Card game for 2 players depicting the Battle of Waterloo 1815. 
One player takes the role of the Allies (Wellington and Blucher). 
The other player takes the role of France (Napoleon). 

If you Reduce your opponent to zero Troops, Morale, or Cohesion, the 
game immediately ends and you win. 
If after 20 turns there is no automatic winner, the player with 
the highest Troop score wins. 
If tied, the highest Morale wins. If still tied, the highest Cohesion wins. 

Players share a common 52 card deck plus Jokers. 

Number		Force	Type:			Notes:
Ace		X	Wild			Can be used as any numbered card type*
2		2	Damage			-
3		3	Morale			-
4		4	Terrain			-
5		5	Infantry       		-
6		6	Infantry       		-
7		7	Artillery		-
8		8	Cavalry			-
9		9	Strategy       		-
10		10	Blunder			-
Heart Face	7	Leader			-
Diamond Face	6	French Corps		Infantry Only playable by the French Player
Spades Face	4	Prussian Columns       	Infantry Only playable by Allies on turns 12+
Clubs Face	5	Prussian Corps		Infantry Only playable by Allies on turns 14+
First Joker	12	Napoleon       		Leader Only playable by the French Player
Second Joker	12	Wellington		Leader Only playable by the Allied Player
* = Or discard to (re)use a Checklist Item you have already used!

There are 20 Turns. Each turn is ½ an Hour. 
Turn	Time	Notes:
1	11:00	First Turn. AM
2	11:30	-
3	12:00	-
4	12:30	-
5	13:00	-
6	13:30	-
7	14:00	-
8	14:30	-
9	15:00	-
10	15:30	-
11	16:00	-
12	16:30	The Prussians Arrive
13	17:00	-
14	17:30	-
15	18:30	-
16	19:00	-
17	19:30	-
18	20:00	-
19	20:30	-
20 	21:00	Last Turn of the Game

Troop Markers are Blue
Morale Markers are White. 
Cohesion Markers are Red. 

Six sided dice are needed. 

This applies only to the French Player. 
The French player gets 1 Free Action Point per Turn. 
The first turn of the game, the French player gets 2 Free Action Points. 
Actions are required for Bombardments, to attack Strongpoints, and for Main Assaults. 
The French player may get extra actions by playing (discarding) Strategy cards and 
Leader cards. 
The French Player may always attack Hougoumont without spending an Action Point. 

There are 3 Strongpoints in the Game: 
Hougoumont (Chateau anchoring Wellingtons Right) 
La Haye Sainte (Farmhouse Forward of the Mont St Jean Ridge) 
Papelotte (Hamlet anchoring Wellingtons Left)
Each Strongpoint has a corresponding Token. 
Each turn of the game has a Phase corresponding to one of these Strongpoints. 
The Strongpoints start the game in control of the Allies. 
If the French ever win a Strongpoint Phase they gain control of the 
indicated Strongpoint Token.  

The Prussians Arrive on Turn 12. 
The Allied player gains 6 Troop, 6 Morale, and 6 Cohesion Markers. 
Prussian Cards may not be used at all for any reason until turn 12 and later. 
Prussian cards can be used in the Prussian Phase, the Papelotte Phase, and 
the Recovery Phase. 

Each player gets a unique Checklist. 
Each Checklist is a list of special actions/bonuses that can be used once, and are 
then checked off (crossed through/scratched out) and cannot be used again. 
A Maximum of 2 Items can be used during a single Phase (yours or opponents turn). 

Shuffle the deck. 
One player takes the role of the Allies (Wellington and Blucher). 
The other player takes the role of France (Napoleon). 
Place a Marker on 11:00 on the Time Track. 
The French player gets 20 Troop Markers, 20 Morale Markers, and 20 Cohesion Markers.  
The Allied player gets 16 Troop Markers, 16 Morale Markers, and 16 Cohesion Markers.  

Each turn has 10 Phases: 
1. Logistics Phase
2. Strategy Phase
3. Bombardment Phase
4. Hougoumont Strongpoint Phase
5. La Haye Sainte Strongpoint Phase
6. Papelotte Strongpoint Phase
7. Main Assault Phase
8. Counter Charge Phase
9. Prussian Phase
10. Recovery Phase

Each player fills their hand up to 10 cards. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Each player may discard up to 5 cards and draw replacements. 

