INTRODUCTION Titanic Struggle between Rival Super Hero/Villain Teams. VICTORY You win if all Heroes/Minions of the opposing Team are neutralized. Neutralized = Defeated or Delayed THE DECKS There are 2 Common Decks: The Recruit Deck & the Action Deck. RECRUIT DECK This includes the following card types: Heroes (Villains) Minions Aids Plots Upgrades ACTION DECK This includes the following card types: Events Battle Action cards are immediately discarded after being used. Battle cards are used in Action Phase to modify Attacks. Event cards are used as described in their text. DICE Six sided dice are needed. AID CARD & UPGRADE CARD ATTACHMENT RULES Aid cards are attached to Heroes. Minions may not normally attach Aid cards. Only the Bad Guy player can attach Plot cards to his Heroes. A single Hero can attach a maximum of: 1 Origin 1 Base 1 Reputation 1 Sidekick 1 Suit 1 Helmet 1 Pair of Boots 1 Vehicle 1 Plot Upgrade cards attach to Aid cards. CARDS IN PLAY Cards in play are placed face-up on the table in between the players. Unattached Cards in play will include Heroes & Minions. Aid cards in play must be attached (partially under) to a Hero card. Upgrade cards in play must be attached (partially under) to an Aid card. TEAM LIMITS A Team can have a base maximum of 6 Heroes in it at a time. This includes Heroes with Delay and Damage Counters. SETUP Players determine which player will be the Good guys, and which will be the Bad guys. The bad guy goes first. Shuffle the Recruit Deck. Each player is dealt 10 Cards from the Recruit Deck. Players cannot attack on their first turn. TURN SEQUENCE Players take Turns. The current player is referred to as the active player. Each turn has 6 Phases: Contacts Phase Recruit Phase Equip Phase Tactics Phase Action Phase Recovery Phase CONTACTS PHASE Draw 2 Cards from the Recruit Deck and put them in your Recruit Hand. RECRUIT PHASE Only the active player may put cards into play. You may put any number of Hero cards from your hand into play. The bad guy player can put any number of Minion cards from his hand into play. Heroes under control of the Bad guy player are referred to as Villains. EQUIP PHASE Only the active player may put cards into play. You may attach Aid cards from your hand to your Heroes. Each Hero may receive a maximum of 1 Aid card per turn. Upgrade cards may be attached to Aid cards. Villains may attach Plot cards. Origin cards may only be attached to Heroes you put into play this turn. TACTICS PHASE Draw 2 Cards from the Action Deck and put them in your Action Hand. The Good Guy player may discard Plot, Plot Upgrade, & Minion cards from his hand. For each Plot, Plot Upgrade, & Minion card discarded, he may draw 2 Action cards. ACTION PHASE Each of your Heroes/Minions may attack once in this phase. A Hero/Minion with Delay Tokens cannot attack or be Attacked. The Attacker chooses the target Hero of the Attack. The target player may intercept the attack with another hero/minion he has in play. The hero/minion receiving the Attack is known as the Defender. A single defending Hero/Minion may only intercept once per turn. To attack compare the Total Force of the Attacker + 1D6 vs the Total Force of the Defender + 1D6. Battle cards are used to increase a target Heroes Force for a Single dice roll. Minions cannot normally use Battle cards. If the attackers total is greater the target receives Damage Tokens equal to the difference. If a Hero has more Damage Markers than Force, he is discarded (defeated). All Aid cards attached to the defeated card are also discarded. ATTACK TYPES Most attacks are of the Damage Type (vs a single target) as described in Action Phase. (If unstated, consider an attack to be of the Damage type.) There are other types of attacks that do not cause Damage: Immobilization and Control A successful Immobilization attack results in 1D6 Delay Tokens being placed on the Target. A successful