"S.O.S. This is the Prescott. Maximum Burn. Repeat. We are out of Fuel. 
Velocity is Mark 5. Current Position 90.5-42-6.3. Bearing 34.7-78.9-69.2. 
We've reached the point of no return. Someone come & get us..."
		---Commander Randal F. Graves, Last Transmission---

Spaceship combat using simple vector movement & inertia.

Use a Hex map with a star field background.

Chits or counters are used to indicate the position of planets, ships, and 
other objects on the map.
Players may want to use chits to indicate velocity, fuel, missiles, and damage.

Each ship should have its own record sheet with the following data:
Ship Name, Captains Name, Allegience, History.
Crew number, experience, and morale.
Hull Points, Cost, List of all systems.
Number of Fuel Tanks & Missiles carried.
Velocity, Systems damaged.
The records will be altered during play as the ship uses up fuel & missles, 
and sustains damage.

1-Navigation Phase
2-Launch Missles Phase
3-Gun Phase
4-Missle Strike Phase
5-Damage Control Phase
6-Resupply & Repair Phase
7-Docking Phase
8-Victory Phase

All sides act in each phase.
All actions in a phase are considered simultaneous except for Navigation Phase.

Start with the fleet with the fewest ships.
Players take turns moving one ship at a time.
Move larger ships before moving smaller ships.
A ship can burn one fuel tank per engine per turn.
The Burn can be used for 3 things: Acceleration, Deceleration, or Turning.
(De)Acceleration changes velocity by one hex/turn per burn.
If used for Turning, the ships facing is turned 60 degrees per burn.
Turns can take place at any point during the move.
A ships velocity can be indicated by a marker chit.
A ship must always move(not including turns) a number of hexes equal to 
its velocity.
Movement is always in the direction the ship is facing.
Ships at 0 velocity may change their facing for free.
Ships that leave the map are lost from the scenario forever.

A ship can launch one missile per launcher per turn.
Missiles have a range of up to two hexes.
Declare launches & Targets.
Only one target per computer system is allowed
Multiple missiles may have the same target. They all make seperate attack rolls.

Guns include beam & projectile weapons such as: 
Lasers, Particle Accelerators, Rail Guns, & Plasma Generators.
Lasers can fire at ships or incoming missiles in the same hex (Range = 0).
Particle Accelerators, Plasma Generators, & Rail Guns cannot target missiles.
Particle Accelerators have a range of 1 Hex.
Rail Guns have a range of 2 Hexes.
Rail guns are forward facing, they can only fire into the 2 hexes in front of the ship.
Plasma Generators have a range of 0. They use up a fuel tank when they fire.
Only one target ship (or missile) per computer is allowed.
Multiple guns may have the same target. They all make seperate attack rolls.
All attack declarations for all guns are made before any resolutions are made.

1		Miss
2		Reflected
3		Surface Damage		
4		Noncritical Puncture
5-6		Target Hit- Use Damage Table (Target Missile destroyed).
+1 to roll if target stationary.
-1 to roll if target velocity is 3 or greater.
-2 to roll if target velocity is 5 or greater.
Plasma Generators get a +3 to rolls on this table.
Treat a ‘noncritical puncture' result as a ‘Target Hit' result against 
converted or nonmilitary targets.

Roll on the missile attack table for all missles not shot down by lasers.

1-3		Miss
4-5		Near Miss
6		Launch Abort- Targeting computers Hesitate. Missile Did not launch.
7+		Target Hit- Use Damage Table.
Smart missles have a +1 to rolls on the Missle Attack Table
+2 to roll if target stationary.
-1 to roll if target velocity is 3 or greater.
-2 to roll if target velocity is 5 or greater.

1-3		1D6 Cargo bays Destroyed (or half as much Armor, rounded up).
4-5 		1D10 Cargo bays Destroyed (or half as much Armor, rounded up).
6		Critical damage or 1 Superstructure point destroyed.
Armor is destroyed before cargo bays.
Empty cargo bays are destroyed before others.
Cargo bays containing missiles are destroyed before those containing fuel tanks.
If no Cargo Bays are left, roll on the critical damage table.
(Cargo Bays will of course be carrying cargo on transport ships.)
(On other nonmilitary vessels replace the cargo bay results with scilabs, 
crew quaters, luxury pods, or whatever is most common).
Only spacestations & ground installations have Superstructure points.
1 Superstructure point is equivalent to 100 Cargo bays or Hull points.
If a Nuclear missile hits roll 1D10 times on the Damage Table.
If a Railgun hits roll 2 times on the Damage Table.

