Based on the Resident Evil Franchise. 
Collectible Card Game Style Mechanics. 
2 Player Game. One player is the Heroes. The other is the Umbrella Corporation. 

Resident Evil is a licensed copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

The Hero Player wins if all the Umbrella Facilities are Destroyed. 
The Umbrella Player wins if all the Teams are Destroyed. 

When a Facility or Team is destroyed, it is not discarded, it is removed from the game. 

There are 2 Decks: 
The Hero Deck
The Umbrella Deck

The Hero Deck has 3 types of cards: 
Teams and Characters have the following sub-types:
Operative, Merc, Survivor

The Umbrella Deck has 2 types of cards: 
Traps are a subtype of Event.
Unit cards are further divided into the following sub-types:

Event cards and Trap when played take effect immediately and are then discarded. 
Other types of cards remain in play. 

Decide who is the Heroes and who is the Umbrella Corporation. 
Players take possession of their respective decks. 
The Umbrella player starts with all 6 Facility cards in play except for the New Facility. 
The Hero searches his deck for 1 Team Card and puts it into play. 
Players shuffle their decks. 
Each player draws 2 cards for their starting Hand. 

Each turn has 6 Phases: 
Draw Phase
Event Phase
Recruit Phase
Assault Phase
Search Phase
End Phase

Each player draws 2 cards. 
If a deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 
If the Hero player has no Teams in play, he must search his 
Deck for a Team, put it in play, and then shuffle his deck. 

Certain Event cards are played only in this Phase
Players take turns, starting with the Umbrella player. 

Cards are put into play from the players hand. 
The Hero player puts Team cards into play. 
When putting a card into play, place it face up on the table. 
The Hero player puts Character cards into play. 
Character cards must be Attached to Team cards. 
Place Character cards stacked and slightly staggered under a Team card. 
A Team card may have up to 2 Characters attached. 
A Team may have 3 characters attached if at least one of them is a Survivor.
The Umbrella player may play one or more Units.
The Umbrella player may play the New Facility card.  
The Hero player may conduct one Assault: 
One of his Teams may attack one target Facility. 
The Hero player commits the Team, its Characters, and any Event cards he wants to 
Play that will assist an Assault. 
He adds up the Force values and bonuses of all these cards and adds 2D6. 
This is the Assault Force Total (AFT). 
The Umbrella player commits the targeted Facility, One Unit, one or more Traps and 
Any events that will assist in defending against the Assault. 
He adds up the Force values and bonuses of all these cards and adds 2D6. 
This is the Facility Defense Total (FDT). 
If the AFT is equal to or greater than the FDT the base is destroyed and removed from play. 
If the FDT is greater the Team is destroyed and removed from play. 
Any attached characters of a destroyed Team will 50% be discarded or 50% be put 
Back in the Hero players hand. 
If the Facility is destroyed all other cards used in its defense are discarded. 
If the Facility wins, there is a 50% chance the defending unit is still discarded. 
Win or lose all Event and Trap cards are discarded. 
Spent Rule: An Umbrella unit, even if it wins, has a 50% chance after combat of being discarded. 

The Umbrella player may conduct one Search and Destroy Mission: 
One of his Units may attack one target Team. 
This is handled just like an Assault. 
The Umbrella player generates a Search and Destroy Force Total (SDFT).
The Hero player generates a Team Defense Total (TDT). 
Spent Rule: An Umbrella unit, even if it wins, has a 50% chance after combat of being discarded. 

Max hand size is 5 cards. 
Players discard excess cards. 

Some Umbrella Cards can only be used for Defense. 
Some only for Search and Destroy (S&D). 
Vehicles can only be used for S&D except if defending the Tanker. 
Note that if the New Facility has not yet been played (built) and the Umbrella 
Player has lost his other six Facilities, he will automatically lose. 

