Card Game for 2 players.
Based on the video game Kessen:
Three Kingdoms Style Chinese Heroic Fantasy Warfare.

Kessen is a licensed, copyrighted, trademarked property.
This is merely a fan site.

The first player to win 3 Battles in 3 consecutive turns is the winner.

There are 4 decks:
Good Leader Deck: For the Good player
Evil Leader Deck: For the Evil player
Recruit Deck: Common deck shared by both players
Action Deck: Common deck shared by both players

Each player will have 3 Hands of cards:
A Leader Hand
A Recruit Hand
An Action Hand
Each hand can have up to 7 cards.

These are found in the Leader Decks.
Leader cards represent the main characters in the game.
There are 2 types of Leaders: Generals & Sorcerers.
Generals can use Tactics Action cards.
Sorcerers can use Spell Action cards.
Each Leader has a numerical Force score. 
Many leaders have a special Ability.
Each Leader can attach one Troop card.

A Leader & an attached Troop card. 
A Leader cannot be in play without a Troop card attached.
A Troop card cannot be in play unless it is attached to a Leader.

Cards that stay in play from turn to turn. 
This includes Leaders, Troops, & Modifiers.

There are 3 types of cards in this deck: 
Troops, Modifiers, and Specials.

These represent Soldiers.
Each Troop has a numerical Force score. 
Each Troop will have 1 or more descriptors:
Infantry, Cavalry, Missile, Female, etc.
Troop cards when played are attached to Leaders.

These are attached to Leaders or to troops. 
They give Force bonuses & special abilities.
Some Mods have special requirements as to when they be attached:
Example: After a winning battle in which the leader did not retreat.
Mods can be attached in Deploy phase or after 
battles whenever appropriate.
There are some Modifier cards found in the Leader decks specific to each side.

These are usually non-battle Events.

There are 5 types of cards in this deck: 
Strategy, Tactic, Spell, Formation, & Event cards.
No Action cards are permanent.
All Action cards are used during battle phase.

These are used in the Strategy segment of an Engagement to 
Alter which opposing Leaders must face each other in battle.
They are discarded after being played.

These are attached to Generals or to 
Specific types of troops attached to a General. 
They give Force bonuses & special abilities.
A General may only use 1 Tactics card in an Engagement
The Tactics card is discarded at the end of the Engagement.

These are attached to Sorcerers. 
They give Force bonuses & special abilities.
A Sorcerer may only use 1 Spell card in an Engagement
The Spell card is discarded at the end of the Engagement.

These are attached to Troops.
They give Force bonuses & special abilities.
A Troop may only use 1 Formation card in an Engagement
The Formation card is discarded at the end of the Engagement.

Event cards give Force bonuses & special abilities.
Event cards are discarded at the end of the Engagement.

Play proceeds in Rounds.
Each round is divided into Phases.
Battle phase is further divided into Turns (or Engagements)
Each Engagement is divided into Segments

Determine who is the Good player & who is the Evil player.
The Good player starts with Lu Bei in play and 
2 other random Good Leaders.
The Evil player starts with Cao Cao in play and 
3 other random Evil Leaders.
Each player starts with a randomly drawn full recruit Hand. 

Great Leader of the Good side.
Actually not that great, but he is the main character.
If attacked any friendly Unit may intercept the Attack & become the defender.
Liu Bei can never be discarded or controlled by opponent.

Great Leader of the Evil Side.
He can only fight in Battle if one side has just won 2 Consecutive Battles.
Cao Cao is both a General & a Sorcerer.
Cao Cao can never be discarded or controlled by opponent.

Each Round is divided into 5 phases:
1. Leader Phase
2. Recruit Phase
3. Deploy Phase
4. Battle Phase
5. End Phase

Each player Draws 1 Leader from their Leader deck.

Each player Draws 3 cards from the Recruit deck.

Form new units: A Unit must have 1 Leader & 1 Troop played from your hands.
Some Modifier & Special cards are played in this phase.

There will be a Battle.
All Units of both players will be engaged except for Cao Cao most of the time and 
Other units affected by certain event & special cards.
Players take turns. 
Flip a coin to see who goes first. 
Each Turn is called a Battle Turn or an Engagement.
Each Battle Turn is divided into 4 Segments:
1. Action Segment
2. Strategy Segment
3. Tactics Segment
4. Resolution Segment
5. End Segment
In each turn 2 opposing units will fight. 
The losing unit retreats.
This process repeats until all engaged units on one side have retreated. 
The other side wins the battle.

Each player draws cards to fill their Action hand to 7 cards.

The player whose turn it is, is the Attacker. 
The other player is the Defender.
The attacker picks 2 Units to fight: One of his own and an opponent’s Unit.
Units that have already retreated or that are not in the battle cannot be picked.
Strategy cards can be played (by the defender usually) to change 
1 or both of the Units picked.  

