rev 10.16.04 MASTER & COMMANDER: Far Side of the World INTRODUCTION A strategic 2-player simulatiion of naval combat in the Napoleanic era. VICTORY The player with the most captured ships at the end of the game wins. If tied the player who sunk the most ships wins. END OF GAME The game ends when there are no ships left to capture or sink. COMPONENTS 16 Ship Tiles* (2 sets of colored tiles indexed from 1 to 8) 4 Quarters 8 Dimes 12 Nickles 1 Roll of Pennies or 50 double-sided tokens 1 Ship Position & Engagement Log* 2 Ship Skill & Damage Logs* 2 Pending Damage Logs* 1 8x8 Chess Board (or 8x8.doc)** 1 Red 6-sided die 1 White 6-sided die (more is better) * Download from ** Download from GAME BOARD SETUP Ships are represented by a numbered Ship Tile with a coin on top. 1Q 2Q 3D 4D 5N 6N 7P 8P .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1q 2q 3d 4d 5n 6n 7n 8n The numbers 1 to 8 are Ship Tiles. Q=Quarter, D=Dime, N=Nickle, P=Penny Capital letters indicate heads (British) Lower-case letters indicate tails (French) SHIP CLASS Ships are divided into (4) classes numbered 1 to 4. Ship Class determines how far the cannons fire. Ship Class determines the strength of the hull. Ship Class determines the number of masts (limited to 3 per ship). Ship Class is represented by the color of the underlying Ship Tile. RED = 4 GRN = 3 BLU = 2 YEL = 1 HULL STRENGTH Hull Strength is a ship's primary attribute. Hull Strength can never be greater than the ship class. Hull Strength is represented by the type of the coin on top of the ship's tile. Quarter = 4 Nickle = 3 Dime = 2 Penny = 1 When Hull Strength is reduced replace the coin with one that represents the new value. Hull Strength is reduced by hull damage. Hull Strength never goes negative, excess hull damage is ignored. Hull Strength of zero (0) indicates that a ship is taking on water. RIGGING (RIG) RIG tokens (pennies) represent broken masts. The RIG boxes on the damage log sheets are used to record broken masts. Broken masts can not exceed the number of masts, excess RIG damage is ignored. Broken masts reduce the ship's movement. When broken masts equals the number of masts the ship can not sail. SKILL TABLE Each ship has six (6) skill types. Use tokens (pennies) & ship log sheets to record changes in skill level. Heads = positive level, Tails = negative level. 1 [S]EA: Seamanship 2 [G]UN: Gunnery 3 [C]MD: Command Authority/Discipline 4 [M]OR: Morale/Courage/Health/Stamina 5 [A]IM: Marksmanship/Snipers/Muskets 6 [B]RD: Boarding/Swashbuckling/Hand-to-Hand Combat/Marines/Crew Size All skills start at zero (0), skill boxes on log sheets are empty. Add or remove tokens as required so that tokens in a square are all heads or all tails. No Skill Level may go above 3 (excess levels are lost). No Skill Level may go below -3 (further reductions are ignored). INITIATIVE The youngest player goes first. TURN SEQUENCE Players take turns. 1. Drift & Tides 2. Wind 3. Event * Skill Roll * Gusts & Shifting Winds * Repairs & Storm Damage 4. Movement * Anchor * Kedge * Sail * Tow * Ram * Dock 5. Range in All Guns 6. Windward Position 7. Repairs & Damage Control * Man the Pumps * Unfoul Spars & Rigging * Transfer Command * Extinguis Fires 8. Burn Damage 9. Sinking Ships 10.Sunk Ships * Rescue Operations 11.Raise the Ensign (rules of engagement) 12.Weather Gage 13.Simultaneous Attacks 14.Tactical Advantage 15.Bow Chasers 16.Combat Charts 17.Heavy Broadsides 18.Fire! Chasers, Long Guns, and Carronades 19.Accuracy 20.Muskets on the Fighting Top 21.Inexperienced/Inept Gun Crews 22.Blunders 23.Damage Distribution 24.Heated Shot 25.Grapeshot & Cannister 26.Grapple 27.Repel Attack 28.Board Goto step 1. Begin a new turn. 1 DRIFT & TIDES Drift only applies while engagement tokens are in play. The enemy may elect to ignore drift, goto step 2. The enemy may instead select one of your ships. Roll a white die, the enemy rolls a red die. Red DIRECTION 1,2 Up 3,4 No Change 5.6 Down White DIRECTION 1,2 Left 3,4 No Change 5,6 Right Direction is determined from the perspective of the person rolling the die. If the adjacent square in the direction of drift is unoccupied the ship moves there. If the square in the direction of drift is off the map or occupied ignore the roll. 2 WIND Roll a white die, the enemy rolls a red die. MOVE starts at zero (0) Wind MOVE 1,2 0 3,4 +1 5,6 +2 Add the resulting MOVE from each wind die (red & white). 