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Somewhere in the Darkness

By: Ashiko-chan

A familiar face

A dream to pass

Beside itself, the time will come

I will lead the way

You will see

And if not...

I'll hold your hand

And guide you there....

* * * * * * * * * * * *

I lean over cautiously, not to upset the high-strung one and only. All I see is his tousled chocolate brown hair. It always concerns me when I can't see his face, for it is the only thing that shows emotion. Well, all the emotion that a perfect soldier shows.

"Ne! Ne! Heero! " I call. However, Heero Yuy still works on his Gundam, the Wing Zero. I feel a rush rising up to my cheeks, heat rising up from aggravation.

" HEERO!!" No answer. Smirking, I decide to try a little bit of a different tactic. One that always gets his attention, whether it's good or bad. Most of the time from past experience, it's bad.

" Ne...Hee-kun!" Suddenly, glaring eyes of ice bear into me. A smile broadens across my rather innocent looking face. That thought makes me laugh inside, an innocent Shinigami. That just doesn't seem to fit, does it? But someone must represent Death, and why not someone as sexy as me?

" many times have I told you NOT TO CALL ME HEE-KUN!" Heero screams. Guilt bothers me...but I can't help but chuckle. Heero looks so funny when he gets enraged by my teasings.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Far away before the dawn

A sleep disturbed

A silence broken

Time stands still

Eternity passes by

Yet you say nothing

* * * * * * * * * * * *
" Ah, gomen! "

" What do you want Duo? Can't you see I'm busy?" Heero yells annoyedly. Stepping back, I glance at him, something is off. After one last glare, he returns to fixing the broken Gundam.

" What's wrong with you Heero?" I ask. Leaning forward, I place a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Your eyes are cold

The distance inbetween seems goes on forever

And it is frozen by your icy stare

Completely black inside this space

I cannot see with my eyes

But my heart is speaking

Speaking to me

Speaking to you

But you refuse to answer

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Metal clashes onto the floor as a wrench flies across the space, missing me narrowly. I've jumped back, hitting the cold floor with a thud. Pain strikes my back and confusion swirls around in my mind. Looking up, Heero isn't even looking at me anymore. His eyes lay fixated on a irrelevant spot on the wall.

" Heero...what's wrong?" I approach him cautiously. Not a single part of his body moves, he just sits there.

" Heero?" Bending down, I look at him straight in the eye. No longer is there a frozen stare, but a vacant distorted appearance.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Memories race inside your mind

A dark past

A shattered dream

Innocence stolen before its time

I cannot see your fears

Please, tell them to me

Let me try to help you

I will do anything

To wash away this pain

* * * * * * * * * * * *

" I killed that girl...I killed many times..." Heero murmurs over and over. Those eyes of his remain glazed over and full of terror. I kneel down, staring at him harder than before.

" Heero, I don't understand, who did you kill?"

" Killed her and her dog....over and many times, Duo? How many?" Heero asks. Disturbedly, he looks up with his eyes full of emotion.

" Heero...I don't get what you're asking me. Who have you killed?" I inquire.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Past, present, and future

Move rhythmically as one

In this concept called time

Combining as a whole

A past mistake

A fatal miscalculation

A scar not healed

* * * * * * * * * * * *

" That little girl..." Heero whispered. Suddenly, the trance breaks; Heero knocks me over. Full of terror, I look up at the raging boy. Light from behind casts his shadow over my face, hiding the tears falling from his eyes.

" How many times Duo?! How many times? How many times will I have to kill that little girl and her dog? When will this end? Answer me, Duo! Tell me the answer!" Heero demands. Emotions fall as tears to the ground, steadily coming faster and faster. The perfect soldier crumples over me, his body wracking with sobs.

" Duo...can you give me an answer? Please Duo....tell me"

I stare across to him, totally in shock. Consolingly, I wrap my arms around him, trying to stop the tears. Should I tell him the truth, or should I give him an answer he will feel satisfied with?

" Heero, never again will you have kill that little girl..." I tell him. His tear full eyes stare up at me, silently thanking me. It is the truth, not just a lie. Heero's muscles let go of the tension, and his tears began to lessen, along with his sorrows.

From now on Heero, I shall take the role of Death. You don't have to kill anyone anymore....

* * * * * * * * * * * *

A falling star

A racing light in the sky

The sun is rising

Dazzling across the sky

The star comes into sight

From somewhere in the darkness

A light shines through

Slowly, opening up the sky

To a new day



This is just an author's note, sorry to spoil the mood. But, this goes along with Endless Waltz, the scenes with Heero on the colony in the past. If you don't know what I'm talking about, email me at Arigato!