Anime Themed card game for 2+ players
BESM = Big Eyes Small Mouth

BESM is a copyrighted property.
This is merely a fan site.

Be the first player to capture 200+ Force points worth of Foes

Players share 2 common Decks:
Foe Deck
Friend Deck

Foes are the evil enemies of the good Characters in the Friend deck
Some Foes are described as Minions. 
When put into play, a minion may be by itself or be attached to another Foe. 

There several types of cards in the Friend Deck:
Card Type	Abbreviation	Notes
Event		E		-
Character	C		Permanent
Companion	O		Permanent - Modifier
Fight		F		Permanent - Modifier
Vehicle		V		Permanent - Modifier
Mech		R		Permanent – Modifier
Magic		M		Permanent – Modifier
Power		P		Permanent - Modifier
Tech		T		Permanent - Modifier
Attribute	A		Permanent - Modifier
Shape		S		Permanent – Modifier
Enhancer	X		Permanent – Modifier for other Modifier cards
Flaw		W		Permanent – Modifier for Opponents permanents
Gun		G		Permanent – Modifier
Sword		Z		Permanent - Modifier
Location	L		Permanent – Modifier 

Permanents stay in play.
Events produce a temporary or instantaneous effect and are then discarded. 
Bonuses provided by Events last until the end of the turn. 

Each player draws a hand of 7 cards from the Friend Deck.
Mulligan: Discard & Redraw if you got no Characters. 
Draw the top card from the Foe deck & put it face up in the middle of the table.
The youngest player goes first. 

Each Turn has 4 Phases:
1. Fate Phase
2. Friend Phase
3. Fight Phase
4. Foe Phase

Draw 4 cards from the Friend deck & put 2 of them into your hand; Discard the other 2.  
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard & draw from it. 

You may put Permanent cards from your hand into play face up in front of you. 
A Modifier card must be attached to a single Character card.
Some Modifiers attach to other Modifier cards or to Foes or to 
Opponents permanents

You may form 1 or more of your characters into a Team. 
A Team may Challenge any 1 Foe in play. This is called a Battle. 
Compare the Force total of the Team to that of the Foe. 
If the Team Force is higher, you capture (defeat) the Foe. 
Place the Foe into your Capture Pile, it counts towards winning the game. 
You and your opponents may play Event cards to change the Team or Foe Force Totals. 
If the Foe total is higher, the Foe wins and it remains in play. 
Your characters & attached cards are not discarded, win or lose. 
All foes have a Requirement: In order to defeat them, you must in addition to 
overcoming their Force, also do it using a card with the required type. 

Draw the top card from the Foe deck & put it face up in the middle of the table.
You may form another team and get another Fight Phase to challenge this Foe. 
A Character that just fought cannot join another Team in the same Turn. 
Important: A Character can only fight in one Battle per Turn. 
You may continue drawing new Foes & battling until you pass on a fight, or have no 
Characters left who are able to fight. 

