Board game for 2-4+ players. 
Ancient Civilization Conquest Theme. 

The first player to accumulate 100+ Victory Points is the winner. 

Six, eight and twelve sided dice are needed. 

The map is composed of irregular shaped Territory spaces. 
Spaces can be either Land or Sea. 
Spaces start out with either the land or sea designation but are otherwise blank. 
In set up roll on the Land and sea tables to determine the Resource type 
for each individual Territory on the map. 
For each game print a new copy of the map, and write the resource types 
directly onto it. 

1D6	Resource:	Notes:
1-3	Salt		No Value
4-5	Fish		Food
6	Trade		Can be used as any other Resource

1D8	Resource: 	Notes:
1	Grain		Food
2	Herds		Food
3	Wine		Luxury
4	Olives		Luxury
5	Wood		Needed for Fleets
6	Iron		Needed for Armies
7	Stone		Needed for Monuments and Cities
8	Gold		Can be used as any other Resource

Each player gets a set of Tokens of a unique color. 
Each Token set has 6 Types of Tokens: 

Each player gets a Research Chart. 
A Research Chart has 12 Traits and a place for recording Victory Points (VP). 
Each Trait has a space for current level and current accumulated research points. 
Use pencil to record on the Research Track. 

Traits:					Research Pts	Level
Nautical (Naval Battles Bonus)		____________	___________
Military (Land Battles Bonus)		____________	___________
Arts (Adds to VP each turn)		____________	___________
Engineering (Bonus Stone)		____________	___________
Agriculture (Bonus Food)       		____________	___________
Industry (Bonus Luxuries)		____________	___________
Metallurgy (Bonus Iron)			____________	___________
Ship Building (Bonus Wood)		____________	___________
Economics (Bonus Gold)			____________	___________
Government (Units Build Limit)		____________	___________
Science (Counts towards Research)	____________	___________
Religion (Monuments Build Limit)       	____________	___________
Victory Points (VP)			___________________________

Keep a paper with a circled space labeled for each of the 6 categories of Resources: 
Food, Luxuries, Gold (and Trade), Wood, Iron, Stone. 
Whenever a player gains a resource in one of these from 1 of their traits, have them 
put one of their Resource Tokens in the corresponding space. 
As they are used up during play remove them. 
Resources are not saved from turn to turn. Empty this chart at the end of every turn. 
Also at the end of every turn remove all unused resource tokens that are on the map. 

Each player must pick one Civilization. 
Each player starts with 1 City placed in one territory of their choice. 
Players may not place within 2 spaces of another City. 
The oldest player goes first. 

Civilization:	Starting Traits:
Minoans		Shipbuilding 1 Arts 1
Egyptians	Religion 1 Engineering 1
Sumerians	Agriculture 1 Economics 1
Phoenicians	Economics 1 Shipbuilding 1
Athenians	Shipbuilding 1 Nautical 1
Spartans       	Military 1 Agriculture 1
Romans		Government 1 Engineering 1
Macedonians	Military 1 Economics 1
Babylonians	Industry 1 Science 1
Persians       	Arts 1 Religion 1
Celts		Arts 1 Agriculture 1
Goths		Military 1 Metallurgy 1

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 10 Phases: 
1. Produce
2. Upkeep
3. Build
4. Upgrade
5. Settle
6. Move 
7. Battle
8. Recruit
9. Research
X. Score

For a Territory to produce, it must have a Villages Token or City Token on it. 
Put 1 Resource token in each of your Territories (except for Salt) of the 
type it normally produces according to the Land & Sea Tables. 
Each City also produces 1 Gold. 
These are used up for upkeep, settling , building, recruiting, and upgrading. 
Gain 1 extra stone resource for each level in engineering you have. 
Gain 1 extra food resource for each level in agriculture you have. 
Gain 1 extra gold resource for each level in economics you have. 
Gain 1 extra luxury resource for each level in industry you have. 
Gain 1 extra wood resource for each level in ship building you have. 
Gain 1 extra iron resource for each level in metallurgy you have. 
When you use up a resource, remove one of your resource tokens from 
the map or the common resource pool trait chart. 

Each Fleet and Army and City requires 1 Food. 
Remove Resource Tokens from your Food producing Territories or the Food 
space on the common resource pool trait chart until this requirement is met. 
Unfed Units are discarded. 
A city will be reduced to a village by famine. However if it has a 
Monument, the Monument will remain!  

You may build a Monument in a City you control. 
To do this, you must use up 2 Food and 1 Stone plus any 1 resource for 
every other Monument already located in that city.  
You cannot Build more total Monuments than 1 + your Level in Religion. 

You may convert a Villages Token into a city token. 
To do this, you must use up 2 Luxuries and 1 Stone. 
Max 1 city per space. 

You may build 1 Villages Token for free each turn. 
Villages are placed in empty Land spaces next to spaces 
occupied by your cities, villages, or fleets. 
You may place additional villages Tokens (1 max per space) but each extra 
village placed in a turn requires you to use up 1 Food or Luxury Resource and 
1 Wood or Stone Resource. 

You may move your units (Armies and Fleets) 
An Army may move 2 Spaces. 
A Fleet may move 4 Spaces. 
Units may stack. 
Armies may move through friendly Fleets at no movement cost. 
You cannot move though enemy held spaces. 

If your units occupy a space with enemy units or settlements there will be battle. 
Each side rolls 1D8 and adds their Military level (if on land) or Nautical 
level (if at sea). The lower roll discards 1 unit. Defender wins ties. 
If the defender loses all his units, and then the settlement is also defeated, the 
settlement (village or city) is captured by the invader. 
Replace the settlement with one of the invaders color. 

You may recruit Armies and Fleets. 
Each Army requires you to use up 1 Iron. 
Each Fleet Requires you to use up 1 Wood. 
You cannot Build more Units than 
1 + your Level in Government + the number of cities you control. 
All Armies must start in cities. 
All Fleets must start in Sea spaces adjacent to cities. 

You get one free roll on the Research Table. 
Get 1 extra roll for every level in Science you have. 
You may pay 1 resource of any type to get an extra roll. 
You may pay 2 resources of any type to get a second extra roll. 
You may pay 3 resources of any type to get a third extra roll. 
You may pay 4 resources of any type to get a fourth extra roll. etc. 
When you make a roll you gain a research point in the indicated trait. 
When the number of research points you have in a trait exceeds your level 
in that trait by one, you gain 1 level in that trait and your current number of 
research points (RP) in that trait is reset to zero. 
(For example: 1 RP in the Arts will move you to level 1 in the Arts.  A further 
2 RP will get you to level 2. Another 3 RP will get advance you to level 3 and so on)  

1D12	Trait:		Notes: 
1	Nautical 	Your Level adds to your roll in Naval Battles
2	Military 	Your Level adds to your roll in Naval Battles
3	Arts 		Adds to VP gained in Score Phase
4	Engineering 	Gain stone
5	Agriculture 	Gain food
6	Industry       	Gain luxuries
7	Metallurgy 	Gain iron
8	Ship Building 	Gain wood
9	Economics 	Gain gold
10	Government 	Increases your unit recruit limit
11	Science        	Gain rolls on Research table
12	Religion       	Increases your monument build limit

Gain 1 Victory Point (VP) for every Monument you control. 
Gain 1 VP equal to your current level in the Arts. 

Token Reduction- Reduce Token types to 3 types: Unit, Settlement, and Resource.  
Unit Tokens- These can be used to represent Fleets or Armies. 
Settlement Tokens- 1 in a space represents a village. 2 in a space 
represents a city. 3+ in a space represents a city with monuments. 

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