet again," one of them grunted.

Link drew the Master Sword and prepared for battle. "Likewise," he replied, raising his blade and shield.

Whack! Whack! The sound of the Stalfos’ sword against the Hylian shield was stout, proving the incredible strength and quality of Link’s armor.

Link swung back, hitting the Stalfos’ shield with a loud CLANG!

As he swung down and forward, Link sliced to the side, attacking the Stalfos in the back of his leg. This prompted the other one to move into action. He began to swing at Link viciously, showing the Hylian no mercy. Link turned to face his other attacker, and found that he could jump back and forth between them and dodge their swings, then pierce his blade through their stout legs. Two broadswords swinging at him with increased urgency made him sweat a little though. Navi fluttered in front of him, muttering something about jumping off the boat.

"Hurry, Link!" You haven’t got much time left! This boat’s about to sink!"

Link’s eyes darted back and forth between the two Stalfos as they were about to close in on him.

"Have to go now!"

And he rolled forward, surprising his attackers, then jumped off onto an awaiting ledge just as the boat dropped into the abyss of nothingness below. The Stalfos watched him with wide eyes as he waved to them tauntingly.

"Bye bye!"…

Then they were gone.

Wiping his brow, he made it across the chasm and went into the door on the far right to search for the boss key. After eliminating the Redeads in that room, he struggled with the invisible Floormaster for the Boss Key. It was a tedious battle, because he was almost out of magic for the Lens of Truth. The three little hands ran around him and he couldn’t see all of them. He smashed one with his foot, kicked another one against the wall, and when the last one remained, he found it hiding underneath a large cobweb.

"There you are," he muttered, poking at it with the tip of the Master Sword. "Come out now"…

It hissed at him, determined not to die…

Knowing he was risking his own life for this, Link grew impatient, and reached through the cobweb, picked it up by its’ finger, and shook it in his face.

"Don’t mess with me today, I am NOT in the mood"…and he dropped it to the ground, piercing its’ body with his blade.

It screamed out its final death cry and the Boss Key finally emerged…

Bongo Bongo was probably the most difficult foe he’d faced yet. Not only did he have to avoid those pounding hands, but he also tried to squash him and fling him off of the big drum into the poisonous waters below. This was the true test of his bow and arrow skills. He had to shoot each hand until they wrung in pain, then aim for the nucleus, which he could only see with the lens of truth. It was really tricky! But each time he fired the arrows he became even more confident, even when he was propelled high into the air by those pounding hands.

That music was beginning to get on his nerves too….

Bongo Bongo couldn’t speak, only pound that drum faster and louder as Link moved in for the kill…

When the last slash of the Master Sword fell across his eye, Bongo Bongo rose up, jiggled his big eye, flinging his hands, trying desperately to pound out that last rhythm before he gave in to death’s call…

Then he collapsed and froze into one huge mass on the drum, and Link ran around the surface, reclaiming his fallen arrows. He stepped into the awaiting portal…

Inside the Sages’ Realm, Impa greeted the young warrior and gave him the Shadow Medallion. Impressed with his fighting abilities, she eyed him carefully. "Your skill with the bow and arrow has improved considerably. Princess Zelda will be very happy to hear of this."

Link’s eyes shot up at her immediately. "Where is she, Impa? I have been so worried about her"…

"Do you wish to learn of Princess Zelda’s whereabouts?" she asked.

Link’s eyes widened. "You know I do. Please take me to her. I need to see her with my own eyes"…

Impa handed him a letter. "Here, you must follow these instructions completely before you will be allowed access to where she is. Now I trust that you will do exactly as this says"…

Link nodded his head. "Oh, absolutely"….

"Then you must go, and hurry, for you have but one medallion left to receive, and time is running out, young Link."

Link nodded his head again, and then was transported back to Kakariko village. Everything had returned to normal!

Relieved, he took the letter from his pocket and opened it. It was Zelda’s handwriting!

