Card Game for 2-3 Players. 
Theme: Invasion of Sicily 1943 starting after the capture of Palermo. 
There are 3 Versions of the Game: 
1. Invasion Variant: 2 Player: Allies vs. Axis
2. Race Variant: 2 Player: British vs. Americans
3. Sicily Variant: 3 Player: British, American, and Axis

Cards are of 2 main types: 
1. Ally Cards (British & American)
2. Axis Cards (German & Italian)
--- In the Sicily and Invasion Variants the Ally cards form 
one deck and the Axis cards form a second deck. 
--- In the Race Variant the Axis and Ally cards are mixed 
together to form a single deck. 
Cards are further described by: 
1. Traits (Tank, Infantry, Air, Leader, etc.) 
2. Force (A single Numerical Value between 1 and 10)
3. Special Abilities (Usually the discarding of a target card with a certain trait)

Players share a common set of Progress Tokens (PT). 

2 Player: Allies vs. Axis.
The Axis tries to evacuate before the Allies take Messina. 
Only one player can win each hand. 
The Ally player gets 1 PT every time he wins a hand. 
The Axis player gets 1 PT at the end of every turn no matter what. 
When the Ally player gets 10 PT, he has reached Messina and the game ends. 
If the Axis player gets 20 PT the Evacuation is complete and the Game ends. 
If the Axis player has 15 or less PT at the end of the game, the Ally player wins. 
If the Axis player has 16 or more PT at the end of the game, the Axis player wins. 
In case of ties the Axis player wins. 

2 Player: British vs. Americans.
The Brits and Yanks are in a race to see who takes Messina first. 
It is possible in this variant for both players to win or lose the same hand (turn). 
The first player to get 10 PT reaches Messina first and wins. 

3 Player: British, American, and Axis. 
The Americans and British race to Messina while the Axis tries to 
evacuate before either arrive. 
The Axis player plays hands against both the British and American players. 
It is possible for both Allied players to win or lose during the same turn. 
The game ends when: 
1. The Axis player gets 16 PT: The Axis player wins. (Evacuation complete)
2. The American player wins with 10 PT. (Patton gets there first)
3. The British player wins with 10 PT. (Monty gets there first) 
In case of ties the Axis player wins. 

Decide which Variant you are playing and assign Identities. 
Shuffle the cards. 

Each turn has 6 Phases: 
1. Logistics
2. Strategy
3. Deployment
4. Action
5. Resolution
6. Recovery
Note: If a deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Each player fills their hand to 10 cards. 
The Axis player from the Axis deck. 
The Ally player from the Ally deck. 

Each player may discard up to 5 cards and draw replacements. 

Both Players reveal all cards they want to play from their hands. 
Player keep cards the don’t want to play or can’t play in their hands. 
These cards are played face-up in front of you. 
Revealed cards are also called Deployed cards. 

Players take turns activating the special abilities of their cards. 
The Axis player goes first. 
Note that not all cards have a Special ability.
Players activate 1 card at a time. 
A single card can only be activated once. 
This continues until both players pass. 
Most Special Abilities cause a target opponent’s card with a specific trait to be discarded. 

Every card has a Force Value. 
Total the Force Value of all your deployed cards still in play. 
If your Total Force Value is greater than your opponents, you win the turn. 
If tied, the Axis player wins. 
The Ally player gets 1 PT if he wins the hand. 

You must discard down to 2 cards or less. 
The Axis player gets 1 PT at the end of every turn no matter what. 


Note: All cards are combined into a single deck. 
Each player fills their hand to 12 cards. 
One player is the Americans, the other is the British. 

Each player may discard up to 4 cards and draw replacements. 

Both Players reveal all cards they want to play from their hands. 
Player keep cards the don’t want to play or can’t play in their hands. 
These cards are played face-up in front of you. 
Revealed cards are also called Deployed cards.
Note that players are revealing both Ally cards and Axis cards.  

