2 Player card & dice game.
Simulation of the Hundred Years War 1337-1453
One player is the English, the other is the French.
The game lasts 50 turns (It was a long war)
Each turn represents 2-3 years.
There are 10 Territory Tokens (TT).
Each player starts the game with 5 Territory Tokens.
If you ever control all 10 Territory Tokens, you automatically win.
At the end of the game, if you control more
TT than your opponent, you win.
There are 2 common decks:
The Event Deck
The Resource Deck
Six sided dice are needed.
Each player draws 5 cards from the Resource Deck.
The English Player goes first.
Players take turns.
The current player is also called the Active player or the Attacker.
The other player is the defender.
Each Turn has 7 Phases:
Resource Phase
Recruit Phase
Hostility Phase
Sea Battle Phase
Land Battle Phase
Victory Phase
Passage Phase
Each player draws 1 card from the Resource
Deck and puts them in their hand.
If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Players may put Armies, Fleets, and Leader cards face-up into play.
A Player may have a maximum of 2 Leaders in play at a time.
The current player draws 1 Event card.
Follow the instructions on the card.
If the card is a “Negate” card skip to Passage Phase.
If the card is a “Hostility” card go to Sea Battle Phase.
If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Skip this Phase (go to Land Battle Phase) if each player does not have 5 Territory Tokens.
The active player is invading by sea.
Each player rolls 2D6 and adds 1 for each Leader and Fleet card they have in play.
Players may also add 1 for each Strategy card they play (discard).
The winner is the player with the highest total.
Defender wins ties. The loser discards all his Fleet cards.
If the Defender wins, skip to Passage Phase.
If the attacker wins, go to Land Phase.
Each player rolls 2D6 and adds 1 for each Leader and Army card they have in play.
Players may also add 1 for each Strategy card they play (discard).
The winner is the player with the highest total.
Defender wins ties. The loser discards all his Army cards.
If the Defender wins, skip to Passage Phase.
If the attacker wins, go to Victory Phase.
If the Attacker won in Land Battle Phase, he may take a
Territory Token from his opponent.
If the attacker plays (discards) a Great Victory card, he may take an
Additional TT.
Mark that a turn has ended. The game ends at turn 50.
Resource Hand max = 5 cards. Discard excess cards.
H = Hostility (The Active player may attack this turn)
N = Negate (The active player may not attack this turn)
Card Name: Type Notes:
Large Scale Raids H Draw a Resource Card
Dysentary H Discard one of your Armies
Starvation H Discard one of your Armies
Flemish Allies H English Player draws a Resource card
Rebellious Scots H French Player draws a Resource card
Killed in Battle H Opponent must discard a Leader
Overlords H Opponent may draw a Resource card
Heavy Taxation H Opponent may draw a Resource card
Invasion H
Summer Campaign H
Grand Chevauchee H Draw a Resource Card
Renew the War H
Resume Hostilities H
Failure of Negotiations H
Confiscate Duchy H Give a Terrain Token to your opponent
Systematic Conquest H Take a Terrain Token from your opponent
Weakened by Rebellion H Opponent must discard an Army
Disputes over Holdings H
Claim to the Throne H
Break Treaty H
Papal Disputes H
Assumption of Title H
Provoke War H
Burned in Raid N Discard one of your Fleets
Mutiny N Discard one of your Fleets
Storm at Sea N Discard one of your Fleets
Delays N
Stalemate N
Fiscal Setbacks N Discard all of your Fleets
Medieval Economy N
Succession N Discard one of your Leaders
Black Death N Both players Discard all Armies
Bankruptcy N Discard all of your Fleets
Plague N Both players Discard all Armies
Popular Revolts N Discard one of your Armies
Usurpation N Discard one of your Leaders
Treason N
Spanish Conflict N Both players Discard 1 Army
Long Truce N
Death of the King N Discard one of your Leaders
Uneasy Peace N Both players draw 1 card
Civil War N Discard one of your Armies
Minors as Kings N
Insanity N Discard one of your Leaders
L = Leader
A = Army
N = Naval Fleet
S = Strategy
G = Great Victory
F = French
E = English
B = Both

Card Name: Use Type Note:
Edward III E L Start game with this card in play
Philip VI F L Start game with this card in play
The Black Prince E L
Henry IV E L
King Henry V E L
Henry VI E L
Richard II E L
Bertrand du Guesclin F L
John II F L
Charles d’Albret F L
Joan of Arc F L
Charles V F L
Charles VI F L
Charles VII F L
Professional Soldiers B A
Peasant Militia F A
Cannon B A
Bombards & Culverins B A
Artillery Train F A
Feudal Companies B A
Footsoldiers B A
Bills & Pikes B A
Garrisons B A
Burgundians E A
French Nobility F A
Archers E A
Yeomen E A
Mercenaries B A
Allied Troops B A
Men-at-Arms B A
Mounted Knights F A
Crossbowmen F A
Freemen E A
Infantry B A
Sailing Ships B N
Royal Galleys B N
Oared Barges B N
Impressed Ships E N
Genoese Galleys B N
Castillian Navy B N
Transports B N
Merchant Vessels B N
Cogs B N
Roundships B N
Venitian Galleys B N
Great Army of the Sea F N
Peace Treaty B G
Kings Ransom B G
Major Concessions B G
Cavalry Charge F S Land
Combined Arms E S
Rally B S
Major Siege B S Land, Attacker only
Raise Siege B S Land, Defender only
Fortifications B S Land, Defender only
Narrow Front E S
Massacre B S
Intelligent Command B S
Longbow E S

SOLO RULES per Ron Pehr
have one side drawing/discarding randomly (probably the French) or
even according to some sort of formula (E.g. "Draw one resource for each
token over 5 you have"); or for that matter just play both sides, leaving
the other's cards face down as you pick for the active side.
Thanks Alex!
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