Card game for 2 players. 
Based on the Princess Bride Story. 
One player takes the role of Westly. 
The other player takes the role of Prince Humperdink. 

The Princess Bride is a copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

Any player able to control the Buttercup token for 4+ consecutive turns wins. 
Any player who loses his Main Character (Westly or Humperdink)
in a fight automatically loses. 
If the deck runs out, the player in control of the Buttercup Token wins. 

The Princess Bride, Buttercup, is represented by a Token. 

Decide amicably who is Westly and who is Humperdink. 
Humperdink starts in control of the Buttercup Token. 
Humperdink gets to go first. 
Both players start with a hand of 7 randomly drawn cards. 
Both players start with their main Character card in play face up in front of them. 
(There is a Character card for both Westly and Humperdink)

Players take turns. 
The current player is known as the active player.
Each turn has 5 phases: 
Fate Phase
Recruit Phase
Chase Phase
Contest Phase
End Phase

Draw 3 cards. 
If you are in possession of the Buttercup Token, skip the next 2 Phases. 

You may put Character cards into play from your hand face up in front of you. 
You may attach Modifier cards from your hand to your Characters. 

The Active player may go seeking for Buttercup, if he does not already control her. 
The Active player rolls 2D6 and adds any Chase Bonuses from any of his 
Characters, attached cards, and any Event cards he discards. (This is the Chase Roll)
The Other player rolls 2D6 and adds any Escape Bonuses from any of his 
Characters, attached cards, and any Event cards he discards. (This is the Escape Roll)
If the Chase roll does not exceed the escape roll, skip next phase. 
If the Chase roll exceeds the Escape roll go on to contest phase. 

There will be a fight if the active player won in chase phase. 
Roll 1D6 to determine the type of Fight: 
1D6	Fight Type:
1-2	Wits
3-4	Strength
5-6	Sword
Each player selects a Character. The Active player must select a Human Character. 
Both players roll 2D6 and add any appropriate Fight Bonuses from his selected 
Character, attached cards, and any Event cards he discards. (This is the Fight Roll)
If you played an animal, you may not play any Event cards unless they specify Animal. 
The player with the higher Fight Roll wins (Flip for ties). 
The Loser must discard the selected Character card. 
The winner gains or maintains control of the Buttercup token. 

Discard down to 7 cards in your hand. 

Card type. This can be selected (played) instead of a Character in Contest Phase if 
You are the non-active player, and it is not a Sword test. 
The Obstacle is discarded at the end of the Phase, win or lose. 
If you play an Obstacle, you may not play any Event cards unless they specify Obstacle. 

W = Card that can only be used by the Westly Player
H = Card that can only be used by the Humperdink Player
B = Card that can be used by either Player
T = Travel Card (Event card that gives a Bonus in Chase Phase) 
F = Fight Card (Event card that gives a Bonus in Contest Phase)
V = Event Card (Use once and discard)
M = Modifier Card (Attach to Human Character card)
MC = Main Character (Westly or Humperdink)
C = Character Card
CE = Chase or Escape
O = Obstacle
A = Ailment (Modifier card played on opponents Characters)

