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Exile II Secrets

Here is a list of secrets in Exile I. It's nowhere near complete.

Special Stuff

Unique/rare items

The following list of unique and rare itemshas been brought to you by

Knife of Warmth- In Silvar, talk to Elspeth about Nance. Go to Fort Dranlon and say Labris to Nance. Then go back and say labris to Elspeth. She will give you a knife. It is the Knife of Warmth.

Boom Knife- In Tower of Magic, approach the portal. If this is the first time you've been near the portal, imps, hordlings and demons will appear. Kill the hordlings and imps first, and the demon last. The demon will drop the Boom Knife.

Dragon Tooth Knife- In Pyrog's Lair at x61 y37.

Shield Knife- In Brigand Madhouse, the Shield Knife is on the table at x27 y33.

Gloves of Precision In Brigand Madhouse, at x29 y29 search the drawers and take the gloves. These are the Gloves of Precision.

Blessed Kris In Ruined River Fort, at x18 y5, cast move mountains on the wall down. Search the crystal box which is guarded by a spectre. In it is Blessed Kris.

Shocking Wave Blade, Boots of Speed, Giantish Gauntlets Reward from Vahnatai Council for returning Crystal Souls.

Chunk of Radium Go through a wall in the Chasm Tunnels to find the Radium.

Scroith In Motrax's Lair.

Krysknife In Zigguart L1, x31 y31 on special dot near the altar.

Electrum Ring of Protection In Zigguart L1, in Trash Pit.

Nether Greatsword and Magic Greatsword In Fort Kothar, Hall of Swords. To get there, in Kothar L2 go to x9 y15, and go through the wall. Another fake wall is at x17, y23. Go through it. Dispel the barriers and go south to the room of transformations. Search for a secret wall and go up to L3. Then dispel the barriers and take the swords.

Blessed Chain Mail In Tower of Elderen L2, x15 y1.

Bronze Broadsword In the Nephilim Chief's room in Nephilim Fort.

Blessed Slith Spear In Serpent Cult, in the storeroom at x16 y15. Take the Slith Spear. It is the Blessed Slith Spear.

Shielding Band - In Coven Cove, at x6 y1, search all the drawers in the room. The necklace is the Pyrrhic Necklace, the headband is Shielding Band.

Boots of Protection In Lizard Lair L2, at x6 y1, go 2 right. You will go through a wall. On the ground are the Boots of Protection.

Protection Circlet Outdoors, in the Cave of Tombs north of Fort Emerald, a bit east and a bit south from the Unfinished Fort, go west through the wall and take the circlet. It is Protection Circlet.

Drake Leather Jerkin In the Grim Cavern.

Flaming Flail In the Nepharim Cave, go into the room the prisoners are in, go through the bottom wall. It is a secret wall. Take the flail. It is Flaming Flail.

Blessed Jerkin In Resting Cell #4, at x29 y14 are 2 leather jerkins. One of them is Blessed Leather Jerkin.

Serpent Robe In Serpent Cult, bottom level (the pit), at x13 y7, go up 3 through the secret wall. There are 4 robes here. One of them is the Serpent Robe.

Giants Shield In box at x1 y14 in Giants Cave.

Gold Tipped Spear, Shielding Bow, Crystal Chain Mail In Athron's Lair.

Amber Short Sword In New Lair of Sulfras, on body at x18 y7.

Blessed Broadsword In Fort Emerald, at x14 y28, on the counter north is a broadsword. It is Blessed Broadsword.

Crystal Green Mace In New Lair of Sulfras, at x40 y32, go 3 right. You will go through a wall. Keep going up the passage and you will exit the lair. You will find yourself outdoors. Go 2 right, 1 north, 3 right, 3 southeast, 3 right, 3 up, 1 right, and 3 north. Then fly 4 left over the chasm. Go left again through the secret wall. Up the passage is a special with the mace.

Flaming Great Mace East of the Unfinished Empire Fort, in Cave of Tombs, near a river is a special dot. Step on it. Fight the vampires, step back on the dot and the mace is your reward.

Mithral Short Sword In Fort Kothar L2, go down the stairs at x35 y22. Kill the Efreet. The sword is in the lava in the northeast corner (x22 y1) Also, there is 1 bar of Mithral in each corner of the lava.

Magic Slith Spear In Cave Full of Lizards, Deep in the Empire Lands, southeast of Khoth's Lair.

Giant Club In Giant Fort, x20 y42, go 3 down. You will go through a wall. The club on the ground is Giant Club. 15 damage, -5 bonus.

