Two Player Card Game. 
Theme: The Butlerian Jihad in the Dune Universe as described by the Prequel Trilogy.
After a Thousand year standoff, the War between the Free Human League of Nobles 
Worlds and the Intelligent Machine controlled Synchronized Worlds escalates.   
One player is the Humans. The other player is the Machines.

Dune is a copyrighted, licensed product. 
This is merely a fan site. 

If you control all 6 Empire Tokens you win. 

Each player starts the game with 3 Empire Tokens

Six sided dice are needed. 

Each player has their own unique deck: 
The Machine Deck and the Human Deck. 
Each deck has 6 Suites. 
Each card has a Force Value and a special Ability. 
Some special abilities require their ability to be activated, other 
abilities automatically take effect when the card is recruited or 
as a Free action discarded from the hand or in-play. 

The six suites are: 
Leaders, Morale, Worlds, Fleet, Ground, Special

The six suites are: 
Omnius, Cymeks, Worlds, Fleet, Ground, Special
Note that some Cymek cards are Titans. 

Decide who is the Machines and who is the Humans. 
Each player starts the game with 3 Empire Tokens. 
Players shuffle their decks. 

The term Round is used for the whole sequence of phases to avoid 
confusion with the turns players take within Battle Phase. 

Each round has 6 Phases.
1. Initiative Phase 
2. Fate Phase
3. Strategy Phase
4. Battle Phase
5. Resolution Phase
6. End Phase

Players roll high on 1D6. 
High roll is the Attacker. 
Low roll is the Defender. 
Reroll Ties. 

Each player draws 5 cards from the top of his deck. 
If a deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Each player may discard up to 2 cards and draw replacements. 

Players take turns starting with the attacker. 
On your turn you can either: 
1. Recruit: Put a card into play
2. Activate: Use the Activation Ability of a card in play if it has one.
3. Pass 
When you put a card into play, place it face up in front of you. 
If both players Pass, one after the other, the Phase ends. 
Once you Pass, you must continue to pass, unless your opponent causes one 
of your in-play cards to be discarded or eliminated. 
Recruit Limits (Important): Normally you can only recruit during the Round a max 
of one card from each of the six suites. Some cards as their special ability allow you 
to recruit more than 1 card of a particular suite. 
Note: A card can only be activated once per round. 

Add up the modified Force values of all your cards in-play. 
The player with the highest level wins. 
If tied, players roll high on 1D6 to determine winner. 
The winner takes an Empire Token from the loser. 
The winner causes one target in-play card of his opponent to be discarded. 
Note that if a Titan is discarded in this way, it is Eliminated (removed from play). 

Each player can allow up to 9 of their in-play cards to remain in play. 
Excess cards must be discarded. 
Max hand size is 3 cards. Discard excess cards

ACT = Activate = Ability requiring the use of an action in Battle Phase
FA = Free Action = Ability that can be used any time and does not require an 
action in Battle Phase. 
CA = Constant Ability = The card provides a continuous Benefit as long as it is in-play
FD = Forced Discard = This card must be discarded in End Phase
SPY = Look at Opponents Hand
DESTROY = Cause one target card of specific type to be discarded
SC = Sacrifice = When this card is used for its action it is discarded
PREDICT = Look at next 1+1D6 cards in either Deck
ADJUNCT = This card does not count against your In-Play Card Limit
OPTIONS = Your hand size Max is +1
ACQUIRE X = Draw X cards from the top of your deck and put them in your hand
BOOST +X = Your Cards of indicated Suite get +X to their Force
BOON +X = This card gets +X per other card of the indicated suite type in play or 
a single bonus if no suite is indicated
MITIGATE -X = Opposing Cards of indicated Suite are worth this much less Force each
IMMUNE = Card cannot be destroyed by the action of another card
SUMMON = Search your Deck for Specific card and put it in your hand
PROTECT = Negate the Destruction of a card in play (of the indicated suite) by the 
action of another card on a roll of 4+ on 1D6
FACILITATE = Play an extra card of the indicated Type this Turn
RETRIEVE = Take any 1 card from your discard and put it in your hand
DEFENDERS = Effect takes place only if you are the Defending Player
ATTACKERS = Effect takes place only if you are the Attacking Player
DAMAGE = Opponent must discard 2 random cards from his hand
O = Omnius	C = Cymek	L = Leader	M = Morale	
W = Worlds	F = Fleet 	G = Ground	S = Special
T = Titan	Z = Scientist

