War in Europe in the 18th & 19th Centuries. 
Module for the Warp Empires system. 
You must use the Warp Empires system to play this game.

Depicts Europe circa 1700-1800+.
Each country is divided into 10+ territories. 
Country:	Connected to:
France		Spain, Holland, Rhineland, Switzerland, Italy
England		Controls the Seas. Access to all except Warsaw and Switzerland
Russia		Prussia, Warsaw, Sweden, Austria, Ottoman Empire
Austria		Rhineland, Prussia, Russia, Warsaw, Ottoman Empire
Prussia		Rhineland, Austria, Russia, Warsaw,
Holland		Denmark, Rhineland, France
Sweden		Denmark, Russia
Denmark		Holland, Rhineland
Spain		France, Portugal
Portugal  	Spain
Rhineland  	Switzerland, Italy, France, Holland, Denmark, Prussia, Austria
Italy		Rhineland, Switzerland, Naples, Austria
Naples		Italy, Egypt
Switzerland	Rhineland, Italy, France
Warsaw 		Prussia, Russia, Austria
Egypt		Naples, Ottoman Empire
Ottoman Empire	Russia, Egypt

Type:		Revenue Points generated per turn:
Wilderness 	1
Small City	2
Medium City	3
Major City	4
Capitol City	5 

Units defending inside Major Cities & Capitol Cities get +2 Force.

The side that controls the most territories at the end of the game wins.
Either side wins automatically if all opposing units are destroyed. 

Each player starts with:
Control of all territories in 1 Country
1 General & 1 Admiral
10 Random units

Players share a common Action deck.

Stacks (except for ships) without Generals cannot move. 
All Stacks (with Generals) get 1 free move per turn!!!!
By use of cards, a Unit can move a maximum of twice per turn.

Ships can move in open Sea spaces.
A Ship can 'carry' 4 Land Units.

Revenue can be saved from turn to turn.
Saved Revenue is located in Capitols & Major Cities.

Units do not receive free upkeep.
Pay 1 Revenue Point for each unit.
Discard units that do not receive upkeep. 
Units cannot receive any upkeep from territories they are cut off from or 
From territories that are 5+ territories distant.
Revenue generated by cards can be used for upkeep anywhere.

Units must start in Major Cities or Capitol Spaces. 

A Stack containing light troops will reduce the revenue
of each opposing adjacent Territory by 1. 

The Loser of a battle suffers a base loss of 20% (rounding up) of his units. 
The Winner of a Battle suffers a base loss of half the number of 
Units lost by the Loser (Rounding down).
Example: French have 13 units and British have 12
The British win the Battle… 
The French lose 3 Units (20% of 13 rounding up) and the 
British lose 1 Unit (half of 3 rounding down)

In Battles Cavalry is +1 Force & Artillery is -1 Force
In Sieges Cavalry is -1 Force & Artillery is +1 Force

Each player gets a set of unit chits of a unique color.
Use the Basic set or create sets unique to each nationality
(Each Infantry Unit roughly represents a Division of 5,000 Men)

Leaders get a permanent +1 Force for each Battle they win.
Such Leaders are said to be experienced.

S = Ships
H = Heavy (Line) Infantry
C = Cavalry
CH = Heavy Cavalry
CL = Light Cavalry
C/H = Mounted Infantry
L = Light Infantry
A = Artillery
G = General (Leader)
F = Fortifications
D = Admiral (Leader)

Name			#	Type	Force	Move	Notes
General			5	G	10	F
Admiral			5	D	10	FF
Ships of the Line	10	S	8	F
Frigates	          	10	S	4	FF
Fortifications		10	F	10	-
Guard Infantry		5	H	7	S
Grenadiers		5	H	6	S
Fusiliers		5	H	5	S
Troopers	          	20	H	4	S
Reserves 		10	H	2	S
Rangers   		5	L	6	M
Flankers	          	5	L	5	M
Skirmishers		5	L	4	M
Foot Artillery		10	A	6	S
Horse Artillery		5	A	5	M
Siege Artillery		5	A	4	S	+4 vs Forts	
Cuirassiers      	5	CH	6	F
Dragoons	          	5	C/H	5	F
Lancers			5	CL	4	FF
Hussars			10	CL	3	FF

