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It can not be denied. There was some work on a mod in the pipeline. With the release of l33t'mon, the basic storyline (rescuing the clone from the clutches of PQ) has basically been nullified. The Mod may continue. It will not though, be the same story line. These details will remain:

* The Mod will utilise the Q2 engine. Please do not email me as to why i am stupid for using this engine, and why i should have used Q3/HL/UT/OPENQUAKE (??!!). The engine was chosen for specific reasons, and suits our needs perfectly.

* This is prodominantly a SINGLE PLAYER mod. It will have deathmatch, but it will not have huge amounts of extra details, it will be in deathmatch little more than a weapons mod.

* The mod was developed with mappers in mind. A developers kit with apropriate extras was to be openly distributed, as to allow mappers to make new scenarios in which to rescue ELMC. This may change, as ELMC now needs no rescuing.

* This is a small scale mod. Some help is needed, we may need some character modeling done (1 or 2 models). If interested, contact me.

Stay tuned to the home page, as it will be annonced there when the new page is opened, and any appropriate details.

All content both real and fictonal is UnCopyright UC 2000. All content both graphical and written; real and ethereal by Dr. Loaf