Card and Dice game for 1-5 players. 
Based on the Spore series of Videogames. 
Each player takes his race from Single cell to Spacefaring. 

Spore is a licensed, copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

Each player is control of his own race as it evolves and develops. 
The game plays in 5 Stages. 
Each stage has a separate deck of Cards. 
Players move from one Stage to the next at different speeds. 
Players races do not directly interact until the last Stage, the Space Stage. 
Rules, Attributes, Mechanisms, and Terminology will change from Stage to Stage. 

The game ends after any player has completed his 15th turn in the Space Stage. 

When the game ends, the player with the most Victory Point Tokens wins. 
Ties stand. 

Six and Ten sided Dice are needed. 

Players share a common set of Victory Point Tokens (VT). 
Players share a common set of Food (Resource) Tokens (FT). 
Players share a common set of Hunger Tokens (HT). 
Players share a common set of Death Tokens (DT). 

1. Cell Stage
2. Creature Stage
3. Tribal Stage
4. Civilization Stage
5. Space Stage

At the beginning of each stage, each player chooses 1 characteristic 
for his Race. 

Characteristic:		Notes: 
Carnivore		Get +1 to Attack Attribute
Herbivore		Get +1 to Defense Attribute
Omnivore 		Get +1 to Move Attribute

Characteristic:		Notes: 
Predator 		Get +1 to Fight Attribute
Social			Get +1 to Friend Attribute
Adaptable		Get +1 to Move Attribute

Characteristic:		Notes: 
Aggressive 		Get +1 to Fight Attribute
Friendly 		Get +1 to Social Attribute
Industrious		Feed +1 (Agriculture, Fishing, Hunting, Gathering)

Characteristic:		Notes: 
Military  		Get +1 to Fight Attribute
Religious		Get +1 to Culture Attribute
Economic 		Get +1 to Economy Attribute

Characteristic:		Notes: 
Bard  			Get an extra +1 VT every Challenge you win
Ecologist		Terraform +1
Zealot			Policy +1
Diplomat 		Diplomacy +1
Scientist		Think +1
Trader			Trade +1
Shaman			Redirect +1
Warrior			Conflict +1
Wanderer 		Explore +1
Knight			Specialization +1

Each player starts with 1 VT and 3 FT. 
Play starts in the First Stage, the Cell Stage. 
Each player picks 1 Cell Stage Characteristic. 
The most Evolved Player goes first. 
Play proceeds clockwise. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 5 Phases: 
1. Mutation Phase
2. Event Phase
3. Selection Phase
4. Evolution Phase
5. Metabolic Phase

Draw 1 card from the Deck (of the Stage you are in). 
Draw 1 extra card for each level of Breed or Think your species has. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Roll once on the Event Table (Specific for your Stage). 
Resolve the Event. 
For every level in Redirect your species has, you may Reroll the 
Event roll once per turn. 
For Example: You have 2 Levels of Redirect. 
You don’t like the first roll so you Reroll. 
You really don’t like the second roll, so you Reroll again. 
You don’t like that one either so you Reroll a third time and 
must keep the result of that roll. 

Most Events are Challenges between your species and another 
Species that is either weaker, equal, or stronger than you. 
To resolve a Challenge first roll on the Challenge Type table to 
determine what Attribute will affect the Challenge. 
For every level in Instinct you have, you may Reroll on the Challenge Table 
once per turn (Just like Redirect in Event Phase). 
Next Roll 1D6 (Attribution Roll) and add your level in the indicated Attribute. 
This is your Attribution Total. 
For every level in Pack (or Population) you have, you may Reroll an Attribution Roll 
once per turn (Like Redirect in Event Phase, but keep the highest Roll!). 
Next roll 1D6, 2D6, or 3D6 depending on the Strength of the Challenger. 
This is the Challenge Roll. 
If the Attribution Total is greater than the Challenge Roll, you win the Challenge. 
If it is equal or less, you lose the challenge. 

You may gain 1 Trait. 
Play 1 Trait card from your Hand. 
The Trait card stays in play in front of you.  
Pay its cost in Food or Resource Tokens. 