Name			#	Type	Force	Move	Notes
General			6	G	10	F
Admiral			4	D	10	FF
Ships of the Line	10	S	8	F
Frigates	          	10	S	4	FF
Fortifications		10	F	10	-
Old Guard		5	H	7	S
Middle Guard		5	H	6	S
Young Guard		5	H	5	S
Grenadiers		5	H	6	S
Fusiliers		5	H	5	S
Line Battalion		20	H	4	S
Reserves 		10	H	2	S
Chasseurs 		5	L	6	M
Voltigeurs		5	L	4	M
Foot Artillery		10	A	6	S
Horse Artillery		10	A	5	M
Siege Artillery		5	A	4	S	+4 vs Forts	
Cuirassiers      	5	CH	6	F
Carabiniers		5	CH	6	F
Dragoons	          	5	C/H	5	F
Lancers			5	CL	4	FF
Hussars			10	CL	3	FF
Mounted Chasseurs      	5	CL	4	FF

Name			#	Type	Force	Move	Notes
General			4	G	10	F
Admiral			6	D	10	FF
Ships of the Line	15	S	8	F
Frigates	          	15	S	4	FF
Fortifications		5	F	10	-
Foot Guards		5	H	7	S
Highlanders		5	H	7	S
Grenadiers		5	H	6	S
Fusiliers		5	H	5	S
Line Battalion		20	H	4	S
Sappers			5	H	2	S	+2 vs Forts
Reserves 		10	H	2	S
Riflemen 		10	L	6	M
Cacadores		5	L	4	M
Foot Artillery		10	A	6	S
Congreve Rockets	        5	A	2	S
Horse Artillery		5	A	5	M
Siege Artillery		5	A	4	S	+4 vs Forts	
Horse Guards      	10	CH	6	F
Dragoons	          	10	C/H	5	F
Hussars			5	CL	3	FF

Name			#	Type	Force	Move	Notes
General			6	G	10	F
Admiral			3	D	10	FF
Ships of the Line	5	S	8	F
Frigates	          	5	S	4	FF
Fortifications		10	F	10	-
Foot Guards		5	H	7	S
Grenadiers		5	H	6	S
Fusiliers		5	H	5	S
Landwher	          	20	H	4	S
Musketeers		10	H	2	S
Jagers			20	L	5	M
Foot Artillery		10	A	6	S
Horse Artillery		5	A	5	M
Siege Artillery		5	A	4	S	+4 vs Forts	
Cuirassiers      	5	CH	6	F
Dragoons	          	5	C/H	5	F
Uhlans			5	CL	4	FF
Hussars			10	CL	3	FF

Name			#	Type	Force	Move	Notes
General			7	G	10	F
Admiral			3	D	10	FF
Ships of the Line	5	S	8	F
Frigates	          	5	S	4	FF
Fortifications		10	F	10	-
Guard Infantry		5	H	7	S
Grenadiers		5	H	6	S
Fusiliers		5	H	5	S
Line Battalion		20	H	4	S
Reserves 		10	H	2	S
Chasseurs		15	L	5	M
Foot Artillery		10	A	6	S
Horse Artillery		5	A	5	M
Siege Artillery		5	A	4	S	+4 vs Forts	
Cuirassiers      	5	CH	6	F
Dragoons	          	5	C/H	5	F
Uhlans			5	CL	4	FF
Hussars			10	CL	3	FF

