Card game for 2 players. 
Simulation of the American Civil War. 
One side is the North, the other is the South. 

You win automatically if you reduce your opponent to Zero Morale Points. 
If the deck runs out, the player with the higher Morale Wins (South wins ties).

Players share a Common Deck. 

Each player starts with 9 Morale Points. 
Use Tokens to keep track of Morale.  

Each turn has 4 Phases: 
1. Logistics Phase
2. Strategy Phase
3. Conduct Phase
4. Recuperate Phase

Each player Draws 7 cards from the Deck. 
The South draws 1 less card for each Strategic Objective the North has played. 
If the deck runs out, the player with the higher Morale Wins (South wins ties). 

Trade in up to 2 cards. 
A Traded Card is shuffled back into the deck and a replacement card is drawn. 

Both Players reveal some, none, or all of the cards they are able to play. 
Players then take turns (Flip a coin to see who goes first) using the Special Ability of 
One of their revealed cards. (A card’s Special Ability can only be used once)
This continues until both players have passed. 
Cards you gain from Special Abilities may be immediately added to your Revealed Cards. 
When all special Abilities have been resolved, compare the 
Total Force of all revealed cards on each side. 
Cards caused to be discarded by Special Effects do not count towards the Total Force. 
Strategic Objective cards discarded by Special Effects are shuffled back into the deck.
Cards that give force bonuses benefit all your applicable units after both players have 
passed as long as the card giving the bonus has not been eliminated.  
The player with the higher force wins the hand.  
The player with the higher Force gains 1 Morale point and his Opponent loses 1 Morale Point. 
If one side won by double the Force or more then Players lose or gain 2 MP instead of 1. 
Important Note: Recognition cards and Strategic Objective cards only count for the 
player that won the hand. 

Max hand size is 3 cards. 
Shuffle excess cards back into the deck.

Heavy Casualties: Opponent draws one less card next turn
Destruction: Opponent can trade one less card next turn
Routed: Gain 1 Morale Point & Opponent loses 1 Morale Point
Soldiers Battle: Your Army Cards get +2F
Generals Battle: Your General Cards get +2F
Withdrawal: Negate a Strategy or Tactics Card
Cavalry Battle: All Cavalry Cards get +2F
Strategic Victory: Trade an extra Card next Turn
Strategic Objective: South Draws 1 less card each turn for rest of Game
Recognition: The South gains 2 Morale Points

X = Either player may use this card
U = Union only
C = Confederacy only
M = Morale
B = Battle
G = General
S = Strategy
F = Force
E = Economics
P = Political
N = Naval
I = Invention
T = Tactics

