Solitaire Card Game.
You are a POW trying to survive and/or escape.

You successfully escape if your total Escape level is ever +3.
If you go through the whole deck and survive, you are sent back 
Home after the War ends.

If your Health level is ever –3 you die from physical ailments.
If your Sanity level is ever –3 you lose the will to live and die.

You start with a Level of zero in the following 3 categories:
Health, Sanity, and Escape.

Shuffle the deck.

Draw a card.
The card will alter the level of one of the 3 Categories.
An Escape X card will reset your Escape Level to Zero. 

Early Escape: Before Drawing a card you may decide to attempt an Early Escape:
If you draw a Sanity +1 card, you may use it as an Escape +1 instead. 
Good Behavior: Before Drawing a card you may decide to be on Good Behavior:
If you draw an Escape +1 card, you may use it as a Health +1 instead. 
Role Model: Before Drawing a card you may decide to help the other Prisoners:
If you draw an Escape +1 card, you may use it as a Sanity +1 instead. 
Bad Behavior: Before Drawing a card you may decide to be on Bad Behavior:
If you draw a Sanity –1 card, you may use it as a Health –1 instead. 

Card Name:		Notes:
Steal Food		Health +1
Rest			Health +1
Bread & Water		Health +1
Medical Attention	Health +1
Exercise		Health +1
Keep Clean		Health +1
Medical Lore		Health +1
Extra Clothing		Health +1
Rat Stew		Health +1
Calisthenics		Health +1 
Red Cross		Health +1
Housekeeping		Health +1
Medicine		Health +1
Lye Soap		Health +1
Malnutrition		Health –1
Hard Labor		Health –1   
Dysentary		Health –1	
Yellow Fever		Health –1
Crowding		Health –1 
Hypothermia		Health –1
Boils & Abscesses	Health –1  
Beatings		Health –1
Parasites		Health –1 
Typhoid Fever		Health –1
Poor Sanitation		Health –1
Brutal Guards		Health –1 
Skin Infections		Health –1  
Physical Punishment 	Health –1 
Locked in Irons		Health –1 
Tuberculosis		Health –1
Exposure		Health –1 
Starvation		Health –1
Poor Ventilation	Health –1 
Isolation		Sanity –1 
Boredom			Sanity –1	
Solitary Confinement	Sanity –1	
Interrogations 		Sanity –1	
Passivity		Sanity –1 
Self-Pity		Sanity –1
Propaganda		Sanity –1  
Deprivations		Sanity –1
Hopelessness		Sanity –1  
Light Deprivation	Sanity –1 
Emotional Distress	Sanity –1	
Desperation		Sanity –1 
Sodomized 		Sanity –1  			
Threats			Sanity –1 
Water Torture		Sanity –1 
Storytelling		Sanity +1
Discipline		Sanity +1
Problem Solving		Sanity +1 
Creative Visualization	Sanity +1 
Music & Poetry		Sanity +1
Makeshift Radio		Sanity +1
Time is on our Side	Sanity +1
Camaraderie		Sanity +1
Keep the Mind Occupied	Sanity +1
Card Games & Chess	Sanity +1
Brain Teasers		Sanity +1
Tap Code		Sanity +1	
Escape Plan		Escape +1 
Dig Tunnel		Escape +1
Escape Route		Escape +1
Fake Identification	Escape +1
Changing of the Guard	Escape +1
Conspiracy		Escape +1
Improvisation		Escape +1
Wire Cutters		Escape +1
Perfect Timing		Escape +1 
Lookouts		Escape +1 
Hand Tools		Escape +1
Deception		Escape +1
Dead of Night		Escape +1
Confiscation		Escape –1 
Moved to New Cell	Escape X
Discovered		Escape X
Captured		Escape X
Surprise Inspection	Escape X
Patrols			Escape X
Snitch			Escape X

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