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Eldar Grav FalconThe Eldar: fast, sleek, deadly. Deadly indeed.

Fast Attack Units

Eldar have many Units to pester the enemy ahead of an assault. The eldar Jetbikes are just such an example. Using all the jetbike rules in the Warhammer 40k rule book they also can assault 6" in any direction even though there may not be an enemy within range. THis allows them to slipe and slide up the battle evading fire where possible. Also they can roll two dice for the difficult terrain takeing the highest roll. The vyper jetbike is just a larger jetbike with a heavy weapon mounted on top. These are great for moving ahead and taking out weak armoured transports and blowing holes in Tanks. The falcon grav tank is a fast transport with sweet ass guns!!! It can carry you best combat fighters such as howling banshees and fire drangons to the belly of the fighting. Warp spiders are a great unit for flanking lightly armoured units.Their ability to warp twice is a handy little move if your lucky at rolling.

Resilient Units

Wriathgurad are the best f**king units in the warhammer world. They are fearless cannot be pinned down. They have a a S,T and a I of five( they get the Initiative bouns from a warlock with them equipped with Enhance. Wraithlords are also sweet as they have a toughness instead of an armour value. With their high toughness they can take a pounding and still come out all right. They also can carry to flamers wich are great to use on a unit you are going to assult. On the craftworld Iyanden they can have nummeral toughunits of the dead so this is the craftworld i am trying to collect. The only downside to this army is that it is almost always outnumbered. Farseer

Darkreapers are used for the long ranged support with their very accurate reaper launcher. THey can fire twice if they don't move so it is advisable to pllace them in a good spot so they won't have to move during the battle.Dark Reaper


The Avatar is the eldar's deadlest hand-to-hand combat by far. He has the potentail to wipe a few units by himself. Supported by striking scorpions he can be a really pain for your enemy. Also a good supporting group for the avatar are numerous storm squads.