Board Game for 2-4+ players. 
Apocalypse in the USA Theme. 

The player with the most Victory points at the End of the Game wins. 
The Game ends at the end of any turn 2+ regions contain no Population Tokens. 

Each player starts with a set of population Tokens of a unique color. 

The Board is a map of the Continental United States divided into a 3x3 grid. 
The 9 individual spaces are called Regions. 
There are 3 rows and 3 Columns. 
Rows and Columns are collectively referred to as Zones. 
The top row is called the North Zone
The middle row is called the Temperate Zone
The bottom row is called the South Zone
The right column is called the Atlantic Zone
The middle column is called the Central Zone
The left column is called the Pacific Zone
The Pacific and Atlantic Zones are both Coastal Zones
West refers to both the Central & Pacific Zones
East refers to both the Central & Atlantic Zones

Players share a common deck. 
There are 2 types of cards: 
Disaster cards and Mitigation cards. 
There is also a Geopolitical Factor Expansion Available (See Links). 

Six sided Dice are needed. 

Each player starts with 6 Tokens in each of the 9 Regions of the Board. 
Each player is dealt 2 cards. 
Players roll high on 1D6 to see who goes first. 
Play proceeds clockwise. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 4 Phases:
Population Phase 
Disaster Phase
Score Phase
Card Phase

You may take 1D6 of the following 6 actions: 
1. Migrate: Move up to 1D6 of your population Tokens from any Regions to any Regions. 
2. Transfer: Switch places of 1D6 of your Tokens and an opponent’s in adjacent Regions. 
3. Growth: Gain 1D6 Tokens in any Regions you already occupy. 
4. Lure: Move 1D6 Opponent’s Tokens to any Regions.
5. S**t Happens: Draw 1D6 cards from the deck and put them in your hand.
6. Look Outs: Look at the Hands of all other players. Steal 1 card from one of them. 
You cannot pick the same action more than once per turn. 

You may play up to 1D6 Disaster cards. 
Each Disaster card has a Region or Zone it targets. 
Each Disaster card has a Severity Rating. 
The targeted region must lose a number of Tokens equal to the 
Severity of the Disaster card played. 
The player who played the disaster card chooses which Tokens are affected. 
The targeted tokens are removed from the board. 
Any other player may play an appropriate Mitigation card to decrease the 
Severity of the Disaster card. 
Played Disaster & Mitigation cards are discarded. 
Note: a Mitigation card will only mitigate damage (casualties) in one Region. 

The player with the most Tokens in a Region is said to dominate that Region. 
If there is a tie in a Region, the Region is said to be contested.  
You may choose on your turn in this Phase whether to Score or not. 
If you choose to score, all players score: 
Each player gains 1 Victory Point for each region they dominate.  
No one scores points in contested regions. 
Use Coins to keep track of Victory Points. 

Max hand size is 7 cards.  Discard excess cards. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

D = Disaster
M = Mitigation
W = War
G = Monster
N = Natural
V = Geologic
O = Oceanic
Z = Weather
E = Epidemic
H = Man-Made
S = Supernatural
X = Space
A = Alien
Any  = Target any 1 Region on the Board
EZ = Each Region in the Zone is Affected
Split = Split Damage among any Regions you choose 
Longitude = Any 1 Column
Latitude = Any 1 Row
Steal = Convert Target Tokens to your own color
Military = Type of Mitigation that can be used vs War and Monsters

Card Name:			Type		Severity       	Notes:
Canada Invades			DW		2		North
Japan Invades			DW		2		Pacific
Mexico Invades			DW		1		South
Atlantis Invades       		DW		3		Atlantic
Major Hurricane			DNZ		2		South
Tsunami				DNO		3		Coastal
Tidal Wave			DNO		3		Coastal
Cataclysmic Firestorm		DNZ		2		South
Extreme Draught			DNZ		1		South
Catastrophic Earthquakes       	DNV		2		Pacific
California Breaks Off		DNV		2		Pacific EZ
Biological Warfare		DEH		2		Any
Ebola Pandemic			DE		1		Any EZ
Civil War			DW		2		Split
Race Wars			DW		2		Any
Volcanic Eruption		DNV		2		West
Magma Surge			DNV		3		Central
Mother Nature’s Wrath		DNZ		2		Any
Tectonic Upheaval 		DNV		3		West
Ecological Disaster		DH		2		Any
Meteor Impact			DX		3		Any
Nuclear Meltdown       		DH		2		Any
Zombie Outbreak			DHW		3		Any
Killer Bees			DN		2		South
Quarantine			M		2		Epidemic
Best Scientists at Work		M		2		Any
Religious Wars			DW		2		Any
Demon Invasion			DSW		3		Any
Body Snatchers			DA		2		Steal
Godzilla       			DG		3		Coastal
Army				M		2		Military
Air Force			M		2		Military
Navy				M		2		Military on Coasts only
Marines				M		2		Military
Mars Attacks			DAW		3		Any
Red Mans Revenge       		DS		3		Central
Soylent Green Factory		DH		2		Steal
X Files Investigation		M		2		Alien or Supernatural
Alien Abductions       		DA		1		Steal
Hazmat Teams			M		2		Human
Nanobot Plague			DH		3		Any
The Blob			DAG		3		Any
Giant Ant Swarm			DG		3		Any
Giant Mutant Spiders		DG		2		Any
Men In Black			M		3		Alien
Antidote       			M		3		Epidemic
Giant Laser			M		3		Monster or Space
Killer Tomatoes			DG		2		Any
Rising Sea Levels		DNO		1		Coastal EZ
4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse	DS		4		Latitude Split
Super Tornadoes			DNZ		2		Central
Glacial Movements		DNZ		1		North
Radon Gas Leak			DNV		1		North
Great Blizzard			DNZ		1		North EZ
Hyper Solar Flare		DNX		1		Latitude EZ
Magnetic Pole Flip		DNX		1		Longitude EZ
Super Freeze Over		DNZ		2		North EZ
Severe Heat Wave       		DNZ		1		South EZ
Comet Strike			DX		3		Longitude Split
Bubonic Plague			DE		2		Any
Rapture				DS		4		Split
Elder Scrolls			M		4		Supernatural
Asteroid Collision		DX		4		Any
Nuclear Terrorism		DH		2		Any
Nerve Gas Attack       		DH		1		Any
Army Corps of Engineers		M		2		Natural
National Guard			M		1		Military or Natural
Astronauts			M		3		Space or Aliens
Xeno Infestation       		DAW		3		Any
Disaster Relief			M		2		Natural
Cuba Invades			DW		1		South
Cult Activity			DHS		1		Steal
Eye of the Storm		M		2		Weather
Storm of the Century		DNZ		2		Coastal
CHUDS Attack			DW		2		Any
Superhero Intervention		M		4		Any
NASA				M		2		Space
Flash Flood			DNZ		2		Any
Vampire Outbreak       		DSW		3		Any
Cthulhu Awakens			DS		4		Coastal
Redneck Militias       		M		1		Military
Red Cross			M		2		Natural
Missile Defense Shield		M		2		Military or Space
Time Traveler			M		4		Any
Seismic Core Shock		DNV		2		Latitude EZ
Plate Stabilizer       		M		3		Geologic
Famine				DN		1		South or Temperate
Giant Sinkholes			DNV		1		Any
Rivers Change Course		DN		2		Any
All Hell Breaks Loose		DSW		4		Any

BGG Link     Card Set, Etc. 
Original Card Set     Thanks Ron!

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