"Please come to Gerudo Valley…alone. You will be met by a guard, who will bring you to me. You can’t get through on the bridge, since the entrance to where I am is kept secret. Link…I wanted to wait for you to finish your quest, and to have all of the Sages’ Medallions in your possession, but…I cannot any longer. I hope I am not endangering my people, or you, by summoning for you so soon. But we must speak now, there is much I must reveal to you. Knock three times, then three times more at my door so I will know it is you…

Link, I have missed you so much…



Link took in deep breaths as he read those words, his heart began to pound, and his palms were turning sweaty. The thought of seeing her again was driving him crazy. Then his nose caught a whiff of something, like…like musk. He brought the note to his nose and smelled it. It had her scent on it! His mind began to whirl and for a moment he felt dizzy. He ran out of the village, mounted Epona, and headed straight to Gerudo Valley. The poor horse was nearly exhausted when she made the turn into the valley. Link didn’t even wait for her to stop before he dismounted her by the little waterfall and walked across the tiny log, where he was indeed met by a Gerudo guard, just like she said. He showed her the letter, and she nodded her head.

"Come with me," she said. He followed her to a secluded area covered by thick brush. Pulling it aside, it revealed a secret door. Link looked at it in surprise. If only he’d known….

He was handed a torch and led through three dark passageways, each one becoming more confusing, obviously so nobody unwanted could figure out where Zelda was hiding…

The gerudo guard stopped just a few feet from her door. She nodded to it with her head.

"It’s three doors down on the right, knock three times"…

Link looked at her strangely, then took a few steps forward…and she disappeared into the darkened tunnels. So Zelda had been hidden away down here all this time? She must be overwrought with loneliness, so terrified that Ganondorf would find her…

Zelda paced the floor back and forth, growing more and more excited as each moment passed, feeling Link’s presence drawing closer to her…she checked herself in the mirror once more to make sure she looked presentable…then tucked her hair up into her disguise.

When he reached the door behind which lay his Princess, Link waited for the two gerudo guards standing on either side of it to recognize him and disperse. Placing the torch on the wall, he leaned into the door, knocked softly three times, paused, then three times again, just like her note had said…

Zelda jumped suddenly. "Shall I answer it, milady?" her lady-in-waiting asked.

Clasping her hands in front of her, and assuming her regal stance, Zelda nodded her head.

"Yes, Catharine. Open the door," she whispered.

The bolt jerked, and the heavy door creaked open slowly…

The dark room was filled with the light from many candles and flickering torches on the walls. Inside it were the most beautiful furnishings Link had ever seen, gilded mirrors, elegant tapestries, making it look like it was part of a wonderful dream. The scent of incense filled the air.

"Enter, milord," said Catharine, motioning for Link to enter. As she closed the door behind him, she stood beside it, awaiting further orders.

All was silent except for the sound of the crackling torches on the walls.

"You may go, Catharine," a voice said from the other side of the room. "Lock the door behind you"…

"Yes, milady."

Link turned to Catharine, and she curtsied, but not before she gave him a very pretty smile. Yes, this was the handsome warrior her Princess had spoken of. No wonder she wanted that door locked.


Then she took the key from her pocket and closed the door behind her, turning the key, breaking the silence…

He took a step forward. "Zelda?" he whispered.

The Princess of Hyrule emerged from behind a dressing screen, and the moment Link saw her, he thought he would faint immediately. She was wearing the revealing genie-like clothing of the gerudo, the paper-thin purple material against her skin and the flickering torches behind her enabling Link to see….everything…

He swallowed hard, taking a moment to gather himself. Everything he knew about love collided within him at that moment, begging him to come to terms with his destiny, and his feelings for this girl…no…this woman

God, she was devastatingly beautiful. He’d never seen her bare midriff, and the way the veil mysteriously covered her face….he thought his heart would explode right out of his chest.

Zelda felt Link’s eyes upon her, seeing right through her very soul, and she felt a little embarrassed at first. But that soon faded as her gaze traveled down the length of his beautiful Hylian muscular frame. Her heart rate increased as she watched the way his shield hung protectively around his body…the Master Sword against his back…he was her perfect hero, a far cry from the little boy she’d grown up with. She knew she would always be completely safe with him. He’d matured so much during these tests of his strength, wits and valor, and he’d won every one of them, including her heart. It was now beating violently against her ribcage as she removed the veil from her face.

Link’s breathing increased along with his own heart rate. He started to bow to her, and Zelda shook her head.

"No, Link"…

He paused, then looked back into her eyes. "I…uh...I got your message," he said, his voice shaking.

Zelda pulled the rest of the veil away from her, letting her blond hair free to tumble down her shoulders.

"Link, there’s something I have to tell you"…she whispered.

"What…is it?" he asked. "Please tell me"….

"Link, I couldn’t stand deceiving you any longer. Please don’t be angry"….

She disappeared behind the screen and emerged, holding the harp and the Sheik clothing.