1		Engine Damaged
2		Computer Damaged
3		Living Quaters Damaged- Automatically Kills crew or passengers.
4		Launcher Damaged
5		Sensor Suite Damaged (-1 to Attack rolls).
6		Nonessential System Damaged- Lifeboat, SciLab.
7		Gun Damaged- Laser, Particle Accelerator, Rail Gun, Plasma Generator.
8		Power Grid Damaged- Ship can take no actions until this system repaired.
9		Directional Thrusters Damaged- Ship cannot turn.
10		Ship destroyed in a spectacular explosion.
Reroll if target system has already been damaged.
Damaged systems do not function.

If a ship did not burn or attack this turn a crew may attempt to repair one damaged 
engine, computer, launcher, lifeboat, laser, sensor suite, or scilab.

1-2	Total Loss. The system must be replaced at a port with shipbuilding facilities (Repay MC cost)
3	Extensive Damage. System can only be fixed at port.
4	Too soon to tell. Try again next turn.
5	System requires two turns to fix.
6	Minor Damage. System repaired.

Ships docked at a station may replinish their supplies of fuel & missiles in this phase.
Pay in megacredits for these items from the facilities supply surplus.
They may also make repairs at this time if repair crews are available.
Roll on Damage Control table to determine if the damage is a total loss.
Recalculate Supply totals of Repair facilities.  
Ships docked with each other may also trade cargos & crews in this phase

Space stations, bases, and colonies have the following stats:
Docking Bays- The number of ships that may dock with the base at one time.
Repair Crews- The number of damaged systems that can be replaced or repaired per turn.
Superstructure Points- Units of Damage. Each point lost is a whole 
section of the structure destroyed.
Supply Surplus- Megacredits available that can be spent on replacing 
Fuel tanks, Missles, Crews, and Systems.
Resupply- Megacredits generated or recieved per turn.
Defenses- Numbers of guns, missles, launchers, computers, and sensors.
Laserarcs- Number of lasers that can be used against targets in any one 60 degree arc.
Ground targets can only attack or be attacked from 3 arcs (The planet shields their other arcs).

Ships may automatically dock with satelites, space stations, and friendly ships in the same
hex, only if both vessels are at the same velocity and facing.
Space stations and satelites face all directions.
Undocking also occurs in this phase.
Enemy ships with no ability to move or fight may also be boarded 
and will automatically surrender.
Disabled ships may be towed at no detriment to the tower.
A ship may make up to 2 docking connections, one per airlock it has.
If two or more ships are docked together only 1 of them may use their weapons.
Ships docked to space stations may not fire their weapons.

Each scenario will specify victory conditions.

These are launched in Navigation Phase.
They can carry 1 crew to safety.
If hit they are automatically destroyed.
They carry no weapons.
They have one small engine and enough fuel for 3 burns.

Use the following rules for designing ships

Hull			---	1	---	1 per other system required
Living Quaters	        1	2	---	Any damage kills crew in that module
Crew			---	4	---	Located in living quaters
Power Grid		---	2	---	Only 1 per ship required
Computer		1	3	---	Only 1 target per computer 
Engine		        1	3	---	1 Burn per turn
Directional Thrusters	---	2	---	Only 1 per ship required
Airlock		        1	1	---	Allows 1 Docking connection
Cargo Bay		1	---	---	Holds Missiles & Fuel Tanks		
Fuel Tank		---	1	1	Stored in cargo	
Sensor Suite		1	3	---	A ship cannot target without sensors
Launcher		1	3	---	Fires 1 Missile per turn		
Missile			---	1	1	Stored in cargo
Smart Missile		---	2	1	Stored in cargo, do not require a computer for targeting
Nuclear Missile	        ---	10	1	Smart Missile + Extra Damage			
Laser			1	3	---	Attack 1 target per turn, unlimited ammo; Range=0
Particle Accelerator	2	7	---	(PA)Attack 1 target per turn, unlimited ammo; Range=1
Rail Gun		3	10	---	(RG)Attack 1 target per turn, unlimited ammo; Range=2
Plasma Generator	1	3	---	(PG)Attack 1 target per turn, Range=0
Lifeboat		1	4	---	Evacuates 1 crew.		
Armor			1	1	---	Counts as 2 Cargo bays on Damage Table
Scilab			1	3	---	These are always destroyed before computers or sensors.
Luxury Pod		1	2	---	These are always destroyed before crew quaters.
Cost is in monetary units called Megacredits.
The Hull column indicates how many Hull spaces the system occupies.
A ship must have at least 1 hull point per system.
Hull points not occupied by systems are automatically considered to be cargo spaces.
The Cargo column indicates how many cargo bays the material occupies.
All ships must have (The Basic System Package):
1 crew quaters, 1 computer, 1 engine, 1 sensor suite, 1 power grid, 1 directional thrusters, 1 airlock.
Every ship also needs several cargo bays for holding fuel tanks.
Building extra basic systems gives the added advantage that if a system is damaged there is a backup.
Ships of hull size 100-199 must burn 2 fuel tanks to (de)accelerate (or turn) once.
Ships of hull size 200-299 must burn 3 fuel tanks to (de)accelerate (or turn) once.
Large warships are known as dreadnaughts.
Ships cannot be built or upgraded during battles.

