Lord of the Abyss A module for the Warp Empires system For 2-9 players. The players take the role of a Demon Lord, vying for control of the infernal realm of Hell. They marshal their forces and march forth to conquer and subjugate all opposition. UNITS & ACTION DECK There are 10 unit chit piles, 1 general unit pile and 1 for each level of hell. Players share a common action deck MAP The map depicts the nine layers of hell: The Domain of Fire The Domain of Ice The Domain of Blood The Domain of Bone The Domain of Hate The Domain of Pain The Domain of Steel The Domain of Rot The Domain of Void Each Domain has 10 Territories, set up in a circular formation (6 on the outside, 4 on the inside). Also, 4 of the outer territories have Portals, which allow Units to move into another Domain. The Domain portals are as follows: Fire: Pain, Blood, Steel, Void Ice: Hate, Bone, Steel, Rot Blood: Fire, Bone, Pain, Hate Bone: Ice, Blood, Rot, Void Hate: Ice, Blood, Steel, Void Pain: Fire, Blood, Rot, Void Steel: Fire, Ice, Hate, Rot VICTORY A player wins if all enemies are vanquished (ie: have no units in their Home Domain), or they control 5 Domains (ie: control every territory in 5 domains) SETUP Each player chooses a Demon Lord. Each Demon Lord is attached to a particular Domain, as follows: The Domain of Fire: Mephiston, the Burning Lord The Domain of Ice: Asmodan, He of the Frozen Heart The Domain of Blood: Lilliath, Countess of the Flesh The Domain of Bone: Orcus, the Dead Lord The Domain of Hate: Diabolus, the Spiteful one The Domain of Pain: Tiamat, the Queen of Agony The Domain of Steel: Bhaal, the Cleaver The Domain of Rot: Beeazabul, Lord of Entrpoy The Domain of Void: Luciphon, the Faceless One All Demon Lords are Force 6, move Fast, are attuned to their particular Domain, and possess the special attributes of Leader, Flying and Magic (3). Each player sets up their Demon Lord, 5 random general units and 5 random Domain units, in the Domain of their particular Demon Lord. ACTION DECK Players share a common Action deck (at bottom of page). MOVEMENT PHASE Stacks move at the speed of the slowest unit in the stack When moving through a Portal, any units that do so forego their normal movement. They just move from one Portal territory to the connecting one. REVENUE PHASE Revenue is counted in units called Souls. Each territory generates 1 Souls per turn. If a player controls all the territories in a Domain, then those territories produce 2 Souls per turn. RECRUITMENT PHASE A player may draw 5 random unit chits in their phase from the general pile, or any Domain pile that they control a territory in. Units of a particular Domain can only be recruited into a territory in that Domain. If a Demon Lord is killed, then he may be recruited again as a normal unit. If a player does this, however, they do not draw any unit chits that turn. BATTLE PHASE Units of a particular Domain recieve -1 to their force if they are battling in an opposing Domain. This also affects Demon Lords. The opposing Domains are as follows: Fire-Ice Blood-Rot Bone-Steel Hate-Pain Void has no opposing Domain. Special Attributes Unit chits may have the following special attributes that may effect their Force in battle, or have other effects: Missile: Unit has +1 Force if they are Defending Brute: Unit has +1 Force if they are Attacking Horde: For each unit more than one in the stack, add +1 to the stack's Force total for that battle (Maximum: +5) Flying: Unit may mive through territories occupied by enemy units Magic (x): A unit with this ability may cast a number of spells per combat equal to (x). UNITS Name # F M Realm Attributes