Players take turns, Defender first, playing Formation, Tactics, Spell, & 
Event cards from their hands.

Add up the Force Total for each of the 2 units.
The Unit with the higher Force total wins.
(In case of a tie flip a coin)
The loser retreats. 
The winning unit can fight again this phase.

Players discard their action card hands down to 4 or less cards.

Players discard their Recruit hands down to 7 or less cards.
Players discard their Leader card hands down to 4 or less cards.

# = Number of copies of card in deck
T = Troop
M = Modifier
S = Special
I = Infantry
C = Cavalry
R = Ranged
LDR = Leader
TRP = Troop
DP = Deployment Phase
AT = Attach to
AB = After Battle
ABYW = After Battle you win
LD = Leader Deck
RD = Recruitment Deck
OT = Opponent

Card Name:		#	Type	Force	Notes
Foot			2	TI	3	+2 if Defender
Swords			2	TI	5	+2 vs Ranged
Spears			2	TI	4	+2 vs Cavalry
Warriors		2	TI	6	+2 vs Infantry
Long Bows		2	TR	4	+2 vs Infantry
Archers			2	TR	3	+2 if Defender
Crossbows		2	TR	5	+2 vs Cavalry
Rockets			2	TR	6	+2 vs Ranged
Cavalry			2	TC	5	+2 vs Ranged
Horse Archers		2	TC	3	+2 vs Infantry
Elephants		2	TC	6	+2 vs Cavalry
Chariots		2	TC	4	+2 if Attacker
Experience		4	M	+1	AT LDR AB
Elite Troops		4	M	+1	AT TRP AB
Companion General	2	M	+1	AT LDR DP Sorcerer can use Tactics
Companion Sorcerer	2	M	+1	AT LDR DP General can use Spells
Magical Weapon		4	M	+1	AT LDR in DP
Kill Man Eating Lion	4	M	+1	AT LDR in DP
Training		4	M	+1	AT TRP in DP
Quality Arms & Armor	4	M	+1	AT TRP in DP
Fame			2	M	+2	AT LDR ABYW
Morale Boost		2	M	+2	AT TRP ABYW
Unexpected Aid		2	S	-	Draw a card from LD
Increase Supplies	2	S	-	Draw 2 cards from RD
Duty Elsewhere		2	S	-	Unit cannot Fight this turn
Treachery		2	S	-	OT gives you control of 1 LDR
Assassin		2	S	-	OT discard 1 LDR
Cut Supply Lines	2	S	-	All Enemy TRP Force –1 this round 
Raids			2	S	-	OT discard 3 Recruit cards		
Propaganda		2	S	-	Steal 2 random Recruit cards from OT
Stirring Oratory	2	S	-	All your Units are Force +1 this round

Z = Strategy 
T = Tactic
S = Spell
V = Event
F = Formation
A+D = Attacking & Defending Units
ODXC = Opponent discards X random cards from his action hand
LAOH = Look at Opponent’s action hand

Card Name:	#	Type	Notes
Intercept	3	Z	Pick different defender unit
Evasion		3	Z	Opponent must pick different defender unit
Lure		3	Z	Pick different attacker unit
Ruse		3	Z	Opponent must pick different attacker unit
Scouts		3	Z	OD1C & LAOH before picking A+D
War Council	3	Z	Draw 3 cards from Action Deck
Fake Attack	2	Z	OD3C
Know Enemy	2	Z	Negate Strategy Card then draw 1 card
Destroy Stores	2	Z	All enemy TRP Force –1 for rest of Round
Tactician	2	T	LDR Force +1 & Negate Tactics card
Raid		2	T	LDR Force +1 & Negate Formation card
Duel		2	T	Base Force of Opposing General = Zero
Volley		2	T	Ranged Troop Force +3
Snipe		2	T	Ranged Troop Force +2 & OD1C
Iron Wall	2	T	Infantry Troop Force +1 & Negate Spell
Rally		2	T	Troop gets Force +1 & Negate Event card
Charge		2	T	Cavalry Troop Force +3
Outflank	2	T	Cavalry Troop Force +2 & OD1C
Battle Cry	2	T	Doubles Base Force of General
Crush		2	T	Infantry Troop Force +3
Backup Effect	4	V	Troop gets Force +1
Casualties  	4	V	LDR Force +X. X = Action cards you’ve played 
Defend Bridge	2	V	LDR Force +4 if you are Defending
Ambush		2	V	LDR Force +4 if you are Defending
Surprise Attack	2	V	LDR Force +4 if you are Attacking 
Confusion	4	V	LDR Force +2 if you have more Units 
Losses		4	V	Retreating Unit must discard Modifier card
Slain		2	V	Retreating Unit is discarded
Meteor Shower	2	S	Doubles Base Force of Sorcerer
Fire Balls	2	S	LDR Force +1 & +3 vs Infantry
Fire Storm	2	S	LDR Force +3
Hail		2	S	LDR Force +1 & Negate Event card
Ice Storm	2	S	LDR Force +1 & Negate Tactics card
Lightning	2	S	LDR Force +1 & +3 vs Cavalry
Gale 		2	S	LDR Force +1 & +3 vs Ranged Troops
Fissure		2	S	LDR Force +1 & Negate Formation card
Ring		2	F	TRP Force +2
Box		2	F	TRP Force +2
Dome		2	F	TRP Force +1 & OD1C
Moon		2	F	TRP Force +1 & +2 if you are Defending
Swan		2	F	TRP Force +1 & +2 if you are Defending
Carp		2	F	TRP Force +1 & +2 if your Troops are Infantry
Goose		2	F	TRP Force +1 & +2 if your Troops are Ranged
Bowl		2	F	TRP Force +1 & +2 if your Troops are Cavalry
Asp		2	F	TRP Force +1 & +2 if you are Attacking
Bull		2	F	TRP Force +1 & +2 if you are Attacking
Dart		2	F	TRP Force +1 & +2 if your LDR is a General
Awl		2	F	TRP Force +1 & +2 if your LDR is a General
Flat		2	F	TRP Force +1 & +2 if enemy has no Formation

