Space Empire Game. 
3-5+ Players. Simultaneous Movement per Written Orders. 

Occupy all opponents Homeworlds at the end of the turn. 
Note that occupation does not mean elimination: If you’ve 
lost it you can still get your Homeworld back

Use a 10 X 10 Grid. (Square or Hex)
The X and Y coordinates must be marked!

There are 100 counters; one for each space on the map. 

Name		#	Notes: 
Void		30	-
Star Field	20	Generates 1 Resource Token per Turn
Cluster		10	Generates 2 Resource Tokens per Turn
Black Hole	20	May not be entered or moved through
Nebula		20	Defender gets +1I and +1A and +1D

Players share a common set of Resource Tokens. 

Each player gets a set of counters of a unique color, plus one 
unique counter that designates their Homeworld. 

Players share a Common Deck. 
There are 2 types of Cards: 
Basic Technologies
Special Technologies

There are 12 Basic Technologies. 
Each player starts with a level of 1 in each of the 12 Techs. 

Tech			Code
Initiative		I
Attack 			A
Defense			D
Jump			J
Command			C
Logistics		L
Research       		R
Manufacturing		M
Miniaturization		Z
Espionage		E
Trade			T
Diplomacy		Y

Unlike Basic Techs, these do not have levels, either you 
have it or you don’t. 
Ram Scoops = Gain 1 RT from every Nebula you occupy.
Event Skimming = You may move through Black Hole Spaces.
Nova Bombs = Instead of its normal attack, Sacrifice a Ship to have it do X 
damage to every Fleet (yours and enemies) in that space. X = your Attack Level.
Cloaking = You get +2 Initiative on the first combat round in Fight Phase
Space Raiding = If you have a Fleet adjacent to an opponents Cluster, 
that cluster generates 1 less RT. 
Assimilation = At end of a battle gain 1 Fleet for every 2 Fleets you destroy. 
Leadership = Once per turn you may increase the level of any 1 of your 
Basic Techs by 1 for the duration of the Turn. 
Genesis = Gain 2 RT from every Star Field you occupy. 
Star Docks = You may build Fleets in any Star Field or Cluster you occupy.  
Time Jump = You may discard a card to Negate 1 order made by 1 target 
player this turn. You may do this a max of once per turn. 
Planet Jump = Your Homeworld has a Jump Level of 1. It can only 
be moved into adjacent Void Spaces. 
Progenitor Ruins = Discard this card in Draw Phase to draw 2 additional cards. 
You may use this card multiple times per game. 
Sabotage = Discard 1 Card from your hand to Discard 1 Target Fleet anywhere at 
the end of Build Phase. 
Positronic Brains = Once in Draw Phase you may pay 10 RT to draw 1 extra card. 

Players will need pen and paper to keep track of their 
levels in the Basic Techs as well as which Special Techs they have. 

Each player picks a counter set. 
Players place their Homeworld counters onto the Map. 
A Homeworld occupies 1 space. 
Players should space these as far apart from each other as possible. 
Next, randomly seed the remaining spaces with the System Counters. 
One System Counter per space.
(You may remove the Void Counters)
The player who won the last game is the Start player. 
Each player starts with 5 Fleet Counters on their Homeworld. 

Within a Phase, the Start player goes first and play proceeds clockwise. 

Each turn has 8 Phases: 
1. Draw Phase
2. Trade Phase
3. Tech Phase
4. Mine Phase
5. Build Phase
6. Jump Phase
7. Fight Phase
8. Final Phase

Each player draws 2 cards from the Tech Deck. 
Draw an extra card if you have the highest Research Level. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Players may trade/gift Tech cards and Resource Tokens, as well as make 
promises and alliances. 
The player with the highest Trade level may steal a random card from any 
target opponents hand. 
The player with the Highest Diplomacy level may declare one target 
player as an ally. The Ally may not Jump Fleets onto 
the Diplomats currently occupied spaces. 
Note: In all cases if 2 or more players tie for highest level then 
no one gets it. 

