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So, you have chosen to step into the flames.

Tread lightly, for thy path is a difficult one

Yet, it is only through fire that gold becomes pure

and the roughest coal becomes the diamond.

The Order of the Flaming Knight demands the highest level of conduct from all of it's members.

Honor forms the core of the Order of the Flaming Knight, for it is in the practice of honor,

doing one's duty no matter the cost, that a person is enabled to keep our laws.

Order of the Flaming Knight is not for just anyone.

You must be a person of virtue.

So you ask, "What is Virtue?"

Good Question.

An easy way to start defining virtue, is to review the eight virtues, as stated by Lord British.

They are:

Compassion, the virtue of love. Love others even as much as you love yourself. Always place the needs of others above your own needs. Show compassion in your actions and in your speech at all times. A member of the Order of the Flaming Knight should always be able to be identified with this virtue by outsiders.

Honesty is more than always telling the truth, it is also being true. A person who is two-faced, or says one thing and does another, does not possess this virtue. Members of the Order are expected always to display honesty, both in their speech, and in their actions.

Valor. Courage. What does it mean to be a person of Valor? Valor is the strength of will to fight against any odds for what you know in your heart to be right. Always remember that courage and fear are not mutually exclusive, We all have fear, but valor shines through when we overcome our fear, and face our challenges head on, regardless of how afraid we feel. As a member of the Order, you will be expected to approach all new challenges with Valor.

Just as primary colors combine to form wondrous hues, so too, do the core virtues, Compassion, Honesty, and Valor, join hands to create further virtues that can guide us in our daily lives. When Compassion and Valor join hands, Sacrifice is the result. When you love your neighbor (your 'neighbor' is not the person living next door necessarily, it is any person you come in contact with) as you love yourself, you will see the needs that this person has, and the solution to this is to give from what you have, whether it be time, money, food, or possessions, having the courage to know that you shall survive without, all the happier knowing that your neighbor's needs have been met. All members of the Order of the Flaming Knight are expected to possess the virtue of self Sacrifice.

"Greater love hath no man than this: That a man lay down his life for his friends"

To be humble is to realize your place in the grand scheme of things. When you can realize that you are but one tiny speck in this massive universe, and then place the concerns of others above your own, you will have achieved humility. Just try not to brag about it.

When Compassion and Honesty join hands, Justice is the result. Justice is the pursuit to make things right. If you commit a crime, there is a penalty, that is justice. Justice is compassion, because we make certain that the punishment fits the crime. Justice is honesty because we face the reality that a wrong was committed and there must be a consequence.

Honesty and Valor together give rise to Honor. An honorable person has the courage it takes to be true. An honorable person keeps their word, and never makes promises they do not intend to keep. A person of Honor places duty above all else. Duty first to one's Creator, second to one's family, and third to one's cause. Members of the Order of the Flaming Knight are to esteem Honor as the greatest of all virtues, and to practice it at all times.

We are all born searching for something deeper than what can be seen or felt. We have spirituality when we embrace this search. Spirituality forms the core of all other virtues, for it is in the search for something greater than ourselves that we see the value of Compassion, Honesty, Valor, Sacrifice, Humility, Justice, and Honor.

Beyond the eight virtues, there are other laws and codes of conduct which members of the Order must keep.

1. Public Conduct

All members are to conduct themselves at all times in a manner which is befitting one who claims to be a member of an honorable order. This means that:

a. You will conduct your speech in a kind and mature manner. No Profanity is allowed in the Order of the Flaming Knight, as this does not befit the speech of a member of this Order. Likewise, derogatory comments directed towards others, whether they be members or not, are not tolerated.

b. You will be greatly encouraged to show kindness to those around you. If you have been blessed with great wealth, show others the same kindness that you would like to be shown in their position.

c. Always be aware that others could be watching you. Once you become a member you will be representing the Order every time you are around others. We want the Britannian public to perceive a certain image about us, that is, we want them to see us as Honorable, Kind, Daring, and Generous. Always conduct yourself in a manner that presents this image.

2. Guild Conduct and rankings

You will show respect to your ranking superior in the Order. Do this by bowing in greeting and reciting the guild oath 'One Blade, One Honor, One Destiny". To those whose ranking is inferior or equal to your own, you should greet them with a salute and the guild oath. Always treat other members with respect and kindness no matter what their rank. Also, when sparring with other members, if they do not wish to fight, then leave them be and find someone else in the guild to fight. Guild ranking is as follows.