"I should never have deceived you, Link. But it was the only way."

A very surprised look washed over the Hylian’s face as he tried to make sense out of all of this.

"You’re Sheik?" he asked softly. Zelda nodded her head and looked down at the ground.

"I wanted to help you, and this was the only way I knew how…and to keep from being discovered."

Link swallowed hard.

"You mean you’ve…you’ve risked your life to help me all this time in a disguise, knowing you could be discovered at any moment by Ganondorf? Is this what you wanted to tell me?" he asked softly.

She nodded her head again, and brought her eyes up to meet his.

"Link, I also know about Raven, and what happened in Kokiri forest. I’m so sorry"…

Her breathing became heavier, and her heart beat faster, her palms sweating.

"Well," he began, walking a couple of steps closer to her…slowly…

She could feel him coming closer…

"I had to protect you from him. The things he said about you, it made my blood boil. I couldn’t stand the idea of him possibly courting you, Zelda. After all, you’re…you’re destined to marry a Prince someday, and I"—

"Link"…she interrupted, her voice trembling.

"What?" he whispered, his own breathing becoming heavier, his heart racing faster.

"You are my Prince."

Suddenly nothing else mattered except those four soft words she’d just spoken. Not even sure how he made it across the room, he hungrily pulled her lips to his, caressing them in a passionate kiss, silencing her words. She dropped the harp and her Sheik clothing and wrapped her arms around his body.

He pulled her tighter to him; their soft cries against each other reassuring them that they did not have to hold back their feelings for each other any longer….

Link began to bathe her neck in hot sensuous kisses, his hands grasping her back tightly, moving up and down her form. Zelda had never been kissed like this before, and it was exquisite. And it was even more so because it was Link kissing her. Just like her dream of him underneath the waterfall…

"Link"…she whispered as she cradled the back of his head, feeling his silky hair. Her wandering hands traveled to his cap, and she tugged it away, dropping it to the floor.

"What?" he whispered back as he was becoming lost in her. "What, my beautiful Princess?"

"Do you…remember...the bolero of fire and what I told you?" She asked him in half-spoken, half-breathed words. His eyes flew open, suddenly remembering that day in front of the fire temple, and those haunting words. Something about the power of the heart, and that young love would grow…

With a deep groan, he picked her up by her waist. "If only I’d known it was you"….he whispered. Zelda threw her arms around his neck, still kissing him.

"I’ve wanted this to happen for so long, Link"…

Her frantic hands released the Master Sword and the Hylian Shield from his body, hitting the thick-carpeted floor with a loud thump. Link carried her to the four-poster bed, pulling the purple and gold sheets back in urgent haste; knocking her perfumes and lotions nearby to the floor…and not taking his lips from hers. Her impatient fingers unbuckled his belt, and tugged it away from him. Frantic hands pulled at each other’s clothing…

As he started to lay her down on the bed, she leaned back, curving her body away from him, like a graceful swan, inviting him to do more to her…

"Link"….she murmured in the most passionate female voice he’d ever heard. "Make love to me"…

He did not recognize the sounds of passion escaping his throat as he lowered his lips to kiss her naked abdomen, letting his tongue flicker along its’ muscular contours.

"You are so gorgeous, Zelda"…he whispered. "The most beautiful woman in all the world"…

He had never seen her like this, so hot and passionate…so damn desirable. She was arousing him beyond anything imaginable. He began forcing her body onto the bed with the pressure of his kisses, and as she relaxed fully upon it, he moved along her form, pausing only to graze her abdomen with his teeth, here, and there….

He finally looked down into her eyes. He caught his breath when he saw them. They spoke of everything to him; their childhood, the love for him she’d held inside for so long…and the emptiness she felt at the loss of her father.

She needed him, and he needed her…

He was finally looking at her with hungry eyes, the only eyes she’d ever wanted upon her body…

"I’ve been a fool for not admitting my love for you"…he murmured passionately, kissing her neck…her shoulders. "Let me love you like you were meant to be loved"…

His body so dangerously close to her own, she could feel his arousal growing against her, and it was the most wonderful feeling in the world.

She pulled his face up to hers again, and he begged entrance into her mouth with his tongue. She gave it with no arguments. He could smell the musk scent of her, just like on her note. He felt his hand being pulled closer to her body, closing it over her breast. "Touch me, Link," she whispered. "I’m dying for you to touch me"…

The second his hand closed around her softness he took a deep breath, curling his tongue farther into her mouth, letting out a deep moan. Zelda guided his hand all around it, showing him what pleased her, teaching him…

When he stroked her nipple lightly with the pad of his thumb, she gripped his shoulders, letting out deep sighs. She never imagined feeling like this….