Skip this phase unless the French player expends an Action Point. 
The French player may discard Artillery cards to roll on the 
Damage Table once for each card discarded inflicting these loses on the allies. 
The Allied player may discard Terrain cards to negate 
Artillery Cards on a 1 to 1 basis before rolls are made. 
Rolls are at +1 unless the French control at least 1 Strongpoint and 
so are able to bring their guns forward. 
Players may fill their Hands back up to 10 after this Phase. 

Roll	Damage
1	2 Troop Markers
2	1 Troop Marker
3	2 Morale Markers
4	1 Morale Marker
5	2 Cohesion Markers
6	1 Cohesion Marker
7+	No Damage

Skip this phase unless the French player wants to attack, or 
the Allied played does not control it and wishes to try to retake it. 
The French player may always attack Hougoumont without the 
need of spending any Action Points.  
Both players select and simultaneously reveal up to 5 cards from their hands. 
Each card has a Force value. Cavalry Cards cannot be used.  
The player who currently controls the Strongpoint gets a Force bonus of +15. 
The player with the highest value wins the hand.  If tied, the Allies win. 
The winner takes control of the Strongpoint Token. Discard all revealed cards. 
The player with the Hougoumont Token gets +5 Force in Main Assault Phase.
Regardless of who wins the Attacker rolls twice on the Damage Table and the 
Defender rolls once on the Damage Table. 
Players may play (discard) damage cards to make their opponent roll once on the 
Damage Table for each such card played. 
The Allied player may not use Prussian cards in this Phase. 
Players may fill their Hands back up to 10 after this Phase. 

Skip this phase unless the French player expends an Action Point, or 
the Allied played does not control it and wishes to try to retake it. 
The Allied player may discard a Damage card to force the French to Attack.  
Both players select and simultaneously reveal up to 5 cards from their hands. 
Each card has a Force value. Cavalry Cards cannot be used.  
The player who currently controls the Strongpoint gets a Force bonus of +5. 
The player with the highest value wins the hand.  If tied, the Allies win. 
The winner takes control of the Strongpoint Token.  Discard all revealed cards. 
The player with the La Haye Sainte Token gets +5 Force in Main Assault Phase. 
Regardless of who wins the attacker rolls twice on the Damage Table and the 
Defender rolls once on the Damage Table. 
Players may play (discard) damage cards to make their opponent roll once on the 
Damage Table for each such card played. 
The Allied player may not use Prussian cards in this Phase. 
Players may fill their Hands back up to 10 after this Phase. 

Skip this phase unless the French player expends an Action Point, or 
the Allied played does not control it and wishes to try to retake it.  
Both players select and simultaneously reveal up to 5 cards from their hands. 
Each card has a Force value. 
The player who currently controls the Strongpoint gets a Force bonus of +10. 
The player with the highest value wins the hand.  If tied, the Allies win. 
The winner takes control of the Strongpoint Token.  Discard all revealed cards. 
The player with the Papelotte Token gets +5 Force in Main Assault Phase. 
Regardless of who wins the attacker rolls twice on the Damage Table and the 
Defender rolls once on the Damage Table. 
Players may play (discard) damage cards to make their opponent roll once on the 
Damage Table for each such card played. 
Players may fill their Hands back up to 10 after this Phase. 

Skip this phase unless the French player expends an Action Point.  
If the French player does not control at least 2 Strongpoints, he must 
roll once on the Damage Table due to Enfilading Fire. 
Both players select and simultaneously reveal up to 6 cards from their hands. 
Each card has a Force value. 
Players gets a Force bonus of +5 for each Strongpoint Token they have. 
The player with the highest value wins the hand.  If tied, the Allies win. 
Discard all revealed cards. 
The Loser must roll 6 times on the Damage Table. 
The Winner must roll 2 times on the Damage Table. 
Players may play (discard) damage cards to make their opponent roll once on the 
Damage Table for each such card played. 
If the French won in Main Assault Phase last turn they 
get +5 Force this turn in Main Assault Phase. 
If the French lose in Main Assault Phase, they cannot attack in 
Main Assault phase again on the following 2 Turns. 
Players may fill their Hands back up to 10 after this Phase. 