Grand Paladin-The greatest of all Paladins in the Order. He or She is the reigning member of the Order. The Grand Paladin makes the final decision on all guild matters, though the Grand Paladin should seek the advice of the council before making guild affecting decisions, the final decision always rests with the Grand Paladin.

Lord Paladin-The Lord Paladin acts as the Grand Paladin's right hand and top advisor. The Lord Paladin sits on the guild council and assists the Grand Paladin in making guild decisions. He or she is entrusted to command the guild in the event of the Grand Paladin's absence.

The Council-The council consists of the Lord Paladin, the two division commanders, and two more high ranking individuals, to be selected by the Grand Paladin.  The council votes on guild affecting decisions, and should hold meetings once every week to, among other things, decide on the guild's events for that week.


The Two Divisions- The ranking tree of the Order of the Flaming Knight consists of  two major divisions, each with it's own purpose, ranking structure, and responsibilities. Division commanders must be able to both give and receive orders without difficulty and they must be of mature personality, also a person with one character who is a division commander cannot have another character who is also division commander of another division, for obvious reasons. Division commanders are also responsible for overseeing training within their divisions, and are also given the freedom to structure their divisions as they see fit.


The following Ranking Tree shows how the ranks fall in OFK

Grand Paladin



Lord Paladin

/                      \

/                         \

Holy Guardian          Lord Sorcerer

/                 \                             |         

/                    \                           |          

Holy Paladin    Captain of the Guard    White Wizard

          |                            |                            |           \

            |                            |                            |             \

         High Paladin           Royal Guard         Sorcerer    Ranger

                 |                            |                           |                |      

                 |                            |                           |                |      

                  Paladin               Guardsman           Conjurer   Woodsman   

                       |                                                         |                |             

                        |                                                         |                |              

             Knight Commander                                  Enchanter     Scout            

                        |                                                         |                              

                         |                                                         |                               

        Knight                                              Magician            

            |                                                         |                   

             |                                                         |                    

         Squire                                                Acolyte             

               |                                                         |                      

                 |                                                         |                        

     Page                                               Apprentice       




The Following section shall give a more detailed description of the various ranks, and how one achieves them.

Holy Guardian- The Holy Guardian is a mighty warrior but also a skilled leader.  He or she is entrusted with command of the 'warrior' half of the Order of the Flaming Knight's forces.  For one to have achieved this position, they must show time and time again that they are dependable both in ordinary situations and in the most dire, that they are able to hold themselves up well in a fight, and that they are trustworthy at all times.  The Holy Guardian is also entrusted with a council seat.

Holy Paladin-The Holy Paladin commands the Order of the Flaming Knight's army. He leads our front line force, and as such should be a proficient warrior as well as a competent leader.  One who aspires to this position must display regularly adherence to the code, obedience to superiors, and the ability to deliver orders likewise.  The current Holy Paladin has been selected by the Grand Paladin to hold a council seat.

High Paladin-A High Paladin hold a position of great trust and honor.  They are among the finest warriors in the Order of the Flaming Knight, but their ability to fight is equally matched with their strict adherence to the Knight's Code.  A High Paladin is a trusted lieutenant in the OFK warrior force, and thus should also possess the ability to give and receive orders without problem.

Paladin-A difficult rank to achieve, but one which is sought by many who enter the ranks of our army.  Paladins form the backbone of our fighting force, they are adept hand to hand combatants who have seen many battles and have learned techniques to help them have the advantage over their foe.  A Paladin only fights for the sake of right, and never out of selfish ambition.  Only by displaying adherence to the Knight's Code and obedience to one's superior can he or she hope to be named Paladin.

Knight Commander- The Knight Commander is much like a Drill Sergeant.  He or She is an able warrior who has proven themselves time and again as both a capable fighter and a dependable soldier.  They are primarily responsible with assisting in the training of those members who are of rank lower than they.  Since Knight Commanders are so heavily involved in training, they must display strict adherence to the Knight's Code at all times.

Knight- To become a Knight, you must show that you are able to contribute as a front line warrior, both by being a competent warrior as well as heeding the word of your superior. 

Squire- This is the position held by warriors until their commander and their trainer feel they have reached the level of competency that warrants them advancement.  As a Squire you will receive intense training in many fields including: Swordsmanship, Fencing, Mace Fighting, Archery, Tactics, Parrying, and Healing, as well as many others.

Page- This is the initial rank a warrior will receive when he or she first joins the Order of the Flaming Knight.  It indicates that person is in a 'trial evaluation' period which is to be no less than one week.  During this time, a Page should be evaluating how they feel about Order of the Flaming Knight, as at the same time the Order will be evaluating how we feel about you.

