Card game for two players.
Battle between opposing fleets in the Star Trek Universe.

Each player gets one unique deck.

Thanks Zak. This set is awesome!
Goto Zaks Site

Types of cards include:
Ships, Personnel, Control, and Combat cards.

Each player starts with a Fleet Total of 100 points.

You win if you reduce your opponents Fleet Total to zero points.

All ships are designated as Small, Medium, Large, or Fighters.
All ships have an Attack Score and a Defense Score.
Shield cards played with large ships get Defense +2
Shield cards played with small ships get Defense -1
Shield cards played with fighters get Defense -2
Evasion cards played with large ships get Defense -1
Evasion cards played with small ships get Defense +3
Evasion cards played with fighters get Defense +4
Ships with Initiative get to attack first in Combat.
Ships with Command give Initiative to any one ship every turn. 

Players take turns.
Each turn has 4 phases:
1. Warp Phase
2. Deployment Phase
3. Control Phase
4. Combat Phase

Both players Draw 5 cards.
If your deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.

Put all Ships you draw into play (face up in front of you).
Place Personnel Cards into play onto Ships just deployed.
A ship may have a maximum of 1 Captain, 1 Officers, and 1 Crew.

Ships with Detect allow you to look at your opponent’s hand.
If the hand contains Cloak cards you may discard one.
Discard all Control cards played at the end of this phase.

Declare a target for each of your ships. 
A target can be any opposing ship or the opponents Fleet.
If the defender has any ships not being attacked, those ships may block any 
attacker they like.
A ship does damage equal to its Attack rating.
Every ship has a Attack & Defense rating. Attached Personnel add to these ratings.
Players may play Combat cards onto their ships to increase the Ship’s 
Force & Defense ratings.
If the Attack total is greater than the target ships Defense Rating, the 
target is destroyed.
The Attacking & Target ships simultaneously do damage to each other. 
Ships with “Initiative” get to apply their attack first.
If a ship is attacked by two or more ships, it applies its Attack rating to 
them in any combination it likes to the attackers.
If a ship is attacked by two or more ships, the attackers combine their 
Attack ratings but not their Defense ratings.
If the Fleet is attacked and the attacker is unblocked, subtract a number of 
Points from the Fleet Total equal to the Force of the attacking ship.
Discard all Combat cards played at the end of this phase.
If a ship is destroyed, all of its fighters are destroyed too.

C = Combat (Play in Combat Phase)
P = Personnel
LS = Large Ship
MS = Medium Ship
SS = Small Ship
F = Fighter
X = Control Card (Play in Control Phase)

Card Name:		Number	Type	Attack	Defense	Notes
Offensive Phasers 	8	C	+2	-	
Defensive Phasers 	4	C	+1	-	Destroy opposing Fighter or Drone
Photon Torpedoes  	4	C	+5	-	
Drones			2	C	+5	-	
Boarding Party		2	C	+5	-	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Transporter Mines	2	C	-	-	Do 4 Damage to Attacking Ship
Tractor Beam		2	C	+1	+1	Negate Evasion Card
Shields			8	C	-	+3	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Evasion			8	C	-	+3	
Wild Weasel		1	C	-	+1	Destroy opposing Drone
Tactics			4	C	-	-	Ship gains Initiative this turn
Non-Violent Combat	1	C	+1	+2
Legendary Captain	2	P	+3	+3	Ship gains Initiative
Elite Officers		2	P	+2	+2	Ship gains Detect
Veteran Crew		2	P	+1	+1	
SWAC Shuttle		1	P	-	+1	Ship gains Detect
Dreadnaught		3	LS	9	9	Photon Torpedoes +2
Heavy Command Cruiser	1	LS	8	8	Command
Command Cruiser		1	MS	7	7	Command
Strike Carrier		2	MS	1	5	Carries 5 Fighter Tokens (1/1)
Heavy Cruiser		3	MS	6	7	"Constitution Class"
Light Cruiser		2	MS	4	6	
Escort Cruiser		1	MS	4	4	
Commando Cruiser  	1	MS	3	4	Boarding Parties +3
Destroyer Leader  	1	MS	5	5	Command
Destroyer		4	SS	5	5	
Guided Weapons Destyr	1	SS	4	5	Drones +3
Scout			2	SS	4	5	Detect
Battle Tug		1	MS	5	5	
Emergency Repairs	2	X	-	-	Put ship in discard into your hand
Sensors			4	X	-	-	Ship gains Detect this turn
Reinforcements		2	X	-	-	Fleet Total +5

