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Fans of final fantasy watch out!

There is a new rival in town--Septerra Core. Septerra Core is more or less similar to final fantasy in terms of story line. You play as maya a girl from a place called the second shell,for your info the second shell is actually a trash dumping site! There you make your living shifting through the trash trying to savage any useful items to sell. As airships loom across the land-a war seems so close. The plot thickens when you found one of your young friend selling material to one of the chosen people. Knowing this could mean a nearing war you decide to journey to other contients called shells to warn the locals.

Standing up against your action is Doskias, a chosen lord whose main goal is to get hold of the core a magical object which grant the user the gift of the creater-the kingdom of heaven.

Fortunately there will be eight companions whom may aid u that is if u are able to make them to. Each one is arm with a crtical skill that is useful to you, but be careful of your choice as you can only have 2 companions with u at each time. Characteristic & behavior is other important issue as your companions might not get around with each other or even worse betray you.

Players would encounter 30 different types of enemies on their journey ranging from feeble wolfs, giant armored crabs, outlaws to tough mechanized chosen soldiers, you would have your hands full!

There is also magical spells inclued, for those players who love magic. The difference is that magic is no longer cast by "magic wands" or stuff like this, but instead by cards know as fate cards, something like "Magic The Gathering" .There around 25 different cards each with a spell-from healing effects to summoning of help in needy times, they can be combined to form a more powerful spell.

Gameplay is simple with a combination of point and click function, giving players a easier time when it comes to the controls. A well worth commenting is that almost all the characters whether player or non-player were given the chance to speak--over 54,000 words of recorded dialogue was used in the process. Graphies are great with well rended landscapes and characters. RPG lovers would have another game to brood about buying.

Player: Single