Name			#	Type	Force	Move	Notes
General			5	G	10	F
Admiral			2	D	10	FF
Ships of the Line	5	S	8	F
Frigates	          	5	S	4	FF
Fortifications		10	F	10	-
Guard Infantry		5	H	7	S
Grenadiers		5	H	6	S
Fusiliers		5	H	5	S
Troopers	          	20	H	4	S
Reserves 		20	H	2	S
Chasseurs		15	L	5	M
Foot Artillery		10	A	6	S
Horse Artillery		5	A	5	M
Siege Artillery		5	A	4	S	+4 vs Forts	
Cuirassiers      	5	CH	6	F
Dragoons	          	5	C/H	5	F
Lancers			5	CL	4	FF
Hussars			5	CL	3	FF
Cossacks	          	15	CL	4	FF

For more historical units see the lists in the game Eagles of Glory also on this website.

Battle: Any battle not involving Fortifications
Sea: Any battle between Ships or Movement by Ships
Siege: Any battle involving Fortifications

Card Name       		Notes
Tactical Move	        	Move 1 stack
Operational Move		Move 2 stacks
Grand Strategy  		Move 3 stacks
Garrison 		Siege: Fortification gets +5 Force 
Siege   			Siege: Destroy target Fort
Bayonet Charge  		Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Wheel About     		Battle: Cavalry get +2 Force each
Outflank			Battle: Light Units get +2 Force each
Bombardment     		Battle or Siege: Artillery get +2 Force each
Encirclement    		Battle: Stack gets x2 Force
Counterattack   		Battle: Defender gets x1.5 Force  
Rearguard Action		Battle: Loser takes half Casualties
Forced March    		Move 1 Stack
Columns  		Move 1 Stack
Surprise			Battle & Sea: Attacking Stack gets Force x2
Enlistments     		Recruit 2 random units    
Shock Action    		Battle: Lancers & Heavy units get +2 Force each
Skirmishing     		Battle: Light Units get +2 Force each
Target Artillery		Battle: Destroy target Artillery Unit
Lead Column     		Battle: Leader gets +10 Force 
Column Attack   		Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Lance Charge    		Battle: Lancers get +5 Force each
Light Cavalry Pursuit	Battle: Losers take 1 extra casualty
Successive Volleys	Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Rear Attack     		Battle: Cavalry get +4 Force each
Flank Attack    		Battle: Cavalry get +3 Force each
Defensive Formation	Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Square Formation		Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Rapid Attack    		Battle: Cavalry get +2 Force each
Blunder  		Battle: Stack Force reduced by ½ 
Disordered Infantry	Battle: Heavy Infantry get –2 Force each
Fire by Rank    		Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Broken Ground   		Battle: Heavy Infantry get –1 Force each
Form into Line  		Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Good Roads      		Move 1 Stack
Telescope		Look at opponent’s hand
Disciplined Fire		Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Canals  			Move 1 Stack
Forage  			Gain 1D6 Revenue Points
Dysentary		Discard 2 random units from target Stack
Logistical Problems	Negate Target Move
Live off the Land	Gain 1D6 Revenue Points
Food & Fodder   		Opponent loses 1D6 Revenue Points
Desertions		Target Stack loses 1 Random unit
Light Cavalry Raiders	Opponent loses 1D6 Revenue Points
Attack Supply Convoy    	Opponent loses 1D6 Revenue Points
Light Infantry Raiders	Opponent loses 1D6 Revenue Points
Protect Baggage Trains  	Negate Target Move
Strategic Defense	Siege: Fortifications get +10 Force each
Careful Planning		Battle: Leader gets +10 Force
Tactical Skill  		Battle: Leader gets +10 Force
Diplomacy		Opponent may not attack this turn
Treaty  			Opponent may not attack this turn
Armistice		Opponent may not attack this turn
Confusion		Opponent must discard 2 random cards
Deception		Opponent must discard 2 random cards
River Crossing  		Negate Target Move
Provisions from Locals  	Gain 1D6 Revenue Points
Assault  		Siege: Attacking Infantry get +2 Force each
Distraction		Battle/Siege: Attacking Stack gets +10 Force
Control Bridge  		Move 1 Stack
Compel Action   		Target Opponent’s Stack must Move
Flanks Protected		Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Master of Strategy	Draw 3 cards
Countercharge   		Battle: Defending Cavalry get +2 Force each
Crowding			Battle: Stack suffers 1 additional casualty
Attrition		Battle: Both sides suffer 1 extra casualty
Retreat into River	Battle: Losing side loses 1 extra casualty
