Card game for 2-4+ players based on the Incredibles Animated Movies. 

The Incredibles is a licensed copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

The Game ends when all Villains have been captured. 
The player who has captured the most Villains wins. 

Players share a common deck. 
The deck has 7 suites: 
1. Supers (Super Heroes)
2. Powers (Super Powers)
3. Action (Foes and Situations)
4. Locale (Locations)
5. Issues (Psychological and Social)
6. Detail (Pro or Con)
7. Thwarts (Complications and Foe Tactics)
Each suite has 30 cards. 
Each card has a value of 1 to 5. 

The Villain Deck has 7 Cards. 
One of these is always in play. 
Each has a unique complication that makes them more difficult to capture. 
#. Villain:			Complication in Order to Defeat:
1. Syndrome			Meld must include Super card of Rank 4 or 5
2. Screenslaver			Meld must include Action card of Rank 4 or 5
3. Baron Von Ruthless		All Players Discard 1 Random card in their End Phase
4. Bomb Voyage  		Meld must include Power card of Rank 4 or 5
5. Nemesis			Meld must include all Ranks 1-5
6. Evil Mastermind		Rank of all cards in Meld must be Odd
7. Underminer			No Rank 1 Cards in Meld

Shuffle the Deck. 
Pick a random player to go first. 
Play proceeds clockwise. 
Place 1 Random Villain card face-up in the middle of the table. 
Deal 7 cards to each player. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 4 Phases: 
1. Draw Phase
2. Action Phase
3. Meld Phase
4. End Phase

Fill your hand to 7 cards. 
If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Play (discard) 1 card from your hand. 
It will cause a special effect depending on its suite: 
1. Supers = Draw 2 cards. 
2. Powers = Draw 3 cards and discard 2 cards. 
3. Action = Opponent must discard 2 random cards. 
4. Locale = Draw 1 card. Look at next 5 cards in deck. 
5. Issues = Steal 1 random card from opponent. 
6. Detail = Draw 1 card. Look at opponent’s hand. 
7. Thwarts = Draw 1 card. Opponent must discard 1 card. 

You may play a Meld. 
A Meld must contain 1 card from each of the 7 Suites. 
When you make a Meld discard your hand and 
Capture the current Villain Card. 
Keep your captured Villain Cards next to you. 
Replace the Villain card with a new one from the Villain Deck. 

Discard down to 7 cards. 

S = Supers
P = Powers
A = Action
L = Locale
I = Issues
D = Detail
T = Thwarts

Card Name:			Points:	Type:
Mister Incredible		5	S
Elastigirl			5	S
Violet				4	S
Dash				4	S
Jack Jack			3	S
Frozone 			4	S
Incredible Family		5	S
Incredible Kids			5	S
Team Up 			5	S
Voyd				1	S
Krushauer			1	S
Helectrix			1	S
Reflux				1	S
Brick				1	S
Screech				1	S
Vigilante			3	S
Super Agent			4	S
Bob and Helen			5	S
Lucius				4	S
Gazerbeam			3	S
Dynaguy 			2	S
Thunderhead			2	S
Strato Gal			2	S
Meta Man			2	S
Splashdown			2	S
Kronos				2	S
Fironic				3	S
Quick Thinking	Hero		4	S
Courageous Hero 		3	S
Bold Hero			3	S

Telekinesis			1	P
Electric Shock			1	P
Demon Form			1	P
Dimensional Rifts		3	P
Fire Form			1	P
Vanishing			2	P
Ice Barrier			3	P
Parachute Form  		2	P
Trampoline Form 		2	P
Flying				1	P
Laser Eyes			2	P
Multiple Bodies			1	P
Devtech Super Bike		3	P
Incredibile Car			3	P
Super Suit			3	P
New Feature			2	P
Break Through Walls		4	P
Super Strength			5	P
Invisibility			4	P
Super Stretch			5	P
Invulnerability			4	P
Force Field			5	P
Super Speed			5	P
Ice Formation			5	P
Flexible			3	P
Unique Abilities		4	P
Bulletproof			4	P
Indestructible			5	P
Run On Water			2	P
Edna Mode			4	P