Name:				Type	Force	Special Ability:
Omnius the Evermind		O	10	CA - OPTIONS
Multiple Incarnations		O	9	CA - PROTECT Omnius
Conquest Algorithm		O	8	CA - PREDICT
Omnius Prime			O	7	ACT - SUMMON Cymek or Erasmus
Sentient Computers		O	6	CA - BOOST +1 Fleet and Ground
Learn and Adapt			O	5	ACT - ACQUIRE 1
Logical Rule			O	4	SC - ACT - RETRIEVE
Risk Aversion			O	3	ACT - PROTECT Fleet
Infinite Patience		O	2	CA - ADJUNCT
Omnipresent Watcheyes		O	1	ACT - SPY
Agamemnon			C	10	T - CA - FACILITATE Cymek
Ajax				C	9	T - ACT - BOON +3 ATTACKERS
Barbarosa			C	8	T - CA - OPTIONS
Dante				C	7	T - ACT - ACQUIRE 1 
Juno				C	6	T - ACT - PREDICT
Xerxes				C	5	T - CA - IMMUNE
Cymek Flyers			C	4	CA - BOOST +3 ATTACKERS
Crab Form Monstrosities		C	3	CA - MITIGATE -2 Ground
Cymek Warriors			C	2	CA - BOON +2 Ground
Neo-Cymeks			C	1	CA - ADJUNCT
Extermination Fleet		F	10	SC - ACT - DESTROY World
Invasion Fleet			F	9	CA - BOOST +3 ATTACKERS
Massive Fleet			F	8	CA - IMMUNE
High Speed Assault Fleet       	F	7	CA - MITIGATE -2 Fleet 
Heavy Fleet			F	6	CA - BOOST +3 DEFENDERS
Battle Fleet			F	5	SC - ACT - DESTROY Fleet
Thinking Machine Warships	F	4	CA - ADJUNCT
Probe Fleet			F	3	CA - OPTIONS
Robotic Raiders			F	2	SC - ACT - DAMAGE
Scout Fleet			F	1	ACT - SPY
Corrin				W	10	ACT - ACQUIRE 1
Earth				W	9	CA - BOOST +2 Cymeks
Walgis				W	8	CA - FACILITATE Fleet
Ix				W	7	CA - FACILITATE Ground
Wallach				W	6	SC - ACT ACQUIRE 2
Synchronized Worlds		W	5	CA - ADJUNCT
Quadra				W	4	SC - ACT - SUMMON Fleet
Richese				W	3	SC - ACT - SUMMON Ground
Lesser Machine Worlds		W	2	CA - BOOST +2 Fleets & Ground
Omnius Gelspheres		W	1	CA - FACILITATE World
Omnius Scourge Virus		S	10	SC - ACT - DESTROY 2 Worlds
Slave Hostages			S	9	CA - Get +1 to Initiative Rolls
Genocide       			S	8	SC - ACT - MITIGATE -2 Morale
Suicide Ships			S	7	SC - ACT - DESTROY Scramblers
Human Traitor			S	6	ACT - SUMMON Special
Piranha Mites			S	5	SC - ACT - DAMAGE
Human Trustees			S	4	CA - ADJUNCT
Capture Leader			S	3	SC - ACT - DESTROY Leader 
Erasmus				S	2	CA - OPTIONS
Update Ships			S	1	CA - BOOST +2 Omnius
Orbital Bombardment		G	10	SC - ACT - DESTROY 2 Ground
Robotic Fighters       		G	9	CA - BOOST +2 Ground
Poison Gas			G	8	SC - ACT - DAMAGE
Aerofoils			G	7	CA - IMMUNE
Armored Walkers			G	6	CA - BOON +3 ATTACKERS
Combat Robots			G	5	CA - BOON +3 DEFENDERS
Executor Robots			G	4	SC - ACT - DESTROY Ground
Robot Sentinels			G	3	CA - ADJUNCT
Drop Carriages			G	2	ACT - SUMMON Cymek
Central Stronghold		G	1	ACT - SUMMON Omnius