Card Name		Type	Use	Notes
Westly			MC	W	+1 to Wit and Sword Fights
Prince Humperdink	MC	H	+1 to Chase Rolls & Strength Fights
Vizzini the Sicilian	C	H	+2 to Wit Fights
Fezzik the Giant	C	B	+2 to Strength Fights
Inigo the Spaniard	C	B	+2 to Sword Fights
Count Rugen		C	H	+1 to Escape Rolls and Sword Fights
Sailing Ship		T	B	CE +2
Swift Boat		T	B	CE +2
4 White Horses		T	B	CE +4
Splendid Black Horse	T	B	CE +3
Expert Tracker		T	H	+3 to Chase
Expert Hunter		T	H	+3 to Chase
King Lotharon		C	B	+1 to Escape Rolls
Assassin		F	H	+2 to Wit Fight
Battle of Wits		V	B	Fight Type is Automatically Wits
Duel			V	B	Fight Type is Automatically Swords
Strength Contest	V	B	Fight Type is Automatically Strength
ROUS			C	B	Rodents of Unusual Size +1 to Strength Fights
The Sucking Squid	C	B	+1 to Strength Fights
Shrieking Tarantula	C	B	+1 to Strength Fights
Blood Eagle		C	B	+1 to Strength Fights
Betrayal		V	H	Take control of Target Character
Friendship		V	W	Take control of Target Character
Miracle Max		C	B	Discard Target Ailment in End Phase
Tortured		A	H	-1 to all Rolls 
Mortal Wound		A	B	-1 to all Rolls 
True Love		V	W	Draw 3 cards if you do not control Buttercup
Greatest Kiss		V	W	Draw 3 cards if you do control Buttercup
Long Journey		T	B	CE +1 and Draw 1 card
Guards			C	H	+1 to Sword Fights
Hirelings		C	H	+1 to Sword Fights
Drunk			A	B	-1 to all Rolls
Stomach Pains		A	B	-1 to all Rolls
Broken Heart		A	B	-1 to all Rolls
Jump			T	W	+3 to Escape
Trap			F	B	Non-active Player gets +2 to Fight Roll
Quick Wit		F	B	+2 to Wit Fight
Climb			T	B	CE +2
Castle Halls		T	B	CE +1 and Draw 1 Card
Siege			F	W	+2 to Sword Fight
Great Absence		V	B	Opponent cannot Chase this Turn
Start War		V	H	Draw 3 cards if you do not control Buttercup
Empty Promises		V	H	Draw 3 cards if you do control Buttercup
Six Fingered Blade	M	B	+1 to Sword Fights (Item)
Brilliant Plan		F	W	Active Player gets +2 to Fight Roll
Full Sail		T	B	CE +2
Storm			T	B	+3 to Escape
Night			T	B	+3 to Escape
Castle Walls		T	H	+3 to Escape
Ideal Plan		F	B	+2 to Wit Fight
Shark Infested Waters	T	B	CE +3
Guilder Frontier	T	B	CE +4
Mind Reading		V	B	Look at opponents hand
Inconceivable		V	B	Draw 2 cards if you do not control Buttercup
Logical Explanation	V	B	Look at opponents hand
Coincidence		V	B	Draw 2 cards
Tireless		M	B	Character gets +1 to Strength Fights
Empty the Forest	V	H	Look at next 10 cards in the deck
Surprisingly Quick	F	B	+1 to Fight Roll
Kidnapping		V	H	Gain control of Buttercup
Cut Rope		T	B	+2 to Escape
Great Will		F	B	+3 to Strength Fight
Choke Hold		F	B	+4 to Strength Fight
Big Rock		F	B	+2 to Strength Fight
Trained Mind		M	B	Character gets +1 to Wit Fights
Cross the Channel	T	B	CE +2
Taunting		V	B	Opponent must discard 2 cards at random
Equestrian Skill	M	B	+1 to Escape
Capture			F	H	+1 to Fight Rolls
Conceited Opponent	F	B	+2 to Wit Fight
To the Pain		F	W	+3 to Wit Fight
Fog			T	B	+3 to Escape
Zoo of Death		V	W	Humperdink cannot Chase this turn
Well Known		T	B	+2 to Chase
Mistaken Identity	V	B	Opponent must discard 2 cards at random
The Man in Black	V	W	Opponent must discard 2 cards at random
Terrible News		V	H	Opponent must discard 2 cards at random
Fear			F	B	Target Character lose their Bonuses this Fight
