Card game for 2-4+ Players. 
STNG Theme. 

STNG is a licensed, copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

The first player to resolve 10 Encounters is the winner. 

There are 2 Decks: 
1. The Encounter Deck
2. The Enterprise Deck

These are events, complications, and missions the players are 
Trying to resolve. All require 2-3 specific crew to complete. 

These fall into 2 main categories: Ship Cards and Crew Cards. 
Some can be both and some can be used for special Actions. 

Shuffle the Decks. 
Each player is dealt 4 cards from the Enterprise Deck. 
Flip the top 3 cards of the Encounter Deck over face up in a line. 
These are the Available Encounter Cards. 
Flip the top 5 cards of the Enterprise Deck over face up in a line. 
These are the Bridge Cards. 

The youngest player goes first. 
Play proceeds clockwise. 
Each turn has 5 Phases:
1.  Ready Phase
2.  Action Phase
3.  Mission Phase
4.  Penalty Phase
5.  End Phase

Fill your hand to 5 cards with cards drawn from top of the 
Enterprise Deck. If the Deck ever runs out, shuffle the 
Discard and draw from it. 

You may take up to 3 Actions in this Phase. 
These can include: 
1. Discarding a Card and Drawing a replacement from the 
Top of the Enterprise Deck. 
2. Switching a card in your hand for a Bridge Card. 
3. Activating the Special Ability of a Bridge Card. 

You may Complete (Resolve) one of the Available Encounter Cards. 
To do this you must make a combo. 
A combo must include 5 Crew Cards and 1 Ship Card for a total of 6 Cards. 
Five cards of the combo must be from your hand. 
The Sixth card must be one of the Bridge Cards. 
2-3 of the 5 Crew must match the ones listed on the Encounter Card. 
You cannot have Duplicate Crew Cards (You cannot play 2 Picards). 
If you are able to make the Combo, discard all the cards you used 
To make it and place the Encounter card into your Victory Pile. 

If you did not resolve an Encounter this Turn you must take a 
Penalty. Each Encounter Card Lists a Penalty. Take the Penalty of the 
Farthest most Available Encounter Card. Penalty types include: 
Destruction: Discard your Hand.
Lost: Miss your Next Turn.
Delay: Get 1 less Action next Turn.
Death: Discard a Crew Card from your hand. 
Damage: Discard a Ship Card from your hand. 
Blocked: Next Turn you must solve this Encounter if it is still Available. 
Retreat: Next Turn you cannot solve this Encounter Card. 
Reprimand: Discard 1 Card from your Victory Pile. 

If there are less than 3 Available Encounters, flip over a replacement 
from the Encounter Deck. 
Discard down to 3 Bridge Cards. Discard those Farthest down the line. 
Shift the remaining Bridge cards towards the end of the line. 
Flip over 2 replacements from the Enterprise Deck to bring the total 
Number of Bridge cards up to 5.  

Whenever you use the Special Ability of a Bridge card you must discard it. 
Attack = Opponent must discard 2 random cards from his hand. 
New Mission = Discard an Available Encounter card and draw 
A replacement for it. 
Provide Options = Draw 2 Cards and add them to the Bridge. 
Repair = Replace this card with a Ship card from the Discard.
Reset = Discard your hand and Draw 5 new Cards. 
Extra Actions = Gain 2 Actions. 
Revive = Replace this card with a Crew card from the Discard. 
Scan = Look at Opponent’s Hand, or next 2 Cards in the Encounter 
Deck, or the next 5 cards in the Enterprise Deck. 
Steal = Target opponent must take a random card from his hand 
And add it to the Bridge Cards. 
Defend = Negate Penalty this Turn. 