Control attack results in you taking control of the Target Hero. If a Minion is ‘controlled’ by a Good Hero, it is destroyed (discarded). The Extra attack ability allows a second attack of whatever type the Hero normally makes. Some cards that allow an Extra attack will designate it as a Damage attack of a stated Force. Area Affect Attacks are usually of the Damage Type (vs all targets) but can be of the Other types if the Hero has both Abilities (Area Affect and either Immobilization or Control) RECOVERY PHASE Remove one Damage or Delay Tokens from each of your Heroes/Minions in Play. Max hand sizes = 7. Discard excess cards from your hands. Excess Team Members are also discarded (discard newest ones first) RECRUIT DECK CARD LIST TYPE NOTATION H = Hero M = Minion A = Aid P = Minor Plot (Aid) MP = Major Plot (Aid) O = Origin (Aid) B = Base (Aid) S = Sidekick (Aid) V = Vehicle (Aid) D = Device (Aid) R = Reputation (Aid) W = Weakness (Aid: Attach to opposing Hero) BU = Base Upgrade VU = Vehicle Upgrade PU = Plot Upgrade (For Major Plots only) RECRUIT DECK CARD LIST TRAIT NOTATION S = Strong P = Psychic A = Agility E = Energy M = Magic G = Gadgets N = None RECRUIT DECK CARD LIST SPECIAL ABILITY NOTATION Defender = +3 Force when Defending Damager = +3 Force when Attacking Area Affect = Attack targets all Enemy Heroes/Minions in Play (Roll for each separately) Dodger = On a Roll of 4+ on 1D6 target Attack has no effect on Dodger Extra Attack: Hero gets 1 extra attack on his turn vs same or other target Immobilize: If attack Hits target gets 1D6 Delay Tokens Shock: If attack hits, opponent must discard 1 random card from his Action hand Genius: Draw an extra Card in Contacts Phase Control: If attack Hits, gain control of Target Hero (Until controller delayed/discarded) Regenerate: Remove 1 extra Damage or Delay Token in Recovery Phase Leader: All your other Heroes get Force +1 F + X: Force plus X RECRUIT DECK CARD LIST Card Name: Type Force Traits Notes (Special Ability): Doctor Metropolis H 4 G Certifiable: Genius Johnny Atlas H 5 S Greco Roman Wrestling: Immobilize Sergeant Strong H 4 S Tough as Nails: Defender Stare-Master H 3 P Staring Contest: Immobilize Sub-Sonik H 3 E Sonic Scream: Shock Metro-Gnome H 2 S Hurl Concrete Blocks: Extra Attack Phantom Dynamo H 3 E Magnetic Repulse: Defender Captain Airship H 2 G Bombs Away: Area Attack Headstrong H 3 S Head Butt: Damager Professor Infinity H 5 P Father Figure: Leader Web Master H 3 A Sticky Webs: Immobilize All-American Amazon H 3 A Castrate: Damager Mister Mystery H 2 M Vanishing Act: Dodger Plant Control Man H 2 N Vines: Immobilize Masked Meteor H 3 A Incredible Speed: Dodger Crimson Comet H 4 E Throw Comets: Extra Attack Ghostly Gunslinger H 3 A Six Shooter: Extra Attack Miss Mental H 2 P Nag: Extra Attack Radioactive Ranger H 3 E Microwaves: Area Affect Captain Stupendous H 4 S Incredible Finger Strength: Damager Miss Micro H 1 A Go Unnoticed: Dodger Cinder Block Man H 4 S Hard as Rock: Defender Vengeancer H 3 G Lots of Guns: Extra Attack Alpha Girl H 3 S Bitch Slap: Damager Doctor Destiny H 3 M See the Future: Genius Rubberman H 4 A Stretch: Dodger Helter Smelter H 3 G Blow Torch: Damager Colossal Skull H 4 P Glowing Eyes: Immobilize Iron Pharaoh H 5 S Buns of Steel: Defender Atomic Anarchist H 5 E Mushroom Cloud: Area Affect Space Vixen H 3 A Seduction: Control Roboticus H 4 G Off The Shelf Parts: Regenerate Doctor Ominous H 3 G Baleful Stare: Leader Funk Master 5 H 3 A Rap Attack: Extra Attack Where-Wolf H 5 A Lycanthrope: Regenerate The Puzzle Master H 3 G Unfailable Logic: Genius Mister Brainstem H 2 P Force of Will: Control Ginsu H 3 A Knives: Extra Attack Slip Knot H 2 A Hog Tie: Immobilize Tornado Girl H 3 E Cyclonic Storm: Area Affect Doctor Shellfish H 3 A Ink Cloud: Immobilize Hairy Beast H 5 S Animal Reflexes: Dodger Thermostatix H 4 E Heat Wave: Area Affect Chilly Chill H 2 E Freeze: Immobilize