Players are students (Junior Members) of Aristotle’s school in Athens
Circa 334 - 322 BC. 
Players move about the Lyceum (Gymnasium and surrounding Grounds) 
to acquire knowledge. 

The player with the highest score in the most Categories is the winner. 
The game ends when players have gone through the deck twice.  

Each player has a Pawn of a unique color to represent their Student. 

Players share a common deck. 
The deck contains 1 copy of each card listed. 
When a card is played, immediately gain its reward and then discard the card. 
Players do not keep a hand of cards. 
When the deck runs out the first time shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

During play you earn points in the 6 Categories. 
Use paper and pencil to keep track of these scores. 

Players share a set of action Tokens. 
There are 7 Types of Tokens: 
Material Cause
Efficient Cause
Formal Cause
Final Cause

You can only use Tokens during your own turn. 
Discard a Material Cause Token to move 1 Additional Space in Move Phase. 
Discard an Efficient Cause Token to move 2 Additional Spaces in Move Phase. 
Discard a Formal Cause Token to cause a target Dieroll to be rerolled. 
Discard a Final Cause Token to add or subtract 1 from a target Dieroll.  
Discard 1 of each of the 4 Cause Tokens to get an extra Turn.
Discard a Actuality Token to move 1D6 Spaces in Move Phase.
Discard a Potentiality Token when drawing cards to draw 1 additional card. 
Discard a Potentiality & Actuality Token to draw 2 Cards and keep one. 
Discard 2 Material Cause Tokens to gain 1 Point in the Physical Sciences Category
Discard 2 Efficient Cause Tokens to gain 1 Point in the Logic Category
Discard 2 Formal Cause Tokens to gain 1 Point in the Life Sciences Category
Discard 2 Final Cause Tokens to gain 1 Point in the Humanities Category
Discard 2 Potentiality Tokens to gain 1 Point in the Philosophy Category
Discard 2 Actuality Tokens to gain 1 Point in the Arts Category
Discard 1 Aristotle Token to gain 1 Point in any Category or to go to any 
Tile instead of your regular move. 
When Discarding Tokens to get Category Points, you can do this a max of 
once per turn. 

Six and Ten sided dice are needed. 

There are 6 Categories: 
#	Category:
1	Philosophy
2	Logic
3	Life Science
4	Physical Science
5	Humanities
6	Arts
Each Category is further divided into 6 Subjects. 
Points are earned in individual Subjects, however for final end of game 
scoring, it is the total points earned by subjects within a category that count. 
Every time you gain a point in a Subject, you also get a corresponding 
Action Token according to the Subjects Tables. 
During play, when you gain a point in a Category (not in a specific subject) 
you do not get an Action Token. 

#	Subject: 		Notes:
1	General Philosophy	Gain 1 Material Cause Token
2	Political Science	Gain 1 Efficient Cause Token
3	Epistemology		Gain 1 Formal Cause Token
4	Metaphysics		Gain 1 Final Cause Token
5	Ethics			Gain 1 Potentiality Token
6	Empiricism		Gain 1 Actuality Token

#	Subject: 		Notes: 
1	Logic			Gain 1 Material Cause Token
2	Rhetoric		Gain 1 Efficient Cause Token
3	Oratory			Gain 1 Formal Cause Token
4	Mathematics		Gain 1 Final Cause Token
5	Analytics		Gain 1 Potentiality Token
6	Dialectics		Gain 1 Actuality Token

#	Subject: 		Notes: 
1	Embryology		Gain 1 Material Cause Token
2	Botany			Gain 1 Efficient Cause Token
3	Zoology			Gain 1 Formal Cause Token
4	Anatomy & Physiology	Gain 1 Final Cause Token
5	Biology			Gain 1 Potentiality Token
6	Medicine		Gain 1 Actuality Token

#	Subject: 		Notes: 
1	Meteorology		Gain 1 Material Cause Token
2	Physics			Gain 1 Efficient Cause Token
3	Chemistry		Gain 1 Formal Cause Token
4	Astronomy		Gain 1 Final Cause Token
5	Cosmology		Gain 1 Potentiality Token
6	Optics			Gain 1 Actuality Token