She awakened underneath his touch, to his delight…

Link pulled his lips away, and lowered them onto the valley between her breasts, caressing them, treating her very gently.

Zelda arched her neck back, and wove her fingers in his hair. Her breaths grew faster, deeper…

He reached around behind her and unfastened her top, letting her body spring completely away.

He could not breathe when he saw her bosom exposed to him, ready for his caresses…

"This is my total fantasy"…

And with that he bathed the tips of her aching breasts with his ardent kisses, stopping to look her in the eyes…then starting again.

"Liiink"…Zelda gritted between her teeth, pulling at his tunic. "Yes"…

He raised up and frantically pulled away his tunic, allowing Zelda to finally caress the hard muscles she’d been dying to touch for so long.

Her eyes grew wide at the sight of him. Damn, he was so handsome. Her hands wandered along his arms, his broad shoulders, down his chest, and across his tight abdomen, and around his back. He was truly here with her, in the most intimate way possible, unafraid, as she had dreamed of for so long…

"Link," she whispered. "You’re such a god"…

She pulled him close to her body, and the sensations of their naked chests against each other turned up the passionate flames between them even higher.

Link tugged at her gerudo pants, pulling them away, leaving her completely nude underneath him. Zelda’s hands worked his boots and leggings free, until he too was finally unclothed.

For a brief moment they looked into one another’s eyes, and Link caressed her face. Then he whispered those three words he knew he needed to say.

"I love you." His heart began to pound uncontrollably.

"I love you," she whispered back, her heart doing the same.

"I want to touch you"….he whispered, as his hand moved down between her legs, and began to caress her softness there. She gulped suddenly at the fantastic sensations he was bringing her. The hand that would soon kill Ganondorf was loving her in ways she never dreamed possible. He covered her lips with his, the flickering light of the torches on the walls casting a deep glow of intimacy on her bed. His long, nimble fingers encircled her femininity, gliding over her effortlessly, with great tenderness and care. Her lips traveled along his throat, and his neck in response to his ardent caresses. She began to writhe in his arms, her breathing growing much heavier. She grabbed his hand and pressed it closer to her, urging him to continue….then when she couldn’t stand it any longer, she pulled his hand away. "Link…stop…stop"…she begged.

"Are you ready?" he whispered sweetly.

"Yes," she answered, nodding, grasping at his shoulders.

He moved his body right above hers, paused for a moment and looked into her eyes. They both knew that what was about to happen would change their relationship forever. Zelda’s hands clasped around his neck. "Link…you are the only man I have ever wanted to give myself to. I’ve known it since…before you went away"…

"Shhh"…he whispered. Link’s breathing grew heavier and his heart pounded faster as he guided his body into hers. "I want to make you feel like the most precious creature in the whole world to me. The beautiful Queen that you are Zelda, my Queen…forever"…

He closed his eyes and moaned softly as he entered her with such ease, pleased that he had prepared her so fully for this intimate union. His hands began to slide up the bedsheet, bringing his body closer...

Zelda’s eyes widened as she felt him going inside her. She never dreamed making love could feel like this. He was putting her needs before his, giving her the most ultimate pleasure with every stroke of his lean body. He took his time, letting her become accustomed to him. She knew he would take as long as possible to satisfy her. This was the Link she had fallen in love with, the most wonderful man she’d ever known…

"My handsome warrior has finally come to make me his own," she whispered, looking deep into his eyes, grasping his neck, and arching her head back. "And it feels so wonderful"…

His expression changed when he heard her say that. "It does?" he asked, almost shyly.

"Yes," she murmured, as he pulled back, then slowly entered again. "You have no idea how many women want you, Link, how many want you to do to them what you’re doing to me right now"…

Her hips began to move toward his in a slow rhythm.

"There’s only one woman I want to do this to, and to make my own," he said in a low voice, then lowering his lips to her ear to caress it in a wicked whisper, "and make her call out my name."

Zelda’s eyes widened, she let out a moan, and pulled him deeper inside her at the sound of what he had just said. He had such an erotic voice…

They both knew they wouldn’t be able to last much longer. His thrusts, at first slow and deep, were now quickening, sending ripples of pleasure throughout Zelda’s entire body, but Link was still careful, not letting her have her release just yet...