Discard 1 Food Token. 
If you have no Food Tokens gain 1 Hunger Token. 
If you have 2 Hunger Tokens, discard them and gain 1 Death Token. 
Max hand size is 5 cards. Discard excess cards. 
If you have 6 Trait cards in Cell Stage in play go on Creature Stage. 
If you have 8 Trait cards in Creature Stage in play go on Tribal Stage. 
If you have Won against 5 Villages in Tribal Phase go onto Civ Stage. 
If you have Won against 7 Nations in Civ Phase go onto Space Stage. 

You may attempt to Evade a Challenge. 
If you do so, add +4 to your Attribution Roll. 
However if you win, you get no reward. 

Set your old Trait cards aside in your Progress Pile.
Except for VT, these do not apply to later stages.  
Select a new Characteristic for the new Stage. 
Discard down to 2 FT or RT (equivalent). 

Gain 5 VT for completing the Civilization Stage and Entering the Space Stage. 
Add up the VT bonuses from all the Trait cards in your Progress Pile. 
Each Death Token counts as a -2 VT penalty. 
Add all the lose VT earned in Events and Challenges. 


1D10	Event			Notes:
1	Meteorite Fragment	Draw 1 Card
2	Easy Prey		Gain 1D6 FT
3	Nothing			Nothing
4-6	Prey			Challenge Strength = 1D6
7-8	Competitor		Challenge Strength = 2D6
9-10	Predator 		Challenge Strength = 3D6

1D6	Challenge:
1-2	Move
3-4	Attack
5-6	Defense

Win vs. Prey: Gain 1D6 FT 
Lose vs. Prey: Nothing
Win vs. Competitor: Gain 1D6 +2 Food and Draw 1 Card
Lose vs. Competitor: Lose all Food
Win vs. Predator: Gain 1D6 +4 Food and Draw 1 Card
Lose vs. Predator: Lose all Food; Gain 1 DT; Skip rest of Turn


1D10	Event			Notes:
1	Skeletal Remains 	Draw 1 Card
2	Migration		Gain 1D6 FT
3	Ice Age			Challenge Strength = 1D6
4-6	Prey			Challenge Strength = 1D6
7-8	Competitor		Challenge Strength = 2D6
9	Predator 		Challenge Strength = 3D6
10	Epic Creature		Challenge Strength = 4D6

1D6	Challenge:
1-2	Move
3-4	Fight
5-6	Friend

Win vs. Ice Age: Draw 1 Card
Lose vs. Ice Age: Lose all Food; Gain 1 DT; Skip rest of Turn
Note: The Warm Trait is The Attribute used in Ice Age Challenges. 
Add 3 to your  Attribution Roll for each level of Warm you have.  
Win vs. Prey: Gain 1D6 FT 
Lose vs. Prey: Nothing
Win vs. Competitor Move & Fight: Feed +1 and Draw 1 Card
Lose vs. Competitor Move & Fight: Lose all Food
Win vs. Competitor Friend: +2 VT
Lose vs. Competitor Friend: -2 VT
Win vs. Predator Move: Draw 1 Card
Win vs. Predator Fight: 1D6 +4 Food
Win vs. Predator Friend: +3 VT
Lose vs. Predator: Lose all Food; Gain 1 DT; Skip rest of Turn
Win vs. Epic Creature: +5 VT
Lose vs. Epic Creature: Gain 1 DT; Discard 2 Random Cards


1D10	Event			Notes:
1	Agriculture		Gain 1D6 FT (Agriculture Roll)
2	Gathering		Gain 1D6 FT (Gathering Roll)
3	Fishing			Gain 1D6 FT (Fishing Roll)
4	Hunting			Gain 1D6 FT (Hunting Roll)
5	Babies			Population +1; Costs 5 FT
5	Domesticate Animal	Challenge Strength = 1D6
5	Gift Giving		Next Social Challenge +2; Costs 5 FT
5	Tool Making		Intuition +1; Costs 5 FT
5	Find Fishing Spot	Fishing +1	
6	Weak Village		Challenge Strength = 1D6
7	Raiders			Challenge Strength = 1D6
8	Equal Village		Challenge Strength = 2D6
9	Strong Village		Challenge Strength = 3D6
10	Epic Creature		Challenge Strength = 3D6
Note: If you roll a 5 pick which 5 result you want. 