Take Prisoners  		Battle: Losing side loses 1 extra casualty
Concentrate Force	Battle & Sea & Siege: Stack gets +10 Force
Interior Lines  		Move 1 Stack
Detachments     		Negate Target Move
Bugles  			Battle: Light Units & Cavalry get +3 Force each
Drums   			Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each 
High Ground  		Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Depots  			Gain 2D6 Revenue Points
Capture Supplies  	Take 1D6 Revenue Points from opponent
Glorious Death  		Battle: Enemy Leader Killed
Privateering  		Take 1D6 Revenue Points from opponent
Genius  			Battle: Leader gets +10 Force
Carronades  		Sea: Ships get Force +3 each
Fire by Platoon  	Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Standarized Artillery  	Battle: Artillery or Ships get +2 Force each
Observation Balloon  	Look at opponents hand & draw 2 cards from deck
Naval Signal Flags  	Sea: Stack gets +10 Force 
Gunnery  		Battle: Artillery or Ships get +2 Force each
Expedition  		Move 1 Land or Sea Stack
Grand Battery   		Battle: Artillery get +3 Force each
Defense in Depth		Siege: Defenders get +2 Force Each
Fortified Towns 		Siege: Defenders get +2 Force Each
Probing Attacks 		Battle: Light Units get +1 Force each
Revenge 			Target Stack with Leader must move to Attack
Attack Weak Point	Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Hidden Movements		Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Long Siege      		Siege: Attacking Stack gets +10 Force
Courage 			Battle: Leader gets +10 Force
Imagination     		Draw 3 cards
Mortar Bombs    		Siege: Attacking Artillery gets +5 Force each
Redoubts			Siege: Forts get +5 Force each
Enfilade Fire   		Battle or Siege: Artillery get +4 Force each
Trenches			Siege: Infantry get +2 Force each
Sorties 			Siege: Defending Infantry & Cavalry get +1 Force each
Strong Position 		Battle or Siege: Defending Stack gets +10 Force
Superb Fortifications	Siege: Forts get +5 Force each
Lines of Communication  	Move 1 Stack
Diversions		Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Repulse 			Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Move Up & Deploy		Move 1 Stack
Hold Firm		Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Weaken the Center	Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Concealed Battery	Battle: Artillery get +3 Force each
Bullet Wound    		Battle: Leader gets –10 Force
Orderly Withdrawal	Battle: Loser takes 1 less casualty
Rout    			Battle: Loser takes 1 extra casualty
Artillery Support	Battle: Artillery get +3 Force each
Costly Victory  		Battle or Siege: Winner take 1 extra casualty
Reserves			Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Final Main Attack	Battle: Heavy Cavalry get +4 Force each
Dispersed		Battle: Stack gets –10  Force
Base of Supplies		Gain 2D6 Revenue Points
Blockade			Siege: Attacking Stack gets +10 Force
Magazines		Gain 1D6 Revenue Points
Winter Quarters 		Opponent may not move any stacks this turn
Reinforcements  		Gain 2 Random units
Keen & Resourceful	Battle: Leader gets +10 Force
Concealed Troops		Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Ambush  			Battle: Defending Stack gets +10 Force
Volunteers		Gain 2 Random units
Invasion			Move 1 Stack
Secret March    		Move 1 Stack
Swift March     		Move 1 Stack
Vigorous Attack 		Battle or Siege: Attacking Stack gets +10 Force
Reconnoiter     		Look at Opponent’s hand & draw 2 cards from deck
Reconnaissance  		Look at Opponent’s hand & draw 2 cards from deck
Hide in Terrain 		Battle: Light Infantry get +3 Force each
Cover & Concealment	Battle: Light Infantry get +3 Force each
Sabers & Pistols		Battle: Light Cavalry get +3 Force each
Open Order      		Battle: Light Infantry get +3 Force each
Harrassment      	Battle: Light Units get +3 Force each
Attack Column      	Battle: Light Units & Cavalry get +3 Force each
Absorb Enemy Fire      	Battle: Light Infantry get +3 Force each
Sharpshooters   		Battle: Light Infantry get +3 Force each
Marksmen			Battle: Light Infantry get +3 Force each
Menaced 			Negate Target Move
Good Morale     		Battle or Siege: All Units get +1 Force
Demoralized     		Battle or Siege: All Enemy Units get +1 Force
Night March     		Move 1 Stack