Name: 				Type	Force	Special Ability: 
Space Folding Technology       	S	10	CA - BOOST +2 Fleets
Scrambler Fields       		S	9	CA - PROTECT World
Pulse Atomic Warheads		S	8	SC - ACT - DESTROY World
Human Trickery			S	7	SC - ACT - ACQUIRE 2
Computer Virus 			S	6	SC - ACT - DESTROY Omnius
Defense Shields       		S	5	CA - PROTECT Ground
Cogitors       			S	4	ACT - PREDICT
Capture Omnius Copy		S	3	ACT - SPY
Blockade Runner			S	2	SC - ACT - FACILITATE Leader
Spice				S	1	FA - DESTROY Omnius Scourge
Serena Butler			L	10	CA - BOOST +2 Morale
Vorian Atreides			L	9	CA - FACILITATE Special
Xavier Harkonnen       		L	8	ACT - ACQUIRE 1
Iblis Ginjo			L	7	CA - FACILITATE Morale
Tio Holtzman			L	6	Z - SC - ACT - SUMMON Scrmblr or Shield
Norma Cenva			L	5	Z - SC - ACT - SUMMON Spacefolding
Aurelius Venport       		L	4	SC - ACT - SUMMON Spice
Sorceress Zufa Cenva		L	3	ACT - SUMMON Sorceress
Abulurd				L	2	SC - FA - DESTROY Piranha Mites 
Quentin Butler			L	1	SC - ACT - ACQUIRE 2
Salusa Secundus			W	10	CA - FACILITATE Leader
Giedi Prime			W	9	CA - OPTIONS
League Worlds			W	8	CA - FACILITATE Ground
Komider				W	7	ACT - FACILITATE Fleets
Poritrin       			W	6	SC - ACT - SUMMON Scientist
Rossak				W	5	SC - ACT - SUMMON Sorceress
Tlulax				W	4	SC - ACT - RETRIEVE
Unaligned Worlds       		W	3	ACT - ACQUIRE 1
League Colonies			W	2	CA - ADJUNCT
Arrakis				W	1	ACT - SUMMON Spice
Kindjal Fighter Interceptors	G	10	SC - ACT - DESTROY 2 Ground 
Kindjal Bombers			G	9	SC - ACT - DAMAGE
Army of the Jihad		G	8	CA - IMMUNE & BOON +2 Morale
Plasma Tanks & Howitzers       	G	7	CA - BOOST +2 Ground
Ginaz Swordsmen Mercenaries	G	6	CA - MITIGATE -2 Ground
Home Guard Dragoons		G	5	CA - FACILITATE Ground
Planetary Militias		G	4	CA - ADJUNCT
Troop Transports       		G	3	ACT - SUMMON Ground
Portable Scramblers		G	2	SC - ACT - DESTROY Ground
Sorceress of Rossak		G	1	SC - ACT - DESTROY Cymek
League Armada			F	10	ACT - DESTROY Fleet
Retaliation Fleet		F	9	CA - BOON +3 ATTACKERS
Battle Group			F	8	ACT - SUMMON Atomics
Defense Fleet			F	7	CA - BOON +5 DEFENDERS
Ballista Battleships		F	6	ACT - SUMMON Kindjals
Fast Response Fleet		F	5	CA - Get +1 to Initiative Rolls
Javelin Destroyers		F	4	CA - BOOST +2 Ground
Orbital Stations       		F	3	CA - BOOST +3 Worlds DEFENDERS
Picket Ships & Patrol Craft	F	2	CA - BOOST +2 Fleets
Scout Network			F	1	ACT - SPY
Holy Jihad			M	10	CA - FACILITATE Fleets
Machine Crusade			M	9	SC - ACT - SUMMON 1 Ground & 1 Fleet
The Great Purge			M	8	SC - ACT - ACQUIRE 3
Martyrs       			M	7	CA - BOOST +1 Fleets & Ground & Leaders
Cymek Subversiveness		M	6	SC - ACT - DESTROY All Cymeks
Return of Hecate       		M	5	SC - ACT - DESTROY Omnius
Liberation			M	4	SC - ACT - DESTROY World
Jihad Council			M	3	CA - OPTIONS
Manion the Innocent		M	2	CA - ADJUNCT & IMMUNE
Slave Uprising			M	1	SC - ACT - DAMAGE

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