My Favorite things about Phantasy Star 4
My Favorite Web Sites
Angelfire - Free Home Pages the Phantasy Star discussion board favourite search engine favourite webpage
Welcome to my Phantasy Star 4 webpage everything you want on the game can be found here. These characters from PS4 decided to help me with my page.Click on them to go to that section of the page. When you visit one of the pages above you'll see a picture of Demi saying want to go back to the main page if you click on her you'll be brought back here. Like the above message says click on me to come back here. Sign the Guestbook? Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook Fave Phantasy Star4 Sayings: Click to View or Add Text. Here are even more links My Updates page My Fanart Page My Fanfic Page Well I'm quite impressed with my self with all the work I've done We helped you to you know I know I also give credit to the the Phantasy Star characters who also helped me I hope you guys are still willing to help me build my website more sure we will don't worry we'll be here to help Thanks guys*wipes the tears from his eyes*you guys are the best. Well soon I'll have an adoption page where you can see which Characters I've adopted so hope you like them. don't worry they'll like it Thanks Rika. March/20/2001 I'm am so sorry for the lack of updates to the page it is just that I was swamped with work and had no time to update anything but now since I'm caught up I can update more often now.As I said before you can e-mail at the e-mail address but you can now get ahold of me by Yahoo now find me in Japanese Anime 1 or 2 under the name of tk2030 just give me a private message,again sorry for the lack of updates and I'll do my best to make this page better.Now some good news I just turned 16 on March 2nd I know that's long gone but I'm still happy that I turned 16 and I can finally go for my drivers licence so I won't have to walk anymore.Well got to go see ya later. Hahn A link to my picture page My pics page Click on this link to Visit Big Xena's Webpage it is really cool. IMPORTANT:IF YOU WANT TO LINK TO ME USE THIS BANNER AND LINK IT BACK TO THIS PAGE The main image of Hahn and Saya above picture is from Big Xena's Art Shrine click on Big Xena's Art Shrine link above. Click on chaz to go to the bosses page