Card game based on the Hunger Games first Book and Movie. 
This primarily depicts events within the arena and not outside of it or before or after. 
Have the last Tribute standing. 

The Hunger Games is a licensed, copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

The game end when only one player has a tribute remaining. 
That player is the winner. 

There are 24 Tribute Tokens. 
Players start the game with an equal number of Tribute Tokens: 

2		12
3		8
4		6
6		4

If you have no Tribute tokens left, you are out of the game. 

The common deck has 120 cards, one of each described in the card list. 

There are 12 card types and 10 cards for each type. 
Each card has a level ranging from 1 to 10.
6 types hurt. These are the Threat cards: 
Thirst, Hunger, Attack, Exposure, Weakness, and Game
6 types help. These  are the Protection cards: 
Water, Food, Defense, Shelter, Trait, and Sponsor
Threats and protection cards have a 1 to 1 correspondence: 
Water protects against Thirst threats
Food protects against Hunger threats
Defense protects against Attack threats 
Shelter protects against Exposure threats 
Trait protects against Weakness threats 
Sponsor protects against Game threats 

Type:			Special Ability:
Water/Thirst		Look at any opponent’s hand
Food/Hunger		Draw 2 cards
Defense/Attack		Target opponent must discard 2 cards
Shelter/Exposure       	Steal 1 random card from target opponent’s hand
Trait/Weakness		Draw 4 cards and discard 3 cards from your hand
Sponsor/Game		Look at next 7 cards in the deck

There are 6 Roles Available. 
Each player at the beginning of the game assumes one of the 6 Roles: 

Name:			Special ability:
Katniss & Peeta		Draw 1 extra card in Reap Phase
Fox Face	        May play 2 cards in Plan Phase; Food Protection cards are -2
Thresh			All cards are +1 each
Cato			Sword and Alliance cards are worth 20 (Fight & Protection)
Marvel			Combat and Trait cards are worth +3 each
Clove			Knife and Ruthless cards are worth 20 (Fight & Protection)

Each player selects a role. 
Shuffle the Deck.  
The hungriest player goes first. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 3 Phases: 
1. --- Reap Phase
2. --- Plan Phase
3. --- Survival Phase

ALL players go to 7 cards. 
If you have more discard the excess. 
If you have less, draw until you have 7. 
If you are the active (current) player and start the phase with exactly 7 cards, you 
may discard a card and then draw a card. 
If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

You may discard 1 card from your hand to activate it’s special ability as described in 
the card type table. 

You may discard 1 Threat card against a target player of your choice. 
The target player must discard 1 or more protection cards of the corresponding type that 
when combined must equal or exceed the level of the Fight card. If unable to do so, the 
Target player must discard one of his Tribute Tokens. 
Alternatively, the active player may play a Gamekeeper Combo: 
This requires the discard of 6 cards, 1 of each type. 
This causes all other players to lose 1 Tribute each with no defense. 

W = Water
T = Thirst		
F = Food
H = Hunger		
D = Defense
A = Attack		
S = Shelter
E = Exposure		
X = Trait
Y = Weakness		
Z = Sponsor
G = Game		

Level	Type	Name:		
1	W	Dew
2	W	Rain
3	W	Puddle
4	W	Rivulet
5	W	Pond
6	W	Pool
7	W	Creek
8	W	Canteen
9	W	Supplies
10	W	Stream
1	F	Berries
2	F	Bugs
3	F	Roots
4	F	Nuts
5	F	Fish
6	F	Squirrel
7	F	Bird
8	F	Rabbit
9	F	Package
10	F	Cornucopia
1	S	Lean-To
2	S	Tent
3	S	Copse
4	S	Rocks
5	S	Camouflage
6	S	Woods
7	S	Forest
8	S	Darkness
9	S	Tall Tree
10	S	Cave
1	D	Run
2	D	Hide
3	D	Help
4	D	Distraction
5	D	Dodge
6	D	Parry
7	D	Grapple
8	D	Miss
9	D	Cover
10	D	Evasion
1	X	Strength
2	X	Endurance
3	X	Speed
4	X	Ruthlessness
5	X	Reflexes
6	X	Cunning
7	X	Skill
8	X	Charisma
9	X	Courage
10	X	Intelligence	
1	Z	Salve
2	Z	Hidden Cameras
3	Z	Announcements
4	Z	Friendship
5	Z	Parachutes
6	Z	TV Ratings
7	Z	Advice
8	Z	Mentor
9	Z	Alliance
10	Z	Training
1	T	Dry
2	T	Dry
3	T	Thirst
4	T	Thirst
5	T	Thirsty
6	T	Thirsty
7	T	Parched
8	T	Parched
9	T	Dehydrated
10	T	Dehydrated
1	H	Missed a Meal
2	H	Appetite
3	H	Hunger
4	H	Hungry
5	H	Craving
6	H	Hypoglycemic
7	H	Malnourished
8	H	Starving
9	H	Starved
10	H	Starvation
1	E	Exposed
2	E	Exposed
3	E	Exposure
4	E	Exposure
5	E	Hypothermia
6	E	Hypothermia
7	E	Vulnerable
8	E	Vulnerable
9	E	Perilous
10	E	Perilous
1	A	Chase
2	A	Track
3	A	Trap
4	A	Surprise
5	A	Knife
6	A	Sword
7	A	Break Neck
8	A	Spear
9	A	Bow
10	A	Slaughter
1	Y	Depression
2	Y	Fear
3	Y	Anxiety
4	Y	Despair
5	Y	Panic
6	Y	Freeze
7	Y	Injury
8	Y	Mistake
9	Y	Wound
10	Y	Blunder	
1	G	Infection
2	G	Poison
3	G	Tracker Jackers
4	G	Nemesis
5	G	Moral Dilemna
6	G	Forced Crisis
7	G	Mines
8	G	Fire
9	G	Betrayal
10	G	Muttations

The Hunger Games	Wikia

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