Encounter: 			Requirements:
Q Conundrum 			Picard, Data, Troi (Blocked)
Borg Cube			Picard, La Forge (Destruction)
Edge of the Universe		Wesley, Picard (Lost)
Prime Directive			Picard, Data, Beverly (Reprimand)
Medical Mission 		Beverly, Troi (Death)
Cloaked Romulan Ship		Picard, Riker, Worf (Damage)
Klingon Warship 		Worf, Picard (Damage)
Ferengi Cruiser			Picard, Riker (Damage)
Holodeck Malfunction		Data, Picard (Delay)
Survival			Wesley, Picard (Death)
Time Loop			La Forge, Picard (Destruction)
Diplomacy Mission		Picard, Troi, Riker (Reprimand)
Science Mission 		La Forge, Data, Wesley (Blocked)
Mirror Universe 		Picard, Riker, La Forge (Lost)
God Like Entity			Picard, Troi (Blocked)
Mystery 			Data, Riker, La Forge (Blocked)
Undercover Mission		Riker, Troi (Delay)
Legal Dispute			Picard, Data (Delay)
Ethical Dilemma 		Picard, Troi (Death)
Study Anomaly			Wesley, La Forge (Retreat)
Rescue Mission			Riker, Worf (Death)
First Contact			Troi, Picard (Retreat)
Training Mission		Riker, Wesley, La Forge (Retreat)
Escort Mission			Troi, Beverly (Delay)
Colony Evacuation		La Forge, Data (Reprimand)
Death Trap			Picard, La Forge, Beverly (Destruction)
Matter of Honor 		Worf, Riker (Death)
Dangerous Experiment		Wesley, La Forge (Destruction)
Cultural Taboo			Picard, Troi, Wesley (Delay)
Contain Plague Ship		Beverly, Picard (Death)
Kidnapping			Riker, La Forge (Blocked)
Rogue Supersoldiers		Picard, Troi, Worf (Damage)

Card:				Notes: 
The Enterprise			Ship Card: 4 Copies in Deck
Captain Picard			Crew Card: 6 Copies in Deck
William Riker			Crew Card: 4 Copies in Deck
Commander Data  		Crew Card: 4 Copies in Deck
Ships Counselor Troi		Crew Card: 4 Copies in Deck
Chief of Security Worf		Crew Card: 4 Copies in Deck
Geordi La Forge			Crew Card: 4 Copies in Deck
Dr. Beverly Crusher		Crew Card: 3 Copies in Deck
Ensign Wesley Crusher		Crew Card: 3 Copies in Deck
Tasha Yar			Use as Worf or Defend
Dr. Pulaski			Use as Beverly or Revive
Guinan				Use as Troi or Provide Options
Transporter Chief O’Brien	Use as Crew or Extra Actions
Lieutenant Barclay		Use as La Forge or Repair
Technobabble			Use as Wesley or La Forge or Data
Psychobabble			Use as Troi or Provide Options
Real Boy			Use as Wesley or Data
Command 			Use as Picard or Riker
Integrity			Use as Picard or Beverly 
Cunning 			Use as Riker or Provide Options
The Traveler			Use as Wesley or New Mission
Crushing It			Use as Wesley or Beverly
Leadership			Use as Picard or Provide Options
Phasers				Use as Ship or Attack
Photon Torpedoes		Use as Ship or Attack
Scanners			Use as Ship or Scan
Geordi’s Visor			Use as La Forge or Scan
Tractor Beam			Use as Ship or Steal
Sickbay				Use as Ship or Revive or Beverly
Bridge				Use as Picard or Ship
Holodeck			Use as Ship or Reset
Away Team			Use as Crew or Reset
Ships Computer  		Use as Ship or Data
Tricorder			Use as Revive or Repair
Ten Forward			Use as Ship or Crew
Engineering			Use as Ship or Repair or La Forge
Transporters			Use as Ship or Extra Actions
Replicators			Use as Ship or Provide Options
Shuttlecraft			Use as Ship or Extra Actions
Renaissance Man 		Use as Picard or Data
Friends and Lovers		Use as Riker or Troi
Wormhole			Use as New Mission or Provide Options
Red Alert			Use as Ship or Crew
Probe				Use as Ship or Scan
Shields				Use as Ship or Defend
Hologram Personality		Use as Ship or Crew
Lovely Ladies			Use as Beverly or Troi
Impulse Power			Use as Ship or Provide Options
Tactical Station		Use as Ship or Worf or Attack
Empathy				Use as Troi or Scan
Warp Speed			Use as Ship or New Mission
Make It So			Use as Picard or Extra Actions


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