Players are rival Business Bosses in an old west boomtown. 
Hire Gunslingers to do your Dirty Work.
The first player to acquire $100 becomes the new Mayor.

Six sided dice are needed.
Use change to keep track of money.
Players share a common deck.

Shuffle the deck.
Each player is dealt a hand of 5 cards.
Roll high on 1D6 to determine turn order.

Be the first player to collect $100.

Players take turns.
Each turn has 9 Phases:
1. Draw Phase
2. Collection Phase
3. Recruit Phase
4. Claim Phase
5. Dirty Deeds Phase
6. Holdup Phase
7. Showdown Phase
8. Posse Phase
9. Discard Phase

All players fill their hands to 5 cards.
If the deck runs out, reshuffle the discard and draw from it.

Collect revenue from each Establishment in play you control.
Revenue generated is per that listed on the card. 

Place one Gunslinger card into play face up.
Gunslingers remain in play until killed.

Place one Establishment card into play from your hand.

Play one Dirty Deed card.
Resolve the effects as written on the card.
If you play the range war card you may keep playing showdown phases this 
turn until you capture an establishment, or you run out of gunslingers.

Assign a holdup card to one of your Bad gunslingers.
Any opponent may try to stop the holdup with one of his Good gunslingers.
Both players may play up to 1 Guts, 1 Gang, and 1 Gun card each simultaneously.
Each player rolls 3D6. 
A player may reroll one die or add one to the total for each Shootout card      
played, the player with the lower total first.
The gunslinger with the higher total wins. 
The other gunslinger is discarded. 
Discard all shootout cards.
If there is a tie neither gunslinger is killed.
If the bad gunslinger wins he gets the amount of money on the holdup card.
The holdup card is discarded.

If you did not play a holdup card last phase, you may lay claim to an opponents 
establishment with one of your bad or ugly gunslingers. 
Your opponent may intervene with one of his good or ugly gunslingers.
Both players may play up to 1 Guts, 1 Gang, and 1 Gun card each simultaneously.
Each player rolls 3D6. 
A player may reroll one die or add one to the total for each Shootout card
played, the player with the lower total first.
The gunslinger with the higher total wins. 
The other gunslinger is discarded. 
Discard all shootout cards.
The winner gets to keep the establishment card.
If there is a tie both gunslingers are killed and the defender keeps the Establishment.

If you did not play a holdup card or lay claim this turn, you may assign a 
posse card to one of your good gunslingers.
Your gunslinger may attack a target opponent’s bad gunslinger.
Both players may play up to 1 Guts, 1 Gang, and 1 Gun card each simultaneously.
Each player rolls 3D6. 
A player may reroll one die or add one to the total for each Shootout card
played, the player with the lower total first.
The gunslinger with the higher total wins. 
The other gunslinger is discarded. 
Discard all shootout cards.
If there is a tie both gunslingers are killed.
If the good gunslinger wins he gets the reward money on the posse card.
The posse card is discarded.

Discard one or more cards from your hand.

Name:			Side:
Pick Axe Pete		Ugly
Geronimo		Ugly
Crazy Horse		Ugly
Sitting Bull		Ugly
John Doc Holiday	Ugly
Cowboy Kyle		Ugly
The Old Timer		Ugly
The Klondike Kid	Ugly
Trapper John		Ugly
Buckaroo		Ugly
Calamity Jane		Ugly
The Sheriff		Good
The Deputy		Good
Wild Bill Hickock	Good
Davie Crockett	        Good
Texas Ranger		Good
Federal Marshall        Good
Wyatt Earp		Good
Bat Masterson		Good
Buffalo Bill		Good
Colonel Custer		Good
Pinkerton Detective	Good
Butch Cassidy		Bad
The Sundance Kid	Bad
The Dalton Gang	        Bad
Billy the Kid		Bad
Johnny Reb		Bad
The Shootist		Bad
Big Bad Bart		Bad
The Frio Bandito	Bad
The James Gang	        Bad
Jesse James      	Bad
The Regulators	      	Bad

Name:				Type:
Double Barrel Shotgun	        Gun
Winchester Rifle		Gun
Six shooter			Gun
Scattergun			Gun
Derringer			Gun
Tomahawk			Gun
Bowie Knife			Gun
Smith & Wesson		        Gun
Frontier Revolver		Gun
Colt Revolver			Gun
Peacemaker			Gun
Beechers Bible		        Gun
Remington Double Action	        Gun
Sharps Breech Loader		Gun
Buffalo Rifle			Gun
Deadwood Posse			Gang
Lynch Mob			Gang
Missouri Border Ruffians	Gang
Doge City Peace Commission      Gang
Miners				Gang
Sioux Indian Braves		Gang
Mexican Bandits		        Gang		
Outlaws			        Gang
Soldiers			Gang
Cavalry				Gang
Ranchers			Gang
Townsfolk of Tombstone	        Gang
Mountain Men			Gang
Sun in your eyes		Guts
Quick Draw			Guts
Ambush			        Guts
Dead Drunk			Guts
Killer Instinct			Guts
High Noon			Guts
Out of Bullets			Guts
Yellow Bellied			Guts
Ricochet			Guts
Fanning the Hammer              Guts
Got the drop on him             Guts
Hipshooting			Guts
Stampede			Guts
Misfire				Guts

Card Name:			Notes
Dynamite			Destroy target Establishment
Claim Jumping		        Take control of target Establishment
Hang em High			Destroy target Bad Gunslinger
Arson				Destroy target Establishment
Shot in the Back		Destroy target Good Gunslinger
Pony Express			Search the deck for 1 card & put it in your hand
Range War              	        See rules

Card Name:			Notes
Bank Robbery			$15
Train Robbery			$10
Cattle Rustling		        $5
Stagecoach Robbery		$5
Wells Fargo Holdup		$10

Card Name:			Notes
Reward Notice		        $5
Tracker			        $5
Apache Indian Guide		$5
Bounty Hunters		        $5		
Box Canyon             	        $5

Card Name:			Revenue	Notes
Acme Saloon			$X	X = Gunslingers in play/3 round up
Red Light Brothel		$X	X = Ugly Gunslingers in play
Gambling Hall			$X	X = 1D6-1; Roll each turn	
Horse Trader			$X	X = Good Gunslingers in play
Trading Post			$X	X = Bad Gunslingers in play
Railroad Station		$2	
McSween’s Store			$2	
Gold Mine			$X	X = 1D6; Roll each turn; discard if roll = 1
First National Bank		$X	X = Establishments in play/3 round up
Cattle Ranch			$3	
OK Corral			$3	
Coal Mine			$1	
Boot Hill Cemetery		-	Get $1 every time a Gunslinger dies
Cotton Mill			$1	
Telegraph Office		$X	X = Players in game

Thanks Kapt!
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For a shorter game play to $50.

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