Blade of the Thieves In Giant Fort, at x6 y39 go right 3 times. You will go through a wall. The Blade of Thieves is on the ground.

Blessed Wave Blade South of the Castle is a pond, and a river flowing south. Fly down the river and onto the land just before the waterfall on the east side of the river. At the end of the passage is the Blessed Wave Blade.

Hell Halberd In Gazard's Fortress, on the counter in the storeroom at x8 y4 (Cursed)

Mithral Plate In Gazard's Fortress, on the counter in the storeroom at x8 y4 (Cursed)

Hell Greathelm In Gazard's fortress, under a crate in the storeroom at x1 y11.

Gremlin Amulet Exit Cortra south in a boat, and row 26 south, 13 right, 1 up, 4 right, and 1 south. Go through the secret wall south, then 1 left, and through a wall left. Take the gold amulet. (Cursed)

Black Broadsword In Giant Fort on special dot at x32 y46. 9 damage -5 bonus.

Serpent Slith Spear In Secret Slith L1, at x20 y22 go 3 left. The spear is on the ground.

Loki's Broadsword- In Lava Dome, at x24 y17, steal the broadsword on the counter to your right.

Magic Battle Axe In Dark Tunnel, behind the lich's throne at x27 y19.

Flame Egg In Pyrog's Cave, at x10 y8.

Dragon Tooth Knife, Dragonscale Shield In Pyrog's Lair, at x60 y37.

Yew Bow+1 Southwest of Harston is a chasm. Fly over it. Step on the special dot. Fight the demons, and take the bow.

Darts+1 At x40 y36, in Patricks Tower.

Ice Plate In Tomb of Delrin-Bok, at x24 y22, go down 2. You will go through a wall. Go along the passage, and through the wall at x27 y24.

To get down the passage, you have to flip switches in the corners of the fortress. NW and SE switches down. NE and SW switches up. At the end of the passage, go up through the wall. After killing Delrin-Bok, at x27 y18 go 1 left. You will go through a wall. Go through the lava and the barrier. Ice Plate is here.

Rusty Slith Spear On the ground, in Fort Dolthar. Enter the fort from the east, and go along the wall south.

Ick Scroll In Fort Dolthar, on bed at x9 y36.

Gleaming Shield In Coven Cave, under barrel at x1 y16 (Cursed)

Glue breastplate In Fort Dranlon, at x7 y38, behind the barriers.

Banded Shield Behind barriers in Fort Dranlon at x7 y38

Drakeskin Boots In Cortra at x12 y17.

Amber Ring In Cortra, at x48 y58. To get there, at x56 y56, go 2 paces left. You will go through a wall. Cast Move Mountains on the moldy wall to your left at x53 y57.

Quality Darts In Silvar at x55 y22.

Platinium Ring In Silvar at x27 y58. To get their, at x27 y55, go 2 paces down. You will go through a wall. The ring is on the ground.

Steel Flail+1 In Akhronath, at x45 y56 go 2 paces right. You will go through a secret door. The flail on the counter is Steel Flail+1

Iron Ingot In Gnass, on counter to your left at x11 y33.

Steel Ingots In Zigguart

Drake Egg On Special at x17 y9 in Lizard Lair L2.

Fungus Chanadorry 26 In drawer in Blosk at x40 y21

Aescal Mushrooms On an island Northeast of Empire Dock near Pyrog's Cave. It is a patch of mushrooms different to the others. They are surrounded by trees.

Archer's Bow Through a secret wall east of Fort Kothar.

Chunk of Mithral In Vahnatai lands, from Mancuso, go 8 north, 1 west, 3 north, 2 west, and 1 north. Then use the Orb of Thralni, and fly 4 north over the chasm. Step on the dot. You will find a Chunk of Mithral.

Secret passages, info, ect.

A hidden shop in the Southwest part of Dharmon.

Various hidden items

A patch of Glowing Nettle Northwest of the Steam Cave (Chap 4)

Rough Rubies Northeast of the Steam cove(Chap 4)(Walk over one square of lava to get it)

In Dharmon, enter from the North to find a boat. Once you have it, you can find...

200 gold, past a lot of shamblers

A way into the Town Hall without Magi Clearance


eas ter egg - Try it.

ain eff wyx - The Castle

ent bel tor - Formello

kav ait bon - Erika's Tower

vag obb tor - Garzhad's Fort

owa tah ful - Akhronath