Board & card game for 2 players.
World War II theme.  Abstract platoon level combat.
Each figure represents a company or unit of men. 

You rout the enemy if you destroy 9+ of his units.

Use an 8x8 chessboard.

Use chits or miniatures to represent units.
There are 3 types of units:
Cavalry, Infantry & Artillery.
Each player starts with:
4 Tanks
8 Infantry 
4 Artillery

Each player places one unit on each square of his back two rows.
Units may not stack. 

Players share a common deck. 
The deck contains 2 copies of each card in the Card list.

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 3 phases:
1. Orders Phase
2. Move Phase
3. Fire Phase

Draw 3 cards. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Max hand size = 5 cards.
Discard excess cards.

Play (discard) a Move card to move one of your units. 
The move card has a number. 
This is the number of spaces the unit moves.
Moves can be diagonal or orthogonal. 
“Knight” type move cards allow a man to move like a knight in chess.
Instead of moving just one unit in any direction, you have the 
option of moving one or more units forward the indicated number of 
spaces using a single move card.

Play (discard) an Attack card to have a unit attack.
The attack card has a number. 
This is the range of the attack.
Attacks can be diagonal or orthogonal. 
“Knight” type attack cards produce an attack with a range like a knight in chess.
The enemy unit that is the target of the attack is automatically 
destroyed and removed from the map. 
Your opponent may play certain Defense cards to negate your attack.

M = Movement
A = Attack
D = Defense
R = Artillery
I = Infantry
T = Tanks
G = Ground: Applies to Artillery, Infantry, and Tanks
U = Any type of Unit
K = as a Knight would move in Chess
Type = Purpose of card
Target = What units are targeted by the attack
User = What type of unit can use the card

Card Name:		Range	Type	User	Target	Notes:
Assault			1	A	G	G	
Fire Team		2	A	I	IR	
Sniper			3	A	I	IR	
Mortars			3	A	I	IR	
Grenades	        1	A	I	G	
Bazooka			2	A	I	T	
Fighting Advance	1	M	IT	-	
March			2	M	I	-	
Column			2	M	IR	-	
Trucks			3	M	IR	-	
Mechanized Infantry	4	M	I	-	
Infiltration		K	M	I	-	
AT Gun			1	A	R	T	
Field Guns		2	A	R	IR	
Rockets			3	A	R	G 
Barrage			4	A	R	IR	
Howitzers		5	A	R	IR	
Bombardment		6	A	R	IR	
Man Handled		1	M	R	-	
Self Propelled		2	M	R	-	
Flame Thrower		1	A	IT	G	
Overrun			1	A	T	IR	
Tank Killer		2	A	T	T	
Machine Guns		2	A	IT	IR	
AP Rounds		2	A	RT	T	
HE Rounds		3	A	RT	IR	
Treads			2	M	T	-	
Tracks			3	M	T	-	
Clear Ground		4	M	T	-	
Road			5	M	T	-	
Blitzkrieg		6	M	T	-	
Outflank	        K	M	T	-	
Armor			-	D	T	-	Negate Attack
Entrenched		-	D	I	-	Negate Attack
Fortifications		-	D	IR	-	Negate Attack
Dug In			-	D	G	-	Negate Attack
Pill Box	        -	-	-	-	Negate Infantry Move
Breakdown		-	-	-	-	Negate Tank Move
Minefield		-	-	-	-	Negate Move

Replace 2-4 Infantry units with Air Units.
Add the following cards to the Deck:
Card Name:		Range	Type	User	Target	Notes:
Bombing Run		1	A	Air	G	
Dive Bomber		1	A	Air	G
Incendiary Bombs	1	A	Air	G
Strafe			2	A	Air	G	
Ground Support		2	A	Air	G	
AA Guns			1	A	R	Air	
Flak			2	A	R	Air	
Fighters	        2	A	Air	Air	
Fighter Ace		3	A	Air	Air	
Ground Fire		1	A	IT	Air	
Circle			1	M	Air	-	
Climb			2	M	Air	-	
Cruise			3	M	Air	-	
Patrol			K	M	Air	-	
Dive			4	M	Air	-	
Flying			5	M	Air	-	
Mission   		6	M	Air	-	
Fuel Tanks		7	M	Air	-	
Paratroopers		7	M	I	-
Camouflage		-	D	G	-	Negate Attack
High Altitude		-	D	Air	-	Negate Attack
Bad Weather		-	-	-	-	Negate Air Unit Move
Reconnaissance		-	-	-	-	Look at Opponents Hand
The Paratroopers card can only be used by infantry in your back two rows and 
they must move orthogonally or diagonally forward.
Air units can also use Machine Gun and Rocket cards.

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