Card Name:		Number	Type	Attack	Defense	Notes
Offensive Phasers	8	C	+2	-	
Defensive Phasers	4	C	+1	-	Destroy opposing Fighter or Drone
Disruptors		7	C	+3	-	
Drones			3	C	+5	-	
Boarding Party		3	C	+6	-	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Transporter Mines	2	C	-	-	Do 4 Damage to Attacking Ship
Tractor Beam		2	C	+1	+1	Negate Evasion Card
Shields			8	C	-	+3	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Evasion			8	C	-	+3	
Tactics			4	C	-	-	Ship gains Initiative this turn
Legendary Captain	2	P	+3	+3	Ship gains Initiative
Elite Officers		2	P	+2	+2	Ship gains Detect
Veteran Crew		2	P	+1	+1	
C9 Dreadnaught		1	LS	10	10	
C8 Dreadnaught		1	LS	10	11	
Space Control Ship	1	LS	10	10	Command
Heavy Carrier		1	LS	2	8	Carries 6 Fighter Tokens (1/1)
Strike Carrier		1	MS	1	5	Carries 4 Fighter Tokens (1/1)
Command Cruiser		1	MS	6	6	Command
D7 Battlecruiser	        2	MS	6	6	Boarding Parties +3
D6 Battlecruiser    	3	MS	6	6	
Drone Battlecruiser	1	MS	5	6	Drones +3
D6S Heavy Scout		1	MS	5	6	Detect
F5 Frigate		5	SS	4	4	
F5V Light Carrier	1	SS	1	3	Carries 2 Fighter Tokens (1/1)
F5E Combat Escort	1	SS	3	5	
E4 Escort		2	SS	3	3	
Emergency Repairs	1	X	-	-	Put ship in discard into your hand
Sensors			2	X	-	-	Ship gains Detect this turn
Reinforcements		2	X	-	-	Fleet Total +5

Card Name:		Number	Type	Attack	Defense	Notes
Offensive Phasers	8	C	+2	-	
Defensive Phasers	4	C	+1	-	Destroy opposing Fighter or Drone
Plasma Torpedoes	5	C	+4	-	
Boarding Party		2	C	+5	-	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Transporter Mines	2	C	-	-	Do 4 Damage to Attacking Ship
Large Nuclear Mine	1	C	-	-	Do 6 Damage to Attacking Ship
Tractor Beam		2	C	+1	+1	Negate Evasion Card
Shields			6	C	-	+3	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Evasion			8	C	-	+3	
Cloak			10	C	+1	+5	Ship gains Initiative this turn
Tactics			2	C	-	-	Ship gains Initiative this turn
Legendary Captain	1	P	+3	+3	Ship gains Initiative
Elite Officers		1	P	+2	+2	Ship gains Detect
Veteran Crew		1	P	+1	+1	
Romulan K9R		1	LS	10	10	
KillerHawk		1	LS	9	9	
SuperHawk		1	LS	8	8	Command
NovaHawk	         	1	LS	8	8	
FireHawk	         	1	MS	7	7	
Romulan K7R		1	MS	6	6	
War Eagle		4	MS	5	5	
Scout Eagle		1	MS	4	5	Detect
Commando Eagle		1	MS	4	5	Boarding Parties +3
Romulan K5R		2	MS	4	4			
SkyHawk			2	SS	3	4	
Romulan K4R		2	SS	3	3	
Warbird			2	SS	2	2	
Emergency Repairs	1	X	-	-	Put ship in discard into your hand
Probes			2	X	-	-	Ship gains Detect this turn
Reinforcements		2	X	-	-	Fleet Total +5