3 EVENT If the numbers on both wind dice (red & white) are even (2,4,6) goto step 4 Wind Event 1 Skill Roll 3 Gusts & Shifting Winds 5 Repairs/Storm Damage SKILL ROLL Wind Result White=1 +1 Skill Level Red=1 -1 Skill Level Roll a die to determine which skill is affected (see SKILL TABLE) GUSTS & SHIFTING WINDS Repeat the following roll for every MOVE you expend during this turn. GUST starts at zero (0) Wind GUST Wht=3 +1 Red=3 +1 Roll a die for every GUST and add or subtract SEAMANSHIP. Gust MOVE < 0: -2 1,2: -1 3,4: 0 5,6: +1 6+: +2 Determine the result of each Gust roll and modify MOVE accordingly. REPAIRS & STORM DAMAGE Wind Result Wht=5 +1 Hull Strength (limited to ship class) Red=5 +1 DAMAGE (see DAMAGE DISTRIBUTION) 4 MOVEMENT ANCHOR You may elect not to move any ships this turn. KEDGE/WARP You may forfeit the wind roll and elect to kedge. Roll a die and add any positive SEAMANSHIP & MORALE skill levels to the roll. Kedge Result 1-3 Failed 4+ Move to any unoccupied adjacent square (docking is not permitted) SAIL You select any one (and only one) ship to sail. The MOVE determined by the wind dice indicates how many squares a ship must sail. Subtract 1 MOVE for every broken mast. Add 1 MOVE for every positive level of SEAMANSHIP. Roll for Gusts & Shifting winds (if applicable) and adjust MOVE accordingly. The ship can not return to the last square from which it just sailed. The ship can sail into any other unoccupied adjacent square (including diagonal). TOW If another of your ships is adjacent to your sailing ship you may elect to tow. Each time the ship sails the ship being towed follows. TOW equals the lead ship's class minus the towed ship's class. Consult the table below and modify MOVE accordingly. TOW MOVE -3,-2 -3 -1, 0 -2 1+ -1 If another of your ships is adjacent to the last ship in line being towed you may tow it. 1) Provided you have movement remaining. 2) Provided the ship's class is less than the class of the ship in front of it. Consult the table again with the last ship being the towed ship. RAM If there is an adjacent enemy ship and you have movement left you may ram it. Ramming will absorb all remaining movement (remain in your current square). Ramming is treated like regular combat (simultaneous attacks). See COMBAT CHARTS for Attack Dice & Damage.Allocation. DOCK Once a ship docks it is out of the game and may not return (remove the ship tile from play) Docking requires that you have enough movement to sail off your side of the game board. You can NOT kedge into a dock. You can NOT dock while your ship is engaged. 5 RANGE IN ALL GUNS Determine all targets within range of your guns. Range is the number of squares between a ship and its target (including diagonal). Short range is a range of zero (0) Long range is a range greater than zero, but less than or equal to the ship's class. For multiple targets at multiple ranges decide whether to attack at short or long range. Once you commit to a range you can not alter it until next turn. If there are no targets within range of your sailing ship goto step 7. 6 WINDWARD POSITION If you did not sail this turn or there are engagement tokens currently in play goto step 7. Select a target even if you don't intend to attack. Windward Position equals White MOVE (wind table) minus Red MOVE (wind table) Subtract 1 point for each BROKEN MAST. Add one point for each positive level of COMMAND AUTHORITY Add one point for each of the target ship's negative levels of SEAMANSHIP & COMMAND AUTHORITY. If Windward Position is greater than plus four (+4) the sailing ship has the weather gage. A ship with the weather gage gains 1 optional MOVE. 7 REPAIRS & DAMAGE CONTROL Repair tokens are any coin except pennies in the skills section of the pending damage log. Repair tokens left over from the previous turn are removed. You may temporarily reduce one or more skills & allocate them to repair & damage control. The only skills that can not be allocated are COMMAND AUTHORITY & MORALE. Record the temporary reduction in skill level(s) with the repair tokens. For each new repair token select one of the four (4) categories below: MAN THE PUMPS For every repair & damage control point you designate for manning the pumps roll:. 1,2 Ship is kept afloat. 