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NiGHTS into dreams... Review

NiGHTS is THE best game for Sega Saturn ever (in my opinion). Its got everything Saturn was made for, great graphics (its got all the special abilities Saturn can utilize). The game is alittle on the short side, but still great. Your final score is based on a letter grade (A B C D E F), and a number score.

Ok now with the grading:


Wizeman the Wicked is stealing the five dream energies:White(purity), Green(wisdom), Yellow(hope), Blue(intelligence), and Red(bravery)-however he cannot steal this energy as easily as the others. After coming home from a basketball game gone wrong, Elliot thinks himself a failure, and soon falls asleep. Claris goes to an audtion and thinks the pressure is too much and runs. She thinks she too is a failure, and falls asleep. When they fall asleep they are invited to Nightopia by NiGHTS to save the world. Knowing the fate of the world depends on them, they gladly accept this challenge.

There is a little more to the story that I'll try add later. The story is great, and once you see the FMV's which portray the events that take place before the dream you'll think the same. It's pretty original actually. The idea that monsters can come out of your dreams is insane. And since they are all portrayed as dream-like you get some pretty unique creatures.

10 out of 10


The graphics are great in this game, perhaps the best ever on Saturn. Saturn pulls off highly complex graphics techniques (like Alpha Transperancy) that people that Saturn wasn't capable of. Although there is a bit of pop-up, though it's almost un-noticeable when playing (unless you look for it). Except for that, the graphics are great!

10 out of 10


The music in this game is absolutley spectacular! Each song is perfect for the level it's on. It has that feel of the type of music from the Super Mario 64 era (sounds weird but its the truth). I even copyed the game so I can listen to the games music on the go.

10 out of 10


Ok, this game isn't that hard. You can beat the game with both characters in a few days. However you cannot access the final levels (Twin Seeds) unless you get at least C's on all levels. But you will want to go back and get A's on all levels to fully beat the game. Don't let this affect the decision of buying this game or not, because it doesn't really matter. I mean it can get pretty tough to beat your high scores.

7 out of 10


You must buy this game! I highly recommend that you buy it with the 3D control pad, it really does affect the way you play. You get more precision when using the analog thumb pad on the controller. You can get it at the Sega Parts link above in the links section. Any way this game is a must buy for all Sega Saturn owners, regardless of age or what type of game you're in to.

10 out of 10