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Hi everyone, I hope you enjoy this website. This website is done by me as a gamer and also it allows me to experiment with html. I am a 17 teenager living in Singapore, just in case you don't know Singapore is a small island in southeast asia. Anyway I enjoy trying out html in my free time and of course gaming. I also like going out with friends to catch a show, tv series is another favourite of my. I like shows like "old time buddy" and "demi gods and semi devils", they are great shows( that is if you understand chinese).

I am also a pokemon fan, don't laugh the bunch of them has definately charm me. For those pokemon fans out there try this site, it has an online battle ground you would find me inside. My nick is zape so if you are inside send me a message.

Below are some downloads of songs and music I like:

These songs are played immediately when clicked so to ensure that you are not disturbed by the background sound press the stop button.