3-6 Keep pumping, ship is still sinking. UNFOUL SPARS & RIGGING For every repair & damage control point you designate to rigging roll: 1,2 Remove 1 broken mast. 3-6 Keep working at it, rigging is a mess. TRANSFER COMMAND Transfer tokens are any coins other than pennies in the CMD boxes of the damage log. If you have transfer tokens from the previous turn you may transfer command at this time. You may only transfer command authority skill levels to a single adjacent ship. To transfer neither ship can have moved this turn & neither will be able to move next turn. One repair token is required for every level of command authority transferred. To indicate a pending transfer replace the CMD level tokens with transfer tokens. The transfer will take place next turn. EXTINGUISH FIRES Fires are represented by fire tokens (pennies) in the fire box on the pending damage log. Heads-up fire tokens are uncontrolled fires and tails-up tokens are controlled fires. For every repair & damage control point you allocate to extinguishing fires roll: 1,2 Fire is extinguished, remove fire token. 2-4 Controlled fire is extinguished, uncontrolled fires is controlled (flip fire token) 5,6 Fire rages on, No Change. 8 BURN DAMAGE Contolled fires do not do any damage as long as you made an attempt to extinguish each one. Any controlled fires that were not allocated a damage control point become uncontrolled. Uncontrolled fires require a burn roll: 1 Fire spreads, add a token (penny) to the fire box on the pending damage log sheet. 2,3 Fire ignites powder keg or magazine, +1 DAMAGE (see DAMAGE DISTRIBUTION) 4-6 No fire damage sustained this turn. 9 SINKING SHIPS Sinking ship tokens are pennies in the sinking boxes of the pending damage log. All ships with hull strength of zero (0) that did not successfully pump water: 1-3 Ship remains afloat (add a sinking ship token if it doesn't already have one) 4-6 Ship Sinks 10 SUNK SHIPS Remove all of the ship's pending damage tokens from play. Remove all of the ship's negative skill level tokens from play. Remove all of the ship's broken mast tokens from play. Place a token heads-up in the sunk/captured box on the position & engagement log. If no ships are adjacent (including diagonal) to the sunk ship remove the ship tile. RESCUE OPERATIONS Each ship adjacent to the sunk ship may roll a rescue die for each remaining skill level. 1,2 Crew member rescued, transfer the skill level token to your ship. 3-6 Crew member drowned or captured, skill level token is removed from play 11 RAISE THE ENSIGN (RULES OF ENGAGEMENT) Engagement tokens are pennies in the LONG, SHORT, or GRAPPLE boxes of the engagement log. Turn all engagement tokens heads-up to indicate that the ships have not fired this round. After a ship fires on a target the engagement token is flipped over to the tails side. Any ship with an engagement token is fair game for any other ship in range (engaged or not). Any non-engaged ship that attacks becomes engaged (place a token on long or short) If an engaged ship begins turn out of range of all engaged enemy ships remove engagement token. No ship may ever attack more than one target in a single combat round. 12.WEATHER GAGE A ship can only have the weather gage when there are no engagement tokens in play. Only a ship with weather gage can attack a ship that does not have an engagement token. A ship with weather gage attacks 1st & damage is assessed before the target returns fire. After a ship with weather gage attacks, both attacker and target become engaged. Weather gage is only in effect in the 1st round of combat. 13.SIMULTANEOUS ATTACK Other than weather gage all attacks are simultaneous. Each ship can only attack one target. Damage for simultaneous attacks is recorded on the pending damage log. Damage on the pending damage log does not take effect until all ships have attacked. Start from top to bottom and work from left to right on the engagement log conducting attacks. After a ship attacks flip the engagement token over tails-up to indicate that it has fired. After all attacks are completed transfer the damage from the pending log to the damage log. 14 TACTICAL ADVANTAGE Roll a white die, the enemy rolls a red die. Adjust the roll either positive or negative by adding the following skill levels: Add or subtract your SEAMANSHIP & COMMAND AUTHORITY levels to the