Background- Political prisoners from a detention center on the moon have gained control of 
Tycho Base, a European Commonwealth mining colony and have demanded sovereignty.
Negotiations lasting several months have failed. 
The New Tycho leadership has gained support from various African & South American Nations.
War ships from several commonwealth countries have been gathering at the L5 colony.
The Europeans are split on the decision whether to attack.
Either side will quikly give up if the war starts going against them.
Use the following victory conditions:
Destroy enemy Warship	1			-
Damage colony 		2			Per 1 Superstructure point
Any Colony 50% damaged	Automatic Win
One side will surrender if the other leads by 4+ Victory points or destroys all their Warships.

Map: The Moon should be in the middle. Tycho may be attacked from the 3 bottom hex arcs.
L4 & L5 should be at opposite ends of the Map.
Earth is not on the map. New Tycho will not directly attack Earth.
Ships start at their colonies.
All ships automatically have: 1 crew, 1 launcher, & The Basic System package.
All remaining Hull spaces are empty cargo bays that may be loaded with a mix of 
missiles and/or fuel tanks during setup using the spacestation starting supplies.

Afrikanner 	African Warship		   50		3 Launchers, 2 Computers, 1 PAgun	
Zulu		African Warship		   40		2 Launchers, 10 Armor
Alkatraz       	Converted Freighter	   30		5 Plasma Generators, 2 Engines
Freedom	        Converted Tanker       	   40		25 Cargo Bays only carry Fuel tanks
Elba		Converted Passenger Ship   30		10 Crew Quaters, 3 Lifeboats, 2 Luxury pods
Justice		Converted Rescue Ship	   20		2 Engines, 3 Crew Quaters, 1 Lifeboat, 2 Airlocks
Porto		Captured Warship       	   30		2 Lasers, 5 Armor
Tresspass	Converted Yacht		   20		2 Engines, 2 Luxury pods
Nostros	        Converted Science Vessel   20		2 Computers, 2 Sensors, 3 Scilabs	
El Grande	South American Warship	   40		2 Launchers, 2 Engines, 5 Armor, 1RailGun	
Brazil		South American Warship	   20		2 Launchers, 2 Lasers, 2 Computers					

The Europeans have to defend L4 and L5
Saxon		Warship		50		10 Armor, 4 Lasers, 2 computers, 2 Engines
Milan		Warship		40		4 Launchers, 10 Smart Missles
Spaniard       	Warship		40		10 Armor, 3 PAGuns, 2 Crew Quaters, 2 Cews
Napoleon       	Warship		60		10 Armor, 3 Engines, 2 Railguns
Joan of Arc	Warship		60		20 Armor, 2 Lasers, 2 computers, 2 Engines, PGGun
Berlinner	Warship		80		4 Launchers, 4 Computers, 30 Armor, 4 Lasers, Railgun

SPACE STATIONS		               NEW TYCHO       	L4	L5	NOTES
Docking Bays				6		4	4	-	
Repair Crews				10		10	10	-
Launchers				4		6	6	-
Laserarcs				6		5	5	-
Computers				8		10	10	-
Superstructure Points			14		6	6	-
Starting Supplies			200		100	100	Missiles, Fuel tanks
Resupply Rate			        6		10	10      Per turn
Shipbuilding Facilities			No		No	No	For a longer game allow ship construction

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