Card Name:		Number	Type	Attack	Defense	Notes
Offensive Phasers	8	C	+2	-	
Defensive Phasers	4	C	+1	-	Destroy opposing Fighter or Drone
Drones			6	C	+5	-	
Disruptors		5	C	+3	-	
Boarding Party		2	C	+6	-	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Transporter Mines	2	C	-	-	Do 4 Damage to Attacking Ship
Tractor Beam		2	C	+1	+1	Negate Evasion Card
Shields			8	C	-	+3	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Evasion			8	C	-	+3	
Tactics			4	C	-	-	Ship gains Initiative this turn
Legendary Captain	2	P	+3	+3	Ship gains Initiative
Elite Officers		2	P	+2	+2	Ship gains Detect
Veteran Crew		2	P	+1	+1	
Carrier			3	LS	2	7	Carries 4 Fighter Tokens (2/2)
Strike Cruiser		3	MS	5	5	Drones +3
Command Cruiser		2	MS	6	7	Command; Drones +3
Battlecruiser		3	MS	6	7	
Strike Carrier		2	MS	1	6	Carries 4 Fighter Tokens (1/1)
Light Cruiser		2	SS	4	4	
Escort Frigate		2	SS	3	4	
Frigate			3	SS	3	3	
Emergency Repairs	1	X	-	-	Put ship in discard into your hand
Probes			2	X	-	-	Ship gains Detect this turn
Reinforcements		2	X	-	-	Fleet Total +5

Card Name:		Number	Type	Attack	Defense	Notes
Offensive Phasers	8	C	+2	-	
Defensive Phasers	4	C	+1	-	Destroy opposing Fighter or Drone
Plasma Torpedoes	5	C	+4	-	
Plasma Shotgun		2	C	+3	-	Destroy opposing Fighter 
Boarding Party		2	C	+6	-	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Transporter Mines	2	C	-	-	Do 4 Damage to Attacking Ship
Tractor Beam		2	C	+1	-	Negate Evasion Card
Shields			8	C	-	+3	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Evasion			8	C	-	+3	
Tactics			4	C	-	-	Ship gains Initiative this turn
Legendary Captain	2	P	+3	+3	Ship gains Initiative
Elite Officers		2	P	+2	+2	Ship gains Detect
Veteran Crew		2	P	+1	+1	
Command Cruiser		1	LS	9	9	Command
Battlecruiser		2	LS	8	8	
Heavy Cruiser		3	MS	7	7	
Large Scout		1	MS	5	6	Detect
Carrier			1	MS	2	6	Carries 4 Fighter Tokens (1/1)
Escort Cruiser		1	MS	6	7
Commando Cruiser  	1	MS	6	7	Boarding Parties +3
Destroyer Leader  	1	SS	5	5	Command
Battle Destroyer	        3	SS	5	5	
Destroyer		3	SS	4	4	
Destroyer Escort  	1	SS	3	5	
Minesweeper		1	SS	2	4	Mines +3
Scout			1	SS	3	4	Detect
Emergency Repairs	1	X	-	-	Put ship in discard into your hand
Probes			2	X	-	-	Ship gains Detect this turn
Reinforcements		2	X	-	-	Fleet Total +5

Card Name:		Number	Type	Attack	Defense	Notes
Offensive Phasers	8	C	+2	-	
Defensive Phasers	4	C	+1	-	Destroy opposing Fighter or Drone
Boarding Party		2	C	+6	-	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Transporter Mines	2	C	-	-	Do 4 Damage to Attacking Ship
Tractor Beam		2	C	+1	-	Negate Evasion Card
Shields			8	C	-	+3	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Evasion			8	C	-	+3	
Tactics			4	C	-	-	Ship gains Initiative this turn
Legendary Captain	1	P	+3	+3	Ship gains Initiative
Elite Officers		2	P	+2	+2	Ship gains Detect
Veteran Crew		2	P	+1	+1	
Tholian Webs		10	C	+3	+5	Negate Evasion & Drone Cards
Command Corvette  	2	MS	3	4	Command
Destroyer		4	MS	4	3	
Patrol Corvette		5	SS	3	3	
Black Widow		3	SS	3	2	Webs +1/+1
Scout			2	SS	2	3	Detect
Patrol Escort		2	SS	2	4	
Commando Ship		1	SS	2	3	Boarding Parties +3
Emergency Repairs	1	X	-	-	Put ship in discard into your hand
Probes			2	X	-	-	Ship gains Detect this turn
Reinforcements		2	X	-	-	Fleet Total +5

