Dystopian Card, Dice, and Board game for 1-4+ players. 
Based on the 1995 Cult Movie of the same name. 

Johnny Mnemonic is a licensed property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

Be the first player to get to Heaven and upload the PharmaCon Data 
Package (Major Win) or be the last player alive (Minor Win). 

The board is a single track 70 spaces long. 
The first space is the Beijing Hotel starting space
The seventieth space is Heaven, the Lo-Tek Headquarters built on the 
underside of the Brooklyn Bridge.

6, 10 and 20 Sided Dice are needed. 

Each player is a Mnemonic Courier carrying PharmaCon Data to the Lo-Teks. 
Each player gets 1 pawn of a unique color to represent their Courier. 

Each courier starts with several beneficial Traits randomly determined.  
Each courier rolls 10 times on the Courier Trait Table. 

1D10	Trait:			Notes:
1	Storage Upgrade		+1 to Negating Data Overload Wounds
2	Combat			+1 to Combat Tests
3	Quick Wits		+1 to Evasion Tests
4	Toughness		+2 Hits
5	Net Savvy		+1 to Net Tests
6	Transport		+1 to Movement Rolls
7	Charisma       		+1 to Contact Tests
8	Reflexes       		+1 to Negating Combat Wounds
9	Intelligence		Maximum Hand Size +1
10	Custom			Pick One

Each player starts with 10 Hits. 
Use Tokens to keep track of Hits. 

These cards aid Couriers in a variety of ways.  
The deck has 1 copy of each card listed. 
Discard them when appropriate to modify dice Rolls or 
gain other benefits.  For example: getting +2 to Net Savvy would 
apply to the current Net Test only.
Cards that modify dice rolls may be played after the roll is made or 
before. (if used before, the give an additional +1 bonus) 
You cannot by Healing gain Hits above your starting total. 

Each player selects a Pawn. 
Roll up your Courier Traits. 
Shuffle the Aid Deck.
Each player draws 2 cards from the Aid Deck. 
Distribute Hit Tokens.
Players roll high on 1D6 to see who goes first. 
(Add your Transport & Intelligence Bonus to the Roll)
Reroll Ties for first. Play proceeds clockwise. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 4 Phases: 
Draw Phase
Move Phase
Encounter Phase
End Phase

Draw 1 Aid card and put it in your hand. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Roll 1D6 and move forward that many number of spaces. 
Add your Transport Bonus to the Roll. 
If you land on an opponent, steal 1 random card from his hand. 

Roll on the Encounter Table. 
Resolve the Encounter. 

Max hand size is 5 cards. 
Discard excess cards. 

1D10		Result: 
1 or Less	No Hits lost
2-5		Lose 1 Hit
6-8		Lose 2 Hits
9-10		Lose 3 Hits
11+		Spectacular Death/Decapitation

1D20	Encounter:		
1-2	Friends			
3-4	Nothing			
5	PharmaCon Mercenaries	 
6	Yakuza Thugs		
7	Shinji			
8	Takahashi		
9	Yakuza Commandos	
10	Ralfi and Bodyguards
11-14	Data Overload
15-18	Net Connection
19-20	Karl the Street Preacher

Make a Contact Test: Roll 1D10. 
Add your Charisma Bonus to the Roll. 
If your Total is 7+ draw 3 Aid Cards. 
Reroll for a new Encounter if you are at Heaven.  

You may discard 1 Aid card and draw a replacement or 
you may Heal 1 Hit. 
Reroll for a new Encounter if you are at Heaven.  

PharmaCon Megacorporation Hired Guns and Bounty Hunters. 
Make an Evasion Test: Roll 1D10. 
Add your Quick Wits Bonus to the Roll. 
If your Total is 7+ you evade them and the encounter ends. 
If not make a Combat Test: Roll 1D10.
Add your Combat Bonus to the Roll. 
If your Total is 6+ you defeat them and the encounter ends. 
If not, roll on the Wound Table and the encounter ends. 
Subtract your Reflex Bonus from Wound Table Rolls. 

Gun Toting Henchmen. 
Make an Evasion Test: Roll 1D10. 
Add your Quick Wits Bonus to the Roll. 
If your Total is 8+ you evade them and the encounter ends. 
If not make a Combat Test: Roll 1D10.
Add your Combat Bonus to the Roll. 
If your Total is 6+ you defeat them and the encounter ends. 
If not, roll on the Wound Table and the Encounter ends. 
Subtract your Reflex Bonus from Wound Table Rolls. 

Ruthless Yakuza Leader. 
His favored Weapon is a Monofilament Plasma Wire Whip. 
Make an Evasion Test: Roll 1D10. 
Add your Quick Wits Bonus to the Roll. 
If your Total is 9+ you evade him and the encounter ends. 
If not make a Combat Test: Roll 1D10.
Add your Combat Bonus to the Roll. 
If your Total is 8+ you defeat him and the encounter ends. 
If not, roll on the Wound Table and the encounter ends. 
Add 2 to the Wound Table Roll. 
Subtract your Reflex Bonus from Wound Table Rolls. 