Players take turns activating the special abilities of their cards. 
The American player goes first. 
Note that not all cards have a Special ability.
Players activate 1 card at a time. 
A single card can only be activated once. 
This continues until both players pass. 
Most Special Abilities cause a target opponent’s card with a specific trait to be discarded. 
Use your Ally cards only to target your opponents revealed Axis cards. 
Use your Axis cards only to target your opponents revealed Ally cards. 

Every card has a Force Value. 
Total the Force Value of all your Ally deployed cards still in play.
Total the Force Value of all your Axis deployed cards still in play.
If your Total Ally Force Value is greater than your opponents 
Axis Total,  you win the turn and you get 1 PT. 
If your Opponent’s Total Ally Force Value is greater than your 
Axis Total,  he wins the turn and gets 1 PT. 
Note: it is possible for both players to win the turn (and get a PT)

You must discard down to 2 cards or less. 
The Axis player gets 1 PT at the end of every turn no matter what. 


3 Player: British, American, and Axis
The Axis player draws 14 cards from the Axis deck. 
The American player draws 7 cards from the Ally deck. 
The British player draws 7 cards from the Ally deck. 

Each player may discard up to 3 cards and draw replacements. 

Players reveal all cards they want to play from their hands. 
Player keep cards the don’t want to play or can’t play in their hands. 
These cards are played face-up in front of you. 
Revealed cards are also called Deployed cards.
The Axis player must deploy 2 Sets of cards; one opposing the
Americans, and one opposing the British. A Set can have a max of 7 cards.  

Players take turns activating the special abilities of their cards. 
The Axis player goes first against the Americans. 
The Americans go next. 
The Axis player goes again, this time against the British. 
The British go last. 
The Axis player can only use cards in a Set against the opponent that that set is 
facing (The cards you deployed against the American cannot target the Brit players cards) 
Note that not all cards have a Special ability.
Players activate 1 card at a time. 
A single card can only be activated (use its special ability) once. 
This continues until all players pass (The Axis player must pass twice: Once vs. each opponent) 
Most Special Abilities cause a target opponent’s card with a specific trait to be discarded. 

Every card has a Force Value. 
Total the Force Value of all your deployed cards still in play. 
If your Total Force Value is greater than your opponents, you win the turn. 
If tied, the Axis player wins. 
Each of the 2 Axis Sets will have its own Force Total to be used against their 
respective opponents. 
Each time an Ally player wins a Hand he gets 1 PT. 

All players must discard down to 2 cards or less. 
The Axis player gets 1 PT at the end of every turn no matter what. 


X = Axis card
A = Ally card
AA = Ally card only American player can use
AB = Ally card only British player can use
SA = Special Ability
DT = Discard Target Card with the following Trait
Progress = Gain 1 PT if you win this Turn
Supply = Draw 1 card: Put it in you hand or Reveal it Immediately
Recon = Look at opponents Hand