1D6	Challenge:
1-3	Fight
4-6	Social
Note: Raiders are always Fight Challenges

Win vs. Weak Village: Draw 1 Card 
Lose vs. Weak Village Fight: Gain 1 DT
Lose vs. Weak Village Social: Lose 1 VT
Win vs. Domesticate Animal: Gain 1 VT and Agriculture +1
Lose vs. Domesticate Animal: Nothing
Win vs. Equal Village: Draw 2 Cards
Lose vs. Equal Village Social: Lose 1 VT
Lose vs. Equal Village Fight: Gain 1 DT
Win vs. Strong Village: Draw 3 Cards
Lose vs. Strong Village Social: Lose 1 VT
Lose vs. Strong Village Fight: Gain 1 DT
Win vs. Raiders: Gain 1 VT
Lose vs. Raiders: Lose 1D10 Food
Win vs. Epic Creature Fight: Gain +2 VT & 1D6 Food
Win vs. Epic Creature Social: Gain +3 VT 
Lose vs. Epic Creature: Gain 1 DT


1D10	Event			Notes:
1	Industry 		Gain 1D6 RT (Industry Roll)
2	Agriculture		Gain 1D6 RT (Agriculture Roll)
3	Trade			Gain 1D6 RT (Trade Roll)
4	Taxation 		Gain 1D6 RT (Taxation Roll)
5	New Mine		Industry +1; Costs 5 RT
5	Invention		Draw 1 Card
5	New Trade Route		Trade +1; Costs 5 RT
5	Build Wonder		VT +5; Costs 10 RT (Max 5)
5	Population Growth	Taxation +1; Costs 5 RT
5	Land Reform		Agriculture +1; Costs 5 RT
6	Bandits/Pirates		Challenge Strength = 1D6
7	Small Nation		Challenge Strength = 1D6
8	Equal Nation		Challenge Strength = 2D6
9	Large Nation		Challenge Strength = 3D6
10	Special			Roll on Civ Special Table
Notes: RT replace FT in this Stage. 
If you roll a 5 pick which 5 result you want. 

1D10	Event			Notes:
1	Subdue Epic Creature	Gain 3 VT	
2	Dark Ages		Discard Hand
3	Plague			Lose 1D6 RT
4	Renaissance		Draw 2 Cards
5	Discovery		Gain 2 VT and Trade +1
6	Reformation		Gain Culture +1
7	Enlightenment		Gain Think +1 
8	Industrial Revolution	Gain 1D6 RT and Industry +1
9	Political Revolution	Gain Redirect +1
10	Great Leader		Play 1 Trait Card for Free

1D6	Challenge:
1-2	Military
3-4	Economic 
5-6	Culture
Notes: All Bandit/Pirate Challenges are Military

Win vs. Bandits/Pirates: Gain 1 VT
Lose vs. Bandits/Pirates: Lose 1D6 RT
Win vs. Small Nation Military: Gain 2 VT
Win vs. Equal Nation Military: Gain 3 VT and Draw 1 Card
Win vs. Large Nation Military: Gain 4 VT and Draw 2 Cards
Lose vs. Any Nation Military: Lose all RT; Gain 1 DT; Skip rest of Turn
Win vs. Small Nation Economic: Gain 1D6 RT and Agriculture +1
Win vs. Equal Nation Economic: Gain 1D6 +1 RT and Industry +1
Win vs. Large Nation Economic: Gain 2D6 +2 RT and Trade +1
Lose vs. Any Nation Economic: Lose 1D6 RT and 1 VT
Win vs. Small Nation Culture: Gain 1 VT and Culture +1
Win vs. Equal Nation Culture: Gain 2 VT and Economic +1
Win vs. Large Nation Culture: Gain 3 VT and Military +1
Lose vs. Any Nation Culture: Discard Hand