Card Name:			Type:	Force:	Notes:		
Girl Adventurer			C	5	She may fight in 2 Battles per turn
Boy Adventurer			C	5	He may fight in 2 Battles per turn
Girl Dynamic Sorcerer		C	5	Attached Magic cards are Force +7
Boy Dynamic Sorcerer		C	5	Attached Magic cards are Force +7
Boy Robot			C	5	Attached Tech & Gun & Shape cards are Force +4
Girl Robot			C	5	Attached Tech & Gun & Shape cards are Force +4	
Girl Gun Bunny			C	7	Attached Gun cards are Force +7
Boy Gun Bunny			C	7	Attached Gun cards are Force +7
Girl Hot Rod			C	6	Attached Vehicle is F +10 & Tech Cards F+5
Boy Hot Rod			C	6	Attached Vehicle is F +10 & Tech Cards F+5
Magical Girl			C	5	Attached Magic & Companions are Force +5
Magical Boy			C	5	Attached Magic & Companions are Force +5
Boy Martial Artist		C	5	Attached Fighting cards are Force +7
Girl Martial Artist		C	5	Attached Fighting cards are Force +7
Boy Mecha Pilot			C	4	Attached Mecha is F +10 & Gun Cards F+5
Girl Mecha Pilot 		C	4	Attached Mecha is F +10 & Gun Cards F+5
Girl Ninja			C	7	Attached Magic & Fighting cards are Force +5
Boy Ninja			C	7	Attached Magic & Fighting cards are Force +5
Girl Pet Monster Trainer 	C	4	Attached Companions are Force +7
Boy Pet Monster Trainer		C	4	Attached Companions are Force +7
Male Samurai			C	9	Attached Sword is F +10 & Fighting Cards F+5
Female Samurai			C	9	Attached Sword is F +10 & Fighting Cards F+5
Sentai Team			C	8	Attached cards are Force +2
Sentai Team			C	8	Attached cards are Force +2
Shape Changer			C	7	Attached Shape cards are Force +7
Shape Changer			C	7	Attached Shape cards are Force +7
Girl Student			C	4	Other Team Members are Force +4
Boy Student			C	4	Other Team Members are Force +4
Girl Tech Genius 		C	5	Attached Tech cards are Force +7	
Boy Tech Genius			C	5	Attached Tech cards are Force +7
Thirst for Excitement		T	-	Character may fight in 1 extra Battle per turn
Wisdom				A	+6	-
Dexterity			A	+6	-
Intelligence			A	+6	-
Alien				A	+4	-
Honor				A	+6	-
Idol Singer			A	+5	-
Charisma	         	A	+5	Other Team Members are Force +2
Empathy				A	+5	Companions attached to Character are +2
Exotic Weaponry			A	-	Martial Artist or Ninja gets Force +5
Flying				P	+6
Incredible Armor	        P	+8	
Rejuvenation			P	+6
Sixth Sense			P	+6
Heightened Awareness		P	+6
Mind Control			P	+10	Attach to Foe
Mystical Knowledge		M	+6	
Hidden Energies			M	+5	
Strange Artifact	        M	+9	
Exorcism	         	M	+8
Sorcery				M	+7
Witchcraft			M	+6
Alchemy				M	+7
Divination			M	+7
Elemental Magic			M	+8
Ancient Relic			M	+8
Acrobatics			F	+6	
Lightning Reflexes		F	+6
Tremendous Skill	        F	+6
Whirlwind Attack	        F	+8
Evasion				F	+8
Teachings of the Master		F	+7
Combination Attack		F	+8
Secret Technique	        F	+8
Unarmed Combat Expert		F	+6	
Ki Power Attack			F	+9	
Big Gun				G	+5	
Bag of Guns			G	+5	
Rocket Pistol			G	+6	
Auto Fire			G	+5
Missile Launcher	        G	+7
Dead Mans Gun			G	+8
Legendary Gun			G	+9
The Main Gun			X	+10	Attach to Mecha, Vehicle or Giant Robot
Giant Robot			O	+8	Also Tech but Not a Mecha
Pet Monster			O	+7	-
Little Dragon			O	+6	-
Mascot				O	+5	-
Familiar Servant	        O	+3	Also Magic
Fire Monster			O	+5	-
Totem Monster			O	+5	-
Magical Cat			O	+6	Also Magic
Sentient Starship		O	+8	Also a Vehicle
Water Monster			O	+5	
Ghost Form			S	+7	
Dragon Form			S	+6	
Giant Sized			S	+7	
Metamorphosis			S	+6
Mimic				S	+6
Angelic Form			S	+6
Digital Form			S	+7
Flexibility			S	+6
Beast Form			S	+6	
Transformer			X	+6	Attach to Mecha or Vehicle
Scout Mecha			R	+5
Small Mecha			R	+5	
Large Mecha			R	+7
Battle Mecha			R	+7
Assault Mecha			R	+8	
Experimental Mecha		R	+9
Super Mecha			R	+10	
Destroid	         	R	+8
Motorcycle			V	+6	
Hovercycle			V	+5
Street Machine			V	+6
High Performance Machine 	V	+7
Dune Buggy			V	+5
Off Road Racer			V	+6
Racing Pod			V	+6
Talking Sports Car		V	+6
Super Stunt Car			V	+9
Exoskeleton			T	+6
Gizmo				T	+5
Gadget				T	+6
Invention			T	+7
Contraption			T	+5
Mechanical Genius		T	+8
Remote Control			T	+6
Tool Belt			T	+5
Incredible Power Source		X	+9	Attach to any Modifier card
Black Box			T	+7
Sword of Power			Z	+9
Ancient Sword			Z	+8
Rune Sword			Z	+8
Clan Sword			Z	+8
Magic Katana			Z	+7
Eldritch Blade			Z	+6	Magic cards attached to Character are +2
Mystical Blade			Z	+5	-
Cursed				X	–7	Attach to any Modifier card
Easily Distracted		W	–5	-
Phobia				W	–5	-
Co-Pilot	         	X	+6	Attach to Vehicle/Mecha
Navigator			X	+5	Attach to Vehicle
Mentor				X	+6	Attach to Companion
Tricked Out			X	+5	Attach to Vehicle or Tech card
Place of Power			L	+10	Attach to Foe
Citadel				L	+10	Attach to Foe
Ancient Temple			L	+10	Attach to Foe
Dimensional Gate	        L	+10	Attach to Foe
Home Base			L	-	Mecha Pilot or Tech Genius gets Force +5
Personality Clash		E	-	Target Character may not join a team this turn
Romantic Rivalry 		E	-	Target Character may not join a team this turn
Freeze Up        		E	-	Target Character is Force –10
Super Bullets			E	-	Target Gun gets Force +9
Trick Shot			E	-	Gun Bunny gets Force +7
Special Attack			E	-	Magical Girl/Boy gets Force +10
Arcane Spell			E	-	Dynamic Wizard gets Force +9
Disguise	         	E	-	Shapeshifter or Ninja gets Force +8
Sword Master			E	-	Samurai gets Force +9
Driving Stunt			E	-	Hot Rod gets Force +7
Battle Motto			E	-	Pet Monster Trainer gets Force +6
Stealth				E	-	Ninja or Adventurer gets Force +7
Kung Fu				E	-	Martial Artist gets Force +7
Stomp				E	-	Target Mecha/Giant gets Force +8
Teamwork	         	E	-	All Team Members get Force +3 
Friendship			E	-	IYCA student take control of target Character
Explosion			E	-	Target Team or Foe gets Force +8 
Inept Attack			E	-	Target Character is Force –10 
Nemesis				E	-	Foe gets Force +10
Powerful Ritual			E	-	Dynamic Sorcerer or Foe gets Force +10
Burst of Energy			E	-	Character may fight in 1 extra Battle this turn
Dying Speech			E	-	Discard Target Character after Battle
Collateral Damage		E	-	Discard Target Modifier after Battle
Plot Twist			E	-	Draw a Foe Card & put it in play
Call for Help			E	-	Draw 2 cards from the Friend Deck
Evil Consumes Itself		E	-	Discard target Foe card
Assembly Required		E	- 	SDF A1C APH IYCA Tech genius
Summon				E	-	SDF A1C APH IYCA Dynamic Sorcerer
Favorite Character		E	-	SDF any 1 Character card APH