Name: 			Use	Force	Type		Notes:
Rubble			X	3	Terrain		SA: DT Strategy
AA Guns 		X	3	Artillery	SA: DT Air
Counter Attack		X	5	Strategy       	-
Pill Boxes		X	4	Defense		SA: DT Infantry
Luftwaffe		X	7	Air		SA: DT Naval
Summer Heat		X	4	Weather		SA: DT Infantry
Hills & Ridges		X	6	Terrain		-
Blow Bridges		X	5	Defense		-
Blow Tunnels		X	6	Defense		-
Bottleneck		X	7	Defense		-
Minefields		X	5	Defense		SA: DT Infantry or Tank
Demolition		X	6	Defense		-
Ambush			X	7	Strategy       	-
German Pilots		X	7	Air		SA: DT Naval
Air Raid		X	8	Air		SA: DT Naval
German Buildup		X	3	Infantry       	SA: Supply
Pull Back		X	4	Strategy       	-
Trenches       		X	6	Defense		-
Hube			X	5	Leader		SA: Gain 1 PT
Mountain Town		X	9	Terrain		-
Fortified Positions	X	10	Terrain		-
Infiltration		X	7	Infantry       	-
Reconnaissance		X	2	Intelligence	SA: Recon
Dual Purpose Guns	X	8	Artillery	-
Evacuation		X	2	Strategy       	SA: Progress
Fighting Withdrawal	X	5	Strategy       	SA: Progress
German Ferry System	X	1	Naval		SA: Progress
Antitank Guns		X	5	Artillery	SA: DT Tanks
Rearguard Action       	X	6	Strategy       	-
No Water		X	4	Blunder		-
Skillfully Sited Guns	X	8	Artillery	-
Mortar Fire		X	3	Artillery	-
15th Panzergrenadiers	X	7	Infantry       	Also Tanks
Panzer Division		X	7	Tanks		(Hermann Goring)
Company of Tigers	X	9	Tanks		-
Kesserlring		X	10	Leader		Defense & Terrain get +2F
Italian 6th Army       	X	3	Infantry       	-
Garrisons		X	2	Infantry       	Also Defense
Slapping Incident	X	2	Blunder		SA: DT Leader
Friendly Fire		X	2	Blunder		SA: DT Air or Infantry 
General Guzzoni		X	5	Leader		Italian Cards get +1F
Italian Tanks		X	3	Tanks		(Obsolete)
Machine Gun Battalion	X	4	Defense		SA: DT Infantry
Italian Guns		X	3	Artillery	-
Italian Fleet		X	3	Naval		SA: DT Naval
German Paratroopers	X	7	Infantry       	-
Etna Line		X	9	Terrain		Also Defense
Flanking Maneuver	A	6	Strategy       	SA: Defense or Terrain
Sherman Tanks		A	4	Tank		-
Montgomery		AB	9	Leader		Strategy Cards get +2F
Infantry Division	A	7	Infantry       	-
Allied Bombs		A	7	Air		-
Aerodromes		A	6	Base		SA: Supply
Operation Husky		A	5	Strategy       	SA: Supply (Also Naval)
Airfields		A	3	Base		Air Cards get +2F
Harbor			A	4	Base		SA: Supply (Also Naval)
Beach Heads		A	3	Base		SA: Supply (Also Naval)	
Supply Ships		A	2	Base		SA: Supply (Also Naval)
US Rangers		AA	6	Infantry       	-
1st Canadian Division	AB	8	Infantry       	-
Capture Prisoners	A	7	Strategy       	SA: DT Infantry
Manpower Superiority	A	10	Infantry       	-
Mobile Warfare		AA	6	Strategy       	Also Tanks
Breakthrough		A	6	Strategy       	SA: Progress
Engineers		A	3	Infantry       	SA: DT Defense
Paratroop Drop		A	4	Infantry       	Also Air
Night Bombing		A	5	Air		Immune to Anti-Air
Assault			A	6	Strategy       	-
Air Battle		A	4	Air		SA: DT Air
Grenades       		A	3	Infantry       	SA: DT Defense
Heavy Air Attacks	A	5	Air		-
Riflemen       		A	4	Infantry       	-
Cruiser Fire		A	8	Naval		SA: DT Tanks
Reserves       		A	5	Infantry       	-
British Tankmen		AB	5	Tanks		-
2nd Armored Division	AA	6	Tanks		-
Field Artillery		A	5	Artillery	-
Competition		A	5	Strategy       	SA: Progress
General Keyes		AA	6	Leader		-
Artillery Battalion	A	6	Artillery	-
Seize Key Bridges	A	5	Strategy	-
Slug it Out		A	4	Strategy       	-
Captured Guns		A	4	Artillery	SA: DT Artillery
Amphibious Landing	A	6	Strategy       	Also Naval
General Patton		AA	10	Leader		Inf & Tank Cards get +1F
Naval Bombardment	AA	9	Naval		SA: DT Tanks
Intelligence Report	A	7	Intelligence	SA: Recon
Tactical Air Support	A	7	Air		Infantry Cards get +2F
General Alexander	A	4	Leader		Leader Cards get +1F
Pincer Movement		A	6	Strategy       	-
British 8th Army       	AB	7	Infantry       	-
Commando Forces        	AB	8	Infantry       	SA: DT Defense
Veteran Force		AB	7	Infantry       	-
American 7th Army	AA	7	Infantry       	-

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