Card game for 2+ players.
Simulation of problems facing third world countries.
Each player controls his own “Third World” country.

This game is now also published in the Academic Gaming Review

Players share a common deck.
The deck contains all six card types shuffled together.

There are six card types:
PR = Political Reforms
ER = Economic Reforms
CR = Ecological Reforms
PC = Political Crises 
EC = Economic Crises
CC = Ecological Crises

Each player keeps a running total in 3 categories:
1. Political Stability 
2. Economic Stability
3. Ecological Stability
Each player starts the game with a total of 20 in each category.
During play the totals can go up and down.
If a player ever goes to zero or less in any category, he automatically loses.
If a player ever goes to 30+ in all 3 categories, he automatically wins.
A zero or less in Political Stability represents Anarchy & Civil War.
A zero or less in Economic Stability represents Economic Collapse.
A zero or less in Ecological Stability represents an Ecological Disaster.

At any point in the game, the richest player is the player with the 
highest combined score in all 3 running totals.
At any point in the game, the poorest player is the player with the 
lowest combined score in all 3 running totals.
At the end of 10 rounds the richest player wins the game.
In the first Round of the game, the youngest player goes first.

Play proceeds in Rounds. 
Each Round starts with the top ten cards of the deck being dealt face up to the table.
Players take turns. The loseingest player goes first.  
On a players turn, he takes one face up card and puts it in his hand.
(Hands are kept face up next to the player)
All cards must be taken.
After all 10 cards are taken players score their hands.

Your choice of cards will alter your Running totals.
Crisis cards will decrease Running totals.
Reform cards will increase Running totals.
Players discard their hands at the end of the round.

Card Name: 			Type	Total Adjustment:
Class Warfare			PC	- 8
Secret Police			PC	- 5
Fundamentalism			PC	- 14
Ethnic Conflict			PC	- 15
Local Warlords			PC	- 4
Human Rights Abuses		PC	- 9
Marxist Rebels			PC	- 12
Dictator			PC	- 13
Social Revolution		PC	- 11
Drug Cartels			PC	- 10
Patronage Politics		PC	- 1
Foreign Incursions		PC	- 2
Military Coup			PC	- 3
Single Party Regime		PC	- 6
Radicalism			PC	- 7
Democratic Reforms		PR	+ 3
Monitored Elections		PR	+ 8
War Crimes Trials		PR	+ 4
Release Political Prisoners	PR	+ 5
Institution Building		PR	+ 15
Good Government			PR	+ 10
Rule of Law			PR	+ 14
Women’s Rights			PR	+ 6
Community Empowerment		PR	+ 2
Freedom of the Press		PR	+ 13
Civilian Authority		PR	+ 9
UN Peacekeepers			PR	+ 7
Liberal Democracy		PR	+ 11
Order & Stability		PR	+ 12
Amnesty International		PR	+ 1
Global Depression		EC	- 11
Militarism			EC	- 12
Runaway Inflation		EC	- 15
Currency Devaluation		EC	- 9
Poverty				EC	- 8
Lack of Capital			EC	- 7
Unemployment			EC	- 2
Market Crash			EC	- 10
Foreign Exploitation		EC	- 6
Debt Crisis			EC	- 14
Economic Mismanagement		EC	- 13
Rampant Corruption		EC	- 5
Underdevelopment		EC	- 4
Colonial Legacy			EC	- 1
Trade Barriers			EC	- 3
Foreign Investment		ER	+ 12
Natural Resources		ER	+ 13
Economic Cooperation		ER	+ 7
Banking Reforms			ER	+ 15
Structural Adjustment		ER	+ 14
IMF & World Bank		ER	+ 11
Invest in Education		ER	+ 5
Build Infrastructure		ER	+ 8
Human Potential			ER	+ 4
World Market			ER	+ 9
Land Redistribution		ER	+ 6
Export Led Development		ER	+ 10
Modernization			ER	+ 2
Industrialization		ER	+ 3
Ethical Investment		ER	+ 1
Drought				CC	- 2
Famine				CC	- 13
Refugees			CC	- 11
Deforestation			CC	- 9
Desertification			CC	- 3
Child Mortality			CC	- 8
Slash & Burn Farming		CC	- 12
Water Pollution			CC	- 1
Soil Erosion			CC	- 4
Hunger				CC	- 14
Fuel Wood Crisis		CC	- 5
Urban Sprawl			CC	- 7
AIDS Epidemic			CC	- 6
Overpopulation			CC	- 15
Malaria & Dysentery		CC	- 10
Humanitarian Aid		CR	+ 13
Family Planning			CR	+ 8
Food Distribution Centers	CR	+ 5
Environmental Clean Up		CR	+ 2
Irrigation			CR	+ 9
Green Revolution		CR	+ 4
Forest Management		CR	+ 12
Sustainable Agriculture		CR	+ 10
Wildlife Conservation		CR	+ 3
Water Management		CR	+ 14
City Planning			CR	+ 11
World Health Organization	CR	+ 6
Red Cross			CR	+ 1
Renewable Energy Sources	CR	+ 7
Sanitation			CR	+ 15


Q-after a card is taken by a player, is that card
replaced from the deck so that there are always 10
cards on the table until the end?  In other words, is
a round determined by going through the entire deck?
Or does a round simply involve the 10 cards dealt out
with no replenishment?
A-Just the 10 cards not the entire deck.

Q-as players take cards, do they discard any?  I'm
guessing they keep all of them until the end of the
A-Keep them until the end of the round.

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