INTRODUCTION Two player Card Game based on the Games Workshop Epic Warhammer 40,000 Universe. DISCLAIMER Warhammer is a licenced, trademarked property. This is merely a Fansite. DECKS Each player uses a separate deck. For example: Imperial Deck vs Ork Deck. Each deck has exactly 55 cards. VICTORY Run your opponent out of cards. TURN SEQUENCE Each turn has 6 phases: Draw Phase Redraw Phase Extra Draw Phase Attack Phase Defense Phase Damage Phase DRAW PHASE Each player fills their hand to 8 cards. If the deck ever runs out shuffle your reserve pile & draw from it. REDRAW PHASE Players may discard up to 3 cards to their discard and draw replacements. EXTRA DRAW PHASE Players may discard “X” Special cards from their hands to their discards to Their reserves to draw the indicated number of cards. ATTACK PHASE Players may make attacks. To make an attack, you must make an Attack Meld. A Meld consists of 3 cards: A Titan Card, a Weapon Card, and a Range Card. The Range card and the Weapon card must match. You may make more than one meld. DEFENSE PHASE If your opponent has made one or more melds, you May discard a “D” Defense card to negate any one card of the Meld. The negated card goes to your opponents reserve pile. Your opponent may play a replacement card to complete the Meld. If unable to play an appropriate replacement card, the other two cards Of the Meld must also be discarded to the opponents reserve pile. Your Defense card goes to your reserve pile. DAMAGE PHASE A Meld does damage equal to the Damage Value of the Weapon card. A player may play an “A” Add card to increase the damage of the Meld. The opposing player must discard a number of cards from his Deck to his Damage pile equal to the value of the Meld. If the Deck runs out, discard cards from the Reserve Pile. If the Deck & Reserve pile are exhausted the player loses the game. Once damage is done your Meld cards go to your Reserve pile. CARD TYPE NOTATION LIST S = Short M = Medium L = Long T = Titan W = Weapon D = Defense X = Special A = Add ORK GARGANT CARD DECK LIST Card Name: # Range Dam Notes Battle Cannon Turret 1 L 2 Cluster Buster 1 L 3 Deth Kanon 1 L 4 Gutbuster: Ball 1 L 4 (Mega Cannon) Gutbuster: Chain 1 L 5 Gutbuster: Barrage 1 L 4 Super Lifta Droppa Arm 1 L 4 Deluxe Custom Kannon 1 M 4 +1 with Mekboy Gatling Cannon 1 M 5 Mork Head 1 M 3 Slasha Attack Gun 1 M 4 +1 with Slasha Battle Cannon Head 1 M 3 Scorcher Turret 1 S 3 Ripper Fist 1 S 3 Snapper 1 S 4 (Steam Blast) Buzz Saw Arm 1 S 3 Krusher Arm 1 S 3 Boss Gargant 1 T - Dam +2 Great Gargant 5 T - Dam +1 Slasher Gargant 5 T - Mekboy Gargant 4 T - Kustom Force Field 1 D - Force Shields 2 D - Massive Bulk 2 D - Fire Control 1 D - Gork Head 1 X - Draw 3 cards Short Range 5 R - Medium Range 5 R - Long Range 5 R - Observation Tower 1 A +2 IMPERIAL TITAN CARD DECK LIST Card Name: # Range Dam Notes Multi-Launcher 2 L 4 Barrage Vulcan Megabolter 1 L 4 Turbo-Laser Destructor 2 L 3 Battle Cannon 1 L 2 Plasma Blastgun 3 M 4 Inferno Gun 2 M 5 Multi-Lasers 1 M 2 Shock Lance 1 S 3 Knights Only Powerfist 3 S 3 Chainfist 2 S 3 Void Shields 3 D - Auto-Repairs 2 D - Short Range 5 R - Medium Range 5 R - Long Range 5 R - Warlord Titan 2 T - Damage +2 Reaver Titan 5 T - Damage +1 Warhound Titan 5 T - Knight Paladin 1 T - Knight Lancer 1 T - Knight Warden 1 T - Imperial Elite 2 X - Draw 3 Cards ELDAR TITAN CARD DECK LIST Card Name: # Range Dam Notes Holo-Fields 2 D - Auto-Repairs 2 D - High Speed 2 D - Distortion Cannon 2 L 4 Tremor Cannon 1 L 3 Wing Missile Launcher 2 L 2 Barrage Pulsar 2 M 4 Heat Lance 2 M 5 Wing Laser Cannon 1 M 2 Psychic Lance 1 S 4 Powerfist 2 S 3 Scatter Laser 2 S 2 Short Range 5 R - Medium Range 5 R - Long Range 5 R - Fire Gale 2 T - Bright Stallion 2 T - Towering Destroyer 2 T - Warlock Titan 4 T - Psychic Phantom Titan 2 T - +1 Damage Revenant Scout Titan 3 T - Mind Blast 1 M 4 Warlock only Eldritch Storm 1 D - Doom 1 A +2 Warlock only Witch Sight 1 X - Draw 3 Cards CHAOS TITAN CARD DECK LIST Card Name: # Range Dam Notes Void Shields - D - Regeneration - D - Death Storm 1 L 3 Barrage Doom Burner 2 L 4 Havoc Missiles 2 L 4 Barrage Hellstrike Cannon 2 M 3 Barrage Head Cannon 2 M 2 Stream of Corruption 1 M 4 Titan Tail 1 S 3 Hull Firethrowers 1 S 2 Hell Blade 1 S 5 Bloodletter Battlehead 1 S 3 Doomfist 1 S 4 Banelord 1 T - +2 Damage Nemesis 2 T - +1 Damage Deathbringer 3 T - Goth 3 T - Hun 3 T - Lord of Battle 3 T - Chaos Gift of Tzeentch 1 X - Draw 3 Cards Chaos Gift of Nurgle 1 S 4 Chaos Gift of Slaanesh 1 D - Chaos Gift of Khorne 1 A +3 Short Range Attack Demon Power 1 A +2 Short Range 5 R - Medium Range 5 R - Long Range 5 R -

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