white die. Add or subtract the enemy's SEAMANSHIP & COMMAND AUTHORITY levels to the red die. Subtract 1 for every broken mast from the white die. Subtract 1 for every enemy broken mast from the red die. To determine TACT subtract the resulting red die total from the resulting white die total. TACT POSITION - Broadside 0 Bows-On 1-4 Heavy Broadside 5+ Rake the Bow 15.BOW-CHASERS Applies only when POSITION is Bows-On or Rake the Bow. POSITION Result Bows-On You & the enemy can only fire bow-chasers Rake the Bow The enemy can only fire bow-chasers To fire bow-chasers ignore all skill levels and roll a single attack die (see COMBAT CHARTS) 16.COMBAT CHARTS NUMBER OF ATTACK DICE Starting Number of Attack Dice = Ship Class Modify Number of Attack Dice According to the Chart below: Attacker Target skill: s g c m a b a g c m a b RANGE:+S+G+C+M . . -S .-C . . . CLOSE: .+G+C+M+A . . .-C-M-A . BOARD: . . .+M+A+B . . .-M-A-B RAM: . . . . . . . . . . . . SKILLS: s=SEA, g=GUN, c=CMD, m=MOR, a=AIM, b=BRD + = Add attacker's positive skill level - = Add target's negative skill level . = Ignore this skill level If the number of attack dice results in zero (0) then use 1 attack die. 17.HEAVY BROADSIDE Same as a broadside except add 1 additional attack die. 18.FIRE! Chasers, Long Guns & Carronades HIT starts out at zero (0) Roll the number of attack dice. Attack Result 1 +1 HIT 2-6 Miss Add the results of all attack rolls, and modify HIT accordingly. 19.ACCURACY Applies to long range attacks only. The number of accuracy dice is determined by the range. Reduce the number of accuracy dice required by the attacker's GUNNERY skill level. If the number of accuracy dice is less then one (1) then use a single accuracy die. Accuracy Result 1,2 Missed Target (-1 HIT) 4-6 Accuracy OK, No Change. 20.MUSKETS ON THE FIGHTING TOP (poor aim) Applies to short range attacks only and when AIM is less than zero (0) For every negative AIM level on your ship your enemy rolls a die for you: 1 Missed Target (-1 HIT) 5-6 Aim OK, No Change. 21.INEXPERIENCED & INEPT GUN CREWS (mis-loaded guns, overloaded grapeshot) For every negative GUN level on your ship your enemy rolls a die for you: 1,2 Crew manages to render its own gun ineffective (-1 HIT) 4-6 Gun Crew Performed Adequately, No Change. 22.BLUNDERS (locks fail, naval bolt breaks, canon bursts) Roll a single die for each ship that fires a shot. 1 Blunder (-1 HIT & roll a blunder die) 5-6 No Blunders, No Change Blunder Result 1,2 Went as Planned , No Change 3,4 -1 GUN skill level 5,6 -1 Skill level, roll for skill (see SKILL TABLE) 23.DAMAGE DISTRIBUTION All remaining HIT points are converted to DAMAGE. Damage Die 1 2 3 4 5 6 LONG: H H S S R x SHORT: H H S S R R BOARD: S S S S R R (defender) BOARD: S S S S S S (attacker) RAM: H H S S S S BURN: H H S S S R H=HULL DAMAGE, S=SKILL ROLL (-1 LEVEL), R=RIG (BROKEN MASTS), x = MISSED (NO DAMAGE) 24.HEATED SHOT When either side's ship #1 cannons fire roll a fire die per DAMAGE point. 1 Ignites Fire (place a fire token on the target ship) 2-6 No fire started, No Change. 25.GRAPESHOT & CANNISTER For every point of DAMAGE that reduced one of your skill levels roll: 1 Lose another skill level 2-6 Grapeshot & Cannister had no secondary effects. 26.GRAPPLING (boarding nets & pikes) If you are already grappled goto step 27. Grapple tokens are pennies in the grapple boxes on the engagement & position log. Neither ship can have moved this turn. Your ship must be engaged with the target at short range. 1-4 Successful (add a grapple token to the target ship) 5,6 Failed to Grapple, No Change. 27.REPEL ATTACK/UN-GRAPPLE (muskets, axes & grapeshot) 1,2 Successful (remove the grapple token) 3-6. Failed 28.BOARD (pistols, cutlases & knives) Boarding occurs if a ship that was grappled at the start of the turn fails to ungrapple. Players continue to attack each other simultaneously using boarding COMBAT CHARTS. Fight until a ship's BOARDING skill is as negative as its ship class is positive (limit 3). If the target ship lost it is captured. If the attacker lost, hand-to-hand combat is now over. Remove all grapple tokens. 29.CAPTURED SHIPS If any ships were captured: Remove all tokens & the ship tile. Add a token (penny) tails-up in Sunk/Captured box on the position & engagement log. END OF TURN SEQUENCE, GOTO STEP 1... BEGIN A NEW TURN.