Solo card game.
Card version of an old Crystal Dynamics Game.

The Horde Review
The Horde Full Docs

The Horde is a copyrighted, licensed product. 
This is merely a fan site.

You (Chauncey) are killed if all 4 Grimthwacker cards are in the Recruit Discard Pile.
You lose if you are ever unable to play your taxes.
You win if you survive all 5 years (=20 turns).

There are 2 Main decks:
1. Recruit Deck
2. Horde Deck

Cards drawn from your recruit deck will eventually go into one of several piles:
1. Recruit Discard 
2. Village Deck
3. Defense Deck
4. Defense Discard

Cards drawn from your Horde deck will eventually go into one of several piles:
1. Horde Discard
2. Attack Deck
3. Attack Discard

Six sided dice are needed.
Use coins to keep track of Crowns (Money).

You start with 8 Crowns.
Put the 4 Grimthwacker Cards (GC) into your Defense Deck.
Put 2 Villagers & 1 Crop card into your Village Deck.

The game has 20 Turns:
Turn	Location:		Season	Attckr  Indigenous:
1	Shimto Plains		S	2	Piranha
2	Shimto Plains		S	2	Piranha
3	Shimto Plains		F	3	Piranha
4	Shimto Plains		W	3	Piranha
5	Fetid Swamps of Buuzal	S	4	Swamp
6	Fetid Swamps of Buuzal	S	4	Swamp
7	Fetid Swamps of Buuzal	F	5	Swamp
8	Fetid Swamps of Buuzal	W	5	Swamp
9	Tree Realm of Alburga	S	6	Forest
10	Tree Realm of Alburga	S	6	Forest
11	Tree Realm of Alburga	F	7	Forest
12	Tree Realm of Alburga	W	7	Forest
13	Kar-Nyar Desert		S	8	Desert
14	Kar-Nyar Desert		S	8	Desert
15	Kar-Nyar Desert		F	9	Desert
16	Kar-Nyar Desert		W	9	Desert
17	Frozen Wastes of Vesh	S	10	Ice
18	Frozen Wastes of Vesh	S	10	Ice
19	Frozen Wastes of Vesh	F	12	Ice
20	Frozen Wastes of Vesh	W	12	Ice

Card Name:	#	Level
Adolescent 	10	1
Shaman		5	3
Juggernaught	5	5
Indigenous 	20	Per Indigenous Hordlings Chart

Level	Type		
2	Piranha		
2	Swamp		
3	Forest		
4	Desert		
6	Ice		

Each turn has 5 Phases:
1. Income Phase
2. Tax Phase 
3. Recruit Phase
4. Horde Phase
5. End Phase

Certain Cards in your Village Deck will Produce Crowns:
Villagers produce 1 Crown each.
Crops produce 2 Crowns each.
Cows produce 3 Crowns each.

Pay Kronus Maelor, the Evil High Chancellor Crowns equal to the Turn Number.

Flip over the top 8 cards of your Recruit Deck.
You may purchase these cards with your Crowns.
Shuffle Village cards you bought into your Village Deck.
Shuffle Defender cards you bought into your Defender Deck.
You may pay 1 Crown (Limit = 2) to Flip over an additional Recruit card.
Cards you did not buy go into the Recruit Discard.
If the Recruit deck is empty, shuffle the Recruit Discard & draw from it.

Draw & shuffle together X cards from the Horde Deck.
X = the Attacker number of the turn found on the Master Turn Chart.
These cards become the Attack deck.
Each card represents a Hordling.
Flip over the Top card of your Attack Deck.
Flip over the Top card of your Defender Deck.
Roll 1D6 & subtract the level of the Hordling Card & Add the level of the Defender card.
This is called the Battle roll.
If the Modified result is 4 or greater the Hordling is killed & sent to the Horde Discard & 
The Defender card is sent to the Defender Discard.
If the Modified result is 3 or less the Defender is killed & sent to the Recruit Discard & 
The Hordling attacks the top card of the Village Deck.
The attacked Village card is sent to the Recruit Discard & the Hordling is sent to the Attack Discard.
Repeat this procedure until the Entire Attack Deck has been sent to the 
Horde Discard (The Phase Ends), or All Grimthwacker cards are in the Recruit Discard (Game Ends).
If the Defender Deck runs out, shuffle the Defender Discard & draw from it.
If the Attack Deck runs out, shuffle the Attack Discard & draw from it.

