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Sularus Oth Mithas Code of Honor

BE IT KNOWN throughout est Sularus oth Mithas that we each have taken an oath before our peers upon acceptance into our order, that we will exemplify, uphold and honor thy Knightly Code of Chivalry. As Est Sularus oth Mithas we strive to make Norrath a better place for all. We vow to live and die defending the following virtues and codes:

Honor and Respect. We will show honor and respect for all citizens of Norrath. For without Honor, we are nothing. Honor is the foundation upon which our guild is built.

Integrity. We shall conduct ourselves fairly and honestly within Norrath, not taking advantage of fellow guild members, citizens or dishonorable methods.

Fealty. We pledge to serve our King and High Council faithfully.

Loyalty. We are to be loyal to each other, our guild and to our friends. For without loyalty, a guild is not a guild, friendship is not friendship, and there would be little to no faith held among our brothers and sisters.

As citizens of Norrath, we enedavor to set a positive example in our community and by upholding our said code and virtues under which our society is formed, in order to better our guild and ourselves, we pledge to honor and abide by our "Knights Code of Honor". If the code is broken unknowingly or intentionally it is the High Council's decision to penalize one appropriately. Justice will be swift and served with equality and in fairness.

Honorable in our ways, we will never compromise the virtues of our "Knights Code of Honor" which comprise of one's personal Honor, Integrity, Respect, Bravery, Fealty, Loyalty, Truth, Patience, Humility, and Generosity of Spirit, as everything we do reflects upon the Honor of our guild and the virtues we hold dear. It is for this reason that we must be thoughtful in all accounts concerning others.

The High Council serves as our guild leadership and is comprised of the King (Leader), Queen (Co-Leader), and High Court (Officers). All members are Equals regardless as to race, class, gender or experience. All members will have a voice in how our guild is run, for the Guild belongs to all members and most matters are decided upon democratically by guild wide vote.

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