Red Lobster H 3 S Claws: Damager Electric Bugaloo H 2 E Static Discharge: Shock Robotic Dinosaur M 4 S Big Teeth: Damager Giant Berserker Robots M 5 G Heavily Armored: Defender Reanimated Pets M 2 N Reanimated: Regenerate Smog Monster M 4 N Smog Cloud: Immobilize Cave Men M 3 N - Flying Monkeys M 1 A Quick little Suckers: Dodger Ninja Assassins M 3 A - Hover Disc Patrol Craft M 2 N - Ravenous Doom Hounds M 3 N Note: Cannot be Intercepted Zombie Hordes M 3 N Undead: Regenerate Meta-Human Street Gang M 3 N Can use Battle Cards for any Trait Mob Gangsters M 2 N Tommy Guns: Extra Attack Super Models M 3 N Swedish Back Massage: Immobilize Androids M 4 N - Cosmic Space Beast M 5 N Cosmic Horror: Shock Slimy Alien Parasites M 4 P Brain Implantation: Control Chimp Boy S +1 - Hero gains Strong Trait Toadie S +1 - Hero gains Agility Trait Battle Fetus S +1 - Hero gains Gadget Trait Golem Boy S +1 - Hero gains Magic Trait Tail Gunner S +1 - Hero gets Extra Attack ability Talking Dog S +1 - - Mini-Me S +1 - - Evil Genius R +1 - Villain only; Gain Genius ability Nemesis R +1 - Villain only Archenemy R +1 - Villain only Megalomaniacal Industrialist R +1 - Villain only Millionaire Playboy R - - Hero gains Gadget Trait Caped Crusader R +1 - Good Hero only Costumed Vigilante R +1 - Good Hero only Crime Fighter R +1 - Good Hero Only Brooding Antihero R +1 - Good Hero only Team Leader R +1 - Good Hero only; Gains Leader Ability Runaway Freight Train P +1 - Hijacking P +1 - Take Hostages P +1 - Shadowy Government Forces P +1 - Elaborate Deathtrap P +1 - Giant Meteor MP +1 - Radiomutation Bomb MP +1 - Tidal Wave MP +1 - Destroy the Hoover Dam MP +1 - Phantom Wars MP +1 - Interdimensional Apocalypse MP +1 - Global Warming MP +1 - Volcanic Eruption MP +1 - Solar Flare MP +1 - Doomsday Plot PU +1 - Ultimatum PU +1 - World Domination PU +1 - Diabolical Plot PU +1 - Insidious Plot PU +1 - Manhattan Project O +1 Freak Industrial Accident O +1 Inject Untested Formula O +1 Top Secret Experiment O +1 Gamma Ray Bombardment O +1 Dark Moon Rays O +1 Mysterious Brain Nodes O +1 Nuclear Test Range O +1 Unprotected Sex O +1 Mutant Family O +1 Physical Transformation O +1 New Promethean O +1 Radioactive Insect Bite O +1 Mystical Artifact O +1 Obscure Illness O +1 Stasis Disruptor Flareout O +1 Super-Soldier Serum O +1 Mythical Incarnation O +1 Vat of Chemical X O +1 Electro-Shock Therapy O +1 Last Survivor of Alien Race O +1 High Frequency Neutronic Ray O +1 Lethal Charge of Radiation O +1 Kryptonite Sensitivity W -1 Tragic Flaw W -1 Dependants W -1 Mole City B +1 Dark Atlantis B +1 Meridian Complex B +1 Subterranean Cavern B +1 Orbiting Base Station B +1 Elegant Mansion B +1 Shadow Zone Base B +1 Luxury Penthouse B +1 School for the Gifted B +1 Inactive Volcano B +1 Converted Missile Silo B +1 Sewer System B +1 Abandoned Warehouse B +1 Super Fortress B +1 Ancestral Castle B +1 Deserted Island B +1 Pocket Dimension Base B +1 Heli-Carrier Base B +1 Polar Ice Station B +1 Sea Lab B +1 Secret Headquarters B +1 Super Computer BU - Hero gains Genius Ability Fancy Equipment BU - Hero Gains Gadget Trait or F+2 if already Gadget Danger Room BU - Hero gains Leader Ability or F+2 if already Leader Laser Turret BU - Hero gains Extra Attack of Force = 3 Giant Antennae BU - Look at Opponents hand once per turn Crime Lab BU - Tactics Hand Size Max +1 Secluded BU - Always attack this Hero last Surgical Operating Room BU - Hero gains Regeneration ability Atomic Reactor BU - Hero gains Energy Trait or F+2 if already Energy Force Field Generator BU - Hero gains Defender Ability Mystical Energies Node BU - Hero gains Magic Trait or F+2 if already Magic Stasis Containment Field BU - Hero gains Immobilize Ability Weapon Test Range BU - Hero gains Damager Ability Arsenal BU - Hero gains Extra Attack Ability Ample Storage Space BU - Recruit Hand Size Max +1 Escape Tunnel BU - Hero gains Dodger Ability Vehicle