Board & card game for 2 players.
Two Rival Gangs of Giant Japanese Monsters Face-off.
Each figure represents a single Monster. 

Kill all opposing Monsters.

Use an 8x8 chessboard.

Use action figures, toys, chits, or miniatures to represent Monsters.

‘Godzilla’ is a licensed, copyrighted property.
This is merely a fan site. 

Each Monster has a point cost. (See the Monster Stat Table)
You have 40 points to spend on Monsters.
You do not have to get a certain number of Monsters.

Each player places his Monsters on the squares of his back two rows.
Monsters may not stack. 

Players share a common deck. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 3 phases:
Fate Phase
Move Phase
Fight Phase

Draw 3 cards from your deck. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Max hand size = 5 cards.
Discard excess cards.

Play (discard) a Move card to move one of your Monsters. 
The move card has a number. 
This is the number of spaces the Monster moves.
Moves are diagonal or orthogonal.
Units may not stack. 

Play (discard) an Attack card to have a Monster attack.
The attack card has a number. 
This is the range of the attack.
Attacks are diagonal or orthogonal. 
The enemy unit that is the target of the attack loses one Hit point.
Any unit reduced to 0 Hits is killed and removed from the board.

A player may play (discard) a Special Ability card to have a 
Target Monster he controls produce one of its effects as 
Listed on the Monster Special Ability Card Effect Table. 

M = Movement
A = Attack
D = Defense
S = Special
Type = Purpose of card
# = Number of that type of card in the deck

Card Name		#	Range	Type	Notes
Meander			2	1	M
Plod			2	2	M
Trod			2	3	M
Hustle			2	4	M
Fly			2	5	M	Only Flying Monsters
Fly Fast		2	6	M	Only Flying Monsters
Stomp			2	1	A	Orthogonal Only
Bite			2	1	A	
Claws			2	1	A	
Tail Swipe		2	1	A	Diagonal Only
Special Ability 1	1	-	S
Special Ability 2	1	-	S
Special Ability 3	1	-	S
Special Ability 4	1	-	S
Special Ability 5	1	-	S
Special Ability 6	1	-	S
Tough			1	-	D
Armor			1	-	D
Regenerate		1	-	D
Blocking Terrain       	1	-	D	

Monster		Hits	Flying	Cost
Godzilla	10	N	10
Anguirus	4	N	4
Rodan		8	Y	9
Mothra		6	Y	7
Baragon		2	N	2
Varan		4	Y	5	
Hydra		6	N	6	
Magma		4	N	4
Octopus		4	N	4
Manda		4	N	4	
Dagora		4	Y	5
Ghidora        	6	Y	7	
Gargantua	4	N	4
Ebirah		6	N	6
Gorosaurus	4	N	4
Kamacuras	4	N	4
Minya		2	N	2
Kumonga		4	N	4
Gabara		4	N	4
Hedorah        	6	Y	7
Gigan 		6	Y	7
Megalon		6	Y	7
King Seesar 	4	N	4
Mechagodzilla	8	Y	9
Titanosaurus	4	N	4
Biollante	6	N	6
Battra		6	Y	7
Space Godzilla	8	Y	9
Destroyer	6	Y	7
Mogera		6	Y	7

