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Bylaws of Sularus Oth Mithas

By-Laws Of Est Sularus oth Mithas

The By-Laws outline our structure, government, responsibilities of the officers and members in general and set forth the policies and procedures under which our guild is administered. These may change from time to time as determined by the High Council and it is the goal that any “major” changes to our Charter, Knights’ Code of Chivalry or the By-Laws be put up for guild wide vote prior to adoption and implementation of same. There may be times when a situation arises that the High Council shall deem that a change may not be subject to guild wide vote. Therefore, it will be upon the sole discretion of the High Council and not mandatory in nature that major changes are subject to guild vote and good judgment shall be applied. Minor changes or modifications to the Charter, Knights’ Code of Chivalry or these By-Laws are not Subject to guild vote, but rather by ratification by the High Council.
Article 1. STRUCTURE, RESPONSIBILITIES, ELECTIONS 1.01 STRUCTURE OF THE GUILD Guild Leader Co-Leader High Council/Officers General Assembly 1.02 DUTIES OF THE GUILD MEMBERS This describes the individual duties and responsibilities of each office in the guild and the General Assembly. This is a general guide and should not be considered complete. Guild Leader - The Guild Leader is a member of the High Council. Duties include, but are not limited to: leading the guild in a manner consistent with the ideals of the guild; upholding the purpose of the guild; settling disputes within the High Council and those problems handed from the High Council; establishing alliances with other guilds that share our common interests; and enacting laws for the betterment of the guild as a whole and according to the proceedings of the High Council. Ultimately responsible for the actions and behavior of EVERY member of her guild and will be responsible for their deeds in action, speech and mannerisms. The Leader may implement any action she deems worthy and needed. The Leader has the right to veto any decision made by any member of the guild, but not from the ratified High Council. The Guild Leader may only be voted out by two-thirds (2./3) majority guild vote. Co-Leader - The Co-Leader is an officer and member of the High Council. As the right hand of the Leader, the Co-Leader acts on behalf of the Leader with full authority should the Leader not be present or available. Responsibilities include advising the Leader, upholding the purpose of the guild; settling disputes within the High Council and those problems handed from the High Council; establishing alliances with other guilds that share our common interests; and enacting laws for the betterment of the guild as a whole and according to the proceedings of the High Council; oversee guild activities; foreign relations, special recognition’s and disciplinary actions. The Co-Leader is by appointment of the Guild Leader and is not an elected position. High Council / Officers - Members of the High Council are Guild Officers and are advisors and ombudsmen for the Leader. They oversee guild activities, special recognition and disciplinary actions. They recruit and invite new members for the General Assembly to the guild. They are responsible for interpreting the laws of the guild and enforcing them. They handle disputes solely within the guild. The initial High Council positions are by appointment by the Guild Leader. Any vacancies thereafter are subject to nominations and vote by the guild as outlined in Section 1.03. General Assembly - The General Assembly are those guild members that have proven themselves worthy and have been accepted into Est Sularus oth Mithas. Not all people can, may or will be accepted into our order. They are the strength of the guild. Their responsibilities include carrying the name of Est Sularus oth Mithas in honor to all reaches of Norrath; upon request forward potential new members to the High Council; to support and assist each other and the citizens of Norrath; and to support the guild through hunts, quests, donations and good deeds. Through hard work, dedication to our Charter, Knights’ Codes of Chivalry, and By-Laws, they will be rewarded by special events, recognition’s and ceremonies. 