INTRODUCTION Solo Card Game. You control a US Marine Company on Patrol in Fallujah. SCORING The game Ends when there are no cards left in the Deck. Your score = 100 minus the total force value of the cards in the Casualty Pile plus the total force value of the cards in the Elimination Pile. THE DECK There is one deck. There are 2 main card types: American cards and Insurgency cards. Insurgency card types include: Tactics, Insurgents, Positions, Explosives American card types include: Tactics, Infantry, Armor, Support, Recon, Disarm THE PILES As Play progresses 3 Piles will form: 1. Casualty Pile 2. Elimination Pile 3. Discard Pile TURN SEQUENCE Each turn has 7 Phases: 1. Search Phase 2. Tactics Phase 3. Asset Phase 4. Destroy Phase 5. Disarm Phase 6. Recon Phase 7. Regroup Phase SEARCH PHASE Turn over (face up) the top card of the deck. This is called the Target card (or just Target). TACTICS PHASE If the target is an Insurgent Tactics card, put it and one Random card from your hand into the discard pile. If the target is an American Tactics card draw the top 2 cards: Put American cards you draw into your hand and Insurgency cards you draw into the discard pile (in this phase only). ASSET PHASE If the Target is an American card put it in your hand. DESTROY PHASE If the Target is an Insurgent card or a Position card, you may destroy it By playing an American card from your hand with equal or greater Force. Both cards go into the Elimination Pile. If you do not have an American Card with equal or greater Force in your hand, put The Target card into the Casualty Pile. DISARM PHASE If the Target is an Explosives card, you may neutralize it by playing an American Infantry or Armor card from your hand with equal or greater Force or by playing a Disarm card. Both cards go into the Elimination Pile. If you cannot neutralize the bomb, the card goes to the Casualty pile. RECON PHASE Play (discard) a Recon card to look at the next 5 cards in the deck. REGROUP PHASE Max hand size is 4 cards. Put extra cards into the discard pile. CARD LIST NOTATION N = Insurgent Tactics I = Insurgents P = Positions X = Explosives T = American Tactics G = Infantry A = Armor S = Support R = Recon D = Disarm CARD LIST Card Name Type # Force Notes Suicide Bomber I 2 5 Jihadists I 2 4 Insurgents I 2 3 Terrorists I 2 2 Fundamentalists I 2 1 Rocket Attacks I 2 3 Mortar Attacks I 2 2 Guerilla Warfare N 1 - Shoot & Scoot N 1 - Ambush N 1 - Attack Isolated Units N 1 - Urban Combat N 1 - Pitched Battle N 1 - Close Quarters Firefight N 1 - Vehicle Accident N 1 - Pillbox P 2 5 Concrete House P 2 4 Tight Alley P 2 3 Roof Top P 2 2 Courtyard P 2 1 Protect Flanks T 1 - Systematic Advance T 1 - Coordination T 1 - Company Commander T 1 - Ingenuity T 1 - Adaptability T 1 - Small Unit Tactics T 1 - Rapid Reinforcement T 1 - M1 Abrams Tank A 2 5 120mm Main Gun Light Attack Vehicle A 2 4 Bradley AFV A 2 3 Up-Armored Humvee A 2 2 Humvee A 2 1 Infrared Cameras R 1 - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles R 1 - Dragon Eyes R 1 - Pioneers R 1 - Predators R 1 - Surveillance R 1 - Intelligence Profile R 1 - Mounted Patrol G 2 5 Marine Rifle Squad G 2 4 SMAW Launcher G 2 3 Infantry Fire Team G 2 2 Grunts G 2 1 Roadside Bomb X 2 5 Radio Controlled Bomb X 2 4 Car Bomb X 2 3 Improvised Explosive Device X 2 2 Low Tech Bomb X 2 1 Warlock Jammer D 1 - Sharp Eyes D 1 - Spotters D 1 - Disposal Team D 1 - Robot D 1 - F/A-18 Fighters S 1 4 Precision Munitions Cobra Helicopter Gunships S 1 3 Hellfire Missiles AC-130 Slayer S 1 5 105mm Howitzer Fire Support Team S 1 5 FIST Artillery S 1 3 Mortars S 1 1 Forward Observer S 1 1 Forward Air Controller S 1 4 Laser Designators Sniper Team S 2 2 Guardian Angel

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