Monster:	SA	Effect
Godzilla       	1-2	Internal Surge Of Energy (Attack Range = 1)
Godzilla       	3-4	Radioactive Breath (Attack Range = 3)
Godzilla       	5-6	Cast Off Defense (Defense)
Anguirus       	1-6	Back Spikes (Attack Range = 1)
Rodan		1-2	Hurricanes (Attack Range = 4)
Rodan		3-4	Shock Waves (Attack Range = 2)
Rodan		5-6	Radioactive Breath Beam (Attack Range = 3)
Mothra		1-2	Bolts of Lightning (Attack Range = 5)
Mothra		3	Poisonous Yellow Dust (Attack Range = 1)
Mothra		4	Antennae Rays (Attack Range = 3)
Mothra		5-6	Absorb Energy (Defense)
Baragon		1-3	Radioactive Breath (Attack Range = 3)
Baragon		4-6	Dodge (Defense)
Varan		1-6	Fly High (Defense)
Hydra		1-6	Eight Heads (Attack Range = 2)
Magma		1-6	Giant Tusks (Attack Range = 1)
Octopus		1-3	Tentacles (Attack Range = 2)
Octopus		4-6	Poison (Attack Range = 1)
Manda		1-6	Constriction (Attack Range = 1)
Dagora		1-6	Stingers (Attack Range = 2)
Ghidora        	1-3	Mouth Rays (Attack Range = 2)
Ghidora        	4-6	Shock Waves (Attack Range = 3)
Gargantua	1-6	Punch (Attack Range = 1)
Ebirah 		1-3	Enormous claws (Attack Range = 1)
Ebirah		4-6	Hard Shell (Defense)
Gorosaurus	1-6	Strong Kick (Attack Range = 1)
Kamacuras	1-6	Fast Claws (Attack Range = 1)
Minya		1-3	Hide (Defense)
Minya		4-6	Radioactive Breath (Attack Range = 2)
Kumonga		1-3	Webbing (Attack Range = 2)
Kumonga		4-6	Poison (Attack Range = 1)
Gabara 		1-6	Electrocute (Attack Range = 1)
Hedorah        	1-2	Corrosive Mist (Attack Range = 1)
Hedorah        	3-4	Eye Ray (Attack Range = 4)
Hedorah        	5-6	Spits Caustic Lubricant (Attack Range = 3)
Gigan 		1-3	Forehead Rays (Attack Range = 3)
Gigan 		4-6	Chain-Saw Mechanism (Attack Range = 1)
Megalon        	1-3	Horn Rays (Attack Range = 3)
Megalon		4-6	Spews Explosive Balls From Mouth (Attack Range = 2)
King Seesar 	1-6	Eye Rays (Attack Range = 3)
Mechagodzilla 	1	Eye Beam Laser Cannons (Attack Range = 4)
Mechagodzilla 	2	MegaBuster Mouth Ray (Attack Range = 2)
Mechagodzilla 	3	Paralazyer Missiles  (Attack Range = 5)
Mechagodzilla 	4	Artificial Diamond armor plating (Defense)
Mechagodzilla 	5	Plasma Grenade (AR = 3) or Maser cannons (AR = 6)
Mechagodzilla 	6	Shock Anchor/G-Crusher Electrical Harpoons (Attack Range = 1)
Titanosaurus 	1-6	Whirlwinds (Attack Range = 4)
Biollante 	1-6	Spits Corrosive Sap from Mouth and Tendrils (Attack Range = 2)
Battra		1-6	Fires Rays from Horn and Eyes (Attack Range = 3)
Space Godzilla	1	Corona Beam (Attack Range = 4)
Space Godzilla	2	Telekinesis (Attack Range = 3)
Space Godzilla	3-4	Energy Field Deflector Shield (Defense) 
Space Godzilla	5	Destructive Shock Waves (Attack Range = 2)
Space Godzilla	6	Cosmic Energy Crystal Channel (Attack Range = 5)
Destroyer 	1-2	Micro-Oxygen Mouth Ray (Attack Range = 3)
Destroyer 	3-4	Extending Jaw (Attack Range = 1)
Destroyer	5-6	Energy Blade Weapon (Attack Range = 2)
Mogera		1	Eye Beam Plasma Laser Cannons (Attack Range = 3)
Mogera		2	Fires Maser Cannon from Chest (Attack Range = 5)
Mogera		3	Fires Spiral Tornado Missiles from Hands (Attack Range = 4)
Mogera		4	Screw Crusher Nose Drill (Attack Range = 1)
Mogera		5-6	Tank Treads (Move Range = 4)
SA = Special Ability Card Number

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