F = Facility
U = Unit
E = Event
T = Team
C = Character

Card:			Type	Force	Notes
Headquarters		F	4	Defending Soldiers get +2 Force
Top Secret		F	3	If Assaulted Immediately Draw 1 Card
Hive			F	4	Defending Traps get +2 Force
Experimental		F	3	Defending Monsters get +2 Force
Tanker			F	1	Vehicles may Defend. They get +2 Force
Backup			F	2	Defending Zombies get +2 Force
New			F	2	Draw 1 extra card per turn in Draw phase 
Combined Operation	E	-	S&D can have 2 Units
Bomb			E	-	Destroy Facility and Assault Team
Reinforcements		E	-	Assaulted Facility can have an extra Defender
Base Defenses		E	-	Trap. Facility gets +2 Force
Laser Grid		E	-	Trap. Facility gets +4 Force
Nerve Gas		E	-	Trap. Facility gets +3 Force
Ambush			E	-	Trap. S&D gets +3 Force
Set Trap		E	-	Trap. Unit gets +2 Force
Intelligence		E	-	S&D gets +3 Force
Speed up Schedule	E	-	Draw 2 Cards in Event Phase
Capture			E	-	Discard target Character in Event Phase
Transformation		E	-	Monster gets +3 Force
Deception		E	-	Soldier gets +3 Force
No Cover		E	-	Vehicle gets +3 Force
Surrounded		E	-	Zombie gets +3 Force
Tyrant			U	10	Monster
Nemesis			U	9	Monster
Super Mutant		U	11	Monster
G-Mutation		U	12	Monster. Defense only
Lickers			U	7	Monster
Mutant Ravens		U	8	Monster. S&D only
Commandos		U	5	Soldier
Search Team		U	4	Soldier
Guards			U	3	Soldier. Defense only
Operatives		U	6	Soldier
Gunships		U	7	Vehicle. S&D only
Submarine		U	5	Vehicle. S&D only
Helicopter		U	5	Vehicle. S&D only
Test Subjects		U	3	Zombie. Defense only
Bio-Weapons		U	6	Zombie
Zombie Dogs		U	4	Zombie
Undead Horde		U	5	Zombie
Super Zombies		U	7	Zombie
Supersoldiers		U	8	Zombie
Crimson Heads		U	6	Zombie

Card:			Type	Force	Notes
Double Team		E	-	Assault can have 2 Teams
Surprise Attack		E	-	Assault Team gets +3 Force
Blueprints		E	-	Assault Team gets +3 Force
Extraction		E	-	Negate S&D
Prepared Defenses	E	-	Team gets +3 Force vs S&D
Escape			E	-	Team gets +3 Force vs S&D
Sacrifice		E	-	Team gets +4 Force. Discard Character at end of Fight
Heavily Armed		E	-	Merc Character gets +3 Force
Heroic action		E	-	Character gets +2 Force
Clone			E	-	Put Character in discard into hand in Event Phase
Rescue			E	-	Put Character in discard into hand in Event Phase
Active Recruiting	E	-	Search Deck for Team or Character in Event Phase
Mobilization		E	-	Draw 2 Cards in Event Phase
Cooperation		E	-	Draw 2 Cards in Event Phase
Survival Situation	E	-	Survivor Character or Team gets +3 Force
Tactics			E	-	Operative Character gets +3 Force
Teamwork		E	-	Team gets +2 Force
Alice Clones		T	6	Operatives
STAR Alpha Team		T	5	Operatives
STAR Delta Team		T	5	Operatives
Special Police Unit	T	5	Operatives
Strike Team		T	4	Merc
Freelance Operators	T	4	Merc
Paramilitary Unit	T	4	Merc 
Prison Survivors	T	3	Survivors
Convoy Survivors	T	3	Survivors
Alice			C	5	Operative
K-Mart			C	1	Survivor
Jill Valentine 		C	3	Operative		
Carlos Olivera 		C	2	Merc	
Rain Ocampo 		C	3	Operative	
Luther West 		C	1	Survivor		
Chris Redfield 		C	3	Operative	
Barry Burton 		C	3	Operative		
Leon Kennedy 		C	2	Merc		
Ada Wong 		C	3	Operative			
Nicholai Ginovaef 	C	2	Merc			
Mikhail Victor 		C	2	Merc		
Peyton Wells		C	3	Operative
Security Specialist	C	3	Operative			
Civilian 		C	1	Survivor		
Scientist Defector	C	1	Survivor
STARS Team Member	C	3	Operative		
Freelancer 		C	2	Merc		
Paramilitary Soldier	C	2	Merc		
Special Police Agent	C	3	Operative		


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