Docking Bay BU - Attach any number of Vehicles to Hero Trophy Room BU - Team Size +1 Tactical Command Center BU - Draw 1 extra Action card in Tactics Phase Neural Nexus Chamber BU - Hero gains Psychic Trait or F+2 if already Psychic Rumpus Room BU - Team Size +1 Omnimobile V +1 May attach one Base Upgrade Super Van V +1 May attach one Base Upgrade Jet-Sub V +1 May attach one Base Upgrade Stealth Blimp V +1 May attach one Base Upgrade Space Cruiser V +1 May attach one Base Upgrade Twin-Jet Scooter V +1 - Rocket Car V +1 - Bewitched Motorcycle V +1 - Cosmic Surfboard V +1 - Jet-Coptor V +1 - Talking Dune Buggy V +1 - Alien Saucer V +1 - Invisible Jet V +1 - Tunnel Digger V +1 - Armored Plating VU - Hero gets Defender Ability Robotic Tentacles VU - Hero gains Extra Attack Ability Advanced Exo-Battlesuit D +1 Hero gets Defender Ability Alien Ring of Power D +1 Hero gets Energy Trait Magic Amulet D +1 Hero gets Magic Trait Rocket Boots D +1 Hero gets Dodger Ability Metal Helmet D +1 Hero Immune to Psychic Attacks Super Spandex D +1 - ACTION DECK CARD TYPE NOTATION B = Battle E = Event ACTION DECK USER NOTATION User = What type of Hero can use the Card S = Strong P = Psychic A = Agility E = Energy M = Magic G = Gadgets V = Villain H = Good Hero Y = Any Hero ACTION DECK CARD LIST Card Name: Type User Notes: Save the Day E H Destroy Target Plot Card Crime Sensor E H Look at Opponents Hands Discover True Identity E Y Put 1D6 Delay Tokens on Target Hero Cellular Regeneration E P/M Remove all Damage/Delay Tokens from Target Kidnap Sidekick E V Discard Target Sidekick Time Travel E P/M Redo Phase that just ended Heroic Escape B Y Defender gets Force +5 Human Shield B V Negate Target Attack Thirst for Vengeance B H Attacker gets Force +4 Tough Love B H Hero gets Force +3 Super Strength B S Hero gets Force +3 Seismic Shock B S Attack type becomes Area Affect Crush B S Attacker gets Force +4 Smash B S Attacker gets Force +4 Hurl Large Objects B S Attacker gets Force +4 Break Free B S Remove all Delay Tokens from Hero Super Tough B S Defender gets Force +5 Invulnerability B S Defender gets Force +5 Blasts B E Non-Area Affect Attack of Force +4 Beams B E Non-Area Affect Attack of Force +4 Rays B E Non-Area Affect Attack of Force +4 Storm B E Attack type becomes Area Affect Super Sonic Flight B E Defender gets Force +5 Energy Shield B E Defender gets Force +5 Elemental Barrier B E/M Defender gets Force +5 Enchantment B M Attack type becomes Immobilization Hypnosis B M Attack type becomes Control Supernatural Powers B M Hero gets Force +3 Planar Shift B M Attack type becomes Area Affect Illusions B M Hero gets Force +3 Transmutation B M Hero gets Force +3 Disappearing Act B M Defender gets Force +5 Brainwashing B P Attack type becomes Control Telekinesis B P Hero gets Force +3 Extra Sensory Perception B P Defender gets Force +5 Mental Domination B P Attack type becomes Control Psionic Force Bolts B P Attacker gets Force +4 Psychic Maelstrom B P Attack type becomes Area Affect Nightmares B P Attack type becomes Immobilization Telepathy B P Gain Leader ability for rest of Phase Destruct-o-Beam B G Attacker gets Force +4 Utility Belt B G Hero gets Force +3 Cybernetics B G Hero gets Force +3 Paralysis Ray B G Attack type becomes Immobilization Acid Grenades B G Attacker gets Force +4 Locator Device B G Hero gets Force +3 Holograms B G Defender gets Force +5 Remote Control B G Hero gets Force +1 & Draw 1 Action card Body Armor B G Defender gets Force +5 Net Caster B G Attack type becomes Immobilization Dodge B A Defender gets Force +5 Leap B A Hero gets Force +3 Outrun Projectiles B A Defender gets Force +5 Super Reflexes B A Hero gets Force +3 Heightened Senses B A Hero gets Force +3 Natural Scrapper B A Attacker gets Force +4 Stealth B A Hero gets Force +3 Punch B Y Attacker gets Force +1 Kick B Y Attacker gets Force +2

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