First: Each player discards one Tech Card from their Hand and increases 
their level in that tech by one.  Alternatively, a player may discard one 
Special Tech Card from their Hand and gain that Special Ability. 
Second: Any player may discard 2 cards of the same type to increase their 
level in that tech by one.  
You cannot take a Special Tech if it would reduce the level of any of your 
Basic Techs to less than 1. 

Each player gains Resource Tokens (RT). 
Gain 1 RT for each Star Field you occupy. 
Gain 2 RT for each Cluster you occupy. 
Gain 5 RT if you occupy your own Homeworld
Gain 2 RT for each enemy Homeworld you occupy. 
Gain 2 RT for every Tech card you discard. 
Multiply the above Sum by your Manufacturing Level to 
get the total number of RT you gain. 
(For example: You occupy your Homeworld plus 3 Star Fields and you 
have a Manufacturing Level of 2. You would gain 2(5+3) RT = 16 RT)

Players may buy Fleets. 
A Fleet costs 4 plus your Attack and Defense Levels minus your 
Miniaturization Level. 
All Fleets start stacked on your Homeworld. 

All Movement is simultaneous. 
All players must write movement (Jump) orders. 
The orders are revealed at the same time. 
An order moves 1 Fleet or a stack of fleets you control from one 
space to another space. 
You must include beginning and ending coordinates as well as the 
number of Fleets jumping in the Jump Order. 
A Fleet can only make one Jump per turn. 
A player can only write a number of orders equal to 1+ his Command Level. 
A Fleet can only Jump a number of spaces equal to 1+ its Jump Level. 
The max number of Fleets in a stack that can jump together in one 
Jump is 5+ your Logistics level. 
Jumps may be diagonal when using a square hex grid.
You cannot Jump through or into a Black Hole. 
Orders that are nonsensical are negated. 
The player with the highest Espionage level may cancel one of his orders and 
rewrite it after all other orders have been revealed. 
There are no stacking limits. 

If 2 or more opposing Fleets occupy the same space, there will be 
combat until only one side remains. 
The player with the highest Initiative assigns his damage first. 
If initiative levels are equal assignments will be simultaneous. 
Damage is equal to the number of your Fleets present X your Attack Level. 
The attacker distributes the damage to enemy Fleets as he sees fit. 
A Fleet must be assigned damage equal to its Defense Level to destroy it. 
If after all assignments have been made, fleets from 2 or more sides 
still remain, do an additional round of damage assignments. 
Damage is cumulative so after enough combat rounds, even Fleets with 
high Defense Levels can be destroyed. 
Note a side is only considered to be the Defender if it already occupied the 
space in the previous turn. 
When fighting at your own Homeworld your fleets get +2A and +2D. 

Max hand size is 3 + your Research Level. 
All players discard excess cards. 

At any time you may discard a Basic Tech card to increase your level in that 
Tech by 1 for the remainder of the Turn. 

Tech				#	Type
Initiative			5	B
Attack 				5	B
Defense				5	B
Jump				5	B
Command				5	B
Logistics			5	B
Research       			5	B
Manufacturing			5	B
Miniaturization			5	B
Espionage			5	B
Trade				5	B
Diplomacy			5	B
Ram Scoops			1	S
Event Skimming			1	S
Nova Bombs			1	S
Cloaking       			1	S
Space Raiding			1	S
Assimilation			1	S
Leadership			1	S
Genesis				1	S
Star Docks			1	S
Time Jump			1	S
Planet Jump			1	S
Progenitor Ruins       		1	S
Sabotage       			1	S
Positronic Brains		1	S
# = Number of copies of that card in the deck
B = Basic Tech
S = Special Tech

Place a Homeworld in the middle of the map. 
No player owns it. It starts with 3 Fleets. 
Anybody able to occupy this system for 3 consecutive 
turns automatically wins. 

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