Suddenly he felt something squeezing around him, and he froze, looking his beloved in the eyes. He let out a surprised moan, grasped her tighter to him and pressed his cheek against hers. He’d not ever experienced this. Her passionate fire was bringing him dangerously close to the edge. "Oh, Zelda," he whispered. "If you keep doing that…I shall explode inside of you"…

He lowered his head against her shoulder, breathing heavier into her ear.

"Link," she whispered back. "That’s what I want"….

He murmured something incomprehensible to her, moving his body faster.

Being gripped tightly in his embrace, with him moving inside her like he was, speaking to her in her ear, started a chain reaction of spasms she couldn’t stop.

As her body began to rock underneath his, he felt her contractions quicken, and her soft cries becoming louder and louder. The moment he heard her call out his name, the conscious world left him, as he gave her everything within himself, bonding with this precious life; answering her with passionate cries of his own.


They couldn’t even open their eyes, they were so filled with inner peace and love for each other that no longer had to be denied. Link continued kissing her as if there were no tomorrow, as if there were no more Hyrule…

The heat of their passion slowly calmed, and Link’s head now rested against Zelda’s chest, while she ran her fingers through his hair. He was like a little boy in her arms, and she wanted to nurture him forever.

"That feels so nice," he whispered, closing his eyes, still trying to regain consciousness. She kissed the top of his head as he tightened his arms around her. "I feel so safe with you, Zelda. I could lie here forever in your arms, listening to your wild heartbeat."

She smiled and looked up at the ceiling. "I feel so protected being in your embrace, my love."

He moved his head to face her, looking her deep in the eyes. "Zelda, I was afraid of my feelings for you for a long time, but I’m not anymore. I was…afraid of letting go of Marin. I have finally realized my destiny, and it was never to be with her. It was to be with you. I…should have made you mine a long time ago. I hope you can forgive me for being so"…

"Shhh"…Zelda whispered, placing her finger against his lips. "I’m just glad you’re here with me now, Link, I’ve needed you for so long"….

They held each other for a very long time, neither one saying a word, as Zelda caressed his shoulders, rubbing them with her hands. She wanted so badly to tell him about Ganondorf…

"Oh, that feels so good, Zelda," Link murmured, closing his eyes, relaxing even more against her.

But now wasn’t the time. Kissing the top of his blond head, she started to move him aside.

"Stay right there," she whispered, smiling.

"What?" he asked. "What are you doing?"

"Just stay right there, Link."

He did as she asked, and she straddled him from behind, working her fingers through the muscles in his back. This was just like the dream he had, only better…

"Is that good?" she asked, leaning over into his ear. "I just love touching you"…

"Are you kidding?" he answered. "It’s…absolutely wonderful"…

He smiled and closed his eyes as he felt her hands working like magic, relieving him of all his battle fatigue. "You deserve this, Link. Just relax"….

"Shouldn’t I be doing this to you?" he asked. "Aren’t I supposed to be in your service, your Majesty?"

She giggled a little. "Not tonight, Link. Tonight…I am your servant," she whispered, giving his rear a firm squeeze. He shuddered happily in surprise.

"Believe me, you’ll get your chance"…

Her hands rolled his muscles neatly, taking all the stress out of them and before he knew it, he was starting to fall asleep.

"Zelda, I had a fantasy that you did this to me, do you know that?" he said in a sleepy voice.

"You did?" she asked in surprise. "Was it as good as what I’m doing now?"

"No," Link said softly, rolling over, taking her into his arms, pressing her back into the pillows.

"This is much better."

He caught her hand as she tried to touch his face, and kissed the inside of it.

"I….I have a confession to make," she whispered.

"What’s that?" he answered intimately, enjoying the caress of her fingertips, closing his eyes.

"I had a dream about you, Link."

"Oh you did? Well, you must tell me about it"…

"You were at the waterfall at Zora’s Domain, and you"…

"I what?" he asked teasingly.

"Well, you were quite passionate with me there"…

"Was I, now?"

Zelda nodded her head. "But it didn’t hold a candle to what you just did to me"….

He released her hand, and pulled her to him tighter, looking right into her eyes.

"I would give my whole life to make you feel like that each and every day, for you deserve it so"…

Her heart began to beat faster again, and she swallowed hard, her palms sweating.

"What’s the matter?" he asked.