1.03 ELECTIONS OF OFFICERS High Council members are all “Officers” of the guild unless otherwise appointed by the Guild Leader. They hold their position until they resign, are removed from Office (by 2/3 majority vote) or a vote is otherwise called by the High Council to fill a position. Upon the vacating of any High Council position, election of a new High Council Member for that position shall be held at the earliest possible date. If necessary, the Guild Leader can appoint an Acting High Council Member for said position until such time as an election may be held, not to exceed 30 days. The only requirements for eligibility for a High Council position shall be A) it will be based upon candidate’s main character; and B) they shall be a member in good standing. Class, Race, Gender nor experience level will have NO bearing in a candidate’s eligibility. When a position becomes available, the High Council shall notify the guild via e-mail and request the guild submit their nominations. The top three (3) nominees will then be presented to the guild for vote. Voting will be completed by e-mail ballot with a reasonable cut-off given in the call to vote. The votes will be tallied and presented to the High Council; the High Council will then announce the election results to the Guild. ARTICLE 2. MEMBERSHIP 2.01 RECRUITING We are actively recruiting at this time. Officers are encouraged to seek members who have similar interests as our Order. Officers may invite candidates into the Guild. Ask the candidate what honor means to them, if the officer likes the answer, invite. E-mail Quelyn the new members name and e-address for the roster ( Include the answer to the honor question for the records. All members are encouraged to bring friends and potential members to join in guild hunts and quests. 2.02 GUILD SIZE Currently our numbers are small. When the guild reaches 50 active members the High Council will convene to review and implement new recruiting and joining procedures. ARTICLE 3. GUILD HOLDINGS 3.01 GUILD TREASURY The Guild Treasury will be collected in the form of donations and guild hunts. We all should try to give as we see fit and are able to. Any money given to an Officer will be turned in to the treasury and any member can ask and receive and account total for the guild. Those members that give generously will be rightly rewarded. 3.02 GUILD INVENTORY Just as the Guild Treasury, the Guild Inventory will be collected in the form of donations and guild hunts. Items from the inventory are for prizes and rewards and also for revolving “use” by guild members. Any item(s) loaned for “use” to a guild member, said guild member must return said item(s) to the Guild Inventory when no longer needed. Should any member be found selling or giving said item(s) to someone outside of our guild, they shall be required to replace said item(s) with equal or better item(s). ARTICLE 4. SPECIAL CONDUCT AREA The special conduct area is meant to enhance our Knights’ Code of Chivalry and set forth some basic guidelines of conduct for out guild. 4.01 Members shall make every attempt to attend all guild gatherings when possible. This includes, but is not limited to, meetings, events, and wars. 4.02 Members shall make every attempt to check and respond to all guild e-mail regularly and as required. 4.03 Members shall lend aid to all citizens of Norrath and brother and sister guild members when it is requested and if at all possible. Such aid must not compromise and other conditions within our Charter, By-Laws or Knights’ Code of Chivalry. 4.04 Members shall not take advantage of the generosity of their brother and sister guild members 4.05 Members shall not keep from being known any offenses to the Charter, By-Laws or Knights’ Code of Chivalry in which he has witnessed (proof must be presented in writing to the High Council with any allegations in the form of material witnesses or screenshots-and this will be kept confidential). 4.06 Members shall remain active within the Guild, and out of courtesy and respect should give notice to the High Council in writing if at all possible prior to any lengthy absences. 4.07 Members shall not make use of public channels (ooc, auction, shout, guildsay) in a manner that is abusive, thereby detracting from a role-playing environment. 4.08 Members shall volunteer information regarding the Guild an its purpose to all interested persons, or shall direct them to a High Council member to assist them. 4.09 Members can sell items outside the guild at any time. However, members shall not ask an unfair price, nor defraud antohre person in a sale, purchase or trade of goods and services. 4.10 4.11 Members shall defend those in need of protection. This can mean the sacrifice of the Member’s life if it would successfully save those under his/her protection. 4.12 Members shall not flee from battle while a group member or brother or sister guild member is in peril. 4.13 Members should not take vengeful or retributive action against those who have wronged you. However, we do recognize that there will be situations wherein some action may be necessary. Use good judgment and put on the anonymous tags if such a situation a rises so that if others misunderstand your actions, our guild name is not sullied. 4.14 Members shall not willfully endanger the lives of others. 4.15 Members shall not interfere int eh combat of another without permission and should not group with those that engage in this sort of action. However, upon your best judgment, you may intervene if one’s like is in dire peril. 