"How many hordes in a chinese platoon?"
                            -Unkown US Marine

Important note: this a variant of the "Attrition" Game in the WWI section.
Two player Card game simulating the stagnant Warfare
of the Korean War's later phase.

Capture pork chop hill hills
Reduce Chinese inf. to zero. and hold the hill!


The six territories on  the hill must be taken:

The forward  slope => A Military Crest => hilltop =>
the CP => the chow bunker =>the rear slope

US Player starts with all Territory Markers
US Players forces are weakend by the rotation of units
out of Korea, Thus he only gets 50 squads.
The Chinese are desperate to get the hill to use for
leverage at the Pammajon Talks. They Get 100 Squads.

During the Korean War the Chinese forces are utterly
lacking. They only roll a 1d2 during this phase.
The US however had plenty of artillery. The US player
rolls 1d6 for artillery bombardment and 1d6 for air support.
To determine how many Chinese squads are killed.

The US player is never ordered by the brass to charge.


Heavy Shelling:          
Active player plays in Barrage
Phase. +1D6 squads killed

Machine Gun:             
Defending player plays in
Defender Fire Phase. +2D6 squads killed

Hand Grenades:           
Either player plays in Defender Fire Phase
Negate a Machine gun card or kill 1D6 enemy squads

Defending player plays in Barrage Phase
Negate casualties caused by artillery (Bunker Destroyed)

Barbed Wire:             
Defending player plays at end of Defender Fire Phase
Play an additional Defender Fire Phase

Bugle Calls:                     
When Active the Chinese player plays in Defender Fire Phase
Negate a Barbed Wire or a Machine gun card

Active player plays in Logistics Phase. Gain +1D6 squads

US  Active player plays in Barrage
Phase. +2D6 squads killed

Mine Field:              
Defending player plays in
Defender Fire Phase. +1D6 squads killed

Mortar Attack:           
Either player plays in Trench
Fighting Phase. +1D6 squads killed

Either player plays in Trench Fighting Phase. 
You lose 1D6 squads. Opponent has 2D6 Killed

Break Down in Command:      
Active player plays in Logistics Phase. 1D6 squads killed

Major Offensive:         
Active player plays at end of turn
Go again but skip Logistics & Artillery Barrage Phase

POW Captured:     
Active player plays in Logistics Phase
Look at opponents hand and discard one of opponents cards

Notes: Yes these are the same cards as the original
game but; hey look on the bright side now you can
still use a  52 card deck! Assign each card a 
corresponding number 1 through 14 and there you go. 
Some cards only effect the Chinese. Watch 
Pork Chop Hill by Gregory Peck for mood. I plan a
second edition after I read the book the movie is based on.

SOLO-VARIANT: Play as US, the Chinese play all the
cards they draw as soon as possible. Chinese Player
always charges.

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