#	Subject: 		Notes: 
1	Economics		Gain 1 Material Cause Token
2	Psychology		Gain 1 Efficient Cause Token
3	Ancient Cults		Gain 1 Formal Cause Token
4	History			Gain 1 Final Cause Token
5	Geography		Gain 1 Potentiality Token
6	Linguistics		Gain 1 Actuality Token

#	Subject: 		Notes: 
1	Poetics			Gain 1 Material Cause Token
2	Literary Theory		Gain 1 Efficient Cause Token
3	Music			Gain 1 Formal Cause Token
4	Drama			Gain 1 Final Cause Token
5	Athletics		Gain 1 Potentiality Token
6	Aesthetics		Gain 1 Actuality Token

The Board is composed of Tiles, called Lyceum Tiles. 
Arrange the Tiles into a circular track. 
The order of the Tiles should be random. 
Tile:			Notes: 
Dromoi			You may as your move go to the Peripatoi
Gymnasium		Gain 1 Point in Athletics
Science Workshops	Gain 1 random Point from either Science Table		
Palaistra		Gain 1 Point in Athletics
Student Library		Draw 2 cards: Play one, discard the other
Colonnades 		Roll on the Wander Table
Botanical Garden	Gain 1 Point in Botany
Scientific Inquiry	Gain 1 random Point from the Physical Sciences Table
Demonstration		Gain 1 random Point from the Life Sciences Table
Apodyterion		Gain 3 non-Aristotle Action Tokens of your Choice
Shrine to the Muses	Gain 1 Point in Ancient Cults
Library of Histories	Draw 2 cards: Play one, discard the other
Stoa			Gain 1 Point in Geography	
Library of Philosophy	Draw 2 cards: Play one, discard the other
Peripatori		You may as your move go to the Dromoi
Student Government	Gain 1 point in Political Science
Research Assignment	Gain 3 non-Aristotle Action Tokens of your Choice
Experience		Gain 1 random Point from the Humanities Table
Temple to Apollo	Gain 1 Point in Ancient Cults
Racing Tracks		Gain 1 Point in Athletics
Covered Walkways	Roll on the Wander Table
Theatre			Gain 1 random Point from the Arts Table
Aristotle’s Library	Draw 3 cards: Play one, discard the others
Philosophical Inquiry	Gain 1 random Point from the Logic Table
Zoo			Gain 1 Point in Zoology
Plato’s Academy		Gain 1 random Point from the Philosophy Table
Public Spaces		Roll on the Wander Table

Shuffle the Lyceum Tiles and set up the Circular Track Board. 
Shuffle the Knowledge Deck. 
Players pawns start in the Gymnasium. 
Players roll high on the 10 sided die to see who goes first. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 3 Phases:
1. Aristotle Phase
2. Move Phase
3. Learning Phase

There is one Special Pawn for Aristotle. 
Aristotle starts the Game in Aristotle’s Library. 
Move Aristotle forward (Clockwise) 2D6 Spaces. 
Whenever he lands on a space containing one or more Students, they each get
get 1 Point in one Random Subject (First roll a random category, then a random subject) 
If he lands in a space containing no Students, place the top card of the Deck onto that tile. 
The first student to land there gets that card, as well as the Tile’s regular offering. 
If you land on the Aristotle Pawn, you gain 1 Cause Token of any type.  
If on your move you pass over the Aristotle Pawn, gain 1 Aristotle Token. 

Move your Pawn forward (Clockwise around the Track) one or two spaces OR
you may move forward 1D10 spaces. 
You may spend an Action Token to alter your movement. 
When you land on 1 or more opponents pawns, you may steal 1 Token from any 
one of them. 

Follow the instructions on the Tile you have just moved to. 
This will usually earn you 1 card or some Action Tokens or 1 Point in one 
specific Subject or a choice on a List, or a roll on a Table. 

