Card game for 2-4+ players. 
Based on the TV show Agents of Shield. 

Agents of Shield is a licensed, copyrighted property. 
This is merely a Fan Site. 

Have the most Plot cards in your Victory Pile when the game ends. 
If tied the player with the most Levels worth of Plot cards wins.  

The game ends when all Plot cards have been captured. 

There are 2 Decks: 
1. The SHIELD Deck
2. The PLOT Deck

All cards have a numerical level. 

Most cards have one or more Traits:
Abr:	Trait:		Notes:
Cbt	Combat		Tactics, Marksmanship, Martial Arts
Ldr	Leadership	Management, Negotiations, Persuasion, Strategy
Sup	Support		Piloting, Logistics, Mechanics, Operations
Spy	Espionage	Disguise, Gadgets, Sleight of Hand, Interrogation
Com	Computers	Hacking, Communications, Intel Gathering, Analysis
Eng	Engineering	Physics, Weapons Technology, Construction
Bio	Biochem		Biology, Chemistry, Medical, Exams, Autopsies

Shuffle both Decks. 
Flip over the top 5 cards of the PLOT Deck. 
These are called the Revealed Plots. 
Biggest Marvel Fan goes first. 

Players take turns. 
Each Turn has 4 Phases:
1. Recruit Phase
2. Action Phase
3. Investigation Phase
4. Recovery Phase

Fill your hand to 7 Cards from the SHIELD Deck. 
If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

You may reveal one card from your hand (do not discard it) and get 
One special Benefit from it: 
1. If it is a Leader card, you may look at the next 5 cards in 
The SHIELD deck and put one of them in your hand. 
2. If it is a Combat card you cause one target Plot card to be discarded. 
The discarded card goes to the bottom of the PLOT deck. 
3. If it is a Support card draw 2 cards from the SHIELD deck and then discard 
Any 2 cards from your Hand. 
4. If it is a Spy card, look at your opponents hand and steal any 1 card. 
5. If it is a Computer card look at the next 5 cards in the PLOT Deck and then 
Draw 1 SHIELD card. 
6. If it is a Biochem card, take any 1 Agent from the Discard and put it in 
Your Hand. 
7. If it is an Engineering card all your Agents get +1 Level this turn. 

Play (Discard) SHIELD cards from your hand with a total Level matching or 
exceeding the Level of a target Revealed Plot card. The SHIELD cards must 
also have Traits that at minimum match the Traits of the target Plot card. 
If this is done the Plot card is captured and put into your Victory Pile. 
If possible, you may capture multiple revealed Plot cards in a single turn. 
Every time a Revealed Plot card is captured immediately flip over 
Another one from the top of the PLOT Deck so that there are always 
Five Revealed Plot cards available. 

You may discard up to 2 SHIELD cards from your hand. 

When the Traitor PLOT card comes into play, all the Grant SHIELD cards are 
Removed from play. 

An individual Agent may have multiple skills but may only apply one of them 
to the current mission they are on. 

You cannot use more than one copy of a SHIELD card when capturing. 
For instance, you cannot use 2 Coulson cards. 

# = Number of copies of that card in the deck

Name:			#	Type:	Level:	Traits:
Coulson 		5	Agent	3	Ldr, Cbt, Sup, Spy
May			4	Agent	3	Cbt, Sup, Spy
Fitz			4	Agent	2	Eng
Simmons 		4	Agent	2	Bio
Skye			4	Agent	2	Com
Piloting		1	Skill	2	Sup
Martial Arts		1	Skill	2	Cbt
Grant			4	Agent	3	Cbt, Spy
Lance			2	Agent	2	Cbt, Spy
Bobbi			2	Agent	3	Cbt, Spy
Sacrifice		1	Act	3	Cbt
Triplett		2	Agent	2	Cbt
Intel			1	Act	3	Spy, Com
Hack			1	Act	3	Com
Facial Recognition	1	Act	2	Com
Victoria Hand		1	Agent	3	Ldr
Koenig Brother		1	Agent	1	Sup
Mack			1	Agent	1	Sup, Eng
Dr. Goodman		1	Agent	1	Bio
Blueprints		1	Item	1	Com, Eng
Autopsy 		1	Act	2	Bio
Hard Drive		1	Item	2	Com
Interrogation		1	Act	2	Spy
Informer		1	Agent	1	Spy
Infiltration		1	Act	3	Spy
Icer Guns		1	Item	2	Cbt
Lola Flying Car		1	Item	2	Sup
Quinjet			1	Item	2	Sup
Globemaster Bus 	1	Item	3	Sup, Com
Nick Fury Visit		1	Act	3	Ldr, Spy, Sup

Name:			#	Level:	Traits:
Garrett			1	12	Cbt x2, Spy, Bio
Raina			1	10	Spy x2, Ldr
Senator Ward		1	8	Spy, Ldr, Sup
Alien Carvings		1	10	Com, Spy
Traitor			1	12	Cbt, Spy (Remove Grant)
Whitehall		1	11	Com, Bio
Absorbing Man		1	12	Cbt, Bio
Project Centipede	1	12	Cbt x2, Bio, Com, Eng
Clairivoyant		1	10	Com, Sup
Colonel Talbot		1	9	Spy, Ldr
Deathlok		1	12	Cbt, Bio, Eng
The Doctor		1	10	Com
Escape Hydra		1	12	Cbt x2, Sup x2
Ian Quinn		1	9	Com, Spy, Cbt, Sup
The Guest House 	1	11	Cbt x2, Sup
Obelisk			1	12	Spy x3
Darkforce		1	10	Eng, Cbt
Gravitonium		1	11	Eng
Weather Device  	1	9	Eng, Sup, Com
Crusher Creel		1	12	Cbt, Eng
Smear Campaign  	1	9	Ldr


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