Conflicted PharmaCon Executive. 
Favored Weapon is a Samurai Sword. 
Make an Evasion Test: Roll 1D10. 
Add your Quick Wits Bonus to the Roll. 
If your Total is 8+ you evade him and the encounter ends. 
If not make a Combat Test: Roll 1D10.
Add your Combat Bonus to the Roll. 
If your Total is 7+ you defeat him and the encounter ends. 
If not, roll on the Wound Table and the encounter ends. 
Add 1 to the Wound Table Roll. 
Subtract your Reflex Bonus from Wound Table Rolls. 
If you defeat him get +1 to your Net Tests in Heaven and if you 
encounter him again, treat it as a Shinji Encounter. 

Armed with Rocket and Grappling Hook Launchers. 
Make an Evasion Test: Roll 1D10. 
Add your Quick Wits Bonus to the Roll. 
If your Total is 8+ you evade them and the encounter ends. 
If not make a Combat Test: Roll 1D10.
Add your Combat Bonus to the Roll. 
If your Total is 8+ you defeat them and the encounter ends. 
If not, roll on the Wound Table and the encounter ends. 
Subtract your Reflex Bonus from Wound Table Rolls. 

Courier Handler and his Cybernetic Bodyguards the Dog Sisters. 
Make a Contact Test: Roll 1D10. 
Add your Charisma Bonus to the Roll. 
If your Total is 6+ you scare them and the encounter ends. 
If not make a Combat Test: Roll 1D10.
Add your Combat Bonus to the Roll. 
If your Total is 6+ you defeat them and the encounter ends. 
If not, roll on the Wound Table and the encounter ends. 
Subtract your Reflex Bonus from Wound Table Rolls. 
Reroll for a new Encounter if you are at Heaven.  

Data Seepage from your Brain Implant is killing you. 
Roll on the Wound Table and subtract your Storage Upgrade Bonus. 
(Do not subtract your Reflex Bonus)

You gain access to the Cyberspace Net. 
Make a Net Test: Roll 1D10. 
Add your Net Savvy to the Roll. 
If your Total is 7+ move forward 1D6 Spaces. 
If not, go back 1D6 Spaces (Do not roll for another Encounter and 
if you land on an opponent do not steal a card)
Reroll for a new Encounter if you are at Heaven.  

Incredibly Tough Cybernetic Assassin. 
Favored Weapon is a Crucifixion Dagger. 
Make an Evasion Test: Roll 1D10. 
Add your Quick Wits Bonus to the Roll. 
If your Total is 8+ you evade him and the encounter ends. 
If not make a Combat Test: Roll 1D10.
Add your Combat Bonus to the Roll. 
If your Total is 9+ you defeat him and the encounter ends. 
If not, roll on the Wound Table and the encounter ends. 
Add 3 to the Wound Table Roll. 
Subtract your Reflex Bonus from Wound Table Rolls. 

When you arrive in Heaven (The End Space) you move no further. 
Roll on the Encounter as normal each turn you are there. 
After the random encounter, make a Net Test: Roll 1D10. 
Add your Net Savvy to the Roll. 
On a roll of 6+ gain 1 Upload Token. 
When you have 3 Upload Tokens, you have successfully 
decrypted and uploaded the NAS Cure to the Net and you win. 

Name: 			Notes: 
Scientists		+2 to Net Savvy
Compression		+2 to Storage Upgrade
Tai Chi 		+2 to Storage Upgrade or Combat
Sleep			Miss Next turn. Heal 3 Hits
Childhood Memory       	Target Opponent misses his next turn
Escape			+2 to Quick Wits or Reflexes
Lo-Tek Fighters		+3 to Combat in Heaven only
Standoff       		+2 to Quick Wits
Pistol			+2 to Combat
Makeshift Club		+1 to Combat
Hide			+2 to Quick Wits
Hostage			+2 to Quick Wits
Grenade			+2 to Quick Wits or Combat
Jones the Dolphin	+3 to Net Savvy in Heaven only
Hand to Hand		+2 to Combat or Reflexes
Dodge			+2 to Reflexes
Underground		+2 to Transport
Spider			+2 to Net Savvy or Charisma
Street Doctor		Heal 2 Hits or +2 to Charisma
Street Vehicle		+2 to Transport
Good Deed		+2 to Charisma
Guide			+2 to Transport or Charisma
Street Samurai Jane	+2 to Combat or Charisma
J-Bone			+2 to Net Savvy or Quick Wits
Thrown Knife		+2 to Combat
On the Same Side	+2 to Charisma	
Cyborg Bodyguard       	+2 to Combat
NAS Clinic		+1 to Transport or Heal 1 Hit
Surprise       		+2 to Combat
Decryption		+2 to Net Savvy
Password       		+2 to Net Savvy
Run			+2 to Quick Wits or Reflexes
Muscle Grafts		+2 to Combat
Ghost in the Machine	+2 to Net Savvy or Charisma
Brain Hack		+2 to Net Savvy or Storage Upgrade
Find Cover		+2 to Reflexes
Cyberpunk		+2 to Net Savvy
Diversion		+2 to Quick Wits
VR Gloves & Visor	+2 to Net Savvy
Memory Doubler		+2 to Storage Upgrade
NAS Attack		Target Opponent discards 2 Random Cards

Minor Win not possible. 
Childhood Memory card does nothing. 
Apply NAS Attack on yourself immediately when drawn. 


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