Roll	Meet:			Notes:
1	Theophrastus		Gain 1 Point in Botany
2	Phanias of Eresus	Gain 1 Point in History
3	Eudemus of Rhodes	Gain 1 Point in Mathematics
4	Clytus of Miletus	Gain 1 Point in Geography
5	Aristoxenus		Gain 1 Point in Music
6	Dicaearchus		Gain 1 Point in Psychology
7	Meno			Gain 1 Point in Medicine
8	Demetrius of Phalerum	Gain 1 Point in Oratory
9	Nicomachus		Gain 1 Point in Physics
10	Nobody			----

Name:				   	Notes: 
Aristotelian Logic			Gain 2 Points in the Logic Category
Syllogism				Gain 1 Point in Logic
Aristotelianism				Gain 1 Point in Political Science
The Good Life				Gain 1 Point in Ethics
Aristotle’s Four Causes			Gain 2 Points in the Philosophy Category
Dichotomy				Draw an extra 2 cards to pick from
Laws of Association			Gain 1 Point in Psychology
Philosophical Debate			Gain 1 Point in Dialectic
Practical Debate			Gain 1 Point in Rhetoric
Syllogisms				Gain 1 Point in Rhetoric
Ethos, Pathos, and Logos		Gain 1 Point in Oratory
Lexis and Taxis				Gain 1 Point in Oratory
Continuous Theory of Matter		Gain 1 Point in Chemistry
Substance				Gain 1 Point in Chemistry
Organon					Gain 1 Point in Analytics
Aristotle’s Theory of Universals	Gain 2 Points in the Physical Sciences Category
Natural Philosophy			Gain 1 Point in the Physical & Life Science Categories
Theoretical Science			Gain 1 Point in Physics, Mathematics, or Metaphysics
Practical Science			Gain 1 Point in Ethics or Politics
Buridan’s Ass				Gain 1 Point in General Philosophy
Catharsis				Gain 1 Point in Drama
Generation of Animals			Gain 1 Point in Embryology
Causal Principle			Gain 1 Potentiality & 1 Actuality Token
Chain of Being 				Gain 2 Points in the Life Sciences Category
Character				Gain 1 Point in Literary Theory    
Connexive Implication			Gain 1 Point in Logic
Camera Obscura				Gain 1 Point in Optics
Parts of Animals			Gain 1 Point in Anatomy & Physiology
History of Animals			Gain 1 Point in Zoology
Law of Contradiction			Gain 1 Point in Metaphysics
Fifth Element				Gain 1 Point in Astronomy
Correspondence Theory of Truth		Gain 1 Point in General Philosophy
Laws of the Universe			Gain 1 Point in Cosmology
Kinesis					Gain 1 Point in Physics
Decorum					Gain 1 Point in Literary Theory
Condemn Deus ex Machina			Gain 1 Point in Literary Theory
Epic					Gain 1 Point in Literary Theory
Essentialism				Gain 1 Point in General Philosophy
Finalism				Gain 1 Point in Analytics
Four Humors				Gain 1 Point in Medicine
Poetical Science			Gain 2 Points in the Arts Category
Genre					Gain 1 Point in Literary Theory
Haecceitism				Gain 2 Point in the Philosophy Category
Hylomorphism				Gain 1 Point in Dialectic
Idealization				Gain 1 Point in the Aesthetics
Ideational Theories of Meaning		Gain 1 Point in Linguistics
Identity Theory of Predication		Gain 1 Point in General Philosophy
Labour Theory of Value			Gain 1 Point in Economics
Doctrine of the Mean			Gain 1 Point in Ethics
Mental Faculty Theory			Gain 1 Point in Psychology
Metaphor				Gain 1 Point in Literary Theory
Mimesis					Gain 1 Point in Literary Theory
Multiple Causation			Gain 1 Point in Psychology
One Over Many Principle			Gain 1 Point in Metaphysics
Organic Form				Gain 1 Point in Literary Theory
Poetic Diction				Gain 1 Point in Poetics
Poetic Justice				Gain 1 Point in Drama
Poetic License				Gain 1 Point in Poetics
Species Essentialism			Gain 1 Point in Biology
Third Man Argument			Gain 1 Point in Metaphysics
Tragedy					Gain 1 Point in Drama
The Unities				Gain 1 Point in Drama


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