Captain of the Guard- The Captain of the Guard is an elite warrior who is unequaled in hand to hand combat.  He or she commands the small group of warriors known as the Royal Guard.  To achieve this rank, one must display the ability to wreak total havoc with anything that comes into his or her path, as well as strict adherence to the Knight's Code.  The current Captain of the Guard has been selected by the Grand Paladin to hold a council seat.

Royal Guard- The members of the Royal Guard are few, they are the best of the best of the best in hand to hand combat in the Order of the Flaming Knight.  While they can perform frontline combat duty, their primary duty is to defend high ranking members and guild property.  One can only become a Royal Guard by showing the greatest of adherence to the Knight's Code, as well as tremendous ability against extreme odds in battle.  

Guardsman- Though it is not necessary to become a Guardsman in order to be invited into the Royal Guard, as a Guardsman one can receive the training necessary to be in such a position.  However as a Guardsman you must prove yourself worthy to advance.  Becoming a guardsman is no guarantee of eventually becoming a member of the Royal Guard.  As a Guardsman your duty would be to defend high ranking guild members and to support members of the Royal Guard by all means necessary.  To become a Guardsman one need only ask the Grand Paladin about the position when they are advancing from the Squire position to Knighthood.


Lord Sorcerer- The Lord Sorcerer commands the 'Mystical' half of the Order of the Flaming Knight's forces.  He or she must have consistently displayed not only proficiency with the arcane arts, but also loyalty to the Order, and the ability to give and receive orders readily.  The Lord Sorcerer is entrusted with a council seat. 

White Wizard- The White Wizard is the Lord Sorcerer's sub-commander.  He aids the Lord Sorcerer in leading the Order's mages and rangers.  He also must show great proficiency with magic, as well as obedience to the Knight's Code. The White Wizard is also responsible for overseeing the training of lesser mages in the Order. The current White Wizard has been entrusted by the Grand Paladin with a council seat.

Sorcerer- The sorcerer is to be respected.  He or she commands the flow of the ethereal plain with ease.  This person must have consistently shown an ability to give and receive orders without difficulty.

Conjurer- Conjurers are magical geniuses.  They have great proficiency with magic and rarely fail at their attempts to manipulate the ether.  A conjurer must have consistently shown obedience to superiors as well as strict adherence to the Knight's Code.

Enchanter- An Enchanter is one who has learned to manipulate the ether to their advantage time and again.  By the time one reaches this rank, he or she should be able to competently cast spells from all eight circles of magic.

Magician- To be named a Magician, an Acolyte must display that they have the ability to make their magic useful on the battlefield.  They do this by being able to at least cast sixth circle and lower magic competently, and by also being able to meditate with some skill so that their bodies recover quickly from the rigors of using the arcane arts. 

Acolyte- A member of the order who aspires to ascend the magical half of the Order's ranking tree shall be named Acolyte while they receive their training.  Once they prove their ability to contribute to a battle with their magic, they shall be able to advance.

Apprentice- When someone joins the Order of the Flaming Knight, and they wish to or already do work with magic, they shall for no less than one week receive the title of Apprentice.  This title, like the title of Page for a warrior, indicates that this person is in an evaluation period, where he or she is deciding his or her feelings about the guild, while likewise we in the guild are evaluating you.

Ranger- Rangers are elite scouts who have mastered the ability to observe vital happenings and report them back to their superior, as well as fighting with ranged weapons.  Rangers are the eyes and ears of the Order of the Flaming Knight.  To become a Ranger one must have climbed the Ranger branch of the ranking tree, they must show great proficiency with a bow and arrows, as well as an eye for detail and the ability to run in and out of dangerous situations without being killed.  Also a Ranger must have displayed time and again strict adherence to the Knight's Code.

Woodsman- A Woodsman is a competent scout.  They have displayed some proficiency with archery as well as the ability to escape dangerous situations intact.  A Woodsman should have a good knowledge of the land and should be able to identify his or her position when walking about in the wild with some ease.

Scout- Those who aspire to become Rangers will first be named Scout.  It is their responsibility to better themselves as the continue toward their goal.  A scout, if he or she is not already familiar, should spend some time learning the lay of the land so that in the future he or she can be called on to identify a party's position should they become lost.  

Other Ranks & Titles

Fife- A Fife is simply a worker-type character that has been joined to the guild.  Typically this happens when a member who has a mage or warrior character joins and they wish also to have their worker or 'mule' in the guild.  Also typically that worker character, rather than just being given the title 'fife' will be given a special title that denotes their area of expertise.  Fife characters hold no rank.