1D10	Event			Notes:
1	Excavation		Gain 1D6 RT (Excavation Roll)
2	Fabrication		Gain 1D6 RT (Fabrication Roll)
3	Energy Conversion	Gain 1D6 RT (Energy Roll)
4	Space Trade 		Gain 1D6 RT (Trade Roll)
5	Directed Research	Draw 1 Card
5	Build Power Stations	Energy +1
5	Study Galactic Object	Gain 1 VT
6	Easy Mission		Challenge Strength = 1D6
7-8	Standard Mission 	Challenge Strength = 2D6
9	Difficult Mission	Challenge Strength = 3D6
10	Space Raid		Conflict Challenge Strength = 1D6
Notes: If you roll a 5 pick which 5 result you want. 

1D10	Challenge:
1-2	Exploration
3-4	Terraforming
5-6	Conflict
7-8	Diplomacy
9-10	Pick One

Win vs. Exploration:  Roll on Space Exploration Table
Lose vs. Exploration: Nothing
Win vs. Terraforming: Gain 1D6 RT and Excavation +1
Lose vs. Terraforming: Lose 1D6 RT
Win vs. Conflict: Gain 2 VT and Draw 1 Card
Lose vs. Conflict: Gain 1 DT
Win vs. Diplomacy: Gain 2 VT and Trade +1
Lose vs. Diplomacy: Lose 1 VT
Win vs. Space Raid:  Gain 1 VT
Lose vs. Space Raid: Lose 1D6 RT

1D10	Result:			Notes:
1	Find Artifact		Play 1 Trait Card for Free
2	Find Resources		Gain 1D6 RT
3	Abduction Seeding	Next Terraform Challenge +3
4	Find Route		Trade +1
5	Plant Monolith		Gain 3VT; Costs 5 RT
5	Crop Circles		Gain 1VT
6	Observation		Draw 1 Card
7	Scout			Next Conflict Challenge +3
8	First Contact		Next Diplomacy Challenge +3
9	Find Energy Source	Energy +1
10	Long Range Scan		Next Exploration Challenge +3
Notes: If you roll a 5 pick which 5 result you want. 


Victory Point Tokens (VT or VP)
Food Tokens (FT)
Resource Tokens (RT)  
Hunger Tokens (HT) 
Death Tokens (DT)
Cost = In FT or RT depending on the Stage
ATK = Attack Attribute
DEF = Defense Attribute
Milit = Military Attribute
Econ = Economy Attribute
Cult = Culture Attribute
Conf = Conflict
Diplo = Diplomacy
Terra = Terraform
Feed +1 = Whenever you gain FT add your Feed Level to the Roll
Redirect +1 = Used to Reroll Event Table Rolls
Instinct +1 = Used to Reroll Challenge Type Rolls
Policy +1 = Used to Reroll Challenge Type Rolls
Breed +1 = Increases the number of cards you draw in Mutation Phase
Think +1 = Increases the number of cards you draw in Mutation Phase
Pack +1 = Allows you to Reroll Attribution Rolls 
Population +1 = Allows you to Reroll Attribution Rolls 
Specialization +1 = Allows you to Reroll Attribution Rolls 
End Stage = You cannot buy this Trait unless you have at least 6 Others. 
You may only have 1 End Stage Trait. 
Galactic Ban = Applying the Bonus of this Trait is Optional. Every time you 
do so lose 5 VT. You may have a max of 1 Galactic Ban Trait. 


