Card game for 2-4+ players. 
Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Theme. 

Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a licensed, copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

The First player to complete the requirements on a Quest card in play wins the game. 

There are 2 Decks: The Quest Deck and the Common Deck. 

Each player is dealt a hand of 7 cards. 
The most Depressed player goes first. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 4 Phases:
1. Improbability Phase
2. Ultimate Phase
3. Normality Phase
4. Universe Phase

Draw 2 cards from the common deck.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

You may put one card into play.
Cards put into play are placed face up on the table in front of the player who played it. 

Max hand size is 7 cards. Discard excess cards. 

If it is not the most depressed players turn, skip this phase. 
Flip over the top card of the Quest Deck face up. It is now in play. 

There may be multiple Quest card in play at a time.
If a player has cards in play that satisfy the requirements of any 
Quest card in play at the end of any phase, that player win the game. 
Keep the Quest cards in the middle of the table.

Most cards have a Special Ability. 

*Reveal Powers are cards that produce an effect when they are 
first put into play from a players hand (They become inert after this).  

*Continuous Powers produce a constant effect as long as the card remain in play. 

*Event Powers produce an effect that goes off at the beginning of each of 
your Normality Phases.
Note: you may choose not to have an Event power go off.  

*Discard Powers produce an effect if you voluntarily discard them from your hand. 

*Sacrifice Powers produce an effect if you voluntarily discard the card from play.
(Sacrifice and discard powers don't count against your limit of how many 
cards you can put in play on your turn. You can use these powers anytime)

*Alignment Powers: You may play one extra card of the indicated type in 
each of your Ultimate Phases. This is in addition to the one card you normally get to play. 
Example: You have Ford Perfect in play. You draw Heart of Gold and Trusty Towel. You get to play 
both cards... Heart because you always get to play one, and Towel because the Ford card lets you.

When you steal a card in play, it remains in play but comes under your control. 
Stealing a card in play does not allow you to reuse a Reveal power if it has one. 
Cards may also be stolen directly from a players hand.

Some card effects will negate the special ability of other cards. 
The negated cards are not discarded. 

5 Characters are described as Main Characters. 
There are 2 copies of each of these cards in the deck. 
Only 1 copy of a character can be in play at a time.
Any power that effects a Character can also effect Main Characters. 

Q = Quest
M = Main Character 
C = Character
P = Planet
V = Vogon
E = Earth
Z = Zaphod
U = Ultimate
H = Hitch-Hiker
R = Robot
F = Fish
S = Ship
T = Thing
L = Location
K = Kavula 
B = Builder
A = Advice
N = Condition
RX = Reveal Power
CX = Continuous Power
EX = Event Power
DX = Discard Power
SX = Sacrifice Power 
AX = Alignment Power
SD = Search Deck for indicated type of card and put it in your hand
DH = Discard hand & draw equal number of replacement cards
Place cards = Planets & Locations
FC = Flip top card of the deck. If it matches the indicated type keep it. If not, discard it.
LOH = Look at Opponents hand

Card Name:				Type	Notes:
Arthur Dent				ME	EX: FC Earth cards
Ford Perfect				MH	AX: Hitchhiker cards
Trillian       				ME	AX: Character cards
Zaphod Beeblebrox			MZ	AX: Zaphod cards
Marvin the Depressed Robot		MR	CX: Opponent’s Hand Sizes -1 
Heart of Gold				S	RX: Steal Target Planet/Loc card
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy		TH	EX: FC Advice card
Mostly Harmless				EA	RX: Take control of Earth card
Infinite Improbability Drive		T	EX: DH
Things are not always what they Seem	A	RX: DH
A Brain the Size of a Planet		RT	CX: Hand Size +1
President of the Galaxy			ZK	EX: Draw 1 card & discard 1 card
The Vicinity of Betelgeuse		P	RX: SD Character
Restaurant at the End of the Universe	L	RX: Draw 2 cards
Don’t Panic				AH	DX: Negate a Power targeting a Character
Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz			CV	RX: Target Opponent skips his next turn
Deep Thought				CRU	RX: SD Ultimate card	
So Long & Thanks for all the Fish	AF	RX: LOH and steal one card
Life, the Universe & Everything		U	RX: Steal an Ultimate card
Humma Kavula				CK	RX: Steal a Thing card
Great Green Arkleseizure       		K	RX: Steal a Character card
A Nice Cup of Tea			TE	SX: Draw 2 cards
Trusty Towel				TH	SX: Negate a Power targeting a Character
Viltvodle				PK	RX: Opponent discards 1 random card
He’s Just this Guy, You Know?		AZ	RX: SD Character
Hyperspace Express Route       		L	RX: Steal a Planet card
Earth					PEB	AX: Earth cards
Babel Fish				THF	EX: FC Hitchhiker cards
Dolphins       				FE	SX: LOH and steal one card
Plumeting Sperm Whale			CF	RX: Play 2 extra cards this turn
Hitchin a Ride				H	RX: SD Ship card
I’m so Depressed       			NR	RX: Discard target Character
Stowaway       				NH	RX: Steal a Character card
Vogon Poetry				V	RX: Discard target Character
Vogsphere				VP	AX: Vogon cards
Vogon Constructor Fleet			VS	RX: Discard target Planet
Resistance is Useless			VA	RX: Steal a Character card
Third Arm				Z	RX: Draw 1 card
Second Head				Z	RX: Draw 1 card
Eddie the Computer			CR	CX: Hand size +1
Sirius Cybernetic Company		LR	RX: Steal a Robot card
Commander Kwaltz       			VC	RX: Steal a Vogon card
Vice President Questular       		ZC	EX: FC Zaphod cards
Magrathea				PUB	AX: Ultimate cards
The Ultimate Question			U	RX: DH
The Ultimate Answer			U	RX: DH
Fook & Lunkwill				CU	EX: FC Ultimate cards
Best Laid Plans of Mice			UB	RX: Play an extra card this turn
Traal					P	RX: Opponent discards 1 random card
Arcturian Megafreighter			S	CX: Hand size +1
Pan Galactic Gargleblaster		T	RX: All players must DH
Thinking Cap				T	EX: Draw 1 card & discard 1 card
Point of View Gun			TK	RX: Steal a Character card
Vogon Bureaucracy			VL	RX: Opponent must discard 3 cards
Ravenous Bug Blatter Beast of Traal	T	RX: Discard target Character
Ancient Defense System			T	RX: Discard target Ship
Brain Retriever				TU	RX: Steal a Character card
Hyperspatial Engineers			TB	AX: Planet cards
Slartibartfast				CB	RX: SD Planet card
Earth Mark II				PEB	RX: Play an extra card this turn

Hitchhikers Quest			Q	Have 5 Hitchhiker cards in play
Salt of the Earth			Q	Have 4 Earth cards in play
Ultimate Quest				Q	Have 5 Ultimate cards in play
Fate of the Earth			Q	Have 4 Builder cards in play
Good Companions				Q	Have 5 Main Characters in play
Vogon Supremacy        			Q	Have 4 Vogon cards in play
Travel the Universe			Q	Have 5 Planets/Locations in play 
Zaphod Fan Club				Q	Have 4 Zaphod cards in play
Robot Universe				Q	Have 4 Robot cards in play
Huma Kavula Power Trip			Q	Have 4 Kavula cards in play
Something Fishy				Q	Have 3 Fish cards in play

Thanks Ron!
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