As You Wish		V	W	Draw 3 cards if you do control Buttercup
Tragic Flaw		V	B	Look at opponents hand and steal 1 card
Wounded			V	B	Take control of target Character in Discard
Cliffs of Insanity	O	B	+1 to Strength Fights
Wedding Date		V	H	Win at end of next turn if you control Buttercup
Befriend in Defeat	V	W	Take control of target Character in Discard
Agrippa Defense		F	B	+2 to Sword Fight
Capo Ferro		F	B	+2 to Sword Fight
Master Swordsman	M	B	Character gets +1 to Sword Fights
Theatrics		V	B	Opponent must discard a non-major Character
Good Sportsmanship	V	B	Both players draw 3 Cards
Crowd Fighting Tactics	F	B	+2 to Strength Fight
Squeeze			F	B	+3 to Strength Fight
Run all Night		T	W	+3 to Escape Roll
Read Foot Prints	T	H	+3 to Chase 
Armada			T	H	+3 to Chase 
Trapped in Ravine	T	B	+2 to Chase 
Fire Swamp		O	B	+1 to Strength Fights
Classic Blunder		F	B	+3 to Wit Fight
Threats			F	B	+3 to Wit Fight
Find Weakness		F	B	+1 to Fight Roll
Rope or Vines		V	B	+3 to Fight vs Obstacle
Know Beasts		V	B	+3 to Fight vs Animal
Dizzying Intellect	M	B	Character gets +1 to Wit Fights
Iocane Immunity		M	B	Character gets +1 to Wit Fights
Cunning			M	B	Character gets +1 to Wit Fights
Impasse			V	B	Both players discard their hands
Snow Sand		O	B	+1 to Strength Fights
Courage			V	W	+1 to any Roll
Great Ship Revenge	T	W	+3 to Escape Roll
Dread Pirate Roberts	M	W	Attach to Westly only +1 to all Rolls
Disaster		V	B	Opponent gets –3 to target roll
Destiny			V	W	Search deck for card & put it in your hand
Blood Frenzy		F	B	Target animal gets +2 to Fight Roll
Perilous		F	B	Target obstacle gets +2 to Fight Roll
Man of Action		M	B	Character gets +1 to Sword Fights
Difficult Terrain	F	B	+3 to Sword Fight
Long Painful Recovery	V	B	Discard Target Ailment
Festivals		V	W	Humperdink cannot Chase this turn
Thieves Quarter		V	B	Put target Non-MC back in controllers hand
Back to the Beginning	V	B	Put target Non-MC back in controllers hand
Life isn’t Fair		V	B	Steal 2 random cards from opponents hand
Brute Squad		C	H	+1 to Strength Fights
Revenge			M	B	Attach to MC. Hand size +1
Fate			V	B	Reroll target Dieroll
Reunited		V	W	Take control of target Character in Discard
Nursed Back to Health	V	B	Discard Target Ailment
Ultimate Suffering	V	B	+3 to Chase
Murder Plot		V	H	Win at end of next turn if you control Buttercup
Humiliation		A	B	-1 to all Rolls
Fatigue			V	B	Discard target Modifier card
Desperation		V	B	Discard your hand and draw 3 cards
Oracle			V	B	Look at next 10 cards in deck
Ressurrection Pill	V	B	Take control of target Character in Discard
Surprise		V	B	+2 to Sword or Strength Fight
Spoil his Plans		V	W	Opponent must discard 3 cards at random
Imprisoned		T	H	Westly cannot Chase this turn
King Bats		C	B	+1 to Strength Fights
Holocaust Cloak		V	B	+2 to Wit or Strength Fight
Wheelbarrow		V	B	+2 to Sword or Wit Fight
Panic			F	B	Opponent cannot play Fight Event Cards
Prepare to Die		F	B	+4 to Sword Fight. Opponent may draw 1 card
Break Down Door 	V	B	+3 to Chase
Turn & Run 		T	B	+3 to Escape
Pirates			F	W	+3 to Sword Fight
Florinese Dagger	F	B	+3 to Sword Fight
Fork in the Road 	V	B	Target Player must draw 2 cards and discard 3

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