Card Name:			Use	Force	Type	Notes:
President Lincoln		U	7	P	Discard a target Political card
Jefferson Davis			C	6	P	Trade up to 2 cards still in your hand
First Battle of Bull Run	X	7	B	Routed
Second Manassas			C	6	B	Heavy Casualties
Rebel Yell			C	4	M	Your Army Cards get +2F
March to the Sea		U	7	B	Destruction
Gettysburg			U	7	B	Heavy Casualties
Siege of Vicksburg		U	7	B	Strategic Objective
Fredericksburg			C	6	B	Heavy Casualties
Robert E. Lee			C	7	G	Your Battle Cards get +2F
Ulysses S. Grant		U	6	G	Heavy Casualties & Trade 1 Card
General Sherman			U	6	G	Destruction 
Stonewall Jackson		C	6	G	Your Army Cards get +2F
James Longstreet		C	6	G	Trade up to 3 Cards
Capture Atlanta			U	6	B	Strategic Objective
Naval Blockade			U	5	N	Strategic Objective
Siege of Richmond		U	7	B	Strategic Objective
Control the Mississippi		U	6	S	Draw 2 Cards
Wilderness			C	5	B	Generals Battle
Invade the North		C	7	S	Draw 2 Cards
1864 Election			C	2	P	Recognition
European Diplomacy		C	2	P	Recognition
Trent Affair			C	3	P	Recognition
Copperheads			C	2	P	Recognition
Stalemate			C	2	P	Recognition
Northern Manpower		U	4	E	Draw 2 Cards
Anaconda Plan			U	7	S	Draw 3 Cards & Shuffle back 2
Emancipation Proclamation	U	6	P	Discard a Political card
Whistling Dixie			C	6	M	Your Army Cards get +2F
War of Attrition		U	6	S	Heavy Casualties
Conscripts			X	3	A	Army
Ironclads			X	4	N	Fleet
Army of the Potomac		U	7	A	Army
Incompetence			X	5	T	Discard a General Card
Capture New Orleans		U	6	B	Strategic Objective
Merrimac			C	6	N	Fleet
Monitor				U	6	N	Fleet
River Fleet			X	4	N	Fleet
Damn the Torpedoes!		U	5	M/N	Your Fleet Cards get +2F
Naval Mines			C	3	I/N	Discard a Fleet Card
Amphibious Assault		U	4	T/N	Draw 1 Card
General McClellan		U	2	G	Your Army Cards get +2F
Stalemate			X	2	S	Discard a Battle Card
Rail Transport			X	5	I	Draw 2 Cards
Trench Warfare			C	6	T	Heavy Casualties
Strategic Defensive		C	7	S	Opponents Battles get -2F 
Disease				X	5	M	Heavy Casualties
Telegraphs			X	6	I	Draw 3 Cards Shuffle back 2
Boy Soldiers			X	1	A	Army
Sacked				X	2	P	Discard a General Card
Wounded				X	2	T	Discard a General Card
Killed				X	2	T	Discard a General Card
Shot by Own Troops		X	3	T	Discard a General Card
Unconditional Surrender		X	3	T	Discard an Army Card
Delaware			X	6	P	Border State
Kentucky			X	6	P	Border State
Maryland			X	6	P	Border State
Missouri			X	6	P	Border State
King Cotton Diplomacy		U	3	P	Discard a Political card
Brandy Station			C	3	B	Cavalry Battle
Terrible Swift Sword		X	3	M	Your Army Cards get +2F
Devils Den			C	5	T	Heavy Casualties or Destruction
Jeb Stuart			C	6	G	Cavalry; Your Morale cards get +2F
Sheridan			U	5	G	Cavalry; Trade 1 Card still in your hand
Spencer Repeating Rifles	U	6	I	Your Army Cards get +2F
Reconnaissance			X	4	T	Your General Cards get +2F
Junior Officers			X	5	G	Your Strategy Cards get +2F
Cut Rail Lines			X	4	S	Destruction
Observation Balloons		U	2	I	Trade up to 3 Cards still in your hand
Fort Donelson			U	5	B	Strategic Victory
Volunteers			X	4	A	Army
Ball’s Bluff			C	5	B	Routed
War of Secession		C	6	P	Draw 2 Cards
Fort Sumter			C	5	B	Both players Draw 1 Card
Brother’s War			X	4	S	Heavy Casualties
Capture Nashville		U	4	B	Strategic Victory
Antietam 			X	5	B	Both sides suffer Heavy Casualties
Peninsular Campaign		U	5	S	Draw 2 Cards
Shiloh				U	6	B	Withdrawal
Flag Officer Farragut		U	3	N	Your Fleet Cards get +2F
Federal Gunboats 		U	3	N	Fleet
General Johnston		C	5	G	General
Northern Industry		U	6	E	Draw 2 Cards
Submarines			C	2	N	Discard 1 Fleet
Army of Northern Virginia	C	7	A	Army
Spies				X	4	P	Your General Cards get +2F
Seven Days Battle		C	6	B	Withdrawal
Braxton Bragg			C	2	G	General
Horse Soldiers			X	4	A	Cavalry
Murfreesboro			U	4	B	Withdrawal
Black Soldiers			U	4	A	Army
Immigrants			U	4	A	Army
Infantry			X	4	A	Army
Artillery Batteries		X	4	A	Army
Famous Regiments		X	4	A	Army
Rifle Brigades			X	4	A	Army
Divine Retribution		X	4	M	Your Battle Cards get +2F
South Disunified		U	3	P	South draws 1 less card next turn
Draft Riots			C	3	P	Union draws 1 less card next turn
Lick Your Wounds		X	3	M	Foe draws 1 less card next turn
Capture Supply Depot		C	4	B	Strategic Victory
Perryville			U	4	B	Withdrawal
Fail to Pursue			X	3	S	Discard a Battle Card
Capture Vital Rail Junction	X	3	B	Strategic Victory
Chancellorsville		C	6	B	Generals Battle
Army of the Cumberland		U	6	A	Army
Chattanooga			U	6	B	Routed
Feint				X	3	T	Your General Cards get +2F
Counterattack			X	4	T	Discard a Battle Card
Split Forces			X	2	T	Your Tactics Cards get +2F
Commerce Raiders		C	4	N	Destruction
Blockade Runners		C	3	N	Draw 2 Cards
Reinforcements			X	4	T	Your Army Cards get +2F
Rebels				C	4	A	Army
Yankees				U	4	A	Army
Wire & Land Mines		X	3	I	Opposing Army gets -3F
Gatling Guns			X	2	I	One of your Armies gets +3F
Cavalry Raids			X	3	S	Cavalry; Destruction
Bad Intelligence		X	4	T	Enemy Tactics Cards get -2F 
Bluecoats			U	3	A	Army
Nathan Bedford Forrest		C	5	G	Cavalry; Destruction
Chickamauga			C	5	B	Heavy Casualties
Cold Harbor			C	5	B	Heavy Casualties
Firmly Entrenched		X	4	T	Discard a Tactics Card
Bayonet Charge			X	4	T	One of your Army Cards get +3F
Revolvers & Carbines		X	3	T	Your Cavalry Cards get +2F
General George Meade		U	5	G	One of your Battle Cards get +3F
Decisive Victory		X	5	T	Your Political Cards get +2F
Cut the Confederacy in Half	U	5	S	Trade up to 2 Cards still in your hand
Total War			U	5	S	Destruction
Jubal Early			C	4	G	Cavalry
Shenandoah Valley		X	5	B	Cavalry Battle
Army of Tennessee		C	5	A	Army
Paddlewheel Steamboats		X	3	R	Fleet
Irregulars			C	3	A	Army
Zouaves				X	4	A	Army
Indian Allies			X	2	A	Army
Five Forks			U	4	B	Routed
Southern Cross			C	5	M	Your Army Cards get +2F
Stars & Stripes			U	5	M	Your Army Cards get +2F
Lost Orders			X	4	S	Discard a Battle Card
Spotsylvania			X	4	B	Both sides suffer Heavy Casualties
Desertions			X	2	M	Opposing Armies get -2F
National Will			X	7	M	Draw 1 Card
Inflation & Paper Money		U	4	E	South Draws 1 less card next Turn

Thanks Ron!
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