In Main Assault phase If you play Infantry, Artillery, and Cavalry in the 
same hand get +10 Force (Applies to both players). 

In Main Assault phase If you play Strategy, Blunder, and Terrain in the 
same hand your opponent must immediately roll once on the damage Table. 

The Allied player may do this only if the French Player attacked in Main Assault Phase. 
The Allied player plays (discards) Cavalry cards from his hand. 
The French player rolls once on the Damage Table for each such card played. 
Players may fill their Hands back up to 10 after this Phase. 

Skip this Phase unless it is turn 12 or higher. 
Both players select and simultaneously reveal up to 5 cards from their hands. 
Each card has a Force value. 
The player with the highest value wins the hand.  If tied, the French win. 
Discard all revealed cards. 
If the French player loses he rolls twice on the Damage Table. 
If the French player wins he rolls once on the Damage Table. 
Players may fill their Hands back up to 10 after this Phase. 
Allied Checklist Items cannot be used unless they have the PFP or CUP designation. 
The Allied Player cannot use the Wellington card. 

Rally Rule: Players may discard Morale cards to gain 1 Morale Marker for each card. 
Reinforcement Rule: Players may discard Infantry cards to gain 1 Troop Marker for each card. 
Regroup Rule: Players may discard Blunder cards to gain 1 Cohesion Marker for each card. 
Checklist Items may be used for this purpose. 

At turn 12 and higher the Imperial Guard become available to the French Player. 
The French player may send in the Imperial Guard on any Strongpoint or Main Assault phase 
or Prussian Front Phase to get an extra +5 Force. 
However if the French lose the Hand, they lose an extra 5 Morale Counters. 
If the Guard loses a total of 3 times, they can no longer be sent in. 

PFP = Prussian Front Phase & Papellote Phase Only
CUP = Can also be used in Prussian Front Phase
MAP = Main Assault Phase
CCP = Counter Charge Phase

Item:			Notes: 
Opportunity Lost       	The French may not attack in MAP this turn
Chasse's Belgo-Dutch	A Leader card gets +2 Force
Volley and Charge	A Strategy and Infantry Card get +3 Force each
Life Guards		An Infantry card gets +4 Force
Royal Horse Guards	Use as a Cavalry Card in CCP
Union Brigade		Use as a Cavalry Card in CCP
Scots Greys		Use as a Cavalry Card in CCP
Inniskilling Dragoons	Use as a Cavalry Card in CCP
Vivians Hussars		A Cavalry card gets +3 Force
Infamous Army		Use as an Infantry Card of Force -2 
Jager Skirmishers	An Infantry card gets +2 Force
British Guns		Use as an Artillery Card
Repulse Attack		A Damage card gets +5 Force
Kings German Legion	Hougoumont gets +5 Force if Defending
Hanoverian Brigade	An Infantry card gets +2 Force
Peninsular War Vets	An Infantry card gets +5 Force
British Infantry       	An Infantry card gets +3 Force
Dutch Carabineers	A Cavalry card gets +2 Force
Soft Ground		All Terrain Cards get +2 Force
Infantry Squares       	Negate a Cavalry card played by Opponent
Attack Falters		A Damage card gets +4 Force
Lord Uxbridge		A Leader Card gets +5 Force
Sunken Lane		A Terrain Card gets +3 Force
Captured Eagles		If you win a Hand gain 3 Morale
Late Start		Skip any Target Phase 
Conflicting Orders	Use as a Blunder Card
Vague Dispatch		Skip any Target Phase 
Strong Position		Use as a Terrain Card
Obsession		French must Attack Hougoumont this Turn. 
Sharpshooters		An Infantry card gets +5 Force
Reverse Slope		Use as Terrain Card in MAP or Bombardment Phase
Mont St Jean Ridge	All Terrain Cards get +2 Force in MAP
Unsupported Attack	Negate Coordinated Attack Bonus of Opponent
Highlanders		An Infantry card gets +4 Force
Foot Guards		An Infantry card gets +3 Force
Royal Horse Artillery	An Artillery Card gets +2 Force
Steadfast		Use as a Morale Card
Unshakeable		A Morale Card gets +5 Force
False Withdrawal       	French if able must Attack in MAP. Turn 8+
Point Blank Volley	Use as a Damage Card 
Prince of Orange       	Use as a Leader Card of Force -2 
Zieten			Use as a Leader Card Turn 12+ PFP
Bulow			Use as a Leader Card Turn 13+ PFP
Blucher			Use as a Leader Card Turn 14+ PFP
Silesian Riflemen	Use as a Infantry Card Turn 15+ PFP
Landwehr       		Use as a Infantry Card Turn 16+ PFP
Plancenoit		Use as a Terrain Card Turn 17+ PFP
Near Run Thing		A Strategy card gets +2 Force
Careful Dispositions	A Strategy card gets +5 Force
Flank Attack		A Strategy card gets +4 Force CUP
Unwieldy Formation	Use as a Blunder Card in MAP
Take Prisoners		Use as a Damage Card CUP
General Advance		Use as a Strategy Card Turn 19+ CUP
Immaculate Timing	The Wellington Card gets +3 Force
Maitland’s Foot Guards	An Infantry Card gets +5 Force
Encirclement		A Strategy Card gets +5 Force Turn 18+ PFP
Exhaustion		Negate a Target Infantry Card Turn 14+
Lull in the Battle 	In Recovery Phase gain 2 Cohesion Turn 13+