Take all Grimthwacker cards out of your Recruit Discard & Put them in your Defender Deck.

V = Village
D = Defender
X = Special
# = Copies of that card in the Deck

Card Name:		#	Cost	Type	Force	
Grimthwacker		4	0	D	4	
Villager		10	1	V	-	
Crops			10	2	V	-	
Cow			10	3	V	-
Trees			10	0	X	-	
Knight			4	4	D	4	
Archer			6	2	D	2	
Fence			6	1	V	-
Wall			6	3	V	-	
Pit			6	2	V	-
Moat			1	6	V	-
Healing Rock		2	2	D	-
Flute			1	4	D	+1
Haunch of Meat		4	1	D	+2
Boots of Boogy		1	5	D	+2
Ring of Teleport	1	5	D	+2
Bomb			4	2	D	-
Flame Thrower		2	4	D	-

Trees: Discard to gain 1 Crown.
Walls: If Attacked, put the Wall on the bottom of your Village Deck.
Pit: If Attacked, the Hordling goes to the Horde Discard & the Pit 
goes to the Recruit Discard.
Moat: If Attacked, the Hordling goes to the Horde Discard & put the Moat on the 
bottom of your Village Deck.
Healing Rock: When drawn from the Defender Deck during Horde Phase you may:
1. Put it in your Defender discard or  
2. Put it in your Recruit Discard & take a Grimthwacker card (GC) out of your Recruit
Discard & shuffle the GC into your Defender Deck. 
Immediately Draw another card from the Defender deck to replace it.
Flute: When drawn from the Defender Deck during Horde Phase, put it in your 
Defender discard & Immediately Draw another card from the Defender deck to replace it.
The Final Replacement card gets Force +1
Haunch of Meat: When drawn from the Defender Deck during Horde Phase, put it in your 
Recruit discard & Immediately Draw another card from the Defender deck to replace it.
The Final Replacement card gets Force +2
Boots of Boogy: When drawn from the Defender Deck during Horde Phase, put it in your 
Defender discard & Immediately Draw another card from the Defender deck to replace it.
The next GC card drawn gets Force +2
Ring of Teleport: When drawn from the Defender Deck during Horde Phase, put it in your 
Defender discard & Immediately Draw another card from the Defender deck to replace it.
The next GC card drawn gets Force +2
Bomb: When drawn from the Defender Deck during Horde Phase, put it in your 
Recruit discard. The Attacker is Discarded.
Flame Thrower (Dragon Flyby): When drawn from the Defender Deck during Horde 
Phase, put it in your Recruit discard. The Attacker & the next card in the Attacker 
Deck is sent to the Horde Discard. 

***If you draw 3 Grimthwacker cards in a row in Horde Phase, the 
Third card has a penalty of –3 Force (Chauncey gets Dizzy). 
***Whenever an Archer is defeated in combat roll 1D6:
1-3 = Send Archer to Recruit Discard
4-6 = Send Archer to Defender Discard (Long Range)
***Whenever a Shaman is defeated in combat roll 1D6:
1-3 = Send Shaman to Horde Discard
4-6 = Send Shaman to Attack Discard (He Teleports Away)
***Whenever a Shaman wins a Battle Roll Contest, instead of 
attacking the Village with the Shaman, draw a card from the 
Horde Deck & put it on the bottom of the Attack deck. 

Thanks to Naga Sugara for playtesting!

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