Fool- someone who consistently is out of line, causes disruption, is totally undependable, and manages to get on the nerves of everyone around him or her can count on being given the title 'Fool'.   It is one way of saying that we are giving you one more chance to straighten up before we ask you to leave the guild.  Very few people will probably ever receive this title.

Slaggard- Members who lose contact with the guild and stop showing up for meetings without ever giving a word may be given the title 'Slaggard' it is our way of saying that you have one more chance to begin participating again before you are cut off from the guild.

'Special' Titles- Acts of great bravery and skill may be rewarded with special temporary titles that recognize the great deed.  These titles do not denote any special rank privileges, they are simply a way of recognizing members.



3.Combat and hunting parties

The Order of the Flaming Knight is divided into two divisions. Each division serves a purpose in combat. The Holy Guardian leads the main force of Paladins and Knights as the primary thrust into the enemy. The Rangers (who are part of the magical division) may ride with or behind the Army, offering fire support with their arrows, or simply by backing up the Army on horseback. The Mages are to attempt to stay relatively out of direct harm's way as possible, their task is to keep the Army and the Rangers alive with their magic, as well as provide additional fire support against the enemy as possible, but their primary task is healing. The Royal Guard's duty is to protect the division commanders and the Lord and Grand Paladins, they should thus stay with those people as possible, engaging enemies only that threaten themselves or the officers they are protecting. The highest ranking officer should choose a group of people to loot the corpses of fallen monsters before setting out. For Hunting parties, the same combat procedures as described above should be followed, with the exception that the Rangers should scout ahead and return detailed information to the main group. When the Rangers fill this scouting role, they should avoid combat at all costs, the goal is to gather information, not to kill or be killed. With the exception of the Rangers, all members of a Hunting party need to stay with the main group. If one person strays off, it can lead to disaster for the whole group. Here is an example:

David Orcslayer has nine people following him. They decide to go on a hunt into Destard. They stay together fine. Dragons spawn, but of course they are no match for the strength of ten members of the Order. All of a sudden, the spawn slows down. David decides to have the group wait in one area where he knows dragons spawn. All of a sudden, Don Juan the Paladin gets bored and decides to run off on his own. He runs off, and pretty soon the other guys see little green words at the bottom of the screen:

[Don Juan]: I was killed by a wyvern!!

And so David and Jason the White Wizard run off to try to find Don and kill the wyvern. They leave the other seven members standing there to wait, most of whom are less experienced players. All of a sudden, not one, but two dragons plus a drake spawn right on top of the unsuspecting group. *BOOM* Allen Burdo is killed. Animal tries to use his archery skills from a distance to slay one of the beasts, then the drake walks up and starts chewing on him, and the dragon a shoots a fireball.*BOOM* Animal is dead. Next, Sir Nathaniel is struck down as he hopelessly defends Yogi Jigsaw and Kermit from the saurian onslaught. And of course if Sir Nathaniel was no match, Yogi and Kermit are mere appetizers to the trio. All of a sudden Spirit Watcher is the only one left standing, he bravely tries to battle the beasts but he is no match for two dragons and a drake, so he too falls. All this happened in a matter of seconds, much faster than what it took for you to read it. Meanwhile, David and Jason found the wyvern, along with another dragon. I could go on, but I think the reader gets the idea. And I know this sounds like a fantastical story, but the fact is that a very similar event did in fact happen to the Order once, and it was because people were running off. People who repeatedly disregard this rule will be dealt with accordingly. Also, when on hunting parties please keep in mind who you are representing. We are the Order of the Flaming Knight, and we have an image that we would like others to perceive about us, that is, that we are honorable, kind, daring, and generous. Do not speak disrespectfully to others, whether they be members of the Order or not. All gold from guild hunts is to be deposited into the guild treasury. It is from this fund that the Order buys supplies for its members. A final note on command structure for guild hunts. Guild hunts should be commanded by the following, if present:

The Grand Paladin. If he is not present, then the Lord Paladin shall be in charge. If neither is present, then the group should unanimously select a leader from the present council members.

4.Stay informed

This website has a message board. Members of the order are expected to read it regularly to stay informed on upcoming guild events. Not participating in the message board hurts yourself and the entire guild, as we feel all members are important and the message board is the best place to find out what you have to say. Conversation conduct rules apply on the message board though. No profanity is allowed on the message board, and no demeaning or belittling personal remarks will be tolerated.