Lost Ones 30 2 M General Damned Mystics 10 3 M General Magic (1) Terrors 10 2 F General Flying Bastion 20 6 - General Must remain in the territory it is recruited in. Only 1 Bastion per territory Burning Ones 10 3 M Fire Missile Hellhounds 15 2 F Fire Horde Magmagoth 5 4 M Fire Ice Demons 10 3 M Ice Flying Chill Hearts 15 2 M Ice Missile Frost Lord 5 5 M Ice Magic (1) Skull Keepers 10 3 M Bone Reapers 10 4 M Bone Magic (1) Bone Imps 10 2 F Bone Horde Flayed Ones 15 3 F Blood Disciple of 10 3 M Blood Missile, Magic (1) Flesh Blood Wyrm 5 5 M Blood Brute Blights 15 3 M Hate Succubi 10 3 F Hate Flying Fiends 5 4 M Hate Flying, Magic (1) Sword Devils 10 3 M Steel Bladelings 15 2 M Steel Horde Juggernaught 5 5 S Steel Brute Barbed Demons 10 3 M Pain Ravagers 10 3 M Pain Missile Violators 10 4 M Pain Magic (1) Corpse Eaters 10 3 M Rot Shamblers 10 4 S Rot Brute Corruptors 10 4 S Rot Magic (1) Soul Wraiths 10 2 F Void Flying Banes 10 3 M Void Flying Empty Ones 10 4 M Void Flying ACTION DECK Card # Effect March 10 Move 1 stack or 3 Units Advance 6 Move 2 stacks or 6 units Onslaught 3 Move 3 stacks or 9 units Ruination 1 Target enemy must discard 1 Bastion of your choice Scout 2 Look at target stack Spying 1 Look at target opponent's hand Enslavement 2 Recruit 1 non-leader unit for free. Soul Harvest 1 All friendly territories produce +1 Souls this turn Abyssal Ravages 1 Target enemy stack must discard 1 unit of their choice Hell Storms 2 Target stack cannot move in its controller's next move phase Merciless 1 Battle: Losing stack loses 1 extra unit this battle Bombard 1 Battle: +1 Force to all your Missile units this battle Assail 1 Battle: +1 Force to all your Flying units this battle Sorcery 1 Battle: +1 Force to all your Magic units this battle Crush 1 Battle: +1 Force to all your Brute units this battle Overwhelm 1 Battle: +1 Force to all your Horde units this battle Dominate 1 Battle: +1 Force to all your Leader units this battle Blaze 1 Battle: +1 Force to all your Fire units this battle Freeze 1 Battle: +1 Force to all your Ice units this battle Carnage 1 Battle: +1 Force to all your Blood units this battle Corrupt 1 Battle: +1 Force to all your Rot units this battle Spite 1 Battle: +1 Force to all your Hate units this battle Agonize 1 Battle: +1 Force to all your Pain units this battle Relentless 1 Battle: +1 Force to all your Bone units this battle Forged 1 Battle: +1 Force to all your Steel units this battle Emptyness 1 Battle: +1 Force to all your Void units this battle Doom 1 Spell: Battle: Destroy 1 non-leader, non-Bastion unit in opposing stack Immobilize 2 Spell: Battle: Target non-leader unit does not add to the force total this battle Hellfire 2 Spell: Battle: +3 force to stack this battle Desecration 1 Spell: Battle: +4 force to stack this battle Violation 1 Spell: Battle: +5 force to stack this battle Enrapture 1 Spell: Battle: Take 1 unit from enemy stack and add it to your own for this battle Empower 1 Spell: Battle: +1 force to all friendly units in this battle Havok 1 Spell: Demon Lord Only: Battle: +6 force to stack this battle Scry 2 Spell: Look at target player's hand Blight 2 Spell: Target adjacent territory produces no Souls in its controller's next Revenue phase Destruction 1 Spell: Destroy 1 target non-leader unit in an adjacent territory Minor Portal 2 Spell: Stack can move to any territory in the same Domain that is not controlled by an opponent Rift 1 Spell: Demon Lord Only: Move 1 enemy stack out of your Demon Lord's home Domain into thier controller's home Domain. Place stack in a territory controlled by that opponent. Copyright Jason Newell, 2004.