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Sometime in the Night

By: Ashiko-chan

Sometime before the morning comes

A visitor in the night

Shrouded, veiled in mystery

An angel to bless

A demon to condemn

Or another lost soul

That cannot find its way

* * * * * * * * * * * *

I glance over my shoulder, taking my eyes off the cooking food. Sitting at the table is my poor, distorted roommate. The one that they call Heero Yuy, pilot of the Gundam 01. He doesn't move, I sigh hopelessly. His trance still has yet to break.

I can't believe that he broke, that his mind of a soldier shattered. Poor Heero, being a Gundam pilot is tough as it is, but for him....I think the burden's becoming unbearable. I wonder if he'll make it out of this war with his mind still salvageable.

Cautiously, I pick up the food and bring it over to the table. Absently, Heero picks up his fork and begins to eat the omelet. Hey, I never said I could cook gourmet! We sit in silence, a nerve-wracking, patronizing silence that is driving my mind to the brink of insanity.

But, who am I to speak of insanity? One of the best, I believe. As a pilot of a Gundam, I have every right to say I've gone insane. Hell, you HAVE to be somewhat insane to be a Gundam pilot. Maybe this insanity is what pulls me through the war, I can't tell anymore. Heero though, he doesn't express his emotions. Man is that guy tough! I can't help but think that one-day that cell that has been holding all of those emotions captive will break. And Heero might not be able to survive something like that.

I clean up the dishes and leave Heero to his thoughts. Night falls rapidly as the sky turns from a vibrant, shade of baby blue to a deep, serene navy. A long day will do much to the body, and mine feels beat.

" Ne, Heero! I'm gonna go to bed, I'll see you in the morning. Night!" I tell him. Stretching and yawning, I head toward my bedroom at the opposite corner from the house.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

My eyes are blurry

I cannot see

The dark that blinds

And the light that doesn't reach

Falling further from ecstasy

How far will I sink into the depths

Of this mind that has gone before

Of this soul that is coming now

Of this being that has yet to pass

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Mechanically almost, I reach into a drawer and grab my toothbrush and toothpaste. I turn on the faucet, letting the cold water splash into the ceramic sink. A pasty, mint flavor foams inside my mouth while the bristles wrap around my teeth. Plunging my hands into the water, I collect the H20 in my cupped hands. After rinsing out my mouth, I pull a brush out and begin to comb my hair.

Ever since I can remember, my hair has been my only possession. The only thing that's stays with me through battle. My friends, my family, the ones I love, all dead from the battle that wasn't theirs to fight. No one will ever take it away from me. As if anyone would want it, the amount of blood soaked in it equals the amount of blood I soak my hands in daily.

I fall into bed after undressing, leaving on only my boxers. Black sheets wrap around me, trying to pull warmth into my cold body. Shutting my eyes, I try to fall asleep without being plagued by the nightmares that never cease.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

A feathered wing

A masked over face

A robe of white

That sways in the wind

The pale hand I take in mine

Reaching upwards toward the sky

Into the unknown which no longer frightens

Into a desperation

A desperation I no longer ignore

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The battlefield appears around me, that horrid sight. In the distance I see Heero battling it out in 01. Air is so thick with blood, hate, fear, and smoke I can barely breath. Reaching forward, I press in the transmission to Wing.

" Heero!" I call. Instantly, Heero's image appears on the screen, his face holding a look of pure terror.

" Duo..." A weak voice calls. I hardly recognize Heero's voice, usually so cold and composed.

" Heero, what's wrong?"

" Duo...I can't-" He gasps. The transmissions falls into a vexing static. Looking out my screen, I see 01 backing away. Surrounded by the enemy.

" No...No more...I can't do this anymore! Why?! I CAN'T KILL THAT LITTLE GIRL ANY MORE TIMES!" I hear out off of the transmission. An image blinks in, a momentary glance at Heero with tears falling from his face, his fist raised. A second passes back into the static.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

We fly up to the stars

A calm area

One suspended in space

I reach to touch the face

But its hand has beaten me

The mask is gone

The robe falls through the darkness

A demon's wing

A sneering face

A robe stained by blood

That seems to stand as still as death

Gleaming metal in the night

A blade rushes toward me

Fate is closing in

* * * * * * * * * * * *

" Heero!" I scream. But, it is too late. I can hear the sound of his fist pounding against something. Fear strickens me....he wouldn't!

But he did.

Gundam 01, Wing flashes with an intense brightness. Piece by piece, the Gundam destructs itself and falls to the ground. All I can see is a pile of gundanium, set off by an eerie glow.

" NO! HEERO!" I scream to the point my lungs began to break. The static off the screen clears once again.

" Duo, how many more times...?"

His face is covered in blood. I can see the interior of his Gundam is almost completely painted in it. His eyes close, and his mouth, however, keeps moving.

" No..." I whisper.

" You...promised me, Duo,"

" Heero! Wait for me!"

" Promised me that I'd never kill her again..."

" Stop it Heero!"

" Thank you...Duo..."

I stop in my tracks, his mouth is shut. There is no more slight rise and fall of his chest. The transmission ends.

" NOOO!!!"

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Time has stopped

I look around

I feel myself falling downward

Away from fate

I land back in my body

Untouched by danger

No scars on the skin

But the mind is wounded

The pain is there

* * * * * * * * * * * *

" NO! " I gasp. I sit straight up in my bed, panting.

I was only dream...

Hurriedly, I grab my robe and walk down the hall to Heero's room Peeking in, he looks fast asleep. Sighing, I return to my room, heading back to bed.

Heero, that promise I mean to keep.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

But time heals wounds

Or it always has

I know this dream is an illusion

That comes from darkness

Brought on by a visitor

Sometime in the night...






Again, I'm VERY sorry to put this in at the bottom, but there is someone who I would like to give credit to for inspiring this sequel to Somewhere in the Darkness. That person is Traci at (I am very sorry about putting your address up w/out permission, but I couldn't respond to your e-mail. I wouldn't go through either of the times I tried.) And I will be doing a fic similar to this, but in Heero's POV. Thanks!

Ja ne,