Veteran Troops  		Battle: All Units of Experienced Leader get +1 Force
Quick Deployment		Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
March Formation 		Move 1 Stack
Reverse Slope   		Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Rally           		Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Refuse Flank    		Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Blocking Terrain		Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Lost Orders     		Negate a card just played
Esprit de Corps 		Battle: All Units get +1 Force each
Line of Battle  		Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Hail of Canister		Battle: Artillery get +4 Force each
Howitzer Shells  	Battle: Artillery get +2 Force each
Bouncing Round Shot	Battle: Artillery get +3 Force each
Roar of Cannon		Battle & Sea: Artillery & Ships get +2 Force each
Exploding Shrapnel	Battle: Artillery get +2 Force each
Expert Drill		Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Disorganized		Battle: Opposing Stack gets –10 Force
Lure by False Retreat	Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Roll up the Flank	Battle: Stack gets x2 Force
Cavalry Charge		Battle: Cavalry get +3 Force each
Earthworks		Siege: Units with Forts get +2 Force each
Avoid Battle		Move Stack out of Battle at end of Opponents Move Phase
Ineptitude		Battle: Stack with Leader gets half Force
Bloody Fight		Battle: Both sides take 1 extra casualty
Staff Corps		Move 1 Stack
Experienced Officers	Battle: All Units of Experienced Leader get +1 Force
Interdiction		Move Stack into Battle at end of Opponents Move Phase
Local Contributions	Gain 2D6 Revenue Points
Coinage Debasement	Gain 2D6 Revenue Points
Increase Taxes		Gain 2D6 Revenue Points
Loans			Gain 2D6 Revenue Points
Allied Subsidies		Gain 2D6 Revenue Points
Grapeshot		Sea: Stack gets +10 Force
Boarding Actions		Sea: Stack gets +10 Force
Cross the T		Sea: Stack gets x2 Force
Chain Shot		Sea: Stack gets +10 Force
Bar Shot			Sea: Stack gets +10 Force
Break Enemies Line	Battle & Sea: Stack gets x2 Force
Hot Shot			Sea: Stack gets +10 Force
Fire Ships		Sea: Stack gets +10 Force
Broadsides		Sea: Ships get +2 Force each
Favorable Winds		Move Sea Stack
Favorable Currents	Move Sea Stack
Capture Ship		Sea: Winner gains control of 1 enemy ship
Commerce Raiders		Opponent loses 1D6 Revenue Points
Blockade Port		Opponent loses 1D6 Revenue Points
Squall			Target Sea Stack loses 1 random Ship
Mutiny			Target Sea Stack loses 1 random Ship
Storms at Sea		Negate Move of Target Sea Stack
Bypass Strongpoints	Move 1 Stack through territory containing Fort
New Recruits		Gain 2 random Units
Conquest			Move 1 Stack
Fight on Your Terms	Battle: Defender gets +10 Force
Campaign			Move 1 Stack
Replacements		Gain 2 random Units
Talent & Enterprise	Battle: Leader gets +10 Force
Procure Provisions	Gain 2D6 Revenue Points
Favorable Terrain	Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Oblique Attack		Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Advance in Echelon	Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Favorable Disposition	Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Exploit Weakness		Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Tactical Innovation	Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Screen Movements		Battle: Light units get +3 Force each
March by Divisions	Move 1 Stack
Cover Gaps w Frpwr	Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Battlefield Mobility	Battle: Artillery get +3 Force each
Turn Enemies Flank	Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Offensive Feint		Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Force Battle		Move 1 Stack into Battle
Delay Adversary		Negate Target Move
Encounter Battle		Move 1 Stack into Battle
Chain of Command		Move 1 Stack
Grand Maneuver		Move 1 Stack
Drive Them Back		Battle: Stack gets +10 Force
Block Retreat		Battle: Losing stack take 1 extra casualty
Scorched Earth		Opponent loses 1D6 Revenue Points
Rank & File		Battle: Heavy Infantry get +3 Force each
Battle-Seasoned		Battle: Troops of Experienced Leader get +1 Force each
Thoroughly Trained	Battle: Troops of Experienced Leader get +1 Force each
Popular Cause		Battle: Troops get +1 Force each