Name			Move	ATK	DEF	VT	Cost	Notes: 
Light Sensors		1	1	1	1	10	Redirect +1
Flagella 		2	0	1	0	6	
Cillia			3	0	0	0	8	Feed +1
Spike			0	3	1	0	8	
Mouthparts		0	2	2	0	10	Feed +1
Poison Secretions	0	1	3	0	8	
Electrical Organelle	0	1	2	0	8	Instinct +1
Slime Coat		1	0	2	0	6	
Mitochondria		1	2	0	1	8	
Pseudopods		2	1	0	0	6	
Segmentation		1	0	1	1	6	
Spines			0	1	2	0	6	
Stinger			0	2	1	0	8	Instinct +1
Filaments		1	0	1	0	4	
Ganglia			0	1	1	1	8	Redirect +1
Neural Tube		1	1	0	1	8	Redirect +1
Phagocytosis		0	2	0	0	6	Feed +1
Budding			1	0	0	0	6	Breed +1
Fragmentation		1	0	1	0	8	Breed +1
Eukaryote		1	1	1	1	10	Instinct +1	
Gametogenesis		0	0	1	2	8	Breed +1
Golgi Apparatus		0	1	1	1	6	
Nucleus			0	0	1	2	6	
Chemotaxis		1	0	1	0	8	Redirect +1
Cell Signaling		1	0	1	1	8	Pack +1
Active Transport 	1	0	0	1	6	Feed +1
Lysosomes		0	1	1	0	6	Feed +1
Adhesion 		1	0	1	0	6	Pack +1
Colony Formation 	0	0	2	1	8	Pack +1
Microtubules		2	0	0	0	4	
Binary Fission		0	0	0	1	4	Breed +1
Spore Formation		0	0	3	0	6	
Oral Groove		1	0	0	0	4	Feed +1	


Name:			Move	Fight	Friend	VT	Cost	Notes: 
Powerful Jaws		0	3	0	0	8	Feed +1
Mandibles		0	2	0	0	6	Feed +1
Wings			3	1	1	0	10	
Tail			1	1	1	0	6	
Bipedal			0	0	1	2	8	Pack +1
Opposable Thumbs 	1	1	1	1	8	
Tentacles		0	1	1	1	6	
Claws			1	2	0	0	6	
Jumper			2	1	1	0	8	
Eye Stalks		1	0	1	0	6	Redirect +1
Sonar			1	1	0	0	6	Redirect +1
Big Nose		0	1	1	0	6	Feed +1
Super Snout		0	0	1	0	4	Feed +1
Ear Flaps		0	1	2	0	8	Redirect +1
Acute Hearing		0	1	0	1	6	Redirect +1
Talons			1	3	0	0	8	
Hair			0	0	2	0	4	Warm +1
Scales			1	1	0	0	4	
Hooves			2	1	0	0	8	Pack +1
Feathers 		1	0	2	0	8	Warm +1
Charm			0	1	3	0	10	Breed +1
Dance			0	0	3	0	10	Breed +1 Pack +1
Sing			0	0	2	1	10	Breed +1 Pack +1
Pose			0	1	2	0	10	Breed +1 Pack +1
Spitter			0	2	0	0	4	
Glider			2	1	0	0	6	
Tusks			0	2	1	0	6	
Antlers			0	2	2	0	8	
Long Neck		0	0	2	0	6	Feed +1
Prehensile Tail		1	0	1	1	6	
Warm Blooded		1	1	0	1	8	Warm +1
Large Size		1	1	1	0	8	Warm +1
Live Birth		0	0	0	2	6	Breed +1
Nesting			0	0	0	1	4	Breed +1
Color Vision		1	0	0	1	6	Redirect +1
Compound Eyes		1	1	0	0	6	Redirect +1
Antennae 		1	0	1	0	6	Redirect +1
Trunk			0	1	1	1	6	
Herd			1	1	0	0	8	Pack +1 Instinct +1
Pride			0	2	0	1	8	Pack +1
Hive			0	1	0	0	6	Feed +1 Pack +1
Flock			2	0	1	0	8	Pack +1
Camouflage		1	2	1	0	8	
Sneak			1	1	0	0	6	Instinct +1
Swimmer			2	0	0	0	4	
Charge			1	2	0	0	8	Instinct +1
Raging Roar		0	2	0	0	6	Instinct +1
Siren Song		0	0	3	0	6	
Summon Flock		0	1	1	0	6	Pack +1
Tool Use		0	1	0	2	8	Feed +1
Warning Cry		0	1	1	1	8	Instinct +1
Pincers			0	2	0	0	6	Feed +1
Shell			0	2	1	0	6	
Sprinter 		3	0	0	0	8	Instinct +1