SDF = search deck for 
A1C = any 1 card 
APH = and put it into your hand
IYCA = If you control a…

Card Name:				Force	Notes/Requirements
Ancient Awakened Demon			40	Req Power
Erstwhile Goddess			50	Req Magic
Vampire					30	Req at least 2 Characters
Space Armada				60	Req Tech
Vengeful Ghost				20	Req Magic
Alien Assassin				10	Minions Req Tech
Alien Invasion Force			40	Req Power
Evil Sorcerer				20	Req Magic
Lesser Demons				10	Minions Req Sword
Experiment Gone Wrong			30	Req Tech
Obnoxious Alien				10	Minions Req Companion
Kung Fu Army				10	Minions Req Fight
Yakuza					20	Req Attribute
Super Powered Alien			60	Req Gun
Inept Recurring Nemesis			10	Minions Req Attribute
Evil Shapeshifter			30	Req Shape
Evil Ninja				20	Req Fight
Motorcycle Gang				10	Minions Req Vehicle
Cat Girls				10	Minions Req Fight
Giant Mutant Monster			40	Req Mecha
Criminal Mastermind			40	Req Attribute
Old Girl Friend  			20	Req Fight
Cosmic Overlord				70	Req Shape
Natural Disaster	         	40	Req Vehicle
Powerful Psychic Child			50	Req Companion
Tentacled Monster			30	Req Sword
Local Thugs				10	Minions Req Gun
Space Monster				40	Req Companion
High Tech Mercenaries			20	Req Gun
Oni Demon				40	Req Sword
Enemy Mecha Squad			30	Req Mecha

A Character can attach a maximum of 1 Sword
A Character can attach a maximum of 1 Vehicle or 1 Mecha
A Hot Rod cannot attach a Mecha
A Dynamic Sorcerer cannot attach Tech or Mecha or Vehicles
A Samurai cannot attach Guns or Mecha or Vehicles
A Ninja cannot attach a Mecha
A Sentai Team can attach up to 5 cards of any type (5 Swords, 5 Mecha, 5 Vehicles, etc.)
Sentai Team...Think Power Rangers 
A Robot cannot attach Magic or Mecha or Vehicles
A Tech Genius cannot attach Magic

Anime Shrine

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