Napoleon Guide
Fredrick the Great



Generic ruleset for a series of empire building/conquest games.
The map depicts an irregular, interlocked set of territories.

Use chits to represent control markers.

Use chits to represent units.
Units include Leaders & non-leader units.

Players share an action deck.
In some games, each player will have their own action deck.
The action deck cards allow you to move your units.

Most Leader units will be in play.
Others will be mixed into the unit chit pile. 
Each player will start with several non-leader units in play.
Starting points of units will be determined by the scenario. 

Players take turns. Each turn has 7 phases:
Draw Phase
Move Phase
Battle Phase
Revenue Phase
Recruit Phase
Upkeep Phase
Control Phase

First discard any cards you don't want. 
Each player draws 5 action cards.
Max hand size = 7. Discard excess cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Use Action cards to move stacks or units in stacks.
A Fast unit can move 1-3 spaces. 
A Medium speed unit can move 1-2 spaces.
A Slow unit can move 1 space. 
Units can move into but not through opposing stacks. 
Fortifications cannot move (Move = 0).
Your opponent can only look at the top unit of your stacks

When two opposing stacks occupy the same territory there will be a battle.
Each unit has a force value.
Add up the total Force values for each side.
Players may play action cards to increase their force value. 
If one stack has a Leader and the other does not, the stack with the 
leader gets an additional 5 Force. 
The side with the highest force value wins.
The losing stack must retreat one space. 
The losing stack loses half of its units. The winner picks the first 
unit lost, the loser picks the remainder. 
Fortification units in the losing stack are destroyed automatically. 
The winning stack loses units with a force equal to at least half the force 
total lost by the losing stack. The winner decides which units are lost.
Destroyed units are returned to their chit pile.
Captured leaders are set aside and not returned to the chit pile.
After a battle both sides replenish their hands to 7 cards.

Gain revenue points for every revenue generating territory you control.

Draw 5 random units from the unit chit pile.
Purchase units. A units cost is equal to its Force value. 
If you purchased all the drawn units, draw another 1D6 random units. 
Revenue may be saved from turn to turn.
Discard unpurchased units back to your unit chit pile.
Units start in any revenue generating territory you control. 

Number of Units that automatically receive upkeep = 5 x total Revenue.
Discard excess units. 
Example: You generate 10 revenue points per turn... 
You may have up to 50 units.

Place a control marker on every revenue generating 
territory occupied by one of your units. 
Only one control marker per space. 

S = Slow
M = Medium speed
F = Fast
F = Force
F = Fortification
# = Number of that unit in the chit pile.

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