Name			Fight	Social	VT	Cost	Notes: 
Stone Axes		3	0	0	6	
Fishing Spears		1	0	0	4	Fishing +1
Body Paint		1	1	0	6	Instinct +1
Drums			1	2	0	8	Instinct +1
Wooden Horns		1	2	0	8	Redirect +1
Plow			0	0	1	4	Agriculture +1
Flags			1	1	1	6	
Firesworks		0	3	0	8	Instinct +1
Fire Bombs		2	1	0	6	
Torches			2	1	1	8	
Beast Master		1	1	1	8	Population +1
Rain Dance		0	1	1	6	Agriculture +1
Spears			2	0	0	6	Hunting +1
Shields			2	0	0	4	
Masks			1	1	1	8	Instinct +1
Funny Hats		0	2	0	4	
Healing Stick		1	1	0	4	
Shamanism		1	2	1	10	Redirect +1
War Chief		2	0	0	6	Instinct +1
Knives			1	0	1	4	
Nets			1	0	0	6	Fishing +1 Hunting +1
Totem Pole		1	1	2	10	Instinct +1
Weaving			0	1	1	4	
Baskets			0	1	0	4	Gathering +1
Fermentation		1	1	1	8	Agriculture +1
Ritual Burial		0	1	3	10	Think +1
Jewelry			0	2	1	6	
Healing Herbs		1	1	1	8	Population +1
Language 		1	1	1	8	Think +1
Maracas			0	2	0	4	
Didgeridoos		0	3	0	6	
Metal Working		2	1	2	10	
Clothing 		0	2	1	6	
Bow & Arrows		2	0	1	8	Hunting +1
Star Gazing		0	1	2	8	Think +1
Cooking			0	2	1	8	Population +1
Magical Thinking 	0	1	1	6	Redirect +1
Scouts			2	0	0	6	Redirect +1
Traps			1	0	0	4	Hunting +1
Granary			0	0	2	6	Agriculture +1
The Wheel		0	0	2	4	
Trading			0	3	1	10	Think +1
Sickles			0	0	0	4	Gathering +1 Agriculture +1
Pottery			0	0	2	8	Gathering +1 Agriculture +1
Canoes			0	0	2	6	Fishing +1
Tents			0	0	2	6	Redirect +1
Huts			0	0	1	4	Population +1
Cave Painting		0	0	2	6	Think +1

Name			Milit	Econ	Cult	VT	Cost	Notes: 
Ground Vehicles		2	2	0	0	8	
Airplanes		3	1	0	1	10	
Balloons 		1	0	0	1	4	
Engineering		1	1	0	1	10	Industry +1; Think +1
Architecture		1	1	1	2	10	
Fortifications		2	0	0	1	6	
Mythology		0	0	3	1	8	
Religion 		0	0	3	0	8	Think +1
Propaganda		1	0	2	0	8	Redirect +1
Nationalism		2	1	1	0	10	Policy +1
Guns			2	0	0	0	4	
Artillery		3	0	0	0	6	
Missiles 		2	0	0	1	6	
Coinage			0	2	0	1	10	Trade +1; Taxation +1
Banking			0	3	0	0	8	Taxation +1
Philosophy		1	1	2	0	10	Think +1
Chemical Fertilizers	0	2	0	0	6	Agriculture +1
Selective Breeding	0	2	0	1	8	Agriculture +1
Government		1	1	1	0	8	Redirect +1
Institutions		1	1	1	1	10	Policy +1
Combustion		1	1	0	1	8	Industry +1
Colonialism		1	1	1	0	8	Population +1
Crusades 		2	0	2	0	10	Policy +1
Universities		0	1	0	1	6	Think +1
Temples			0	0	2	1	6	
Roads			1	2	0	0	8	Trade +1
Railroads		1	2	0	0	8	Industry +1
Literature		0	0	2	1	8	Think +1
Drama			0	0	2	2	8	
Medicine 		0	0	0	2	6	Population +1
Radio			1	1	1	1	8	
Telecommunications	1	1	1	1	10	Redirect +1
Astronomy		0	0	1	3	8	
Law			1	1	1	0	8	Taxation +1
Sailing Ships		1	2	0	1	10	Trade +1
Stocks & Bonds		0	3	0	0	6	
Missionaries		0	0	3	0	6	
Sanitation		0	1	0	1	6	Population +1
Beaurocracy		0	1	0	1	6	Taxation +1
Navy			3	0	0	1	8	
Computers		1	1	1	1	10	Think +1
Fanaticism		0	0	5	0	10	End Stage
Nukes			5	0	0	0	10	End Stage
Global Merger		0	5	0	0	10	End Stage