"Nothing…I just feel so at peace now, knowing that you love me. I’m looking into the eyes of the boy from my childhood, and now the lover of my wildest dreams, I could never ask for anything better than this"…

Link closed his eyes, feeling at peace also. He released her only long enough for her to turn over on her right side, and then he encircled her with his arms. This bed was the most comfortable bed he’d ever been in. He snuggled up to her and kissed her ear, stroking her hair away from her face. He planted a soft kiss on her shoulder, then lay his head against it.

"And you are…the most exotic woman ever created. I’m just so glad that you are real, and not just my fantasy anymore. I do love you, Zelda, more than words can say. I don’t ever want us to be apart again. Let’s fall asleep like this," he whispered. "I want to wake up with you in the morning"…

She pulled his hand to her lips and kissed it. "Link, you’ll get no arguments from me"…

They then fell into a dreamy slumber, together….

Link slept better that night than at any time he could remember. Her bed was so comfortable, so safe. Once in a while during the night he felt her move against him, and he pulled her closer, not letting her go. It felt so good to be next to the woman he loved, and to have her in bed with him like this. The next morning, even though there was no sunlight coming into the dark cavernous bedroom, Link awoke at his usual time, feeling quite refreshed. When he opened his eyes, he looked over beside him to watch Zelda sleep. Her back was to him, her left arm draped over the edge of the bed, sleeping soundly on her stomach. The glow from the lit torches danced across her silken body. He leaned over her softly, watching her. Even after having her blond hair tousled from sleep and their lovemaking, she was still the most beautiful woman in the world. Link pulled back the covers, revealing her in her entirety. He took in every curve of her, from the backs of her smooth, graceful legs, to her rear, her back, and her beautiful neck. Her back rose and fell with the rhythm of her breaths. She slept so calm, so peacefully, and Link wondered if it was because he’d been here all night. They had not worn anything to sleep, and there was no need for them to. It felt so natural, so right...

Leaning over her, Link pressed his lips lightly against the small of her back, and traveled up her spine, going very slow. He darted his tongue across it as he worked his way up.

Zelda stirred in her sleep at the feel of his touch. She breathed in deep and smiled as she watched Link’s hand moving up beside her on the sheet, then felt his mouth on her neck. Tingles went up and down her body. "Good morning, your Highness," he whispered.

She reached behind her and felt his hair, and he kissed her even deeper on her neck. His hand closed around her breast, and she became aroused immediately.

She flipped around, and hooked her arms around his neck. "You’re still here," she murmured in sweet happiness.

"Why wouldn’t I be?" he asked. "I can never leave your side, not now"…

His lips traveled down her front, arousing her body even more, and when she couldn’t stand it any longer, she pulled his mouth back to hers. "I need you, Link"….

When he reached down to guide himself into her, she could tell that he too was quite aroused. His kisses were so tender, so sweet….

Link positioned himself squarely on his elbows, so as not to hurt her, and stroked her hair, feeling their bodies’ quickening rhythms. His upper body strength served him quite well.

"Put your legs around me," he whispered.

Smiling, she happily did as he asked. He shifted his weight to his forearms. This allowed him to go even deeper inside of her. The sensations it caused made her face change expression, to one of deep passion.

It was as if he owned her completely, right here, right now, and wasn’t about to let her go…at least…not yet.

Their eyes were fixed on one another, her body arching toward his, until he felt her grasp him tighter, her breathing increased, and she closed her eyes.

"Oh Link"…she let out in a breathy cry, tossing her head to the side.

Link had waited for this moment, and then he gave himself permission to let go, thrusting into her…God, she was so beautiful…

He made a loud noise against her pillow as he took her into this most intimate of embraces, their bodies meeting together as one.

"I love you"…he cried out.

He held her so tightly Zelda didn’t think she could breathe for that brief moment that they had become one. When the intensity subsided, their lips were locked together in sweet, sweet kisses.

"I don’t want to leave you," Link whispered, panting. "I want to stay here"…

"I know, I know"….Zelda replied, pulling back and looking into his eyes, her breathing heavy, trying to calm herself down. "But it’s almost over, Link. Soon…you will defeat Ganondorf…and then we can be together"…

Then tears streamed down her face and her voice gave way. She’d tried to be strong for so long, and now she would have to tell Link the truth. She obviously couldn’t hide it from him now.

"Why are you crying?" he asked in alarm, rubbing her cheek. "Did I do something? Did I not do something?"