4.16 Members shall not intentionally kill steal. However, it is recognized that certain areas commonly known as “free for all” areas and regardless of that, people still whine. Members shall remember to share the spawns with others while taking their turn. In the case where someone intentionally (and you are sure of this) kill steals from you, and continues to do so, do not let anger cloud your judgment. Either call upon your brothers and sisters or friends for reinforcements, or press on to another area to hunt. If you are able to out-gun a kill stealer (with or without help) by all means do so, but be sure to show mercy upon the kill stealer when he/she has learned their lesson. 4.17 No member shall ‘take over’ a spawn spot/area that is already camped, no matter who is there. Take a number and get in line or press on to another place to hunt. If someone tries to take over a spawn spot, which you are camping, do not let anger cloud your judgment . Handle yourself h pride and honor and clal upon your brother and sister guild members or your friends to come assist you if possible. Keep in mind, there are many areas that spawn regular mobs which can be share while someone is camping the ‘named’ mob for that specia l item. Do not be greedy by camping them ALL. ARTICLE 5. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES While we hope that a brother or sister guild member never strays from their vows to uphold and follow our guild’s Charter, Knights’ Code of Chivalry and these By-Laws, there may come a time when one does in fact fail to do so either unknowingly or willfully. If the act is found to be by accident or done unknowingly, we shall be merciful and guide our brother and sister back to the light. If the act was willful, they will be subject to disciplinary action. It is necessary therefore, to establish a disciplinary procedure in order to set up-front wheat can occur should a member willfully fail in their obligations to uphold our Charter, Knights’ Code of Chivalry and By-Laws as their actions not only reflect poorly upon our guild, but also in one form or another cause harm to innocent citizens of Norrath and our guild members. And, by doing so we hope to deter our members from taking that false step. Be it known that violation of these standards as set forth hereinabove, and including the guild Charter and Knights’ Code of Chivalry shall be grounds for reprimand, penalty, suspension, or expulsion. As you have sworn to uphold the Charter, Knights’ Code of Chivalry and By-Laws of Est Sularus oth Mithas, you shall abide by same. 5.01 All members who witness a violation of our Charter, Knights’ Code of Chivalry or By-Laws are obligated to 1) contact a member of High Council if in game immediately and report the situation and 2) report the incident in writing to the High Council, and in detail, describing the offense, date, approximate time, along with any screen shots, fact witnesses or other validating facts. This will be kept confidential. The High Council Member online at the time will investigate the situation to verify the validity of the violation and report to the High Council the findings. 5.02 In cases where an officer of the guild witnesses a blatant violation of our Charter, Knights’ Code of Chivalry or By-Laws by a guild member, it is the obligation of the officer to confront the guild member immediately and if the situation warrants, expel the member from the guild and notify the High Council and Guild Leader. The expelled member may petition his/her case to the High Council to determine if the circumstances warranted Expulsion, however the circumstances as reported by the officer will be taken as factual and his/her authority to expel members shall not be undermined. In short, there will be few reversals of a decision to expel a member. 5.03 In cases where the good citizens of Norrath are heard complaining about the activities of guild member it is to be immediately brought to the attention of High Council who will then investigate the matter to determine if the allegations are truthful and whether disciplinary action is needed. 5.04 If upon investigation a member’s activities are verified and determined to be in violation of our Charter, Knights’ Code of Chivalry or By-Laws, otherwise inappropriate in Norrath or cause damage to guild standing with the citizens of Norrath, said member shall be asked to defend his/her actions. If his/her actions are found to be justifiable, no action will be taken against him/her and the matter will be dropped. If said member is found to be liable for their actions, he/she will be asked to cease and desist the immoral activity in question and the offense will be noted. In some cases a penalty can be imposed on a first offense depending upon the infraction. 5.05 Any member found to be repeating offenses will be subject to disciplinary actions ranging from fines and community service to expulsion from the guild, depending on the severity and frequency of the misconduct.
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