Card game for 2 players.
Simulates the Iran- Iraq War of 1980-88.
One player uses the Iraq deck.
The other player uses the Iran deck.

A game lasts 16 turns. 
The player with the most Victory Points at the end of the game wins.
If a player is ever able to win 3 victory points in 3 consecutive 
turns, he automatically wins.

Players pick sides.
The Iraqi player starts the game with the Initiative.
The Iranian player starts on the Defense.

Each turn has 5 phases:
Recruit Phase
Maneuver Phase
Offensive Phase
Actions Phase
Battle Phase

Each player draws 10 cards (from their own deck).

Each player may discard up to 3 cards and draw replacements.

Players reveal their hands face up onto the table..

Certain cards have the ability to take an action. 
Players take turns taking actions with their cards able to do so.
The player with the initiative takes the first action.
The player with the initiative cannot use defense card actions.
A single card may only use its action once.
A card that is destroyed by an action is discarded immediately.

Each player adds up the Force of his remaining cards.
The player with the higher force total wins the turn. 
The player with the initiative cannot gain Force from defensive cards.
The winner gains the initiative, if he didn’t already have it.
If the winner already had the initiative, he gains a victory point.
Discard all cards played this turn.

O = Offensive Card (Card can only be used if you have the initiative)
D = Defense Card (Card can only be used if opponent has the initiative)
A = Air Raid Card
L = Leadership Card
I = Intelligence Card
B = Blunder Card (Defects in the enemies Forces
E = Economic Advantage Card
M = Military/Morale Advantage Card
P = Political Advantage Card
U = Military Unit Card
W = Weapon Card
F = Fighting Card

Card Name:				Type	Force	Action:
Combat Engineers			D	3
Saddam Hussein				L	5	
Baath leadership			L	1
Iraqi intelligence officers		I	1	Look at next 7 cards in enemy deck
Kurdish rebellion			B	3
Lack cohesive leadership		B	1
Lack spare parts			B	1	All enemy Air Raid cards get Force-1
Fully equipped and trained forces	M	1	All Unit cards get Force +1
Mechanized divisions			U	3	
Latest Soviet materiel			W	3	
Military buildup			E	1	Draw an extra card next turn
River-crossing equipment		A	3	
Iraqi intelligence sources		I	1	Look at next 7 cards in enemy deck
Poorly maintained equipment		B	1	All enemy Unit cards get Force +1
Massive preemptive air strike		A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Deep bombing raids 			A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Exchange of artillery fire		F	2
Iraqi MiG-23s and MiG21s		A	2
Attack Iran's air bases			A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Destroy fuel & ammunition depots	A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Surprise Iranian defenses		A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Bombs designed to destroy runways	A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Surprise attack				A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Multiple Fronts				O	4
Diversionary move 			O	3
Mechanized mountain infantry division	U	3
Main attack thrust 			O	4
Siege and occupation			O	4
Iraqi armored units			U	5
Prevent reinforcement			F	4
Supported by heavy artillery fire	F	3
Rapid and significant advance		O	4
Blitz-like assaults			O	4
Attack scattered & demoralized forces	O	3
Inadequate armor support		B	2	Use only on Defense
Dig in along their line of advance	D	2
Militarily superior Iraqi force		M	3
Premature attack			B	4	Use only on Defense
Surrounded on three sides		B	5	Use only on Defense
Limited military stocks			B	2
T-22 and Il-28 bombers			A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Antiaircraft guns 			W	1	Destroy target Air Raid Card 
Man-portable missiles			W	1	Destroy target Air Raid Card
SA-2 and SA-3 antiaircraft missiles	W	1	Destroy target Air Raid Card
Iraqi SA-6s				W	1	Destroy target Air Raid Card
High casualties				B	2
T-55 tanks 				U	4
T-62 tanks				U	5
BM-21 Stalin Organ rocket launchers	W	3
Mi-24 helicopter gunships 		A	1	 Destroy target enemy Ground unit
Soviet-type three-line defense		D	4
Obstacles				D	2
Minefields				D	3
Fortified positions			D	4
Flood lowland areas			D	4
Dig in tanks				F	1
Attack helicopters			A	1	Destroy target enemy Ground unit
Massive air attacks			F	5
Infantry divisions			U	2
Fierce fighting				F	1	All Unit cards get Force +1
Killing zones				D	4
Attack economic centers			A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Attack Iranian shipping			A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Mirage F-1 fighters			A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Anti-ship Exocet missiles		A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Attack without armor and air support	B	3
Surface-to-surface missiles 		A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Long-range artillery attacks		F	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Attack Tehran				A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Air raids and missile attacks		A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Mustard gas 				W	1	Destroy target enemy Ground unit
Nerve gas				W	1	Destroy target enemy Ground unit
Chemical warfare			W	1	Destroy target enemy Ground unit
Hit-and-run attacks			F	1
Concerted air-strike campaign		A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Concrete-roofed bunkers			D	3
Barbed wire				D	2
Impressive fortifications		D	4
Static defensive strategy		D	4
Exploit failed Iranian assaults		F	4
Relieve forces under pressure		F	3
Maturing of Iraqi military capabilities	M	1	All Unit cards get Force +1
Tanker War				A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Chemical warheads			W	1 	Destroy target enemy Ground unit
Republican Guard 			U	4	
Regular Army units			U	2	
Low-level fixed-wing attack sorties	A	3	
Attack command and control facilities 	A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Attack artillery positions		A	3	
Attack logistics points			A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Heliborne and amphibious landings	O	4	
Capture armor and artillery		O	4	
Extended range Scud missiles		A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn

Card Name:				Type	Force	Action:
American Arms Shipments			E	3
Iraqi Kurdish rebels			U	2
Well-disguised diversion assaults	O	3
Hit-and-run attacks			F	1
Final offensive				O	4
Surprise amphibious assault		O	4
Entrenched				D	3
Air raids and missile attacks		A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Child soldiers roped together		O	1
Open passages through minefields	O	2	Destroy target Fortification card
Capture oil fields			O	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
War of attrition			F	4
Air, armor, and artillery support	F	3
Major humanwave offensives		O	4
Dig in tanks				F	1
Helicopters for close air support	A	1	Destroy target enemy Ground unit
Helicopters gunships			A	1	Destroy target enemy Ground unit
Operation Karbala Five			O	3
Large-scale helicopter-borne operations	O	3
Chinooks and Bell helicopters		A	2
Sea Cobra choppers			A	2
Operation Undeniable Victory		O	3
Penetrate Iraq's "impenetrable" lines	O	4
Split Iraq's forces			O	4
Force the Iraqis to retreat		O	4
Break the Iraqi line			O	4
Biggest land battles since 1945		O	3
Low-flying groups of F-4s		A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Western-made air defense system		D	1
Hawk, Rapier, and Tigercat missiles 	D	1
Antiaircraft guns 			W	1	Destroy target Air Raid Card
Man-portable missiles			W	1	Destroy target Air Raid Card
Helicopter troop carriers 		A	2
Helicopter emergency supply transports	A	2
Maverick missiles 			A	1	Destroy target enemy Ground unit
Attack Iraqi oil field complex		A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Well-coordinated assault		O	1	All Units get +1 Force
Iranian pilots				A	1	Air Raid cards get Force +1
Refuel in midair			A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Unwilling to sustain high casualty rate	B	3 	Use only on Defense
Refusal to initiate a new offensive	B	3	Use only on Defense
Lift Siege				D	4
Iranian air force prevails		A	2	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Bombs & rockets				A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Destroy supply and support systems	A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Attack Baghdad 				A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Attack key Iraqi air bases		A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Series of counteroffensives		D	3
Refuse to accept defeat			M	3
Eager to fight				M	3
Fail to follow up with another attack	B	2
Human wave assaults			O	3
Basij volunteers			U	2
Popular Mobilization Army 		U	2
People's Army				U	2
Attack the northern pipeline		A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Persuade Syria to close Iraqi pipeline	P	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Untiring resistance in Khuzestan	D	4
Assault on Iraqi oil export terminals	A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Carry their own shrouds			M	3
Commando units				U	3
Fight bravely				M	3
People's Militia			U	2
Pasdaran forces				U	2
Ideologically committed troops		U	2
Revolutionary regime			L	3
Veterans of the old imperial army	M	3
Rapid mobilization of volunteers	E	3
Stiff resistance			D	3
Border garrison				D	1
Air support				A	1	Destroy target enemy Ground unit
Attack strategically important targets	A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Iranian F-4 Phantoms			A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Specially strengthened hangars		D	2	
Ayatollah Khomeini			L	5
Religious mullahs 			L	4
Imperial Iranian Army			U	3
American-made equipment			W	4
Pasdaran troops				U	2
Revolutionary Guard			U	3
Ill-equipped battalion-sized formations	U	2
Company-sized tank units		U	2
Iranian air force			A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Islamic militants			U	2
Assassination				P	1
Exchange of artillery fire		F	2
Deep bombing raids 			A	1	Enemy draws 1 less card next turn
Arab minority remains loyal		M	3

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