Name:			Explore	Confl	Terra	Diplo	VT	Cost	Notes: 
Gravity Wave		0	0	5	0	0	10	Galactic Ban	
Planet Buster		0	5	0	0	0	10	Galactic Ban 
Fanatical Frenzy 	0	0	0	5	0	10	Galactic Ban
Fusion Reactors		0	1	0	0	1	6	Energy +1
Interstellar Drive	3	0	0	0	1	8	
Arms Dealer		1	2	0	0	0	8	Trade +1
Interplanetary Drive	3	0	0	0	0	6	
Galactic Speed Demon 	2	1	0	0	0	8	Redirect +1
Wormhole Key		3	1	0	0	0	8	
Spice Savant		0	0	1	0	1	6	Excavation +1
Asteroid Mining		1	0	0	0	1	6	Excavation +1
Heat Ray		0	2	2	0	0	8	
Universal Translators	0	0	0	3	1	8	
Planetary Scanners	2	0	1	0	1	8	
Nano Technology		1	1	1	0	1	10	Fabrication +1
Materializers		0	0	2	0	1	8	Fabrication +1
Teleportation Pads	1	1	0	0	1	6	
Power Monger   		1	1	1	0	0	8	Energy +1
Lasers			0	2	0	0	0	4	
Auto Blasters		0	3	0	0	0	6	
Proton Missiles  	0	3	0	0	0	6	
Antimatter Bombs 	0	3	0	0	0	8	Policy +1
Genetic Engineering	0	1	2	0	0	8	Specialization +1
Atmospheric Converters	0	0	3	0	0	6	 
Telepathy Chambers	1	1	0	3	0	10	
Heads in Jars		0	0	0	0	2	6	Think +1
Space Fireworks 	0	0	0	2	0	4	
Cybernetics		0	1	0	0	0	4	Specialization +1		
Gracious Greeting	1	0	0	3	0	8	
Colony Domes		1	0	2	1	0	8	
Artificial Intelligence	1	1	1	1	0	10	Think +1
Prime Specimen		1	1	1	1	0	10	Specialization +1
Gentle Generalist	1	0	1	1	1	10	Redirect +1
Green Keeper		1	0	2	0	0	6	
Colony Craze		1	0	3	0	1	10	
Brain Amplifiers 	0	1	0	2	0	8	Think +1
Tractor Beams		1	1	1	0	0	6	
Anti-Gravity Pods	1	1	1	0	1	8	
Return Ticket		1	1	0	0	1	8	Redirect +1
Cash Infusion		0	0	0	1	1	6	Discard a Card for 1D6 RT
Pirate Hunters		1	2	0	1	0	10	+2 vs Space Raid Events
Safari Vacuum		2	0	2	0	0	8	
Soothing Song		0	0	0	2	1	8	Policy +1
SETI Detector		3	0	0	0	1	10	Redirect +1
Static Cling		0	3	0	0	1	8	
Raider Rally		0	2	0	1	0	6	
Ice Comet Call		0	2	2	0	0	10	Policy +1
Asteroid Call		0	3	1	0	0	8	
Hologram Scout		2	1	0	1	0	10	Policy +1
Cloaking Device		0	2	0	0	1	6	Redirect +1
Energy Shields		0	2	0	0	0	4	
Happiness Booster	0	0	0	2	1	6	
Embassies		0	0	0	3	0	8	Policy +1
Bio Stabilizer		0	0	3	0	1	8	
Mind Erasers		0	2	0	2	0	8	
Wildlife Sanctuary	1	0	2	0	1	8	


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