WWI card game for 2 players.
Recreate the last great cavalry campaign in history.
One player is the British.
The other player is the Turks.

Each player has his own deck.
Each player keeps two discard piles:
The Reserve pile, and the Casualty pile.

The British win with 5 Victory points.
This indicates that they have overrun the Turks, and that they have captured 
Damascus before their Arab allies led by Colonel Thomas Edward Lawrence, 
also known as Lawrence of Arabia. 
The Turks win with 3 Victory points.
This indicates that the Turks have made a successful fighting withdrawal 
and that they have retreated back to Turkey without being overrun.

1. Maneuver Phase
2. Reserve Phase
3. Order of Battle Phase
4. Air Strike Phase
5. Cavalry Exploitation Phase
6. Artillery Phase
7. Machine Gun Phase
8. Infantry Phase

Players fill their hands to 10 cards.
If a players deck runs out, shuffle the reserve pile and draw from it.

Players may discard up to 5 cards to their reserve pile, and draw 
an equal number of replacement cards.
If a players deck runs out, shuffle the reserve pile and draw from it.

Players place all cards they want to commit to the 
Battle face down in a stack.
Players may play any number of Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, 
And Supply cards.
The Turkish player may play only one Terrain Card.
After both players have put down their stacks, 
Both turn their stacks face up.
These stacks are referred to as the Orders of Battle.

Starting with the British player, discard a 
Plane card to do one of the following:
1. Destroy a card with a Force less than the Plane’s Force.
2. Disrupt a card with a Force equal to or greater than the Plane’s Force.
Target cards in opponents Order of Battle. 
Leader cards cannot be targeted.
Destroyed cards go to the owners Casualty pile.
Disrupted cards have half force in Infantry phase.
Units disrupted twice are destroyed.
The Plane card is discarded to its owners reserve pile.

Starting with the British player, discard a Cavalry card to:
Destroy a card with a Force equal to or less than the Cavalry unit’s Force.
Target cards in opponents Order of Battle.
Target Infantry get double Force.
The target card must be a Supply card if possible.
Leader cards cannot be targeted.
Destroyed cards go to the owners Casualty pile.
The Cavalry card is discarded to its owners reserve pile.
The Lawrence of Arabia card may be used as a 
Force = 3 Cavalry card by the British this phase.

Starting with the Turkish player, discard an 
Artillery card to do one of the following:
1. Destroy a card with a Force less than the Artillery unit’s Force.
2. Disrupt a card with a Force equal or greater than the Artillery unit’s Force.
Target cards in opponents Order of Battle.
Leader cards cannot be targeted.
Destroyed cards go to the owners Casualty pile.
Disrupted cards have half force in Infantry phase.
Units disrupted twice are destroyed.
The Artillery card remains in the battle.

Starting with the Turkish player, discard a 
Machine gun card to do one of the following:
1. Destroy a card with a Force equal or less than the MG unit’s Force.
2. Disrupt a card with a Force greater than the MG unit’s Force.
Target cards in opponents Order of Battle.
Leader, Artillery and Machine guns cannot be targeted.
Destroyed cards go to the owners Casualty pile.
Disrupted cards have half force in Infantry phase.
Units disrupted twice are destroyed.
The MG card remains in the battle.

Each side adds up all the remaining Force in its Order of Battle (OB).
This includes Artillery, MGs, Cavalry, Leaders, and Infantry cards. 
For each supply card in your OB all of your Non-Leader cards get Force +1.
Each non-Leader card of the Turks gets the Force 
bonus indicated on the Terrain card if the Turk played a terrain card.
If the Turk did not play a terrain card, the battle is assumed to 
take place in the open desert.
Each Leader card must be attached to a non-leader card.
A non-leader card may only have one leader attached.
An unattached Leader generates no Force.
Disrupted cards have half force.
The side with the higher Force total wins.
The British win ties. 
The cards of the OB of the loser go into the Casualty pile.
The cards of the OB of the winner go into the Reserve pile.
The winner gets 1 Victory point.
The Naval bombardment card always goes into the Reserve pile.
If Lawrence goes to the Casualty pile, the 
British automatically lose.

These have no Force value, and are there to represent missed opportunities.

Name					#	Type	Force
General Allenby				1	L	+5
Armored Patrol Cars			1	C	1
Australian Mounted Division		1	C	5
New Zealand Mounted Div.	        1	C	4
Desert Mounted Corps			1	A	3
Egyptian Camel Corps			1	C	2
Sherifian Camel Corps			1	C	1
Lawrence of Arabia			1	L/C	+5
Howeitat Tribe				1	C	1
Palestine Brigade			1	I	1
Rualla Tribe				1	C	2
Arab Irregulars				1	C	1
French Detachment			1	I	3
Royal Air Force				2	P	2
British Infantry	          	11	I	6
British Artillery			3	A	4
HMS Druid/HMS Forester			1	A	4
British Machineguns			1	M	3
British Cavalry				2	C	4
Engineer	          		1	I	1
Supply Trains				3	S	+1
Roads					3	S	+1
Escort Prisoners	          	1	N	0
Forage					1	N	0
Dysentery				1	N	0		
# = Number of that card type in the deck
C = Cavalry
I = Infantry
A = Artillery
P = Planes
M = Machineguns
S = Supply
L = Leader
N = Nuisance

Name					#	Type	Force
Bedouins	          		1	C	1
Turkish Air Force			1	P	1	
German Railway Artillery	        1	A	3
German Pasha Contingent			2	I	3
German Machineguns			1	M	2
Corps Headquarters			2	L	+1
Amman Division				1	I	3
Anatolian Division			1	I	3
Von Oppen				1	L	+4
Tiller					1	L	+3
Liman Von Sanders			1	L	+5
General Army Reserve			3	I	1
Asienkorps				1	I	1
Caucasus Cavalry	          	1	C	2
Composite Division			1	I	2
Depot Regiment				1	I	3
Garrison Troops				3	I	1
Turkish Infantry	          	9	I	4
Turkish Artillery			2	A	3
Turkish Machine Guns			2	M	2
Supply Wagons				3	S	+1
Kemal					1	L	+5
Rail lines				3	S	+1
Trenchlines				1	T	+2
Wadi El Fara Line			1	T	+2
Jordan Crossings	          	1	T	+2
Mountains				1	T	+1
Rough Ground				1	T	+1
Towns					1	T	+1
Spread Thin				1	N	0
Poor Morale				1	N	0
Arab Uprising				1	N	0
Supply Problems				1	N	0
Command Problems	          	1	N	0
Rail Cuts				1	N	0
T = Terrain

Lawrence of Arabia Film Review

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