Item:			Notes: 
Ney Leads the Charge	Use as a Leader Card 
Grande Armee		All Infantry Cards get +2 Force
Out of Ammunition	Use as Blunder card when attacking Strongpoint
Inexperienced Troops	Negate a Morale card played by Opponent	
Marshal Reille		A Leader Card gets +2 Force
Grande Batterie		Use as 2 Artillery Cards in Bombardment Phase
Lancers			A Cavalry card gets +5 Force
Heavy Cavalry		Use as a Cavalry Card
Furious Attack		All Strategy Cards get +2 Force
Marshall d’Erlon 	A Leader Card gets +3 Force
First Corps		Use as an Infantry Card
Second Corps		Use as an Infantry Card 
Grenadiers		An Infantry Card gets +3 Force
Middle Guard		Imperial Guard Bonus increased by +3 Force
Chasseurs		Imperial Guard Bonus increased by +2 Force
Vive L’Empereur		Use as a Morale Card
Cuirassiers		A Cavalry card gets +5 Force
Lobau			A Leader Card gets +3 Force
Gap in the Line		A Strategy Card gets +5 Force
Line Crumbles		Use as a Damage card in MAP
Squares Wavering       	Damage card gets +5 Force in MAP
Light Cavalry		A Cavalry card gets +2 Force
Massed Cavalry		All Cavalry Cards get +2 Force
Reserve Cavalry		Use as a Cavalry Card 
Kellerman		A Leader Card gets +2 Force
Grenadiers A Cheval	A Cavalry card gets +4 Force
Empress Dragoons       	A Cavalry card gets +2 Force
Bring Up the Guns	Use as an Artillery Card
Young Guard		Imperial Guard Bonus increased by +2 Force
Old Guard		Imperial Guard Bonus increased by +3 Force
French Élan		All Morale cards get +2 Force
Frontal Assault		Use as a Strategy Card of Force -2
Great Columns		Use as an Infantry Card
Tell them its Grouchy	A Morale card gets +3 Force
Prolonged Cannonade	Use as an Artillery Card
Marshall Soult		A Leader Card gets +2 Force
Bayonet Charge		An Infantry Card gets +5 Force
Press the Attack       	A Strategy Card gets +3 Force
Feint			Use as a Strategy Card of Force -2
Enraged			A Morale Card gets +3 Force
Resolve			All Morale Cards get +2 Force
Soften Them Up		Use as an Artillery Card
Fury of Shot & Shell	All Artillery Cards gets +2 Force
French Veterans		A Morale card gets +5 Force
Blown Horses		Opponent Rolls once on Damage Table after Counter Charge 
Overwhelmed		Use as a Damage Card
Artillery vs. Squares	Artillery Card gets +5 Force in Main Assault Phase
Gallantry		A Morale Card gets +2 Force for each Unit Card Played
Spirited Advance       	All Strategy & Morale Cards get +1 Force
Prince Jerome		A Leader Card gets +2 Force
Bugles & Drums		All Morale and Unit cards get +1 Force
Audacity       		The Napoleon Card gets +3 Force


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