G = General
S = Sorcerer
M = Male
F = Female
X = Modifier card (specific to good or bad side) 
Loyal = Immune to Treachery & Duty Elsewhere Cards
Scout = Look at opponents Action hand at end of Action Segment
Summon = Look in Deck for that card & put it in your hand

Name		Type	Force	Notes
Liu Bei		GM	4	Main Leader of the good armies
Zhuge Liang	SM	6	Can use 2 Spells in an engagement
Guan Yu		GM	6	Loyal. Can use 2 Tactics in an engagement
Zhang Fei	GM	5	Loyal. Tactics card used with him gives Force +2
Zhao Yun	GM	5	Force +1 vs General
Mei Sanniang	SF	4	Use any Tactics card as Meteor Shower Spell
Tiger General	X	+2	AT General in DP (5 in deck) Max 1 per General
Mei Mei		XF	+1	AT LDR in DP (Ninja Companion) Scout
Li Li		XF	+1	AT LDR in DP (Ninja Companion) Scout
Luo Luo 	XF	+1	AT LDR in DP (Ninja Companion) Scout
Sun Li		GF	3	Attached Cavalry Troop gets Force +3
Ma Chao		GM	5	Scout
Huang Zhong	GM	4	Draw an Extra Action card in Action Segment
Pang Tong	SM	6	Draw an Extra Action card in Action Segment
Guan Ping	GM	2	Gets Force +1 per Modifier card on Unit 
Zhou Cang	GM	2	May Intercept any 1 Attack per battle
Ma Su		SF	2	If she retreats the opposing LDR also retreats
Cai Mao		GM	3	Attached Infantry Troop gets Force +3

Name		Type	Force	Notes
Cao Cao		GSM	6	Main Leader of the evil armies
Xun Yu		SF	6	Can use 2 Spells in an engagement
Himiko		SF	6	Spell card used with her gives Force +2
Cao Bu		GM	2	Can attach 2 Troops
Xiahou Yan	GM	6	Can use 2 Tactics in an engagement
Xiahou Dun	GM	5	Summon Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba	GM	5	Summon Xiahou Dun
Sima Yi		SM	6	Draw an Extra Action card in Action Segment
Zhang Liao	GM	6	Force +1 vs General
Guo Jai		SM	4	Use any Spell card as Hail
Cheng Yu	SM	5	OD1C at end of Action Segment
Cao Ren		GM	3	Force +4 if Defending
Hu Zhi		GF	5	Use any Tactics card as Crush
Yu Jin		GM	2	May Intercept any 1 Attack per battle
Xi Xuanfeng	X	+1	AT LDR in DP (Ninja Companion) Scout
Dong Xuanfeng	X	+1	AT LDR in DP (Ninja Companion) Scout
Xu Huang	GM	4	Use any Tactics card as Charge
Zhang He	GM	4	Attached Ranged Troop gets Force +3
Pang De		GM	5	Use any Tactics card as Raid
Cao Hong	GM	2	Use any Tactics card as Rally
Guo Shao	GM	4	Use any Tactics card as Volley
Deng Ai		SM	3	Use any Spell card as Fire Ball
Yue Jin		GM	2	Use any Tactics card as Battle Cry
Li Dian		GM	2	Use any Tactics card as Iron Wall

Kessen II

This is based on Kessen II for PS2 of which I’ve played a couple of battles.
Quite Interesting. I recommend trying it. Some Learning curve needed. 
The first Kessen I see is placed in Japan not China.
Note: I did not put in the Neutral Leaders but I may if the Leader decks are unbalanced.
I’ll take a closer look at the walkthroughs to get more card ideas.
Have not seen all the special weapon & troop types.
This would also be good in a Warp Empires game format.

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