5.Be Involved

Codes 4&5 are very much connected to each other. In order to be involved you must Stay informed. Obviously we all have real lives and do not have time to make all, or possibly even many, of the scheduled guild events. Still we encourage all members to involve themselves in at least some of the guild activities. Order of the Flaming Knight has regular guild activities Friday and Saturday nights at Midnight Eastern Standard Time, unless otherwise noted by the Grand Paladin on the message board.

6.Improve yourself

Nearly everyone in Britannia has room for improvement, even the best of us. It is a goal of the Order of the Flaming Knight to assist all members in becoming the very best they can be. We do this by holding training, and by various other means.

7.Cheats and Hacks

The Order of the Flaming Knight has a zero tolerance policy towards those who use cheats, hacks, and bug exploits. Any member found to be using any illegal third party program, exploiting in-game bugs (i.e. 'duping'), or hacking someone else's account will be immediately dismissed and reported to OSI. Third party programs such as UO assist that have been approved by OSI are perfectly acceptable and even encouraged.

8.Multiple Guild Membership

Some guilds allow their members to have different characters in different guilds. This is not the case with the Order of the Flaming Knight. We demand 110% loyalty from all members 110% of the time, and having characters in other guilds can cause one's loyalty to be questioned no matter how good the intentions are. This of course is in reference to player guilds only, and does not refer to NPC guilds like the mages guild, obviously it is fine to join NPC guilds, but we are concerned with player guilds. So, if you join the order you must always remember, its the Order of the Flaming Knight only or not at all.

9.Joining the Order of the Flaming Knight

If you have not already figured this out, Order of the Flaming Knight is different than nearly all of the other guilds that operate in the Ultima Online universe. We have high expectations on character, but in return we offer the chance to be a member of a group of mature, friendly people who will always be there for you in your time of need. Many guilds decide whether or not a person can join based on skills. This is most definitely not the case with the Order of the Flaming Knight. We care about who you are, not what you can do. Our philosophy is that it is far easier to help someone improve their abilities than it is to change their personality. So here you are, you want to be a member of the Order of the Flaming Knight. "What am I supposed to do to join?", you ask. Well, if you've read this far, you have almost completed the first step, which is reading our Knight's Code of Law. After finishing reading this code, a candidate should examine themselves, and decide if being a member of this Order is truly what they want. We take our laws seriously, and expect all members to as well. If you still wish to become a member at this point, then click back on your web browser and read our mission statement. It briefly but clearly states what the Order of the Flaming Knight is really about. We do not require, but we do strongly encourage all candidates for membership to get ICQ on their computers, as this greatly increases your ability to interact with the rest of the guild. After you have read the mission statement, contact a member of the guild, whether this be through the message board, or through icq (the preferred method). They will arrange for you to meet with the Grand Paladin. After speaking with the Grand Paladin, he will arrange a time for you to come before the guild council, which makes the final decision on all candidates for membership. The Grand Paladin, however, does have the power to bypass the council if the candidate can be vouched for personally by one of the guild members. By vouching for a candidate, a guild member accepts all responsibility for any adversity that befalls the guild directly resulting from the candidate's acceptance. Once entered into the guild, you will be granted the title 'Initiate'. As an initiate, you have a one week 'evaluation period' to decide for certain if the guild is for you or not, likewise, the guild will be watching you during this period, to see whether or not you have what it takes to be one of us. You should take advantage of this time to get to know as many members as possible. The division commanders will most likely be trying to get to know you also, as they have a friendly competition among themselves when recruiting new members for their divisions. After your one week initiation is up, you will be asked which division you would like to join. If you cannot decide, you will be evaluated and assigned to a division based on your skill set and the current needs of the guild.

10.the Order of the Flaming Knight open door policy

The Order of the Flaming Knight has an open door policy. This means that when the Grand Paladin is available, any member may approach him at any time and speak what is on their mind without fear of retaliation (provided what is said is of a mature nature and is not derogatory or insulting). The Order of the Flaming Knight recognizes that Ultima Online is more than a mere computer game, because it allows people from all over the world to interact and form new and lasting friendships. The Order of the Flaming Knight cares for it's own, both in the game and out.

11.Have Fun!

Obviously the primary and most important goal in Order of the Flaming Knight is for all the members to have fun and enjoy their lives in Britannia! Just remember to keep the code and do unto others as you would have others do unto you if you were in their shoes, and we promise to work as hard as we can to fulfill our end in making your time in Britannia with our order one that is enjoyable for you and those around you.