He looked into her eyes with such love and concern that it made her almost melt. "Oh no, Link, it’s not you, it’s…Ganondorf."

"What?" Link asked, his voice changing, his eyes filling with fire. "Did he do something to you? Please tell me, Zelda. Please. Don’t shy away from me now, not after what has just happened between us"…

Her tears continued to stream down her face. "When Ganondorf came to the castle and made those threats to my father and me long ago, well, he took me aside from my father, alone, and said"….

"Said what?"

"He said that once my father was dead, I would become his wife, and he could do whatever he wanted to me, no matter what."

Her sobs grew louder.

"He…touched me…Link"….

Link was enraged by now, his teeth clenching, his face turning red.

"Where did he touch you, Zelda? You must tell me"…

"Here"….she clutched her bosom, "And here"….

She reached around behind her.

"Tell me, did he…violate you, Zelda?" Link asked.

"No. I feel certain he would have though if the guards hadn’t caught him. Oh, Link, it was so awful. Just the thought of him makes my stomach"—


Link pulled her closer to him, fully realizing the amount of pain and torture she’d been through. "He didn’t do anything else, did he?"

Zelda shook her head. "No, Link. I promise."

"So that’s why you were so afraid that night when I came to talk to your father? And that’s why you left in such haste and went into hiding, after Ganondorf murdered him?"

"Yes, Link. I couldn’t become his wife. I had to go into hiding, and that’s when I decided to help you. I wanted to tell you of these things, but I just couldn’t. I was so ashamed"….

He kissed her forehead, and cradled her next to him. "You should never feel ashamed to tell me anything. Anything. What you’ve just revealed to me about being Sheik, and helping me, makes me love you all the more. I knew something was going on, I just couldn’t put my finger on it. I promise you, Zelda, Ganondorf is going to pay with his life for what he’s done to you. I only wish I could make him pay for it a thousand times more."

He envisioned Ganondorf’s huge form terrifying his beloved, making those threats to her, and then attempting to help himself to something that would never be his! It was almost like that night on the dance floor, with Raven, and the way he undressed Zelda with his savage eyes, then what he said about her when he’d attacked Link. Raven had paid for that with his life. Now Ganondorf would do the same…

They held each other for a few minutes longer before they broke away from their love nest that had been their paradise for these few short hours. Zelda dressed in her robe, then helped Link dress quietly, enjoying the feel of his shield as she placed it on his back. She grabbed his belt and when she reached around him to buckle it, Link raised his arms and they fell around her waist, pulling her close. He gave her a sweet tender kiss.

"I can’t stand it that you have to be in hiding like this, but I will set you free. I swear it," he said between clenched teeth. "It isn’t fair that you have to live your life on the run."

He then dropped to his knees, taking her hands in his.

"Zelda, when this is all over, please say you’ll marry me. I don’t have very much to offer, except my love and unyielding protection. I would give them to you unconditionally even if you refuse me, but I would be the happiest man in the world if you’ll say yes, and be my wife."

She stroked his hair and began to cry. "Link, your love is all I’ve ever wanted. You have no idea how much I’ve wanted you to propose to me. I was so sure you’d never feel love again"…

She fell to her knees and he kissed her passionately. "Zelda, I think that Marin was in a way, a version of you. I think I’ve been in love with you my whole life. Marin said I would love another, and that she would love me. Now I know what she was talking about."

He held her close to him and rocked her in his arms. "I have no ring to give you, my darling"…

"Oh, Link, don’t worry about that, I think something can be arranged." She pulled back from him and smiled, then lowered her gaze, fingering his tunic. Her tone became more serious.

"Link…please, please be careful when you make your way to the Spirit Temple. The gerudos are mighty warriors, and they don’t give just anyone entry into the Haunted Wasteland. Watch your back. When you receive your final Medallion, meet me in the Temple of Time. I’ll be dressed as Sheik, but," she said as she gazed up at him flirtingly at him and whispered, "you’ll know who I am."

She walked with him to the door and quietly undid the bolt, then opened it. Link started to leave, but turned to her, grabbed her up in his arms and gave her one final deep, passionate kiss. No more words were spoken; Link grabbed the torch by the door and made his way out the three passages. He’d remembered his way, even though he wasn’t supposed to. In the event Zelda was threatened…no…he couldn’t think about that now. He made his way to the Thieves Hideout to begin his search for that final medallion that would ultimately lead him to Ganondorf.