Runaway Bullet Train		5	A
Runaway Driller 		5	A
Runaway Hydrofoil		5	A
Hypnotized Heroes		4	A
Helicopter Dogfight		4	A
Giant Killer Robot		5	A
Omnidroid			5	A
Mugging 			1	A
Kidnapping			3	A
Ambush  			2	A
Rocky the Raccoon		1	A
Bank Robbery			3	A
Missiles			4	A
Infiltration Assignment		4	A
Escape				3	A
Guards Attack			2	A
Save the World			5	A
Hijacking			4	A
Brainwashing			3	A
Rescue Mission			4	A
High Speed Pursuit		3	A
Armed Gunmen    		2	A
Cat Up Tree			1	A
Tour Bus Robbery		1	A
Battle Royale			2	A
Ledge Jumper			1	A
Purse Snatcher			1	A
Evacuation			2	A
Vortex				2	A
Attack Hovercraft		3	A

Burning Building		5	L
Collapsing Building		5	L
Remote Island			2	L
Metroville City			1	L
New Urbem			1	L
Municiberg			1	L
Testing Facility		2	L
Jungle				4	L
Volcano 			3	L
Nomanisan			1	L
Precise Location		3	L
Containment Unit		5	L
Mainland			1	L
Aircraft Hangar			2	L
Financial District		1	L
Traction Avenue 		2	L
Downtown			5	L
City Hall			4	L
Open Ocean			4	L
Underground			4	L
City Streets			5	L
Apartment Building		3	L
Rooftops			4	L
Station				2	L
Office Building			2	L
Crime Scene			3	L
Rail Line			4	L
Mega Yacht			5	L
Stairwell			3	L
Hideout 			3	L

Hypno-Goggles			2	T
Manifesto			1	T
Mind Control			5	T
Mystery 			3	T
Inventions			3	T
Captured			4	T
Technology			3	T
Revenge 			5	T
Betrayal			4	T
Death Ray			4	T
Hostages			5	T
Bystanders			3	T
Cloaking Device			2	T
Artificial Intelligence		4	T
Cape Malfunction		4	T
Biggest Fan			1	T
Probe				2	T
Evil Laughter			1	T
Confirmed Hit			2	T
Call Your Bluff			4	T
Intruder Alert			1	T
Master Plan			5	T
Guns				2	T
Cage				3	T
Trap				3	T
Propaganda			1	T
Confusion			5	T
Threats				2	T
Surprise			5	T

Arrest				5	D
Babysitting			5	D
Crime Fighting			5	D
Power Source			5	D
Crash Landing			4	D
Mirage				4	D
Remote Control  		5	D
Trick				4	D
Private Plane			2	D
Beacon				2	D
Giant Rocket			5	D
Catch Phrase			1	D
Sidekick			3	D
Police Radio			1	D
Public Service			1	D
Self Destruct			1	D
Secret Message			2	D
Deception			3	D
Prototype			3	D
Air Drop			1	D
Patch Job			1	D
Homing Device			3	D
Abort				2	D
Weakness			3	D
Disengage			2	D
Gamble				3	D
Throw Car			2	D
Stow Aways			4	D
Monologue			4	D
Distraction			4	D

Suburban Life			1	I
Family Dynamic  		2	I
Renunciation			1	I
Perception			5	I
Collateral Damage		4	I
Relocation Program		4	I
Memory Wipe			2	I
Tear in the Suit		1	I
Secret Identity			3	I
Rick Dicker			2	I
Midlife Crisis			5	I
Marital Dysfunction		5	I
Child Neglect			3	I
Impotence Fears 		3	I
Fashion Faux Pas		3	I
Existential Angst		4	I
Identity Crisis			5	I
Exceptionalism			1	I
Mediocrity			2	I
Responsibility			2	I
High Achievement		1	I
Domesticity			4	I
Public Trust			2	I
Lawsuits			4	I
Problems at School		5	I
Blow Cover			4	I
Relocation			3	I
Frustrating Job			5	I
Retired				1	I
Moonlighting			3	I


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