Card Name:		Number	Type	Attack	Defense	Notes
Fusion Beam		6	C	+3	-	
FB Overload		2	C	+5	-1	
FB Suicide Overload	1	C	+7	-2	
Hellbore Fusion Bomb	4	C	+6	-	Negate opposing Shields
Offensive Phasers	4	C	+2	-	
Defensive Phasers	4	C	+1	-	Destroy opposing Fighter or Drone
Boarding Party		2	C	+4	-	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Transporter Mines	2	C	-	-	Do 4 Damage to Attacking Ship
Tractor Beam		2	C	+1	-	Negate Evasion Card
Shields			8	C	-	+3	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Evasion			8	C	-	+3	
Tactics			4	C	-	-	Ship gains Initiative this turn
Legendary Captain	2	P	+3	+3	Ship gains Initiative
Elite Officers		2	P	+2	+2	Ship gains Detect
Veteran Crew		2	P	+1	+1	
Paladin Dreadnaught	1	LS	9	9	
Lord Marshall Cruiser	1	MS	5	7	Command, 2 Fighter Tokens (1/1)
Cavalier Heavy Carrier	1	LS	2	5	Carries 7 Fighter Tokens (1/1)
Ranger Cruiser		1	MS	2	4	Carries 3 Fighter Tokens (1/1)
Dragoon Cruiser		1	MS	5	7	Carries 1 Fighter Token (1/1)
Lancer Destroyer  	1	MS	2	4	Carries 1 Fighter Token (1/1)
Horseman War Cruiser	1	MS	3	3	Carries 2 Fighter Tokens (1/1)
Destroyer Escort  	1	MS	2	4	Carries 2 Fighter Tokens (1/1)
Uhlan Carrier		1	MS	1	4	Carries 5 Fighter Tokens (1/1)
Traveler Light Cruiser	1	MS	5	5	
Knight Destroyer  	1	MS	4	4	
Hunter Frigate		1	SS	3	2	
Cuirassier Frigate	1	SS	3	3	
Scout			1	SS	1	2	Detect
Escort Hunter		1	SS	2	3	
Emergency Repairs	1	X	-	-	Put ship in discard into your hand
Probes			2	X	-	-	Ship gains Detect this turn
Reinforcements		2	X	-	-	Fleet Total +5

Card Name:		Number	Type	Attack	Defense	Notes
Expandng Sphere Gnrtrs	10	C	+2	+1	Destroy Fighter, Mine or Drone
Offensive Phasers	8	C	+2	-	
Disruptor		4	C	+3	-	
Defensive Phasers	4	C	+1	-	Destroy opposing Fighter or Drone
Boarding Party		2	C	+5	-	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Transporter Mines	2	C	-	-	Do 4 Damage to Attacking Ship
Tractor Beam		2	C	+1	-	Negate Evasion Card
Shields			8	C	-	+3	Negate opposing Boarding Party
Evasion			4	C	-	+3	
Tactics			4	C	-	-	Ship gains Initiative this turn
Legendary Captain	2	P	+3	+3	Ship gains Initiative
Elite Officers		2	P	+2	+2	Ship gains Detect
Veteran Crew		2	P	+1	+1	
Lion Dreadnaught  	1	LS	11	11	
SaberTooth Tiger Mauler	1	LS	10	6	
Wildcat Battlecruiser	1	LS	8	9	
Tiger Heavy Cruiser	3	MS	6	7	
Panther Light Cruiser	1	MS	4	5	
Leopard Destroyer	1	MS	4	4	
Cheetah Frigate		1	SS	4	2	
Ocelot Scout		1	SS	2	3	Detect
Escort Frigate		1	SS	3	4	
Siberian Tiger Carrier	1	MS	2	7	Carries 4 Fighter Tokens (1/1)
Jaguar War Cruiser	3	MS	5	6	
Alleycat War Destroyer	1	MS	5	4	
Puma Battle Tug		1	MS	4	6	
Cougar Battle Tug	1	MS	6	6	
Emergency Repairs	1	X	-	-	Put ship in discard into your hand
Sensors			2	X	-	-	Ship gains Detect this turn
Reinforcements		2	X	-	-	Fleet Total +5

1Q) Unblocked attack: only possible when there are no enemies or also in the
case when the attacker has more ships than the defender?
1A)Or if you target opponents fleet and he declines to block.
2Q) The effect of a card must be applied (an then the card is discarded) or
you can choose? As an example: shields; you can choose to use them or play
the card to negate a boarding party card.
2A)You get all benefits of the card when you play it. If you play shields on 
your ship you get defense +3 & you negate a boardng party card if one was or is 
played against that ship.
3Q) Combat cards that do not have an effect clearly stated as "this turn
..." are left on the ship at the end of the turn if the ship is not
destroyed or you must discard them in any case?
3A)Only Personnel remain from turn to turn. Combat cards are discarded.

Need to get info on the Orions, etc.

Starfleet Games

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